单词 | 旧版 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 旧版 —old version旧版 noun —previous version nExamples:旧版本 n—old version n See also:旧 n—former n 旧—worn (with age)
健康保险的原则基本与该法的旧版的 规 定相同,只是做了一些必要 的调整。 daccess-ods.un.org | The principles of health insurance are mostly the same as in the previous Act, although some necessary adjustments have been introduced. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是通过挂钩的实现可以在旧版本的Git 上工作,并且通过一定的修改它它可以做到只针对某些用户执行,或者更多以后可能用的到的规则。 git-scm.com | But enforcing this with a hook [...] will work in older versions of Git, and you [...]can modify it to do so only for certain users [...]or whatever else you come up with later. git-scm.com |
如果参考旧版本的 EE-68 所作的设计在完成 JTAG 仿真时有问题的话,请将其 [...] 更新。 analog.com | Targets designed [...] using an older version of EE-68 should [...]only be updated if there are problems performing JTAG emulation. analog.com |
如果 在远程配置文件夹中放置旧版本的 KSS100UDPATE 文件,扫描站 将回退使用旧版本的软件。 graphics.kodak.com | If an older version of the KSS100UDPATE file is placed in the remote configuration folder, the Scan Station will be rolled back to use the older version of the software. graphics.kodak.com |
不过,必须说明,在没有修正之前,这一责任就已存在,其依据 是 旧版 《反 洗钱法》中对资助恐怖主义行为的解释。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it is important to state that this [...] duty to report already existed before the revision, based on the interpretation of [...] terrorist financing under the old AMLA. daccess-ods.un.org |
Navicat 升级许可证容许购买了 Navicat 旧版本的 客户升级到最新的主要版本而不必支付全额许可证费。 navicat.com.cn | Navicat upgrade license allow customers who have [...] purchased an older version of Navicat to upgrade to the latest major version without paying [...]the full license fee. navicat.com |
要注意的是使用前缀的实现可能会有问题,或者是实现的并不完整,也可能遵循的还 是 旧版 的 规 范。 developer.mozilla.org | Beware that implementations that use prefix may be buggy, or incomplete, [...] or following an old version of the specification. developer.mozilla.org |
作者:圣- Maur笃伟大的历史著作不需要在这里提及,但大教堂萨巴蒂尔的拉丁圣经 的 旧版 本 , 并都参搁的词汇,新版本必须加以注意。 mb-soft.com | The great historical works of the Benedictines of St-Maur need not be [...] mentioned here, but Dom Sabatier's [...] edition of the Old Latin Bible, and the new editions of Du Cange's [...]glossaries must be noted. mb-soft.com |
当你的 web app [...] 在这样一种方式下改变你的数据库时碰到被要求进行版本变化,你需要考虑如果用户已经在一个标签页中打开了你的应用 的 旧版 本 的 数据库,然后他又在另一个标签页中加载了你的应用的新版本,这种情况下会发生什么事情。 developer.mozilla.org | When your web app changes in such a way that a version change is required for your database, [...] you need to consider what happens if the [...] user has the old version of your app open [...]in one tab and then loads the new version of your app in another. developer.mozilla.org |
根据旧版《工 作人员细则》104.12(b)㈢,定期任用的工作人员 在完成了连续五年的良好服务后,如果未满 53 岁,应尽量合理考虑予以长期任 用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with former Staff Rule 104.12 (b) (iii), staff members on fixed-term appointments, [...] upon completion of five [...]years of continuing good service and who are under the age of 53 years, are to be given every reasonable consideration for a permanent appointment. daccess-ods.un.org |
您也可以通过限制与旧版本的 Adobe Acrobat 的兼容性来减小文件大小。 oapdf.com | You can also limit the old version of Adobe Acrobat [...] compatibility to reduce the file size. oapdf.com |
由于 HSL 是最新的标准,您可能还希望继续支 持 旧版 的 浏 览器,而这可以通过色彩空间转化来实现。 html5rocks.com | Since HSL is a recent standard, you may wish to continue supporting older browsers, which is possible via color-space conversion. html5rocks.com |
注释:如果您的 NiceLabel 软件旧版本配有 USB 或并行密钥,将密钥 [...] 插入可用端口,选择“硬件匙”,单击“下一步”。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Note: If your old NiceLabel software [...] came with a USB or Parallel key, plug the key into an available port, select Hardware Key and click on Next. nicelabel.com |
关键投资者信息文件(KIID) 在新基金的审批过程中,即使CSSF不 [...] 会“签发”文件,但仍希望看到KIID, 即取代旧版冗长“简易招募说明书” 的投资者信息文件。 pwc.lu | In the course of the approval process of a new fund, and even though it will not “visa” the document, the CSSF will want [...] to see the KIID, which is the investor information [...] document replacing the old and far too long [...]“simplified prospectus”. pwc.lu |
新约中的旧版本都 被outranked最近牛津版“在北方方言的新约的科普特版本,否则所谓Memphitic或Bohairic”受地缘,。 mb-soft.com | The older editions of the New Testament [...] have all been outranked by the recent Oxford edition; "The Coptic Version of the [...]New Testament in the Northern Dialect, otherwise called Memphitic or Bohairic", by Geo. mb-soft.com |
小型镀铬外饰件以及安装在尾板上形似闪电的 S 形金属饰件,将新版 Miura 与旧版区分开来,旧版因此光荣退役。 lamborghini.com | Only the chrome finish on a few minor exterior parts and a small metal S shaped like a lightning bolt, mounted on [...] the tail panel of the car, [...] distinguished the new version of the Miura from the old one, which therefore [...]ended its career. lamborghini.com |
无论您是要加快应用部署速度、延长 旧版 应 用 的使用寿命还是要简化操作系统迁移,VMware ThinApp 都能方便而且经济高效地为所有类型的用户提供可靠而灵活的应用访问权限。 bigsurtech.com | Whether you want to accelerate application deployment, extend the life of legacy applications or simplify OS migration, VMware ThinApp is an easy and cost effective way to deliver reliable and flexible access to applications for all your user profiles. bigsurtech.com |
这时将出现一个“管 [...] 理许可”的新窗口,显示您的 NiceLabel 软件旧版本的密钥许可信 息。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | A new Manage License window will open showing the key license [...] information of your old NiceLabel version. nicelabel.com |
于软件版本是比现行版本的前一个版本更早 的 旧版 本 , HDS将不提供支持服务。 hds.com | HDS does [...] not provide support for Software releases that are older than two prior versions of the Current [...]Release. hds.com |
BNP 的其他重要新增功能包括:节目替换,利用该功能,运营商可以在单个输出频道上的节目之间进行无缝切换,这对于遵循国家节目内容规则(往往会对外国节目的数量加以限制)尤其重要;SCTE 21 到 SCTE 20 [...] 的转换,利用该功能,运营商可以继续通过 DTV 转换隐藏字幕,既不需要投入巨资来升 级 旧版 机 顶 盒,也不会 因 旧版 机 顶 盒不支持新的 SCTE 21 隐藏字幕标准而无法向隐藏字幕用户提供服务。 rgbnetworks.com.cn | Other important feature additions to the BNP include program substitution, enabling operators to seamlessly switch between programs on a single output channel, which is particularly important in meeting national programming content rules which often limit the amount of foreign programming; and SCTE 21 to SCTE 20 conversion, allowing operators to continue Closed Captioning through the DTV [...] transition without the massive [...] cost of upgrading legacy set-top boxes or the loss of service to [...]Closed Caption subscribers due [...]to the inability of several legacy set-top boxes to support the new SCTE 21 Closed Caption standard. rgbnetworks.com |
EAN128是在第一个位置包含FNC1字符的Code1 28 的 旧版 ; EA N128有一个预定义数据格式用以加密各种类型的数据为一个符号(FNC1可以作为不同数据内容的分离器来使用)。 tec-it.com | EAN128 (GS1-128) is [...] a subversion of Code128 containing the FNC1 character at first position; EAN128 has [...]a predefined data format [...]to encode various types of data into one symbol (FNC1 can function as separator of different data contents). tec-it.com |
该选项用于兼容旧版本中 条形码上可打印字段的字体大小。 printronix.com | This option is for compatability of the font size of the barcode [...] printable data field on the old build. printronix.cn |
在此期间,应用软件的性能提升与硬件技术发展保持同步,日益增多 的旧 版软件 无需做任何修改,导致计算机行业出现空前的增长。 stericsson.com | During this period, applications performance simply scaled at the same rate as the hardware evolution, without the need to make any change to the growing software legacy, producing the phenomenal growth in computing that we have enjoyed in the past. stericsson.com |
现在可以根据ISO 230-4:2005和ASME B5.54-2008标准进行分析,同时保留根据这些标准 的 旧版 本 进行分析的选项。 renishaw.com.cn | Diagnosis now available to ISO 230-4:2005 and ASME B5.54-2008 whilst retaining option to analyse to previous issues of these standards. renishaw.com |
如果软件版本是比现行版本的前 一个版本更早的旧版本, 那么HDS将在现行版本软件投入市场后的12个月内提供有限的支持服务(如下文定义)。 hds.com | If a release is older than one prior version from the Current Release, then HDS will provide Limited Support (as defined below) for a 12-month period following the general availability of the Current Release. hds.com |
若程序未找到所需的备份(例如,备份 由 旧版的 S eagate DiscWizard 或在其恢复环境中 制作而成),您可手动对其进行查找,方法是单击浏览并从目录树中选择备份位置,然后从右 窗格中选出备份。 seagate.com | If the program has not found the backup you need (for example, when the backup was made in the recovery environment or by a previous Seagate DiscWizard version), you can find it manually by clicking Browse and then selecting the backup location on the directory tree and choosing the backup in the right pane. seagate.com |
(2) 客户为了自本软件的旧版本产 品(以下称 “ 旧版 本 产 品”)升级、自替代产品换用而使 用本软件,以客户正规地取得作为本软件的升级对象产品或替代换用产品的 Cybozu 指定 之产品的许可为条件。 cybozu.com | (2) In the case Cybozu grant the Customer [...] the License to use the [...] Software as "version up" from an old version of the Software (the "Old Version Product") [...]or "transfer" from the [...]products competing with the Software (the "Competing Product"), the license shall be subject to the condition that the Customer obtained legal and effective license to use the Old Version Product or the Competing Product. cybozu.com |