单词 | 早先 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 早先 —previouslyless common: before See also:早 adj—early adj 早—Good morning!
食典委忆及,早先关于合并苦木薯和甜木薯标准的决定,可在目前的标 准草案定稿后再考虑。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission recalled its earlier decision that merging [...] the standards for bitter and sweet cassava could be considered [...]after the finalization of the current draft Standard. codexalimentarius.org |
早先的关 于最佳做法的意见交流值得称赞,但那些 做法是特定国家所特有的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The earlier exchanges on best [...] practices were appreciated, but those practices were particular to a given State. daccess-ods.un.org |
早先,完全丧失工作能力(100%)的人不享有接受劳动力 [...] 市场服务和支持的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Earlier, people with a total [...] loss of capacity for work (100%) did not enjoy the right to labour market services and support. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际地 质对比计划”早先关注地质年代和岩层序对比之间的 关系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In its early years, the IGCP focused [...] on the relationship between geological time and correlation of rock sequences. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在此之前,如秘书长在他关于阿卜耶伊局势的最新报告(S/2012/175)中所 述,我国政府早先已决 定,从阿卜耶伊撤出苏丹人民解放军(苏丹解放军)士兵, [...] 我们最近还决定,自愿从 Panthou(黑格里格)撤出苏丹解放军部队。 daccess-ods.un.org | This follows my Government’s earlier decision to withdraw [...] Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) soldiers from Abyei, as [...]noted by the Secretary-General in his most recent report on the situation in Abyei (S/2012/175), and our recent decision to voluntarily withdraw SPLA forces from Panthou (Heglig). daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管如此,委员会的主流意见是,委员会完全可以将重点恢复 到 早先 的 “ 灾 害”概念中,即灾害是一个具体事件,因为委员会正在做的是拟订一项法律文 [...] 书,要求有更精确和准确的法律定义,不同于更加以政策为导向的那种定义。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nonetheless, the prevailing view was that [...] the Commission was free to shift the [...] emphasis back to the earlier conception of “disaster” [...]as being a specific event, since [...]it was embarking on the formulation of a legal instrument, which required a more concise and precise legal definition, as opposed to one that is more policy-oriented. daccess-ods.un.org |
地中海渔业总会报告,除早先关闭 其他一些渔区以保护深海敏感的生境,包 括禁止使用牵引式耙网和海底拖网以保护深海珊瑚礁以外,还在狮子海湾设立一 个限制捕鱼区,以保护产卵鱼群和深海敏感的生境。 daccess-ods.un.org | GFCM reported on the establishment of a fisheries-restricted area in the Gulf of Lions to protect spawning aggregations and deep-sea sensitive habitats, in addition to other earlier closures to protect deep-sea sensitive habitats, including deep water coral reefs, where fishing with towed dredges and bottom trawl nets was prohibited. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 确保在早先专制时期被逐出家园的人有适当住房,在住房安排中考虑 到族裔和种族方面的问题 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Ensure adequate housing to people previously evicted from their [...] homes during the earlier dictatorship and [...]integrate the ethnic or racial dimension in housing programmes daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会重申其早先的做法,每届会议只审议五个缔约国的报告,用三次会议 审议一个缔约国的报告,除非主席团或会前工作组根据具体情况考虑,提出其他 [...] 建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee reiterated its earlier practice to consider [...] only five States parties’ reports every session and to devote [...]three meetings to the consideration of each State party report, unless otherwise advised by the Bureau or the presessional Working Group, based on specific considerations. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着经验教 训的积累,早先在质量、实用性和费用等方面的缺点不断得到改进,通过把信息与传播技术 作为教育的基础,上述改进将不断提高教育的水平,尤其是通过在优先领域交换 ICT 培训的 课程和新方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As lessons are learnt, previous shortcomings with regard to quality, relevance and affordability are being addressed and improvements will continue to ensure empowerment through ICT-based education, particularly for the exchange of curricula and new methods of ICT training in priority areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正如秘书长在 早先的报告(A/60/539-S/2005/701)中所说的,随着 以色列定居点活动的继续,建设隔离墙对在两国解 [...] 决办法的基础上实现全面解决冲突的路线图目标构 成了严重挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Secretary-General had said in an earlier report (A/60/539-S/2005/701), [...] along with continued Israeli settlement activity [...]the construction of the wall constituted a key challenge to the fulfilment of the road map’s goal of a comprehensive settlement of the conflict based on a two-State solution. daccess-ods.un.org |
食典委注意到评价的建议实施情况,讨论了某些建议是否需要进一步采取行 动或者对早先的决定进行确认问题。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission noted the status of the implementation of the recommendations of [...] the Evaluation and discussed whether some recommendations required further action, or [...] a confirmation of earlier decisions. codexalimentarius.org |
在這方面, 我們已比我們的 競爭對手早 先 機。 legco.gov.hk | We already have a head start over our rivals in this respect. legco.gov.hk |
小组委员会忆及早先在关 于监狱的一节当中所作的评 论,但希望补充的是,代表团成员对女囚犯报告称遭受男囚犯和狱政人员的性别 [...] 歧视表示关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee recalls its earlier comments on this facility [...] in the section devoted to prisons, but wishes to add that [...]the members of the delegation were concerned that the female prisoners reported suffering gender-based discrimination, not only by male prisoners but also by prison personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
时强调,当务之急是有关各方一道努力,争取和平解 决诸如以色列加强从空中侵犯黎巴嫩领土、以色列继 续占领盖杰尔村北部和蓝线以北附近地区、沙巴阿农 场未决地位和因以色列未提供有关其部 队 早先 使用的集束弹药和地雷的技术打击数据而造成的环境污 染和平民伤亡等未决问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | While reiterating our support for the full implementation of resolution 1701 (2006), we stress the imperative for all parties concerned to work together to peacefully tackle such outstanding issues as Israel’s intensified air violations of Lebanese territory and its continued occupation of the northern part of the village of al-Ghajar and an adjacent area north of the Blue Line, the unresolved status of Shaba’a farms and the environmental contamination and civilian casualties due to Israel’s failure to provide the technical strike data on the cluster munitions and landmines used earlier by its forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
该公司的拟议镍矿开采项目将占地 11 [...] 218 公顷并横跨 4 个城镇,其中包 括流域地区和得到合法承认的曼吉安土著民族的祖传领地。28 曼吉安族抗议者及 其支持者在 2009 [...] 年底进行绝食抗议,直到环境和自然资源部吊销 了 早先 时 候 向 因特克斯资源公司颁发的用于大型采矿的环保达标证书。 daccess-ods.un.org | The company’s proposed nickel mining project would cover 11,218 hectares and span four towns, including watershed areas and the legally recognized ancestral domain of the Mangyan indigenous peoples.28 Mangyan protesters and their advocates went on a hunger strike in late 2009 until the Department of Environment and [...] Natural Resources revoked the environmental compliance certificate for [...] large-scale mining issued earlier to Intex Resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此,准则2.3.3 [...] 特别锁定两个途径作为目标:一方面, 对 早先 的 保 留作出 ( 广泛的) 解释,另一方面,根据载于条约中的备选条款提出说明。 daccess-ods.un.org | (2) To this end, guideline 2.3.3 targets two means in [...] particular: the (extensive) interpretation of [...] reservations made earlier, on the one hand, [...]and statements made under an option clause [...]appearing in a treaty, on the other. daccess-ods.un.org |
该国原来的印象是其 早先的遵守努力包括了他们不遵守情事的各个方面。 multilateralfund.org | The country had been under the [...] impression that its earlier efforts to comply [...]had covered all aspects of their non-compliance. multilateralfund.org |
我要回顾,泰国为表现其对柬埔寨的柏威夏寺 2008 [...] 年 7 月列入世界遗产目 录的愤恨,早先曾于 2008 年 7 月 15 日、2008 年 10 月 [...] 15 日、2009 年 4 月 3 日 和 2011 年 2 月 4 至 7 日四次攻击柬埔寨,攻击时泰国还使用了集束弹药,集束 [...]弹药问题联盟已于 2011 年 4 月 6 日证实这一点。 daccess-ods.un.org | May I recall that, to demonstrate its resentment over the inscription of Cambodia’s Temple of Preah Vihear on the World Heritage [...] List in July 2008, Thailand attacked [...] Cambodia four times earlier, namely, on 15 July 2008, [...]15 October 2008, 3 April 2009 and [...]4-7 February 2011, during which cluster munitions were also used by Thailand, as confirmed by the Cluster Munitions Coalition on 6 April 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们希望看到有更多的政治意愿来执 行早 先的承诺以及无法律约束力文书。 daccess-ods.un.org | We would like to see a more political will to implement previous commitments and the non-legally binding instrument. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是,在拉德苏先生早先强调 的趋势下, 即事件发生的次数减少但受害者人数却有增加,我 们希望增加国家警察和本地警察的人数,包括增加 [...] 女性警察,这将有助于减少无辜受害者的人数和降 低境内流离失所者和难民的数目。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, given [...] the trend — stressed earlier by Mr. Ladsous — of [...]a fall in the number of incidents and a rise in the [...]number of victims, we hope that an increase in the ranks of the national and local police, including by adding women, will help to reduce the number of innocent victims and lower the number of internally displaced persons and refugees. daccess-ods.un.org |
对住宅的相关设备,有两级目标,类似 于 早先 的 立法 (H.R.4) 中的项目,而且已 经由节能专家进行了论证。 efchina.org | For residential equipment, the two tiers of target levels are similar to those proposed in previous legislation (H.R. 4) and have been reviewed by experts in the energy efficiency community. efchina.org |
除了气候 [...] 专委会报告外,关于气候变化经济学的另一本出版物 15 早先就强 调,减少森林 砍伐和退化所产生的排放是一个具有成本效益的减缓影响办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the IPCC report, [...] another publication15 on the economics of [...] climate change had earlier highlighted that [...]reducing emissions caused by deforestation [...]and forest degradation was a cost-effective approach to mitigation. daccess-ods.un.org |
8.4 《行政法通则》第4:6 [...] 节之下的新申请程序规定,如果出现新的事实或情况 有所变化,允许寻求庇护者请求对 早先 驳 回 庇护申请的决定进行复审。 daccess-ods.un.org | 8.4 The new application procedure under section 4:6 of the General Administrative Law Act [...] allows asylum seekers to request a [...] reconsideration of an earlier decision dismissing [...]the asylum application, if new facts [...]or altered circumstances arise. daccess-ods.un.org |
如早先的报 道所证实的,自2002 年以来一直在进行的在巴勒斯坦被占领土 [...] 上建筑隔离墙是最明显的例子,说明了以色列占领西岸的非法性,直接侵犯了巴 勒斯坦人的几项基本人权,包括自决权。 daccess-ods.un.org | As earlier reports have demonstrated, [...] the construction of the separation wall on occupied Palestinian territory that has [...]been continuing since 2002 is one of the clearest examples of the unlawful character of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, in direct violation of several fundamental Palestinian human rights, including the right of selfdetermination. daccess-ods.un.org |
1 条的酷刑定义(第1条)。 委员会重申早先提出的建议 (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3,第5段) [...] ,建议缔约国在刑法中纳 入严格符合《公约》第 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee reiterates its earlier recommendation (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3, [...] para. 5) that the State party incorporate in its criminal [...]law a definition of torture that is in strict conformity with article 1 of the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于透明度规则生效日之后订立的投资条约(今后条约),提及《贸易法 [...] 委员会仲裁规则》将包括提及透明度规则,除非缔约国另有约定,为此缔约国 可以选择《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》 早先 的 版本(即《2010 年规则》)。 daccess-ods.un.org | For investment treaties concluded after the date on which the rules on transparency would come into force (future treaties), a reference to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules would include a reference to the rules on transparency unless the State Parties agreed [...] otherwise, which they would be able to [...] do by choosing an earlier version of the UNCITRAL [...]Arbitration Rules (i.e. the 2010 Rules). daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管与早先的报 告相比已取 得进展,但也清楚表明,在提交的所有国别报告和专题报告中,安全理事会需要 [...] 收到关于第 1325(2000)号决议实施情况的质量更高、数量更多的资料。 un.org | While this constitutes [...] progress compared with earlier reports, it clearly [...]indicates that the Security Council needs to receive [...]more quantitative and qualitative information on the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) in all country and thematic reports. un.org |
预期成果早先分散在单个计划之中并有一定程度的重复,如今已在组织层面上进行了 整合,与战略目标衔接,并在成果框架图中展现,从而从战略角度展示了 [...] 2012/13 两 年期的组织成果框架。 wipo.int | The expected results, previously embedded within [...] individual programs with a certain degree of duplication, have now been [...]consolidated at the Organizational level linked to Strategic Goals and are represented in the Results Framework Chart which thus provides a strategic overview of the organizational results framework for the biennium 2012/13. wipo.int |