

单词 旧观

See also:

worn (with age)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 但事实上它却大有加深不同族裔间隔阂,强化 旧观 念 以 及使和解努力化为乌有 之趋势。
While this was originally done to protect minority students from ethnically based violence, it tended
to deepen the dividing lines between the different
[...] ethnicities, reinforce stereotypes and nullify [...]
reconciliation efforts.
然而,社会中仍然存在陈规陋习,因此,政府承认需要作出更大 努力,开展公众宣传活动和培训,以改变社会中的 旧观 念。
However, traditional stereotypes existed in society, and therefore the Government acknowledged the
need for greater efforts in terms of public awareness activities and training to
[...] change persistent attitudes in society.
(d) 开展全民性的公共宣传和提高意识运动,开展更加广泛的公共讨论, 以便纠正导致对妇女施暴的态度和 旧观 念。
(d) To develop domestic public-information and awareness-raising campaigns and
stimulate broader public discussions in order to address
[...] attitudes and stereotypes that may lead [...]
to violence against women.
还有些国家表 示,为保护和促进土著文化和语言的使用需要克服对土著文化和语言的一些消极旧观念。
Some States indicated a need to overcome negative stereotypes of indigenous cultures and languages in order to preserve and promote their use.
全国促进妇女权利机 构业已推出一些有效举措,旨在改变一些 旧观 念 , 鼓励女孩入学攻读,以开拓 更为广泛的职业生涯选择。
The National Machinery for Women’s Rights has pursued effective initiatives aimed at changing stereotypes and encouraging girls to pursue education leading to wider career choices.
总之,缔约国应采取必要的具体步骤根除普遍存在的对妇女社会地位的旧 观念,特别对罗姆妇女的旧观念。
In general, the State party should take the necessary practical steps to eradicate stereotypes regarding the position of women in society in general, and with regard to Roma women in particular.
德国表示关注普遍泛滥的重男轻女态度、根深蒂固 的社会传统偏见和旧观念,成为提高妇女地位的重大障碍,并且是致妇女于不 利境地,包括陷入劳务市场不利境地的根源。
It expressed concerns about the pervasiveness of patriarchal attitudes, deep-rooted traditional social prejudices and stereotyped attitudes as a major obstacle to the advancement of women and as a root cause of their disadvantaged position, including in the labour market.
为参加者提供场 地和机会与同行见面、交流和接触,不仅可以消除负面的 旧观 念 , 他们还可以 将在夏令营中学到的技能和技术带回本国,还可能在不同的国家或社区推广这些 [...]
Providing space and opportunity for participants to meet, interact and engage
with their peers can
[...] also be a good basis for not only getting rid of negative stereotypes, but also [...]
for taking back to their
respective countries the skills and techniques acquired in such camps and for perhaps replicating the initiatives in different countries or communities.
委员会呼吁缔约国加强努力,开展提高认识运动,旨在消除针对社会性别角色存 在的旧观念和偏见。
The Committee calls on the State party to intensify its efforts aimed at eliminating the societal gender role stereotypes and prejudices, including through awareness-raising campaigns.
(a) 制订一项全面的战略,包括目标的明确定义,以及建立监测机制,来 改变和消除消极的态度和做法,以及根深蒂固的歧视女童的 旧观念
(a) Formulate a comprehensive strategy, including a clear definition of targets, and the establishment of a monitoring
mechanism, to modify and eliminate negative attitudes and practices, and
[...] deep-rooted stereotypes that discriminate [...]
against girls
此外,缔约国应加强努力,除其他外通过旨在提高社会 对性别平等的认识,消除妇女在家庭和广大社会中的作用和责任的根深蒂固的家 长制旧观念。
Furthermore, the State party should enhance its efforts to eliminate existing patriarchal and gender stereotypes on the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society by, inter alia, adopting programmes that seek to raise awareness in society of gender equality.
[...] 利问题的支持,以及克服妨碍妇女充分享受各项权利的文化 旧观 念 和 习俗的斗 争。
The Congo appreciated the acceptance of the majority of recommendations and welcomed the support for the question of the promotion and protection of the
rights of women and children and the fight against
[...] cultural stereotypes and customs that [...]
hinder the full enjoyment of women’s rights.
应重新审视“扩散危险来自无核武器国家”这 旧观 念 , 审议大会的新 战略应将重点放在核武器国家造成的扩散危险上。
The old concept that the risk of proliferation [...]
arises from non-nuclear-weapon States should be revisited and the new strategy
of the Review Conference should be focused on proliferation risks of nuclear-weapon States.
围绕宗教和文 明的各种旧观念有 可能带来严重的政治影响,造成 有可能爆发暴力行为的紧张气氛,我们在很多局势中 [...]
Stereotypes regarding religions and [...]
civilizations may have serious political implications and create an atmosphere of tension
which can erupt into acts of violence, as we have witnessed in many situations.
In addition, special programs have been implemented
in order to contribute to the elimination of
[...] negative stereotypes about the role [...]
of men and women in society and the family.
会议着重强调,提高意识的运动、信息的传播、人权教育和促进对话与交 流的方案,都是应对旧观念和 思想、加深对歧视根源和影响后果的理解及促进 平等的有效手段。
Awareness-raising campaigns, the dissemination of information, human rights education and the promotion of dialogue and exchange programmes were all highlighted as effective tools to challenge stereotypical views and beliefs, to generate greater understanding of the causes and effects of discrimination and to promote equality.
关于在消除媒体中性别角色旧观念 方 面提高认识这一问题,葡萄牙指 出,移民和两性平等委员会还通过促进宣传全面均衡的男女新形象,致力于创造 一个有利于实现平等的环境。
With regard to raising awareness for fighting gender stereotype in the media, Portugal noted that the CIG works to create an enabling environment for equality also by promoting balanced and non-stereotyped images of women and men.
但是,由于涉及到这类暴力的旧观 念 , 再加上刑事司 法制度的薄弱,受害者继续采用传统的结构来解决这类案例,而这又鼓励了有罪 不罚现象。
However, owing to the stigma attached to this type of violence, coupled with a weak criminal justice system, victims continue to use traditional structures to settle such cases, which encourages impunity.
其目的是改变错误的观念,证明偏颇的做法是错误 的,减少旧观念和 简单化的以点概面的做法。
The goal is to correct misconceptions, prove prejudices wrong and mitigate stereotyping and simplistic generalizations.
[...] 书的认识,制定政策和方案以确保消除 旧观 念 , 重点放在残疾人的尊严、能力 和对社会的贡献。
The Committee calls upon the State party to take proactive measures to enhance awareness of the Convention and its Optional Protocol at all levels, to develop
policies and programmes implemented to ensure
[...] elimination of stereotypes and to focus [...]
on the dignity, capabilities and contributions
to society of persons with disabilities.
最 后他对国际社会向普遍人权观念转变表示赞赏, “万能”政府的旧观念被 抛弃,今后各项工作都 将以人为本,他呼吁各国合作打击有罪不罚。
Lastly, he lauded the progress being made by the international community towards a universal conception of human rights that cast aside the obsolete vision of the State as the measure of all things, placed human beings at the heart of its concerns, and committed all States to cooperate in the fight against impunity.
49 非政府组织的调查结果支持了这一观点,这些调查结果表明, 各种社会障碍致使对暴力侵害残疾妇女和残疾女孩的事件往往未进行调查。50
[...] 这些障碍包括执法官员因他们对残疾妇女所持的 旧观 念 而 未提起刑事指控;还 包括各种结构性障碍,例如要求她们必须具有法律行为能力才能被视为“合格” [...]
The Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment noted that societal barriers limit persons with disabilities access to justice on an equal basis with others.49 This view is supported by the findings of non-governmental organizations indicating that incidents of violence against women and girls with
disabilities are often not investigated owing to
[...] social barriers.50 These barriers include [...]
the failure of law enforcement officials
to file criminal complaints, because of their stereotypical perception of women with disabilities; and structural barriers, such as the requirement of legal capacity in order to be viewed as a “competent witness”, and laws that permit certain forms of violence, such as electroconvulsive treatment and electric shocks, or fail to criminalize specific forms of violence experienced by women and girls with disabilities (see paragraphs 12 – 27 above).
Murillo 先生指出,非洲裔人粗野、缺乏人性和人品低劣等 旧观 念 , 深深 植根于欧洲哲学家的理论中,例如黑格尔和康德,他们的这些理论构成了殖民主 义、种族隔离、种族歧视和结构性歧视的基础。
Mr. Murillo noted that the stereotypes of barbarity, lack of humanity and profound inferiority affecting people of African descent were deeply rooted in theories by European philosophers such as Hegel and Kant which had underpinned colonialism, apartheid, racism and structural discrimination.
(c) 仔细审查学校课程,以便在教育方面废除一切歧视性做法( 其中包括: 女孩很难获得教育和培训机会) ,制定战略解决农村地区大量女孩退学的问题; 并且采取措施改变社会对于男女作用和责任问题的 旧观念
(c) Review critically its school curricula with a view of abolishing all discriminatory practices in education, including girls’ limited access to education and training, by developing strategies to combat high level drop-outs of girls in rural areas, and take measures to break down stereotypical attitudes about the roles and responsibilities of women and men
[...] 意到一些条约机构关切地感到,长期存在着虐囚现象、对妇女作用和职责根深蒂 固的传统旧观念和 大规模贩运妇女和女孩的问题,以及遭追究罪犯数量少的情 况。
However, Slovakia noted the concern of treaty bodies about the persistence of the abusive
treatment of prisoners, the persistence of
[...] traditional stereotypes regarding the roles [...]
and responsibilities of women and the
large extent of trafficking in women and girls, as well as the low number of perpetrators facing prosecution.
用新流体冲旧流体 ,或者用兼容溶剂冲 旧 流 体, 然后引入新流体。
Flush out old fluid with new fluid, or flush out old fluid with a compatible solvent before introducing new fluid.
促请会员国以及媒体、媒体协会、媒体自律机构、学校及其他有关伙伴在尊 重媒体自由的同时,酌情开展提高公共意识的宣传活动并制定适当措施和机制,
[...] 例如有关媒体暴力的行业守则和自律措施,以便提高对妇女权利和尊严的尊重, 防止歧视妇女和形成旧的性别观念。
Member States and the media, media associations, media self-regulatory bodies, schools and other relevant partners, while respecting the freedom of the media, are urged, as appropriate, to develop public awareness campaigns and appropriate measures and mechanisms, such as codes of ethics and selfregulatory measures on media violence, aimed
at enhancing respect for the rights and dignity of women while discouraging both
[...] discrimination and gender stereotyping.
代表们所提到的需要进一步加强改善之处是:应当进一步降低人事费与计划费的比例,制定公 众宣传战略,有必要强调争取更多的预算外资金来实现各重大计划的主次目标,取消 旧 过 时 的项 目和更好地利用合作关系网,因这也有助于确定教科文组织较之其它有关各方的相对优势。
Areas identified for further improvement and refinement were the need to reduce still further personnel costs in relation to programme costs, the definition of a public information strategy, the need to highlight better the contribution of extrabudgetary funds to the realization of principal and other objectives of each major programme, the elimination of superannuated projects and improvements in context mapping which would also help to identify the comparative advantages of the Organization vis-à-vis other actors.
资产管理一直 不是优先事项,反映于以下方面:缺乏对相关特派团资产事务人员的指导和咨询 意见,造成工程资产数据库错误;未能查明储存过量、储存呆滞或 旧 的 情 况; 缺乏恰当的行动确保储存得到正当管理;缺乏对编纂和分类工作的支助,从而无 法确保资产说明前后一致,并且无法确保在数据库中对这些资产的记录统一。
Asset management has not been a priority, demonstrated by the lack of guidance and advice provided to relevant mission asset personnel, resulting in engineering asset database errors, lack of identification of excess stock, slow moving or obsolete stock and appropriate action to ensure the stocks are properly managed, and lack of support with codification and classification to ensure a consistent description of assets, thus ensuring homogenous recording of the assets in the database.
剩余 1 233 000 美元的估计数将用于执行办公室代表管理事务部 集中管理的按信息和通信技术厅确定的标准服务级别协定计算的信息技术设备
保养和维修费用(465 000 美元)、按根据过去支出格局推算的中央信息技术基础 设施(信息储存和备份、应用程序托管服务、部门的服务器)费用中的支助账户份 额(471 000
[...] 美元)以及购置新标准信息技术设备和取 旧 设 备的费用(297 000 美 元)。
The estimate of $1,233,000 would cover requirements, centrally administered by the Executive Office on behalf of the Department of Management, for the maintenance and repair of IT equipment based on standard service-level agreements established by the Office of Information and Communications Technology ($465,000) and the support account share ($471,000) of central information technology infrastructure costs (information storage and
backup, application hosting, departmental servers)
[...] derived from past expenditure patterns [...]
as well as the acquisition of new and
replacement standard information technology equipment ($297,000).




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