

单词 旱烟

See also:


droughts pl


arid adj

dried leaves
tobacco plant
cigarette or pipe tobacco
(of the eyes) be irritated by smoke

External sources (not reviewed)

在您烟时帮 您解决焦虑、抑郁或心理健 康问题。
Help with anxiety, depression or mental health while you are trying to quit.
一个代表团突出表明了某些成员国内缺水和 旱情 况 ,并指出为应对这种局面亦将需要实行高效率的水资源管理和开展更为密 [...]
One delegation highlighted
[...] water scarcity and drought in some member countries, [...]
which would also require efficient water
resource management and closer regional cooperation.
目前,部分持續進行的工 作包括:檢討小販發牌政策;檢討公眾街巿設施的供應;監察魚類統
營處在屯門興建新的魚類批發巿場的工作;推展增加政府墳場、靈灰 安置所及火葬場的計劃;尋求和推廣處理骨灰的其他方法( 例如闢設新 的紀念花園)
[...] ;統籌各部門的控蚊工作,以防止登革熱和日本腦炎的爆 發;將所有鄉旱廁改為沖水式廁所;以及修訂《除害劑條例》以加 [...]
Some of the current initiatives which require on-going efforts include: review of the hawker licensing policy, review of the provision of public markets, monitoring the construction of a new wholesale fish market at Tuen Mun by the Fish Marketing Organisation, taking forward plans to provide more government cemeteries, columbaria and crematoria, identifying and promoting the use of alternative options for human ash disposal (e.g. provision of new Gardens of Remembrance), co-ordinating the anti-mosquito efforts of various departments to prevent the outbreak of
dengue fever and Japanese Encephalitis,
[...] converting all aqua privies into flushing [...]
toilets, and amending the Pesticides Ordinance
to strengthen control on the import and export as well as the use of pesticides.
当开始出现堵塞时,过滤器会自动调整风速进行补偿,确保 烟 功 能 正常运行,从而实现安全的操 作环境和高质量打码。
When filters begin to block, the air flow rate
is automatically adjusted to compensate,
[...] ensuring proper fume capture for a [...]
safe operating environment and high-quality codes.
从 2010/11 年度拟议预算(A/64/632)第五节 B 部
[...] 分提供的资料中,行预咨委会注意到,鉴于联苏特派团在整个任务区执行各项建 设项目的时限、其有限的能力以旱 季 进 行任何施工时间较短等因素,特派团决 [...]
定先兴建一些永久建筑物,以应付因部队重组而来到区总部的工作人员的住宿需 求以及在州一级增多的实务人员,然后再替换任何现有的硬墙宿舍。
The Committee notes from the information provided in section V.B of the proposed budget for 2010/11 (A/64/632) that, given the time frame for UNMIS to implement the various construction projects throughout the Mission area, the
limited capacity and the short time frame
[...] available during the dry season to undertake [...]
any construction work, the Mission determined
that permanent structures would be built to cater for any shortfalls in accommodation requirements for staff in sector headquarters as a result of the reconfiguration of military units and the additional presence of substantive personnel at the state level, before any replacement of existing hard-wall accommodation.
布卢发送张伯伦在世界各地的雪橇,并试图让爱德华多·福斯特 烟 囱 滑下来,试图证明,圣诞老人是真实的,在这个过程中,成本可可她在商场圣诞老人的工作;布卢学先生Herriman只给一个目前大家(这是部分的原因,他试图证明圣诞老人是真的),并在他的自私出更多的礼物,在一个颇为有趣的方式试图使Herriman手。
Bloo sends Wilt on a sleigh ride
around the world and tries to get Eduardo to
[...] slide down the Foster’s chimney, trying [...]
to prove that Santa is real, and in the
process, costs Coco her job at the mall as Santa; Bloo learns that Mr. Herriman is only giving one present to everyone (which is part of the reason that he tries to prove Santa real), and in his selfishness tries to make Herriman hand out more presents, in a rather interesting way.
委员会第八次会议审议了项目 5.10(关于在日本筑波建立由联合国教科文组织赞助的国际水灾 与风险管理中心(UNESCO-ICHARM)的建议)、项目
5.16(关于在联合王国邓迪大学建立国际水 文计划水文为环境、生命和政策服务计划项下与水有关的法律、政策和科学服务中心的建议)和项 目
[...] 5.32(关于在智利拉塞雷纳建立由联合国教科文组织赞助的拉丁美洲及加勒比 旱 和 半 干 旱 地区 水资源中心(CAZALAC)的建议)。
At its eighth meeting, the Commission examined items 5.10 “Establishment of an international centre for water hazard and risk management (ICHARM) in Tsukuba, Japan, under the auspices of UNESCO”, 5.16 “Proposal for the establishment of an IHP-HELP centre for water law, policy and science at the University of Dundee, United Kingdom” and 5.32
“Proposed establishment of the Regional
[...] Water Centre for Arid and Semi-Arid Zones of Latin [...]
America and the Caribbean (CAZALAC)
under the auspices of UNESCO, in La Serena (Chile)”.
将优先关注特别易受影响的发展中国家,特别是低洼沿海、 旱 和 半 干旱 区域 、最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和非洲、内陆国家,以及洪涝、旱 和荒 漠化多发地区、生态系统脆弱以及与气候变化相关的极端和灾难性事件和 趋势发生次数增多的发展中国家缔约方。
Priority will be given to particularly vulnerable developing countries,
especially low-lying coastal, arid
[...] and semi-arid areas, LDC’s, SIDS and Africa, land-locked countries, and developing country parties with areas prone to floods, drought and desertification, [...]
with fragile ecosystems,
and facing increased frequency of extreme and catastrophic events and trends linked to climate change.
[...] 领域内发起的各项举措,其中包括:进一步推进亚太减少灾害风险与 发展网关、特别是旱等灾 害的预测和预警区域合作机制、作为亚洲 及太平洋信息和通信技术促进发展培训中心的旗舰培训方案的“政府 [...]
战略机构间秘书处和其他伙伴合作共同出版《2012 年亚太灾害报 告》。
The Committee strongly supports the continued implementation by the secretariat of recent ESCAP initiatives in the area of disaster risk reduction, including further development of the Asia-Pacific Gateway for Disaster Risk Reduction and Development, and the Regional Cooperative
Mechanism on Disaster Monitoring and Early
[...] Warning, Particularly Drought, the two new modules [...]
of the Academy of ICT Essentials for
Government Leaders, which is the flagship programme of the Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communications Technology for Development, as well as the publication of the Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2012 in cooperation with the Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and other partners.
印度代表团指出,区域专业气象中心进行了重要工作,向亚太区域各 国提供关于热带气旋的预报和咨询,它同时表示支持热带气旋专题小组计划 制订一项综旱灾管理方案,以涵 旱 灾 的各方面问题及其给整个国家和国 内各地区带来的社会经济影响。
The delegation of India, while noting the valuable work carried out by the Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre to provide tropical cyclone-related forecasts and advisories to countries in the region, expressed support for the plan of the Panel on
Tropical Cyclones to
[...] establish an integrated drought management programme to include various aspects of drought as well as socioeconomic [...]
impacts at the
national and subnational levels.
为了防治非传染病,我国采取了以下行动措施: 1992 年设立癌症登记册;2005 年批准烟草控制框 架公约》;2006 年国民议会通烟草控 制法;2007 年 颁布了对影响女性的癌症实行免费治疗的法令;开展 了筛查和治疗癌症的工作;与国际原子能机构合作, [...]
理机构即所谓的国家抗癌中心的立法;以及起草了国 家防控非传染病战略计划。
To fight against NCDs, my country has taken the following operational measures: the establishment of a cancer registry, in 1992; the
ratification of the Framework
[...] Convention on Tobacco Control, in 2005; the adoption by the National Assembly of a law on tobacco control, in 2006; [...]
a decree providing
free treatment of cancers affecting women, in 2007; campaigns to screen for and treat cancer; the construction, in partnership with the International Atomic Energy Agency, of a national centre to combat cancer; the adoption by the National Assembly of legislation relating to the creation of an official administrative agency known as the national centre for the fight against cancer; and the drafting of a national strategic plan for the prevention of and the fight against NCDs.
国际水文计划第六阶段战略计划(2002 至 2007 年)已经完成了第五年的工作,在报告期间在
[...] 不同领域内取得了重大进展:扩大了 旱 和 半 旱 地 区 发展信息全球网(G-WADI);2006 [...]
年 11 月在古 巴成功举办了水资源易变性、变化过程、分析和影响问题第五次
FRIEND(根据国际试验和网络数据 系列确定水流状态)世界会议;开放多条合作渠道,进一步加强同全球环境基金的联系;就重点城 市水资源管理问题、包括紧急情况下地下水管理在内的地下水管理、共有水资源管理、生态水文学 以及水资源历史和文化等问题多次举办讲习班和培训活动。
The implementation of the sixth phase of IHP (2002-2007) completed its fifth year, and significant progress was made in different fields during the period reported: G-WADI,
the global network on information for
[...] development in arid and semi-arid zones was expanded; [...]
a successful Fifth FRIEND (Flow
Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) World Conference on Water Resources Variability, Processes, Analyses and Impacts took place in Cuba in November 2006; links to the Global Environment Facility were further strengthened with a number of cooperation lines opened; numerous workshops and training activities were held on key urban water management issues; groundwater management, including groundwater for emergency situations; shared water management; ecohydrology; and water history and culture.




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