

单词 时不再来



Opportunity knocks but once. [idiom.]

See also:


no longer
no more

不再 adv

anymore adv

再不 adv

no longer adv

External sources (not reviewed)

如果塔利班相信,可以通过对话实现和平,那 么现在正是发出信号表明这一信念的时候,因为机不 可失时不再来。
If the Taliban believe that peace can be
achieved through dialogue,
[...] then now is the time to signal that belief, because the window of opportunity will not remain open forever.
由于中止是一种临时性措施,委员会仅可以在第 10 条规 定的标准虽然在做出决时不再符 合但 后 来 可 能 会再次 符合的情况下中止重点保护资格。
Since the suspension is a provisional measure, the Committee may only suspend the enhanced protection if the
criteria laid down in Article 10, which are no
[...] longer met at the time of decision, may be fulfilled again at a later date.
这种情况在参与诉讼程序的受害人当中造成了越来越 强烈不信任 心理,致使受害人在努力组织 来时再 次 受 害。
This situation has caused, among the victims
who participate
[...] in the process, increasing scepticism, re-victimization and fractures in their efforts [...]
to become organized.
他表示,希望在提案讨论过程中能产生有利的结果,并 敦促各缔约不要等到时势紧迫后 再来 处 理 这个问题。
He expressed the hope that the
discussion of the proposals would be fruitful and urged the
[...] parties not to wait until the issue became a race against time.
关于喀布尔银行问题,我们看到乌云背后现出光 亮,强烈的光亮,坦率地说,时候 到 了乌云看来 不再像乌云的地步。
On the issue of the Kabul Bank, we see
light, strong light coming from behind the
[...] cloud, to the point where sometimes it does not even look like a cloud, [...]
实现以上目标的策略是在布置平时 , 不再 先 入 为主地把室内外空间当成两个割裂的大 来 处 理 ,如仅仅在建筑的“外面”布置露台。
We intentionally avoided the stereotyped approach that treats indoor and outdoor spaces as separated systems, such as placing a patio “outside of” a room.
最重要的是保留这一句两部分的平衡,时 也不排除将来再就这一概念作出决定。
The important thing was to maintain a balance between the two parts of the sentence, leaving open the option of taking a decision on the concept in the future.
本协定是塞舌尔(“国家”)政府和执行委员会关于按照商定的《蒙特利尔议定 书时间表 在 2025 年 1 月 1 日之前将附录 1-A 所列消耗臭氧层物质(“物质”)的控制 使用减少到零 ODP 吨的持续数量的协定,但有一项理解,即:在根据第 7 条数据确定履 约基准消费量后,将于 2011 年对该数字做一次性订正,根据第 60/44 号决定,将对供资 做相应的调整,但有一项谅解,即对该国 2025 年之后的任何来氟氯烃淘汰不再 提供 资金。
This Agreement represents the understanding of the Government of Seychelles (the “Country”) and the Executive Committee with respect to the reduction of controlled use of the ozone-depleting substances (ODS) set out in Appendix 1-A
(“The Substances”) to
[...] a sustained level of zero ODP tonnes prior to 1 January 2025 in compliance with Montreal Protocol schedules, with the understanding that this figure is to be revised one single time in 2011, when the baseline consumption for compliance would be established based on Article 7 data with the funding to be adjusted accordingly, as per decision 60/44, and on the understanding that there will be no more funding eligibility for any HCFC phase-out in the country after 2025.
强大的合作精神和所有与会者对成功的愿望维持并 加强了国际动力,以期在来某天 使人 不再 遭受 核武器之苦。
The potent spirit of cooperation and the desire of all participants for success had sustained and increased the global momentum towards one day freeing humanity from the scourge of nuclear weapons.
[...] 装冲突当事方的缔约国根据第 6 条所述的因素发起而中止的,因此这些因素在武 装冲突结时不再适用
Since in such a case the treaty has been suspended at the initiative of one State Party — also a party to the armed
conflict — on the basis of the factors mentioned in article 6 those
[...] factors cease to apply when the armed conflict [...]
is over.
如果由于自从提出授权来 客观环境发生了重大的变化以致建议 时 , 不再 适 用 于当前的情况,那么做出授 权的国际组织的责任就不会发生。
The responsibility of the authorizing international organization cannot arise if, for instance, the authorization is outdated and not intended to apply to the current circumstances, because of substantial changes that have intervened since the adoption.
(b) 2010 年 6 月 26
[...] 日的照会,通知美国代表团关于尼加拉瓜常驻代表在抵 达迈阿密国际机时再次被不正当拘留的第二次事件(见附件二)。
(b) Note dated 26 June 2010, notifying the United States Mission of a second incident relating to the arrival of the
Permanent Representative of Nicaragua at Miami International
[...] Airport, where she was again unjustly detained [...]
(see annex II).
虽然委员会 根据所收到的证据,认为没必要在审议案 时 讨 论 这一可能的违约问题,但宣来文可 以受理表明委员会准备考虑提交人的这些说法,并反映了当代国际人权法 中的一种趋势,不再假定 地、人为地把各种权利分为不同“类别”,而认为所 有人权都是普遍的、相互依存的。
While in this case the Committee, on the basis of the evidence before it, did not find it necessary to address this possible violation in its consideration of the merits, the declaration of admissibility shows that the Committee is prepared to consider such arguments and reflects the trend in contemporary international human rights law away from the fictitious and artificial division of rights into “categories” and towards the view that all human rights are universal and interdependent.
大会第 2065(XX)号决议和来多项 决议,以及非殖民化特别委员会的决议, 都把马尔维纳斯群岛问题称为一种特别的殖民地情况,尤其是因为它涉及阿根廷 与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国之间的主权争端,规定结束这种情况的方式是通 过谈判和平解决主权之争,并敦促两国政 不再 迟 延 ,立即依照大会和特别委员 会的建议进行双边谈判。
The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 2065 (XX) and in subsequent resolutions, and the Special Committee on Decolonization, have described the question of the Malvinas Islands as a special and particular
colonial situation involving a sovereignty
[...] dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, have established that the way to put an end to that situation is the peaceful and negotiated solution of the sovereignty dispute, and have requested both Governments to continue without delay the bilateral negotiations recommended by the General Assembly and the Special Committee.
食典委同意 终止合并或撤销委员会的讨论,来 需 要 时再 议。
The Commission agreed to discontinue discussion on the merging or dissolving of committees until there was a need to do so in the future.
我们还应该团结来,不再强调 我们之间的 冲突和矛盾原因,而要更加注重这些营造和谐气氛的 [...]
We should also unite to de-emphasize the agents [...]
of strife and conflict among us while paying greater attention to those
issues that create a harmonious atmosphere, in order to guarantee for all the peoples of the world full and fundamental human rights.
基金秘书处建议一揽子核准该项目,核准的供资额如表 1 所示,但有一项谅解, 即:该项目将通过一项加速淘时间 表来彻底淘汰墨西哥的所有剩余甲基溴使用,并且来不再申请 更多的项目编制资金用于墨西哥的甲基溴行业。
The Fund Secretariat recommends blanket approval for this project at the level of funding indicated in Table 1, with the understanding that this will address the complete phase-out of all remaining methyl bromide uses in the country with an accelerated schedule, and that no further project preparation funding will be requested for the methyl bromide sector in Mexico.
国宪章》和指导国家间和平关系的规范和原则的单方面措施,尤其是造成各种域 外影响的胁迫性措施,这种措施妨碍国家间的贸易关系;请联合国人权事务高级
[...] 专员在其向大会提交的年度报告中对本决议给予优先注意;请秘书长继续收集会 员国关于单方面胁迫性措施对其人口产生的影响 不 良 后 果的意见及资料,并向 大会第六十五届会议提交分析报告, 时再 次 重申有必要着重说明这方面的切实 预防措施(第 64/170 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly urged all States to cease adopting or implementing any unilateral measures not in accordance with international law, the Charter of the United Nations and the norms and principles governing peaceful relations among States, in particular those of a coercive nature with all their extraterritorial effects, which created obstacles to trade relations among States; requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to give priority to the resolution in her annual report to the Assembly; and requested the SecretaryGeneral to continue to collect the views of Member States and information on the implications and negative effects of unilateral coercive measures on their populations and to submit an analytical
report thereon to the
[...] Assembly at its sixtyfifth session, while reiterating once again the need to highlight the practical and preventive measures [...]
in that respect (resolution 64/170).
There is no need to adjust the volume when switching between [...]
sources or channels.
在贸易和生产能力领域,技术援助和能力建设措施将着力改善贸易政策和出 口能力,时再次承诺放宽不发达 国家产品的市场准入。
In the area of trade and productive capacities, technical assistance and capacitybuilding measures will target improved trade policies and export capacities complemented by a renewed commitment to improved market access for least developed country products.
这些居留联系是为了加拿大税务系统的目的而 来 判 定 您何时成为居民,又是时 不再是居民。
These residential ties are used
[...] determine when you become a resident and when you stop being a resident for the purposes [...]
of the Canadian tax system.
传播和信息成果实例:在各部门收集数据和信息用来完成C/3报告的过程中,传播和信 息部门指出,有关各种培训事项、研讨会、书籍发布会等的信息都已经 不 断 地收集起来了,在 “新闻事件”的名目下,由总部外办事处的传播和信息工作人员报告 来 , 再 上 传到“网络世界” ——传播和信息部门的门户网站上。
Communications and information, example of an achievement: Concerning the processes undertaken by the sectors in assembling the data and information which were submitted as their contributions for the completion of the C/3 report, the CI Sector indicated that information pertaining to various training events, seminars, book launches, etc., were already being collected on an ongoing basis, under the banner of “news events” reported from CI staff in field offices, and uploaded onto “Web World”, the CI portal.
澳贸委东北亚司司长施朗然(Laurie Smith) 提醒这些公司,在展望来时应当 考虑自身的需求与优先重点,并考虑如何才能与本地区 不 同 国 家实现对接。
Looking further afield, Laurie Smith, Austrade Regional Director North East Asia, warns that firms should consider their needs and priorities and how they match with different countries in the region.
美国代表对委员会的工作办法和规范表示质疑,认为各代表 不 应 再不 加限 制地向组织提出问题,各代表团不应利用提问 来 拖 延 给予非政府组织的咨商地 位。
The representative of the United States questioned the methods of work and the norms within the Committee, arguing that delegations should not continue to pose questions to organizations without limits and that delegations should not use questioning tactics to delay granting consultative status to non-governmental organizations.
某些与会者认为,加速淘汰协定并没有改变各国作 出的现有承诺,可转产工厂的情况并不是第二次改造,而是关闭氟氯化碳生产设施,如果 认为可转产工厂符合氟氯烃生产行业关闭条件,将使 来 为 丧 失的利润对其进行赔偿的概不再正确
Some participants were of the view that the accelerated phase-out agreement did not change existing commitments entered into by the countries, that swing plants were not second conversions but CFC production closure and that consideration of swing plants as eligible for HCFC production sector closure invalidated the original concept of compensating them for lost profits.
我已讨论过多数委员的解读,允许 性这一更为困难的问题留待有朝一日收到真正有需要 来 文 时再 作 分 析。
Having responded to the majority’s interpretation, I would postpone analysis of the more difficult question of the permissibility of the reservation until a communication is presented that genuinely requires it.
行政部门也进行 了业务分析审查,发现目前与私人实体或半官方实体之间签订的所有协
[...] 定(租约、每周两次在基加利和阿鲁沙之间运行的Beechcraft飞机、物 品和文具采购、与安保公司之间的协定,等等)都是根据我们当前的需 要定制而成,有足够的灵活性不再 需 要 时 可 以 终止,需要的话也可延 长。
The Administration has also undertaken a business analysis review, which reveals that all agreements currently entered into with private or parastatal entities (rent agreement, the Beechcraft operating between Kigali and Arusha twice a week, procurement of goods and stationery, agreements with security companies,
etc.) have been tailored
[...] to suit our current needs and present sufficient flexibility to enable termination when the need no longer [...]
arises, or prolongation if necessary.
我愿指出我国政府关于失踪的科威特人与科威 特财产问题的立场,在伊拉克外长 7 月 5
[...] 日给秘书长 的信中提及了这一立场,即:12 月 31 日高级协调员 任期期时不再延长;依靠三方委员会的机制;以及 如 2010 年 11 月 26 日外长给秘书长的信中建议的那 [...]
2010 年 12 月 17 日的新闻谈话(SC/10130)中,安全理 事会所有成员均对此表示欢迎。
I would like to point out my Government’s position regarding the issue of missing Kuwaitis and Kuwaiti property, as mentioned in the letter of 5 July from the Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs to
the Secretary-General,
[...] which is not to extend the mandate of the High-level Coordinator when it expires on 31 [...]
December; to depend on
the mechanisms of the Tripartite Commission; and, as suggested in the Minister’s letter to the Secretary-General dated 26 November 2010, to establish a technical team in the Kuwaiti Embassy in Baghdad, which was welcomed by all members of the Security Council in its press statement of 17 December 2010 (SC/10130).
该项审查提出了有关根本性变化的建议,其中 包括:(a) 计算费用回时不再区分固定间接费用和可变间接费用,以便计算费 用回收时可考虑所有的间接费用;(b) 发展实效活动及其相关费用由核心资源和 [...]
特殊目的费用(UNW/2012/13,第 2 和 11 段)。
The review recommended a number of
fundamental changes, including
[...] (a) that the distinction between fixed and variable indirect costs no longer be used in [...]
calculating cost-recovery
so that all indirect costs would be considered in calculating cost recovery; and (b) that development effectiveness activities and associated costs be directly funded from core and non-core resources, so that recovered costs would pay their proportional share of management and comparable special purpose costs (UNW/2012/13, paras. 2 and 11).




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