单词 | 旧愁新恨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 旧愁新恨 —old worries with new hatred added (idiom); afflicted by |
用新流体冲掉旧流体 ,或者用兼容溶剂冲 掉 旧 流 体, 然后引入新流体。 graco.com | Flush out old fluid with new fluid, or flush out old fluid with a compatible solvent before introducing new fluid. graco.com |
任何退休保障制度的目的,都必須是確保 僱員退休時能累積足夠的退休金,使能渡過 不 愁 生 活 的晚年。 legco.gov.hk | The purpose of any retirement protection system must be to ensure that an employee has accrued enough benefits by the time he leaves the workforce to allow him to enjoy a financially-secure old age. legco.gov.hk |
该研究社 还 提 到 关于打击在 [...] 塞尔维 亚立法框架范 围 内 鼓 吹 种族仇恨 和 暴 力的新 纳 粹 团 伙 和其他团 伙 的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | CRED also referred to the recommendation on [...] combating neo-Nazi and other groups [...] which promoted racial hate and violence within the [...]framework of Serbia’s legislation. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿塞拜疆代表于 2011 年 8 [...] 月 3 日给联合国的信作为文件 A/65/921-S/2011/ 492 分发,这是阿塞拜疆领导人实施的反亚美尼亚 仇 恨 宣 传 的 新 例 子。 daccess-ods.un.org | The letter of the Azerbaijani representative to the United Nations circulated as document [...] A/65/921-S/2011/492, dated 3 August [...] 2011, represents a new example of anti-Armenian hate propaganda conducted [...]by the leadership of Azerbaijan. daccess-ods.un.org |
本着和平和解的精神,我们呼吁新社 区 停止 仇恨 言论 和袭击回返者,以促进族裔间融合。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the spirit of peaceful reconciliation, [...] we call on recent communities to desist from hate rhetoric and attacks [...]against returnees so as [...]to facilitate intercommunity reintegration. daccess-ods.un.org |
回顾不结盟运动反对一切形式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不 容忍行为,表示严重关切世界各地当代形式的这种令人 痛 恨 的 罪行 重 新 抬 头, 各位部长注意到各国在国家、区域和国际各级正在取得进展,重点是为反对种 族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为世界会议采取全面后续行动和 有效执行《德班宣言和行动纲领》。 daccess-ods.un.org | In recalling the Movement’s opposition to all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and expressing serious concern on the resurgence of contemporary forms of such abhorrent crimes in various parts of the world, the Ministers took note of the ongoing progress made by States at the national, regional and international levels, focusing on the comprehensive follow-up to the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the effective implementation of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action. daccess-ods.un.org |
长期以来,教科文组织工会一直在提请注意,有缺陷的不是规定(无论 新旧),教科文组织人事管理之所以不善是因为没有按这些规定去做。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For many years now, STU has said that it is not the [...] regulations (old or new) that are at fault, [...]but that poor staff management in UNESCO [...]stems from the non-observance of the texts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们的宿舍是位于交通便利,靠近所有主要的公共交通,在一个传统的邻里基多呼吁 在 新旧 之 间 的边界圣布拉斯镇。 instantworldbooking.com | Our hostel is conveniently located near all major public [...] transportation, inside a traditional neighborhood of Quito called San Blas, in the [...] border between the Old and New Town. instantworldbooking.com |
剩余 1 233 000 美元的估计数将用于执行办公室代表管理事务部 [...] 集中管理的按信息和通信技术厅确定的标准服务级别协定计算的信息技术设备 保养和维修费用(465 000 [...] 美元)、按根据过去支出格局推算的中央信息技术基础 设施(信息储存和备份、应用程序托管服务、部门的服务器)费用中的支助账户份 额(471 000 美元)以及购置新标准 信息技术设备和取 代 旧 设 备的费用(297 000 美 元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The estimate of $1,233,000 would cover requirements, centrally administered by the Executive Office on behalf of the Department of Management, for the maintenance and repair of IT equipment based on standard service-level agreements established by the Office of Information and Communications Technology ($465,000) and the support account share ($471,000) of central information technology infrastructure costs (information storage and backup, application hosting, [...] departmental servers) [...] derived from past expenditure patterns as well as the acquisition of new and replacement [...]standard information technology equipment ($297,000). daccess-ods.un.org |
采用目前流行的技术 XHTML+CSS+div布局的模板结构,多变、绚烂的模板可使您的blog与众不同,f2blog可以使用asp版本的pjblog中的skin,让您不要再为没有喜欢的skin而 发 愁。 javakaiyuan.com | The use of popular technology XHTML CSS div layout template structure , changing , gorgeous templates make [...] your blog unique , f2blog can use asp version of thepjblog in the skin, so you do not like the [...] skin longer to worry about . javakaiyuan.com |
其 實 , 飲 食 業 除 了 [...] 八 十 年 代 中至九 十 年 代 中 曾 有 人 手短缺 現 象 之 外 , 僱 主 在 其 餘 的 時間都 不 愁 人 手短缺 , 老闆隨 時可以更 少工資 增 聘 人 手 , 原有的員工 便 能有 多些假 期和休 息時間。 legco.gov.hk | They are able to hire more workers with less wages and the existing staff may have more holidays and rest breaks. legco.gov.hk |
它们选择 传递给我们区域各民族——事实上给世界各民族— —呼吁结束侵略的任何讯息将重申并强调这一事实, [...] 即联合国将不会忽视今天我们人民的悲剧,不会允许 中东沦为流血、极端主义、暴力和新 仇 恨 循 环 的受害 者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Any message they choose to send to the peoples of our region — indeed, to all peoples of the world — calling for an end to the aggression will reiterate and underscore the fact that the United Nations will not ignore the tragedy [...] of our people today or allow the Middle East to fall victim to a cycle of [...] bloodshed, extremism, violence and new hatred. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是因为收入增加,有了低息信贷机会, [...] 贷款条件改善,但也因为现有标准公寓人格陡涨,缩小 了 新旧 住 所 的人格差。 daccess-ods.un.org | This was due to rise in income, cheaper credit opportunities and better loan conditions, but also due to a [...] sharp rise in the prices of existing standard flats which reduced the price difference [...] between older and newer dwellings. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年古巴经济和古巴人口必须面对一些 新旧 挑 战。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are a number of new and old challenges that [...] the Cuban economy — and the Cuban population — must meet in 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
联 叙监督团人员发现了大炮、迫击炮和坦克炮直接和间接攻击在各村庄建筑物上留 下的新旧痕迹以及炮弹弹片,包括 23 毫米 ZU-23 式高射机枪和 122 毫米榴弹炮 炮弹弹片。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNSMIS personnel identified both recent and potentially older impact marks on village buildings from direct and indirect artillery, mortar and tank fire, along with pieces of shrapnel from those shells, including 23 mm ZU-23 anti-aircraft cannons and rounds from a 122 mm howitzer. daccess-ods.un.org |
该打印机使用了供墨系统(也称色带盒系统(CRS)),可以 自动检测所装色带的新旧情况,以及所有色带的属性。 printronix.com | Using an ink delivery system called the Cartridge [...] Ribbon System (CRS), the printer can [...] automatically detect when a new or used ribbon is [...]loaded, and all ribbon properties. printronix.cn |
对文件中 若干章节进行了调整,以使信息更加流畅,并简化了关键用途提名程序;删除 了有关行为守则的章节,因为委员会认为其不属于该文件范畴;更新了提名表 [...] 格,以便各缔约方在申请有关土壤、工厂设施和商品用途方面 的 新旧 提 名 时可 以使用同一表格。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Selected sections had been moved within the document to facilitate information flow and simplify the critical-use nomination process; the section relating to the code of conduct removed, as the Committee did not consider that it belonged in the document; and the nomination [...] forms updated so that only one form was [...] proposed for both new and continuing nominations, [...]for both soils and structures and commodities. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
要实现先进的新型计算应用,接口技术必须支持更高的速度,提供良好的信号完整性,扩展核心功能并实 现 新旧 标 准 接口的桥接。 digikey.cn | To enable new and advanced computing applications, interface technology must [...] support higher speeds, provide excellent signal integrity, extend core [...] functionality, and bridge old standards with the new. digikey.cn |
不管是去发现笼罩在神话和民间传说的自然美景,还是参加各种节日盛会,参观博物馆与美术馆,带孩子来爱尔兰岛旅游,您永远 不 愁 找 不到事情做,而且全程花费也绝对物超所值!您既可以在海岸线边一望无垠的金色沙滩上无限时嬉戏玩闹,也可以漫步在爱尔兰的国家公园,尽情欣赏绝色景致。 discoverireland.com | Whether it’s to discover a landscape drenched in myth and folklore or to visit some fantastic festivals, museums and galleries, a trip with the kids to the island of Ireland means you’ll never be short of something to do – and all without spending a fortune! discoverireland.com |
汉斯格雅经典系列展现了在19世纪到20世 纪 新旧 交替阶段涌现出来的各种富有现代感的经典设计元素。 hansgrohe.com.cn | Hansgrohe Classic reflects modern classic design elements from the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. hansgrohe.co.uk |
而且員工更希望 跟隨一個性格開朗的老闆,若果老闆每天 愁眉苦 臉,亦會增加員工的壓力,自然不 能協助老闆將業務推進一步。 gemconsortium.org | Employees are more willing to work for employers of pleasant personality. If the employer always wears a sad face, her employees will definitely feel greater pressure, which will inevitably hinder them from assisting the employer to further develop the business. gemconsortium.org |
博纳上光保养剂可应用于任何密封或涂刷聚氨酯漆 的 新旧 地 板。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Bona Polish can be applied over any sealed or [...] polyurethane finished floor, old or new. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
Ghanea 女士总结了五条初步 结论:(a) 讨论表达自由的限度不能 脱离根 据 整 个公约所承 担 的总体义务,例 如,法律面前人人平等,应有的程序 和 [...] 少数人 的权利等;(b) [...] 与表达没有合理的联系的随意的或有人指挥的暴力行为不应成为对 表达自由加以限制的理由;(c) 在仇恨本身 就引起暴力的地方,表明了一种更广泛 [...]的暴力模式;启动了第 20 条就表明国家没有能够保证第 26 条所规定的不受歧视 [...] 的权利;(d) 第 20 条也要求有仔细的分成不同等级的制裁;最低一级,不应侵害 表达本 身 ,最高一级,可引 发制裁 ;要小心不要让 限制对总的表达自由造 成 消极 影响;(e) 在国家范畴内还需要其他的行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ms. Ghanea drew five preliminary conclusions: (a) the discussion on limitations to freedom of expression could not be dissociated from the overall obligations under the Covenant as a whole, such as full equality before the law, due process and rights of minorities; (b) random or orchestrated acts of violence that have no reasonable link to expression should not [...] justify limitations to freedom of [...] expression; (c) where hatred itself incited to [...]violence, it showed a broader pattern [...]of violations; triggering article 20 demonstrated a failure of the State to guarantee the right to non-discrimination under article 26; (d) article 20 also required a careful and calibrated range of sanctions; at a minimum, it should not infringe expression itself and at a maximum it could trigger sanction; care had to be taken for the limitations not to have a chilling effect on freedom of expression in general; and (e) other actions in the national sphere were needed. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会第六十五届会议请秘书长就决议执行情况向大会第六十六届会议提交 [...] 报告,包括说明诽谤宗教与不同宗教和不同种族交汇,世界许多地区煽动、不容 忍和仇恨言行 激增之间的关联以及各国为消除这一现象而采取的步骤(第 [...]65/224 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit at its sixty-sixth session, a report on the implementation of the present resolution, including the correlation between defamation of religions and the intersection of [...] religion and race, the upsurge in incitement, [...] intolerance and hatred in many parts of [...]the world and steps taken by States to [...]combat that phenomenon (resolution 65/224). daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,各位部长认为,促进充分尊重各国间所有宗教和文化十分重 [...] 要,以促进并确保充分享受言论自由权,同时防止滥用并煽动宗教 仇 恨 , 因 为 这可能会破坏进行中努力在不同宗教、文化和文明间互相尊重和容忍的基础上 [...]促进和平文化,如各国均为缔约方的国际人权文书中所规定的那样。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers considered, in this regard, the importance of promoting full respect of all religions and cultures among all States, with a view to promoting and ensuring the full enjoyment of the right to freedom of [...] expression while preventing abuses and [...] incitement to religious hatred that could contribute [...]to undermining the ongoing efforts [...]to foster a culture of peace based on mutual respect and tolerance among religions, cultures and civilisations, as provided for in the international human rights instruments to which States are parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
在举办讲习班之前,还将邀请各国向 人权高专办提供国家立法、司法惯例和相关政策中关于禁止煽动 仇 恨 的 最 新资 料。 daccess-ods.un.org | Prior to the workshops, States will be invited to provide OHCHR with updated [...] information regarding the prohibition of [...] incitement to hatred in national legislation, judicial practices and relevant policies. daccess-ods.un.org |
提出这些提议的目的在于帮助今日的儿童,使 他们成长为摆脱基于种族、文化或宗教的 仇 恨 和 厌恶 的新一代。 daccess-ods.un.org | The goal of these proposals is to help today’s children grow into a [...] generation free from hatred and loathing based [...]on race, culture or religion. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被 仇 恨 ; 无 法 无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的 仇 恨 , 迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。 mb-soft.com | This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep [...] be turned into [...] wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, [...]and deliver up each other; [...]and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq. mb-soft.com |