

单词 日新


每日新闻 n

daily News pl


Anzac Day


Asahi Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)

External sources (not reviewed)

由於包裝方日新月異,以新包裝方法包裝的食物 可能需要研究真實的樣本才能決定是否屬於預先包裝食物。
Due to the advancement in packaging method, for
[...] products packed with new packaging methods, [...]
examination of real samples might be required
to determine whether they were prepackaged food.
1.2 2008 年6月6 日,新来文 特别报告员代表委员会决定,关于该来文可否受 理的问题,应该与案情分开审议。
1.2 On 6 June 2008, the Special Rapporteur on new communications, acting [...]
on behalf of the Committee, decided that the admissibility
of the communication should be considered separately from the merits.
推行全面醫療改革的目的, 是確保我們的醫療系統繼續為社會提供質素優良而市民又能負擔的醫護服 務,同時顧及不斷轉變的情況,例如人口老化、醫療科 日新 月 異 ,以及公 眾對醫療服務越來越高的期望。
The objective of this comprehensive health care reform exercise is to ensure that our health care system will continue to provide quality and affordable care to the community in the light of changing circumstances, such as the ageing population, the advances in medical technology and the ever-rising public expectations.
與此同時,我們已 就《條例》展開全面檢討,以改善執法工作的效率、加強監管保養工 作、配日新月異的技術發展和滿足公眾對升降機及自動梯安全不斷 提高的期望。
In parallel, we started a comprehensive review of the Ordinance with a view to improving the operational efficiency of the enforcement work, tightening up the control of maintenance practices, and coping with technological advancement and increasing expectations from members of the public on lift and escalator safety.
在这两个预算选择 下,考虑到阿拉伯国家地日新月异的变革,教科文组织将在整个 36 C/5 期间更加关注在自 己的主管领域增加其服务和计划,以满足会员国和整个地区的优先需要,包括通过募集更多 预算外资金来支持这些国家。
Under both
[...] budget options for the 36 C/5, considering the fast-changing reforms in the Arab States region, UNESCO will be looking to increase its services and programmes [...]
in its areas of competence
throughout the period in order to respond to the priority needs of individual Member States and of the region as a whole, including through raising additional extrabudgetary funds for support to these countries.
然而,随着教育者尝试承认新的社会经济现实( 日新 月 异的信息通信工具,以及它们 对人类行为、价值观以及追求的的影响),在课程设置中纳入新的知识和技能,使学习内容 [...]
既针对学生们当前的生活,也能够为他们未来的成功做准备,课程设置本身也正在变得越来 越复杂。
However, curriculum itself is becoming more
complex as educators seek
[...] to acknowledge new economic and social realities (such as rapidly emerging [...]
information and communication
technologies and their impact on human behaviour, values and aspirations), to integrate new knowledge and skills into the curriculum, and to make students’ learning both relevant to their current lives and essential for success in their future lives.
美国国务院,《美国对南沙群岛及南海 的政策》,日新闻发布会,1995 年 5 月 10 日。
U.S. Department of State, “U.S. Policy on Spratly Islands and South
[...] China Sea”, Daily Press Briefings, [...]
10 May 1995.
所张贴的信息包括日新闻 剪 报和来自主管维持和平行动和外勤支助事务副秘书长的信息,并建立了一个网 [...]
[...] posted includes daily news clippings and [...]
messages from the Under-Secretaries-General for Peacekeeping Operations
and Field Support, and an online discussion forum was created in which staff can express their concerns or ideas relating to specific issues.
秘书长谨向理事会转递 2011 年 1 月 31 日新加坡常驻联合国代表团的普通照 [...]
The Secretary-General is hereby communicating to the Council a
[...] note verbale dated 31 January 2011 from [...]
the Permanent Mission of Singapore to
the United Nations (see annex).
主要费用将产生于计划将所有设在纽约的妇女署工作人员搬迁到《 日新 闻》大厦(东 42 街 220 号)的新办公房地,该地点是 2010 年通过透明和竞争性招 标程序选定的。
A major cost will arise from the planned
[...] move of all New York-based UN-Women staff to new office premises in the Daily News Building [...]
(220 East 42nd Street),
selected from a transparent and competitive bidding process in 2010.
1.2 2007 年8月18 日,新来文和临时措施特别报告员依照委员会议事规则第 108条第1 款行事,请缔约国在委员会审议这份申诉期间不要将申诉人遣返回刚 [...]
1.2 On 18 August 2007, the Special Rapporteur on New Communications and [...]
Interim Measures, acting under rule 108, paragraph
1, of the Committee’s rules of procedure, requested the State party not to deport the complainant to the Democratic Republic of the Congo while her complaint was being considered.
一些成員認為社日新月異 ,市民投訴新興行業和服務的數 字與日俱增,因此《商品說明條例》的修訂範圍,宜寬不宜 [...]
Given the rapid changes of society and the rising number of
[...] complaints about new industries and [...]
services, some members opined that the scope
of revision of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance (TDO) should be as broad as possible and that the Ordinance should be reviewed and revised regularly.
2008 年 10 月 10 日,新西兰 代表在特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会) 上发言,对委员会为审议托克劳问题所做的努力表示赞赏,并指出,自领土人民 在联合国监督下进行自决全民投票以来,已经过去一年了(见 A/C.4/63/SR.6)。
Speaking before the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) at its 6th meeting, on 10 October 2008, the representative of New Zealand expressed appreciation for the Committee’s consideration of the question of Tokelau, noting that nearly a year had passed since the people of that Territory had voted in a United Nations-supervised self-determination referendum (see A/C.4/63/SR.6).
通过日新闻和 规划会议改善了编辑协调工作,进一步扩大在所有语文单位 和平台共享多种语文的内容。
Editorial coordination was
[...] improved through daily news and planning [...]
meetings, allowing for the increased sharing of multilingual
content across all language units and platforms.
秉着对质量的承诺,Acme 始终恪守身为优质产品供应商的严格要求,不断适 日新 月 异 的发展变化,满足当今市场的各种需求。
With this commitment to quality Acme has positioned itself to be the premiere supplier of quality products to meet the demanding needs of today's marketplace while adapting to the dynamic changes of tomorrow.
人與人的會合、思想的碰撞、能量的交融構成了匯流街區的特色,對所有居民來說,“匯流”體現的是和諧的希望和高品質生活的前景,象征著裡昂古城的新生,歐洲大都市 日新 月 異 ”,大裡昂地區主席、裡昂市長、參議員吉拉爾•格隆博(Gérard Colomb)這樣強調。
The meeting between people, energy and ideas that characterises the Confluence embodies a promise of harmony and quality of life for everyone, and symbolises the renewal of the Lyon conurbation, a European metropolis undergoing constant change,” according to Gérard Colomb, senator and mayor of Lyon and president of Greater Lyon.
实际上科技日新月异 已经使一些行业的产品有效寿命缩短(如软件程序版 本的不断更新),著作权保护期限的延长纯属多余。
Indeed, the rate of technical change has led in several industries to a shorter effective product life (for example, successive editions of software programmes) which point to longer copyright protection being redundant.
2012 年 1 月 1 日,新的《 科索沃最高法院私有化机构相关事宜特别分庭法》 开始生效。
On 1 January 2012, the new law on the establishment [...]
of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court on Privatization Agency
of Kosovo-Related Matters came into force.
但需要更多的资源,而且应制定和实施新的战略, 以期实现语文充分平等,包括提供所有正式语文的日新闻稿
However, more resources were needed, and a new strategy should be designed and
implemented in order to achieve full linguistic parity,
[...] including the delivery of daily press releases in all [...]
official languages.
雖然這些政策聽來合理,但要為開發商訂定永續標準並不容易,因為科 日新 月 異,不斷有更永續的技術上市,如何為長期區分法規選擇最具效力的永續附加案,變得越來越困難。
As more “green” policies take effect and newer more sustainable technologies hit the marketplace, choosing the most effective “sustainability” amendment for a long-term zoning code is becoming increasingly difficult.
消费者的需日新月异,因此我们必须不 断倾听人们需要什么,然后创造性地满足这些需要。
Consumer needs are constantly changing, so we must continually listen to what people want and use our creativity [...]
to satisfy these changing needs.
對 於 企 業 合 併 形 成 的 長 期 股 權 投 資,通 過 同 一 控 制 下 的 企 業 合 併 取 得 的,以 取 得 被 合 併 方 所 有 者 權 益 賬 面 價 值 的 份 額 作 為 初 始 投 資 成 本;通 過 非 同 一 控 制 下 的 企 業 合 併 取 得 的,以 合 併 成 本 作 為 初 始 投 資 成 本(通 過 多 次 交 易 分 步 實 現 非 同 一 控 制 下 的 企
業 合 併 的,以 購 買 日 之 前 所 持 被 購 買 方 的 股 權 投
[...] 資 的 賬 面 價 值 與 購日 新 增 投 資 成 本 之 和 作 為 [...]
初 始 投 資 成 本),合 併 成 本 包 括 購 買 方 付 出 的 資 產、發
生 或 承 擔 的 負 債、發 行 的 權 益 性 證 券 的 公 允 價 值 之 和。
The initial investment cost of long-term equity investments derived from business combination through the merger of companies not under the common control is measured at the acquisition costs (The initial investment cost of the merger of companies not under the common control through multiple transactions in different stages is measured at the sum of the
carrying value of equity investments in the
[...] acquiree held prior to the date of acquisition [...]
and the cost of additional investment on the date of acquisition).
(a) 2011 年 2 月 5 日,新设立 的专业发展委员会核准了巡警基本计划(为期 六个星期的阿富汗国家警察标准化培训计划)和对培训员培训教学方案,目标是 [...]
到 7 月 11 日培养 500 名合格的阿富汗国家警察教官,到 2011 年底培养 900 名。
(a) On 5 February 2011, the newly developed Professional [...]
Development Board endorsed both the Basic Police Patrolman (a standardized
six-week training programme for the Afghan National Police) and the Train the Trainer programme of instruction, with the goal of qualifying 500 Afghan National Police instructors by 11 July and 900 by the end of 2011.
时至日,新加坡 有逾84%的市民居于出租或出售的公营房屋。
Today, more than 84% of Singapore's [...]
residents live in homes that are rented or have been bought in the public sector.
应当指出的是,2010 年 1 月 4 日新的《 白俄罗斯共和国外国人和无国籍人法 律地位法》(下称新的《外国人法》)自 [...]
2010 年 7 月 21 日起生效,其中包含关于 驱逐外国人的类似规定。
It should be noted that, on
[...] 21 July 2010, a new Act, dated 4 January 2010, [...]
will come into force “On the legal status of
aliens and stateless persons in the Republic of Belarus” (hereinafter “the new Aliens Act”), which contains similar provisions on the expulsion of aliens.
民研計劃早前已經討論及提出了一些問責官員的民望基準(請參閱2006年10 月 1 0 日新 聞 公報『附加資料』部分),日後亦會根據這些基準評估所有問責官員的得失,作為特首委任和罷免問責官員的其中一項參考指標。
These include the reward-penalty aspect of the system, and how to make these
officials accountable. It was
[...] quite some time ago that POP discussed and suggested a [...]
number of benchmarks for mapping the
popularity of these officials (please refer to the supplementary section in our press release of October 10, 2006), we will continue to adopt these benchmarks to evaluate the performance of these officials, in order to provide a reference for the CE to re-appoint or dismiss these officials.
3 月 6 日,“新生力量”在与忠于巴 博先生的部队激烈交战之后,控制了同利比里亚接壤 [...]
的边境重镇 Toulepleu,缴获了国防和安全部队(国防 军)丢弃的一架军事上称为 BM-21 的多管火箭弹发射 器。
On 6 March, the Forces nouvelles took [...]
control of Toulepleu, a key town on the border with Liberia, after heavy fighting
with forces loyal to Mr. Gbagbo, capturing a multibarrel rocket launcher — known in military parlance as a BM-21 — abandoned by the Forces de défense et de sécurité (FDS).
新加坡投资商静待缅甸选举》,美联社,2009 年 6 月 12 日; 《新加坡 前总理吴作栋敦促缅甸继续推进国家和解进程》,新 [...]
加坡亚洲新闻频道,2009 年 6 月 12 日。
Singapore investors wait on Myanmar polls”,
[...] Associated Press, 12 June 2009; “SM Goh urges [...]
Myanmar to continue with national reconciliation
process”, Channel NewsAsia, 12 June 2009.
注意到世界贸易中危险货物的贸易量正在日益增加,技术和 新日新 月 异, 回顾对各种运输方式的危险货物运输,主要国际文书和许多国家条例目前已 实现与委员会关于危险货物运输建议书所附示范条例较好的接轨,但为了加强安 全和便利贸易,有必要在统一这些文书方面进一步开展工作;还回顾世界上一些 国家在修订国家内陆运输法规方面取得的进展并不均衡,对国际多式联运继续造 成严重困难
the ever-increasing volume of dangerous goods being introduced into worldwide commerce, and the rapid expansion of technology and innovation, that, while the major international instruments governing the transport of dangerous goods by the various modes of transport and many national regulations are now better harmonized with the Model Regulations annexed to the Committee’s recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods, further work on harmonizing these instruments is necessary to enhance safety and to facilitate trade, and recalling also that uneven progress in the updating of national inland transport legislation in some countries of the world continues to present serious challenges to international multimodal transport
I/4 号决定更新非第 5 条缔约方每年提交关键用途 提名的截止日期,以反映第 5
[...] 条缔约方的情况;她还指出,各缔约方可能希望 修订该决定来反映上述日期,或直接在新版手册中采 新日 期。
I/4 to reflect the situation of Article 5 parties, and that
parties might wish to amend that decision to reflect those dates or simply adopt
[...] them through the new version of the [...]




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