

单词 旬期

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

屋宇署已於 2010 年 12 月上旬至 2011 年 1 月旬期間就其重組方案初步諮詢 所有員工。
The BD conducted a consultation with all its staff on the re-organisation proposal from early December 2010 to early January 2011.
考虑到 不可能在春季晚些时候举行工作组会议,原因是工作组的建议(即其审议结果)必
须提交同届大会第五委员会(一般为 5 月/6 月),以便新的补偿标准能在新的财政 年度(7 月 1 日开始)生效,因此 2011 年工作组主席团提议,2014 年工作组会议 于
[...] 2013 年秋季晚些时候举行,可能在 2013 年 10 月底至 12 月旬期间。
Taking into account that holding the Working Group later in the spring would not be possible because the recommendations of the Working Group (i.e., the results of its deliberations) have to be before the Fifth Committee within the same session of the General Assembly (normally May/June), so that the new reimbursement rates could come into effect by the new fiscal year (starting 1 July), the 2011 Working Group Bureau proposed that the 2014
Working Group session should be held in the late autumn of 2013, perhaps between
[...] the end of October and mid-December 2013.
在 2009 年 12
[...] 月下旬至 2010 年 2 月旬期間,我們共安排了 16 次會面。
In total, 16 meetings were held from late
[...] December 2009 to mid-February 2010.
(i) 漁 護 署 提 供 資 助 予 世界自 然 ( 香 港
[...] )基金 會,在 11 月 中 旬 至 2 月旬 期間( 即 冬季候 鳥訪港 的 高 峰 [...]
期 ),購買約 61 公 噸 雜 魚 放 養 在 米 埔 自 然保護區內 的基圍。
(i) The AFCD has provided subvention to the World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong for purchasing 61 tonnes of trash fish for
the stocking of the gei wai in Mai Po
[...] Nature Reserve from mid-November to mid-February, [...]
that is, the peak season for arrival
of migratory birds in the winter.
在(礼仪詹姆斯使用该presanctified圣周六的日子,除了每周的 旬期 ) 如 下另一个非常密切。
The Liturgy of the Presanctified of St. James (used on the week days of Lent except Saturdays) follows the other one very closely.
下表列示 2010 年 1 月至 2012 年 6 月旬期间从各国收到的捐款。
The table below indicates the contributions received from
[...] States for the period from January 2010 [...]
to the middle of June 2012.
有许多城市的甜点和菜肴的美味荆棘的冠冕,鼓鼓的面包圈混有杏仁和林立的 旬期期 间 在 天禁食,紧瘦的尖点,可以吃,因为没有鸡蛋和细油软化橄榄油,caggionetti的云(或neole方言发音),所谓的,因为它们是由炽热的铁模形的云,泡芙,甜杏仁,杏仁糊的表面装饰用好奇的人物和兽性,圣基亚拉的尼姑曾经有过的杏仁和巧克力,bocconotti,茴香,真正地道的爱抚腭的首要地位mostaccioli。
There are many desserts and dishes of the city: the delicious crowns of thorns, bulging donuts mixed with
almonds and bristling with sharp points that
[...] can be eaten during Lent in the days [...]
of fasting and tight skinny because made
without eggs and softened by fine oil olive oil, the caggionetti; clouds (or neole with dialect pronunciation), so called because they are made from red-hot iron mold shaped cloud, the puffs, the marzipan, sweet almond paste to the surface adorned with curious human figures and animalistic, the nuns of Santa Chiara once had the primacy of mostaccioli with almonds and chocolate, bocconotti and fennel, real authentic caresses the palate.
2011 年 12 月 31 日以后在没有 2011 年(和 2012 年)预算的情况下继续为波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那各机构和国际金融义务供资
[...] 的可能性相互冲突的法律解释,2012 年国家一级的支付在 1 月 1 日至 2 月旬期 间全部暂停。
Owing to these constitutional irregularities and conflicting legal interpretations about the possibility of continued financing of the institutions and international financial obligations of Bosnia and Herzegovina after 31 December
2011 without a 2011 (and 2012) budget, all 2012 State-level payments were suspended
[...] between 1 January and mid-February.
应培养慕道者阅读书籍(包括圣经、公教报及灵修书籍)、参加不同团体举办的信仰培育活动、参加堂区礼仪生活的习惯,特别是 旬期 和 圣 周的礼仪。
They should be encouraged to read books (including the Bible, Kung Kao Po and spiritual books), to take part in activities of Christian formation organized by different groups,
to acquire a habit to participate in liturgical life of the parish, especially in the
[...] liturgy of Lent and the Holy Week.
实况调查团的报告引用了以色列提供的数字,称 2001 年至 2008 年 6 月旬 期间,共向以色列发射了 3 455 [...]
枚火箭和 3 742 发迫击炮弹,没有说明这些炮弹 落在何处。
The Fact-Finding Mission report cited Israeli sources claiming that 3,455 rockets
and 3,742 mortar projectiles were fired at
[...] Israel from 2001 to mid-June 2008, without [...]
distinguishing where they landed.
2005年旬至 2006年期間, 多項大型旅遊設施相繼落成啟用,包括香港迪士 尼樂園、香港濕地公園及昂坪360。
Several major tourism projects that
[...] came on stream in late 2005 and 2006, including [...]
the Hong Kong Disneyland, the Hong Kong
Wetland Park and Ngong Ping 360, have special appeal to all ages, making Hong Kong a highlight for visitors with families.
直到 2006 年 7 月旬,每天定期出版 《教科文组织交流》通讯,现在每周定期 出版两次,每日更新因特网首页面。
The newsletter Unescommunication
was distributed on a
[...] daily basis until mid-July 2006 and is still distributed twice a week together [...]
with a daily update of the Intranet homepage.
劉慧卿議員:主席,據報,台北市市長於本年2月 旬 訪 港 期 間, 曾參觀一個公共租住屋邨(“公屋”)。
MS EMILY LAU (in Chinese): President, it has been reported that during his visit to Hong Kong in late February this year, the Mayor of Taipei visited a public rental housing (PRH) estate.
在二月旬一个星期天的 早晨,在禺拉斯 (Ylläs) 滑雪度假区的最高处一片宁静。
It was still quiet at the top of the
[...] Ylläs ski resort on a Sunday morning in the middle [...]
of February, when this amazing view
from the top of Ylläs Mountain appeared.
剔除發出運輸及海事通告所需時間, 我們預計搬遷碼頭運作可於2007年 4月旬復活節假期後完成。
Allowing time for serving the necessary transport
and marine notices, the relocation of the marine operation will be
[...] completed by early April 2007 after Easter Holidays.
例如,布基纳法索国家警察告知专家组,截至 2011 年 1 月旬,平均每期有 16 000 人离开科特迪瓦回到布基纳法索。
For example, the National Police of
Burkina Faso informed
[...] the Group that, as of mid-January 2011, an average of 16,000 persons left Côte d’Ivoire for Burkina Faso every week.
在编制本报期间(2009 年 6 月旬),位于院内广场下面的 IV 号楼地下室仍在施 工。
During the preparation of this report (mid-June 2009), works [...]
still continued in the underground Building IV situated under the Piazza.
劉慧卿議員表示,市民非常關注目前 正在審議的條例草案,例如《競爭條例草案》、 《公司條例草案》、《 2011年入境(修訂)條例草
[...] 案》及《2011年強制性公積金計劃( 修訂)(第 2 號 )條例草案》等,能否在2012年 7月旬立法期中止前獲得通過。
Ms Emily LAU said that members of the public were very concerned whether the Bills currently under scrutiny, such as the Competition Bill, the Companies Bill, the Immigration (Amendment) Bill 2011 and the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes
(Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2011 ("MPFS(A) (No.2) Bill 2011"), could be passed
[...] before the prorogation of LegCo in mid July 2012.
从这种角度看,巴西利亚办事处全面管理的过 期 将在 2007 年 7 月旬左右 结束。
From that
[...] viewpoint, the period of transition of the overall management of the Office itself should be completed by mid-July 2007.
2003/4 年度报告法语版于三月旬在教 科文总部首发,全民教育周活 期 间 在 非洲的 三个国家(马里、布基纳法索和尼日尔)以及亚洲的一个国家(越南)组织了法语版的发行 活动。
The French version of the 2003/4
Report was launched at
[...] UNESCO Headquarters in mid-March and three national launches were organized in Africa during the EFA Week (Mali, Burkina [...]
Faso and Niger) and one in Asia (Viet Nam).
王家英文章列舉的第二個原因是調查時間和頻次的問題:「中大每月只進行一次,時間是在每月的下旬,而港大則每月進行兩次,進行的時間是在每月的上旬和下旬......較有意義的做法是將中大和港大在同 期 間 ( 每月 旬 ) 所 做的調查進行比較。
Wong Ka-ying has suggested the second reason which is related to the survey period and frequency. He wrote, "CUHK only conducts (the surveys) once a month, the survey period is end of the month; whereas the HKUPOP carries out the surveys twice every month, and they are conducted at the beginning and end of each month ......The more
meaningful way is to compare the surveys conducted by the two
[...] universities at the same period (at the end of each month).
如 我們未能按照這時間表提交建議,由於農曆新年將至,另財 政司司長將宣讀 2007-08 年度的財政預算案以及接着就審議 財政預算而舉行的特別財務委員會會議,再加上隨後的復活 節假期,下一個我們最快可諮詢財務委員會的 期 為 四旬。
If this timetable cannot be met, taking into account the intervening Lunar New Year, the delivery of the Budget 2007-08 by the Financial Secretary and the ensuing special Finance Committee meetings to examine the draft estimates, bearing in mind also the
Easter break that follows,
[...] the next soonest slot for Finance Committee consultation on the Trust Fund is late April 2007.
在这种背景下,我期待本月下旬在 海 牙举行的 会议将使国际社会有机会显示它预备继续对阿富汗 和这个区域给予支持。
Against that background, we are looking forward to the conference to be held in The Hague later this month as an opportunity to signal the readiness of the international community to continue its support for Afghanistan and the region.
此外,秘书处的理解是,委员会年度会议是为期三天的一届会议,需要所 有六种正式语文的口译服务,在联合国会议日历“活动少 期 间 ,即 1月旬 或8月在纽约举行。
Further, it is the understanding of the Secretariat that the annual meeting of the Committee, requiring interpretation services in all six official languages, comprising one session for a period of
three days, would be held
[...] in New York during the “lowactivity” period in the United Nations calendar of conferences and meetings, either in early January or during the month of August.
技术委员会的期延长至 9 月旬,委 员会一直在与国际社会协商如何在技 术上做好准备,以便为 19 602 名毛派军队人员的遣散、转业培训和整编提供可 [...]
The Technical
[...] Committee, whose tenure has been extended to mid-September, has engaged [...]
in consultations with the international
community on technical preparations for possible support to the discharge, rehabilitation and integration of the 19,602 Maoist army personnel.
Besides, in terms of various kinds [...]
of public policies, another survey in late April showed that, among the 25 issues, the
11 issues which people are most concerned with, in the priority from 1 to 10, are 1) increasing job opportunities and alleviating the unemployment problem, 2) lifting the leading ability of the government, 3) improving air quality, 4) improving public health mechanism, 5) poverty problem, 6) improving relations between the executive and legislative branches, 7) implementing small-class teaching in primary schools, 8) reforming the CSSA system. 9) re-developing old districts, 10) setting up a centralized slaughtering system for poultry and "up and down" bus fare adjustment mechanism.
二零零七年十二月旬至二 零零八年三月,中心轄下食物監察小組 的衞生督察到全港各區的不同商鋪( 包括街市、超級市場、麵包餅食店 等 ) 抽取食物樣本。
The food samples were obtained from various local sources, including wet markets, supermarkets, bakery shops, etc., in different districts of Hong Kong.




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