

单词 日至



even now
lit. the time up today (idiom); up to the present

External sources (not reviewed)

公司股份將於二零一零年十月日至 八 日 ( 包 括首尾兩天)暫停辦理股份過戶登記手 續。
The share register will be closed from 4 to 8 October 2010, both days inclusive.
委员会在本届会议上收到特别报告员的第十四次报告增编 2(A/CN.4/614/Add.2),在 2010 年 5 月 3 日和 5 日的第 3036 至 3038 次会议以及 2010 年 5 月 11、12 和 17 日的第 3042、3043 和 3045 次会议上进行了审议;还 收到特别报告员的第十五次报告(A/CN.4/624、Add.1 和 Add.2),在 2010 年 5 月 11 和 12 日的第 3042 和 3043 次会议、2010 年 5 月 17 至 19 日的第 3045 至 3047 次会议以及 2010 年 7 月 14 日至 16 日和 20 日的第 3064 至 3067 次会议上进行了 审议;并且还收到特别报告员的第十六次报告(A/CN.4/626 和 Add.1),在 2010 年 5 月 18 至 25 日的第 3046 至 3050 次会议以及 2010 年 5 月 27 日和 6 月 1 日的第 3052 和 3054 次会议上进行了审议。
At the present session, the Commission had before it a second addendum to the fourteenth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/614/Add.2), which it considered at its
3036th to its 3038th meetings on 3 to 5
[...] May 2010, and at its 3042nd, 3043rd and 3045th meetings on 11, 12 and 17 May 2010; the Special Rapporteur’s fifteenth report (A/CN.4/624 and Add.1 and 2), which it considered at its 3042nd and 3043rd meetings, on 11 and 12 May 2010, at its 3045th to 3047th meetings, from 17 to 19 May 2010, and at its 3064th to 3067th meetings, from 14 to 16 and on 20 July 2010; and, lastly, the Special Rapporteur’s sixteenth report (A/CN.4/626 and Add. 1), which it considered at its 3046th to 3050th meetings, from 18 to 25 May 2010, and its 3052nd and 3054th meetings, on 27 May and 1 June 2010.
(e) 工作人员薪金税收入估计数净额 30 474 500 美元,即 2011 年 7 月 1 日 至 2012 年 6 月 30 日财政期间的 29 685 000 美元加上 2010 年 6 月 30 日终了财 政期间的增加额 789 500 美元,将按比例分配给各在役维持和平行动预算,部分 抵冲上文(d)分段所述的缺额。
(e) The net estimated staff assessment income of 30,474,500 dollars, comprising the amount of 29,685,000 dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 and the increase of 789,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, to be set off against the balance referred to in subparagraph (d) above, to be prorated among the budgets of the individual active peacekeeping operations.
智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、厄瓜多尔、墨西哥和秘鲁常驻联合国代表团 向秘书处海洋事务和海洋法司致意,并谨提及在 5 月 24 日至 28 日举行的下次《执 行 1982 年 12 月 10 日〈联合国海洋法公约〉有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高 度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定》(《鱼类种群协定》)审查会议。
The Permanent Missions of Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru to the United Nations present their compliments to the Secretariat (Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea) and have the honour to refer to the upcoming Review Conference on the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (Fish Stocks Agreement), to be held from 24 to 28 May.
楊森議員表示,民主黨在2006年 12月 15日至17日 曾進行一項調查,結果發現有75%的受訪者支持重新展開 [...]
公眾諮詢;60%的受訪者在過去6個月內得悉有關拆卸工 程;另有70%的受訪者支持保留天星碼頭或鐘樓,當中 40%認為應保留整個天星碼頭,30%認為應保留鐘樓,
50%支持原址保留天星碼頭或其鐘樓,以及30%支持在另 一地點保留天星碼頭及其鐘樓。
Dr YEUNG Sum said that a survey conducted by the Democratic
[...] Party from 15 to 17 December 2006 found that [...]
75% of the respondents supported the
relaunch of a public consultation; 60% learnt about the demolition works within the past six months; and 70% supported preserving the Star Ferry Pier or the clock tower, out of which 40% considered that the whole Star Ferry Pier should be preserved, 30% considered that the clock tower should be preserved, 50% supported preserving the Star Ferry Pier or its clock tower in-situ and 30% supported preserving the Star Ferry Pier together with its clock tower at another location.
倘 有 關 購 回 授 權 之 決 議 案 獲 通過, 而 於 股 東 週 年 大 會 舉 行 前 本 公 司 再 無
發 行 或 購 回 任 何 股 份 , 根 據 購 回 授 權 , 本
[...] 公 司可於 普 通 決 議 案 通過日 至 (i) 本 公 司 下 屆 股 東 週 年 大 [...]
會 結 束 之 日 ; (ii) 按 照 章程 細 則 或 任 何 適 用
之 法 例 規 定 , 本 公 司 下 屆 股 東 週 年 大 會 須 予 舉 行 之 期 限 屆 滿 之 日 ; 或 (iii) 股 東 在 股 東 大 會 上以普 通 決 議 案 撤 銷 或 修 訂 購 回 授 權 之 日 三 者 中之最 早 發 生 日 期 為 止 之 期 間 內 購 回 最 多 達 117,705,618 股股份( 佔 本 公 司 已 發 行 股 本 10 % )。
Subject to the passing of the resolution in relation to the Repurchase Mandate and on the basis that no further Shares are issued or repurchased by the Company prior to the AGM, the Company would be allowed under the Repurchase Mandate to
repurchase a maximum of 117,705,618
[...] Shares (representing 10% of the issued share capital [...]
of the Company) during the period
from the date of the passing of the ordinary resolution up to (i) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (ii) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles of Association or any applicable laws to be held; or (iii) the revocation or variation of the Repurchase Mandate by ordinary resolution of the Shareholders in general meeting, whichever occurs first.
在麻委会闭会期间会议上将提供工 作组的下述报告:(a)2008 年 6 月 23 日至 25 日在维 也纳举行的减少供应问题工 作组会议的报告,(UNODC/CND/2008/WG.1/3);(b)2008 年 6 月 30 日至 7 月 1 日在维 也纳举行的打击洗钱并促进司法合作问题工作组会议的报告 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.2/3);(c)2008 年 7 月 2 日至 4 日在维也纳举行的开 展国际合作根除非法药物作物和实行替代发展问题工作组会议的报告 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.3/3);(d)2008 年 9 月 15 日至 17 日在维 也纳举行的 减少毒品需求问题工作组会议的报告(UNODC/CND/2008/WG.4/3);及(e)2008 年 9 月 17 日至 19 日在维 也纳举行的管制前体和苯丙胺类兴奋剂工作组会议的 报告(UNODC/CND/2008/WG.5/3)。
The following reports of working groups were made available at intersessional meetings of the Commission: (a) the report of the meeting of the working group on supply reduction, held in Vienna from 23 to 25 June 2008 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.1/3); (b) the report of the meeting of the working group on countering money-laundering and promoting judicial cooperation, held in Vienna on 30 June and 1 July 2008 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.2/3); (c) the report of the meeting of the working group on international cooperation on the eradication of illicit drug crops and on alternative development, held in Vienna from 2 to 4 July 2008 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.2/3); (d) the report of the meeting of the working group on drug demand reduction, held in Vienna from 15 to 17 September 2008 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.2/3); and (e) the report of the meeting of the working group on control of precursors and of amphetamine-type stimulants, held in Vienna from 17 to 19 September 2008 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.2/3).
他转而谈到秘书长关于 2009 年 7 月 1 日至 2010 年 6 月 30 日期间 联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团) 经费筹措安排的说明(A/64/728),说鉴于 2010 年 1 月 12 日海地发生破坏性地震,安理会在其第 1908(2010)号决议中赞同增加联海稳定团的兵力总 [...]
稳定团的构成如下:军事部分,各级官兵人数不超过 8 940 人;警察部分,警员人数不超过 3 711 人。
Turning to the
[...] Secretary-General’s note on the financing arrangements for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) for the period from [...]
1 July 2009 to 30 June
2010 (A/64/728), he said that, in the light of the devastating earthquake on 12 January 2010 in Haiti, the Security Council, in its resolution 1908 (2010), had endorsed the increase in the overall force levels of MINUSTAH to support the immediate recovery, reconstruction and stability efforts, and had decided that MINUSTAH would consist of a military component of up to 8,940 troops of all ranks and a police component of up to 3,711 police.
y 2010 年3月28日至31 日,与国际移徙组织合作举办了有关打击人 口贩运和人权问题的培训课程,向内政部、检察官办公室的职员和 法官介绍调查和收集人口贩运罪行证据的先进方法。
A training course was given in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration on combating trafficking of persons and human rights during 28-31 March 2010 to introduce employees of the Ministry of Interior, Public Prosecution Office, and judges to advanced methods for investigating and collecting evidence in TIP crimes.
我们赞 赏国际社会迄今对这些危机和挑战采取的对策(例如 2008 年 6 月 3 日至 5 日在罗 马召开的世界粮食保障高级别会议,以及最近于 2008 年 11 月 15 日在哥伦比亚 特区华盛顿召开的金融市场和世界经济问题首脑会议),我们决心立即采取果断 [...]
While acknowledging the response of the international community
to these crises and
[...] challenges to date, such as the High-level Conference on World Food Security, held in Rome from 3 to [...]
5 June 2008, and the
recent Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy, held in Washington, D.C., on 15 November 2008, we are determined to take immediate and decisive actions and initiatives to overcome all these obstacles and challenges through achievement of people-centred development and to devise important measures for the full, effective and timely implementation of the Monterrey Consensus.
鉴于即将于 2012 年 4 月 19 日举行题为“维护国际和平与安全:核不扩散、
[...] 安理会注意不结盟运动 2011 年 5 月 23 日至 27 日在印度尼西亚巴厘召开的第十 [...]
六次部长级会议暨纪念会议《最后文件》关于裁军与国际安全的章节中反映不结 盟运动对该重要问题的立场的相关段落(见
A/65/896-S/2011/407,附件一,第132 至 203 段)。
In connection with the forthcoming briefing of the Security Council entitled “Maintenance of international peace and security: nuclear non-proliferation, disarmament and security”, to be held on 19 April 2012, I have the pleasure, on behalf of the Member States of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), to
bring herewith to the attention of the
[...] Council the related paragraphs reflecting the [...]
positions of NAM on this important issue
incorporated in the section on disarmament and international security in the Final Document of the XVI Ministerial Conference and Commemorative Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Bali, Indonesia, from 23 to 27 May 2011 (A/65/896-S/2011/407, annex I, paras. 132-203).
我们非常希望即将于 4 月 26 日至 30 日在金 沙萨 举行的中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员会部长级会 议能够导致采取具体行动,加强区域和国际各级的合 [...]
作,从而促进中部非洲的军备控制和裁军并促成持久 和平与稳定。
We very much hope that upcoming Ministerial Meeting of the Standing [...]
Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central
Africa, to be held in Kinshasa from 26 to 30 April, will result in concrete actions aimed at strengthening cooperation at the regional and international levels, thereby contributing to arms control and disarmament in Central Africa and to the achievement of lasting peace and stability in that region.
2009 年 11 月 30 日至 12 月 2 日,应白俄罗斯外交部的邀请,人权高专办代 表团访问白俄罗斯并讨论了白俄罗斯筹备普遍定期审议和在促进和保护人权方面 [...]
实施技术援助联合项目的问题,其中包括履行根据审议结果向白俄罗斯提出的各 项建议。
At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign
[...] Affairs, a delegation from the OHCHR visited Belarus [...]
from 30 November to 2 December
2009 to discuss preparations for the UPR and the running of some joint technical assistance projects to promote and protect human rights, inter alia, by carrying out such recommendations as are made to Belarus in the wake of the review.
国际水文计划政府间理事会第十八届会议(巴黎,2008 年 6 月 9 日至 13 日)审 议了关 于在德意志联邦共和国建立水资源与全球变化国际中心的建议,并已得到国际水文计划主席 团在届会外(2008 [...]
年 4 月)的批准赞同,第十八届会议还通过了第
XVIII-3 号决议(附件 I),该决议认为建立拟议中心对实现国际水文计划的各项目标具有重要的促进作用,要求 秘书处协助起草将提交教科文组织理事机构的有关文件,并请会员国,特别是教科文组织现 有的、主要是在地区一级研究有关水问题的中心和机构网络,积极支持拟建中心,确保与现 有的地区中心开展合作与协作 。
The 18th session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council (Paris, 9-13 June 2008) considered a proposal [...]
for the establishment
of the International Centre of Water Resources and Global Change in the Federal Republic of Germany, which had been endorsed by an out-of-session approval of the IHP Bureau (April 2008), and adopted Resolution XVIII-3 (Annex I), by which, considering the establishment of the proposed Centre as an important contribution to achieving the goals of IHP, it requested the Secretariat’s assistance in preparing the documentation to be submitted to the governing bodies of UNESCO, and invited Member States and in particular the existing UNESCO network of centres and institutes which address relevant water issues, especially at the regional level, to actively support the proposed Centre and ensure cooperation with the existing regional centres.
(b) 如獲資助項目所獲的基金撥款 額達 100 萬元或以上,大學須於 項目完成日或項目協議終止日 起計三個月內,提交由項目開日至項目完成日或項目協議終 止日的最終已審核財務報表;若 所獲撥款少於 100 萬元,則大學 須於項目完成日或項目協議終 止日起計一個月內提交該份報 表。
(b) Final audited accounts covering the period from project commencement date to project completion date or termination date of the project agreement should be submitted within three months from the completion date of the project or termination date of the project agreement if the project fund involved is $1 million or above, and within one month if it is below $1 million.
法国常驻联合国(维也纳)代表团向联合国秘书长致意,并谨依照《关于 登记射入外层空间物体的公约》(大会第 3235 (XXIX)号决议附件)第四条的规 定,转交法国 2007 年 1 月 1 日至 7 月 31 日期间 发射的空间物体的资料(附件 一)、这一期间法国登记的已再入地球大气层的空间物体的资料(附件二)以 及法国以前发射的空间物体的补充资料(附件三)。
The Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations (Vienna) presents its compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and, in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to submit information on space objects launched by France during the period from 1 January to 31 July 2007 (annex I), information on space objects registered by France that have re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere during that period (annex II) and supplementary information on France’s previously launched space objects (annex III).
后勤基地 2010 年 7 月 1 日至 2011 年 6 月 30 日 期间的拟议预算为 72 017 800 美元(A/64/698),比 2009/10 年度的核定资源高出 24.3%,说明工作人员 人数增加了,这主要是为了加强常备警察能力、建立 司法和惩戒常备能力、以及外地中央审查理事会秘书 处搬迁;建筑服务追加经费用于:为通信和信息技术 处以及数据中心和网络通讯中心建立设备用房和办 公用地;更新布林迪西电子系统;为设在巴伦西亚的 二级运行状态通信设施购买通信和信息技术设备。
The proposed budget of the Logistics Base for the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 (A/64/698) was $72,017,800, which was 24.3 per cent higher than the resources approved for 2009/10, reflecting an increase in staffing, mainly to strengthen the Standing Police Capacity, establish a Justice and Corrections Standing Capacity and relocate the Field Central Review Board secretariat; additional requirements for construction services to create equipment room and office space for Communications and Information Technology Services and the data centre and network communications centre and to upgrade the electrical system at the Logistics Base; and additional requirements to acquire communications and information technology equipment for the secondary telecommunications facility at Valencia.
世界无线电通信会议(WRC-12)于 2012 年 1 月 23 日至 2 月 17 日在日 内 瓦举行,会议为气象卫星系统界定了一个新的频谱,以加强气象业务,特别是 在数值天气预报方面的业务;分配了另一个“频谱窗”用于地球勘探卫星服 务,以改进对水文循环组成部分的测量;并通过了一项决议,其中该会议要求 国际电联无线电通信部门研究“增进对地球观测无线电通信卫星应用的重要作 用和全球意义的认识的可能途径”。
The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) held in Geneva from 23 January to 17 February 2012 defined a new spectrum for meteorological satellite systems in order to improve operational meteorology, in particular with respect to numerical weather prediction; allocated an additional “spectrum window” for use by the Earth exploration satellite service in order to improve the measurement of hydrological cycle components; and adopted a resolution in which the Conference called for studies by ITU-R “on possible means to improve the recognition of the essential role and global importance of Earth observation radiocommunication applications”.
艾滋病署的代表回顾说,2012 年 2 月 6 日至 8 日在曼谷举行的评估《关 于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言》的承诺和千年发展目标执行进展情况亚 太高级别政府间会议取得了成功,在这次会议上各成员国(其中一些国家代 表团中包括主要受影响人口的代表)和包括宗教组织在内的民间社会代表共 聚一堂,审查在普及艾滋病毒预防、治疗、护理和支持服务方面取得的进展、 交流这方面的良好做法、以及讨论各种相关障碍。
The representative of UNAIDS recalled the successful convening of the AsiaPacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Assessment of Progress against Commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals in Bangkok from 6 to 8 February 2012, which had brought together member States, some of which had included representatives of key affected populations in their national delegations, and representatives of civil society, including faith-based organizations, to review progress, exchange good practices and address barriers to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
2 月 24 日至 26 日期间 ,全体工作组听取了有关以下议题的简报:全球外勤 [...]
支助战略;注重能力的方法;安全和安保以及安全风险管理模式;性别问题和儿 童保护;加强军事厅;统筹行动小组和综合特派团规划流程;维持和平与建设和 平的关系;安保部门的改革;解除武装、复员和重返社会;监测和监督技术;军
From 24 to 26 February, briefings were [...]
provided to the Working Group of the Whole on the following topics: global field
support strategy; capability driven approach; safety and security and the security risk management model; gender issues and child protection; strengthening the Office of Military Affairs; integrated operational teams and the integrated mission planning process; peacekeepingpeacebuilding nexus; security sector reform and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration; monitoring and surveillance technology; use of military helicopters; and human resources reform.
助团支助下加以管理:独立高级选举委员会于 3 月 4
[...] 日让伊拉克境内的军警人员、 被拘留者和住院的投票者进行特殊需求投票;3 月 5 日至 7 日,让居住在 16 个国 家和 67 个城市的伊拉克人进行境外投票(澳大利亚、奥地利、加拿大、丹麦、埃 [...]
The election process was divided into three separate and parallel events, all of which were administered by the Independent High Electoral Commission with the support of UNAMI: the Commission implemented special needs voting for police and military personnel, detainees
and hospitalized voters in
[...] Iraq on 4 March; out-ofcountry voting between 5 and 7 March for Iraqis [...]
residing in 16 countries
and across 67 cities (Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United States, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland); and the general election day for all Iraqi registered voters.
经社会赞扬秘书处与以下 7 个其他联合国实体合作于 2012 年 2 月 6 日 至 8 日在曼谷举行成功地举办了评估《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣 言》的承诺以及千年发展目标执行进展情况亚太高级别政府间会议:联合国 艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署(艾滋病署)、联合国开发计划署、联合国毒品和 27 犯罪问题办公室、联合国儿童基金会、联合国人口基金(人口基金)、联合国 促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署以及世界卫生组织。
The Commission commended the secretariat for the successful organization of the Asia-Pacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Assessment of Progress against Commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals, which had been convened in Bangkok from 6 to 8 February 2012 in partnership with seven other United Nations entities: the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS); United Nations Development Programme; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; United Nations Children’s Fund; United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women; and World Health Organization.
麻醉药品委员会各附属机构在 2011 年举行了五次会议:6 月 28 日至 7 月 1 日在维 也纳举行了欧洲各国禁毒执法机构负责人第九次会议;9 月 5 日至 9 日在 亚 的斯亚贝巴举行了非洲各国禁毒执法机构负责人第二十一次会议;10 月 3 日 至 7 日在圣 地亚哥举行了拉丁美洲和加勒比各国禁毒执法机构负责人第二十一 次会议;11 月 22 日至 25 日在阿格拉举行了亚洲和太平洋各国禁毒执法机构负 责人第三十五次会议;12 月 19 日至 22 日在维 也纳举行了近东和中东非法药物 贩运和有关事项小组委员会第四十六届会议。
Five meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs were held in 2011: the Ninth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law
Enforcement Agencies
[...] (HONLEA), Europe, held in Vienna from 28 June to 1 July; the Twenty-first Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Africa, held in Addis Ababa from 5 to 9 September; the Twenty-first Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Santiago from 3 to 7 October; the Thirty-fifth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Asia and the Pacific, held in Agra, India, from 22 to 25 November; and the forty-sixth session of the [...]
Subcommission on Illicit
Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East, held in Vienna from 19 to 22 December.
關於二 零零八年一月日至二零 零八年十二月三十一日期 間的核數檢討仍應在該期間完結後三個月內,根據 本協議附表三 D 部的規定進行。
The Auditing Review in respect of the period commencing from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008 shall remain to be conducted within 3 months after expiry of that period in accordance with Section D of Schedule 3 of this Agreement.
受 限 於 上 述 條 件 , 就 於 二 零零八 年 十 一 月 十 日 授 出 之 購 股 權 而 言 , 於 二 零 一 零 年 四 月日 至 二 零 一一年 四 月 九 日( 包 括 首 尾 兩 日 )期 間 不 得 行 使 50 % 以上之購 股 權 , 所 有 購 股 權 將 於 二 零 一一年 十 一 月 十 一 日 失 效 ; 就 於 二 零 一 零 年 四 月 十 三 日 授 出 之 購 股 權 而 言 , 於 二 零 一 零 年 四 月 十日 至 二 零 一一年 四 月 九 日( 包 括 首 尾 兩 日 )期 間 不 得 行 使 50 % 以上之購 股 權 , 所 有 購 股 權 將 於 二 零 一一年 十 一 月 十 一 日 失 效 。
Subject to the aforementioned condition, for the
[...] options granted on 10 November 2008, no more than 50% of the options may be exercised between 10 April 2010 and 9 April 2011, both dates inclusive and that all options shall lapse on 11 November 2011 and for the options granted on 13 April 2010, no more than 50% of the options may be exercised between 13 April 2010 and 9 April 2011, both dates inclusive and that all options [...]
shall lapse on 11 November 2011.
本公司執行董事及副行政總裁魏義軍先生於一九九六年六月三日與亞洲衛星有限公司訂立服務合約, 初步為期兩年,由一九九六年六月十 日至 一 九九八年六月十七日,並於往後繼續生效,除非或直至任 何一方向另一方於最初兩年屆滿時或其後之任何時間發出不少於六個曆月之書面通知,予以終止。
Mr. William WADE, an ED and the DCEO of the Company entered into a service contract with Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited on 3 June 1996 for an initial term of two years from 18 June 1996 to 17 June 1998 and thereafter, the contract shall continue unless or until terminated by either party in writing giving to the other not less than six calendar months’ notice in writing to expire on or at any time after the end of the initial two-year period.
PSP獎勵可按Glencore的意見以 發行新普通股、轉讓以庫存方式持有的普通股或轉讓於市場購買的普通股之方式或以現金(價值相等於歸屬時的獎勵市值,包括於獎勵 授日至歸屬 期間派付的股息)以股份支付。
The PSP awards may be satisfied, at Glencore’s option, in shares by the issue of new ordinary shares, by the transfer of ordinary shares held in treasury or by the transfer of ordinary shares purchased in the market or in cash, with a value equal to the market value of the award at vesting, including dividends paid between award and vesting.
关于第 2(d)段的执行情况,秘书处与联合国艾滋病规划署和其 他六个联合国机构合作,于 2012 年 2 月 6 日至 8 日在曼谷举行了 “评估《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言》的《承诺》以及 《千年发展目标》执行进展情况亚太高级别政府间会议”。
In response to paragraph 2 (d), the secretariat, in collaboration with UNAIDS and six other United Nations entities, convened the Asia-Pacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Assessment of Progress against Commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals in Bangkok from 6 to 8 February 2012.
13 2010 年 12 月 15 日至 17 日在曼谷举行的统计委员会第二届会议 [...]
审查了对于亚洲及太平洋统计工作发展具有战略重要性的各种问题, 并议定将努力实现以下目标:(a) 确保至 2020 年亚太区域所有国家都 有能力产生关于人口、经济、社会和环境的一系列基本统计数据,以
及(b) 通过加强合作为各国统计机构创造适应性更强和成本效益高的 信息管理环境。
The Committee on Statistics at its second session, held in
[...] Bangkok from 15 to 17 December 2010, reviewed a [...]
range of issues of strategic importance
to statistics development in the Asian and Pacific region, and agreed to work towards the goals of (a) ensuring that, by 2020, all countries in the region have the capability to generate a basic range of population, economic, social and environment statistics, and (b) creating a more adaptive and cost-effective information management environment for national statistical offices through stronger collaboration.
国际法庭问题非正式工作组设立于2000年6月,处理有关起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法 庭(前南问题国际法庭)的地位的具体问题,随后被授权处理有关前南问题国际法庭及起诉应对1994年 1月 1 日至 1 2 月 3 1 日 期 间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人 道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭(卢旺达问题国际法庭)的其他法律问题。
The Informal Working Group on International Tribunals was established in June 2000 to deal with a specific issue pertaining to the statute of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 (ICTY) and subsequently mandated to deal with other legal issues pertaining to ICTY as well as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994 (ICTR).




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