

单词 日文

日文 ()

Japanese (language)



China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs

External sources (not reviewed)

此外, 學生可以修讀大學理事會認可的大學先修班,當中的外語包括 文 、 法 文 、 日文 及西班牙文。
Students may take College Board
approved Advanced Placement courses for the languages in which they are
[...] offered: Chinese, French, Japanese, and Spanish.
The translation workload, in
[...] particular, for the Japanese, Chinese and Korean [...]
languages is estimated to increase.
进一步审查自 2008 年临时报告以来日本的事态发展之后,关于国际劳工组织-教科文组
织实施《关于教学人员的建议书》的联合专家委员会建议政府和教师组织利用国际劳工组织 和教科文组织的咨询服务,以获得协商制度和社会对话、教师评价和优点评估方面的良好做
[...] 法,这些良好做法有可能成为改进的榜样,与国际劳工组织和教科文组织合作, 日文 编写 相互可以接受的《1966 年建议书》案文谅解书。
In the further review of developments in Japan since the 2008 interim report, the CEART recommended that the Government and teachers’ organizations use the advisory services of the ILO and UNESCO to access good practices on systems of consultation and social dialogue, teacher evaluation and merit assessment that might serve as models for improvement, and
cooperate with ILO and UNESCO to prepare a mutually acceptable
[...] understanding of the text of the 1966 Recommendation in Japanese.
适用国际 Typesets (如:文,日文,日文汉字 ,泰文,俄文...) 像其它字体和打印或输出标签,表格和报告在所有支持的平台上使用任意字符组。
Use international
[...] typesets (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Kanji, Thai, Russian, [...]
...) like any other font and print or export labels,
forms and reports using arbitrary character sets on all supported platforms.
根据第 169 EX/7.1 号决定,本增补件涉及顺延与九个基金会和其它类似机构的正式关
[...] 系问题,秘书处收到的有关这些机构的资料得以在 2004 年 6 月 30 日文件 1 70 EX/29 最后定 稿日期之后对其与教科文组织的法定合作关系进行了评估。
Pursuant to 169 EX/Decision 7.1, this addendum deals with the renewal of official relations with nine foundations and similar institutions for which the Secretariat
received relevant information
[...] after 30 June 2004, the deadline for the finalization of document 170 EX/29, [...]
enabling an evaluation
to be made of their statutory cooperation relations with UNESCO.
日本日文和英 文出版并且增订了一本关于裁军与不扩散的书,里面提供了 [...]
Japan published and updated a [...]
book that provides useful information on disarmament and non-proliferation in both Japanese
and English, and published a pamphlet briefly describing Japan’s efforts.
(b) 本议定书的其他正式文本,由总干事与有关政府和组织协商,以德文、阿 拉伯文、中文、意大文、日文、葡 萄牙文和俄文,以及大会可能指定的其他文字 [...]
(b) Official texts of this Protocol shall be established by the Director General, after consultation with the interested governments and organizations,
in the Arabic, Chinese,
[...] German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian [...]
languages, and in such other languages as the Assembly may designate.
3.3 問卷分別以文、英文、日文和韓文四種語言編寫。
3.3 Questionnaires in four languages,
[...] namely, Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean were prepared [...]
and distributed in accordance
to the language preference of the exhibitors.
Only in the esoteric Essene circles whence the
[...] apocalyptic literature emanated were [...]
attempted all the elaborate descriptions of paradise
that found their way into the Midrash Konen, the Ma'aseh Gan 'Eden, and similar midrashim of the geonic time given in Jellinek's "BH" ii.
這 使 日 本 人 傾 向 學 習 荷 蘭 語 及 西 方 科 學 , 特 別 是 西 方 的 醫 學
[...] , 並 且 將 西 方 的 知 識 翻 譯日 文 。
It induced the Japanese to learn
the Dutch language and Western science, especially the Western medicine, and translate
[...] western knowledge into Japanese.
日本政府已将《公约日文版和关于批准《公约》的信息刊登在一个网站上, 并且在网站上刊登了外交部《外交蓝皮书》,向大众介绍《公约》的存在及其意 义。
The Government of Japan has posted a Japanese translation of the Convention [...]
and news regarding its ratification on a website
and included it in the Diplomatic Bluebook of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to inform the public of its existence and significance.
时至日,文件已 不仅仅由文本组成,而可以包含图像,音频甚至视频。
Today's documents can consist of not only text, but images, [...]
audio, and even video.
秘书长 2008 年联合日文告获 译成许多语文,包括阿美尼亚语、印度 尼西亚语、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、德语、希腊语、芬兰语、匈牙利 [...]
语、意大利语、缅甸语、波兰语、葡萄牙语、罗马尼亚语、斯洛伐克语、 瑞典语、泰语和乌克兰语。
The Secretary-General’s message
[...] for United Nations Day 2008 was translated into [...]
many languages, including Armenian, Bahasa
Indonesia, Czech, Danish, Dutch, German, Greek, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Myanmar (Burmese), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Thai and Ukrainian.
您会以下列一种语言使用智能网络扫描仪:荷兰文、英文、法文、德文、意大 文 、 日文 、韩 文、葡萄牙文、俄文、简体中文、西班牙文、繁体中文或土耳其文。
You will be using the Scan Station for one of the
following languages: Dutch, English,
[...] French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, [...]
Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish,
Traditional Chinese or Turkish.
(iii) 把三種外語 ( 法文、文及日文) 的培訓納入“ 語文"這個現 有的技能範疇內 。
(iii) to include training in three additional foreign languages, namely
[...] French, German and Japanese, under the existing [...]
skill domain “language”.
在后来的世界日文学以 法莲弥赛亚是介绍了本Ḥushiel尼希米记的名称,作为梅纳海姆本的茴香萨尔瓦多胜利弥赛亚(“惠,神的人民的儿子”:耶利内克,“波黑”二56,60。
In the later apocalyptic literature the Ephraimite [...]
Messiah is introduced by the name of Nehemiah ben Ḥushiel, and the victorious
Messiah as Menahem ben 'Ammi El ("Comforter, son of the people of God": Jellinek, "BH" ii. 56, 60 et al.
我們幫你日文描述產品內容, 幫你日文跟買家聯絡.
We write the product description in Japanese and communicate with the buyer [...]
for you.
最后,我谨确认,2011 年 5 月 12 日文件 S/2011/298 所载秘书长关于联合国组织刚果民主共 [...]
Lastly, I would like to recognize the essential
nature of the report of the Secretary-General
[...] contained in document S/2011/298, of [...]
12 May 2011, on the United Nations Organization
Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).
书长在 2008 年 1 月 14 日文件 S /2008/18 所载的报告 中提到的那样,预防是一项多层面的工作,包含政治 决定、人道主义活动和发展活动,而且要求各组织与 联合国,尤其是与安全理事会、人权理事会、经济及 社会理事会以及各专门机构密切合作。
However, to prevent effectively, there is a need to bear in mind, as recalled by the Secretary-General in his report contained in document S/2008/18 of 14 January 2008, that prevention is a multidimensional task involving political decisions, humanitarian activities and development activities that require organizations to work in close cooperation with the United Nations, and especially with the Security Council, the Human Rights Council, the Economic and Social Council and the specialized agencies.
英文、希伯萊文、俄羅斯文、簡體中文、繁體中文、土耳其文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文、匈牙利文、 法文、芬蘭文、希臘文、馬來文、阿拉 文 、 德 文 、 日文 、 韓 文 、 波蘭文、丹麥文。
English, Hebrew, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Hungarian, French, Finnish,
[...] Greek, Malay, Arabic, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, and Danish.
旅舍的书架上排放着各种英文书籍 日文 书 籍 ,电视休息室内也提供种类繁多的视频和DVD光碟,并提供宽带网络。
There is an extensive
[...] collection of English and Japanese books to be found [...]
on the bookshelves and in the TV lounge we have
a good collection of videos and DVDs as well as broadband internet.
在菜單中選擇語言轉換,一個下拉對會框會出現,您可以 選擇您所要轉換的語言系統,如 文/日文 / 英 文。
A drop down list will extend from the menu where you can select the language for the display.
這可能與 2011 年的統計調查中,引入日文版本的問卷及安排了通曉日語的訪問員到場協助解決語言上的障礙有關。
8.2.1 In terms of the country of
origin, the increase in the response rate was
[...] mostly related to Japan (from a response [...]
rate of 22.6% in 2010 to 61.2% in 2011),
and was likely associated with the introduction of Japanese version of questionnaires and Japanese-speaking enumerators to overcome the language barrier during the fieldwork execution in the 2011 Survey.
[...] 驾驶执照的发放机关、大使馆·领事馆、JAF、东亚关系协会(仅是台湾)) 日文翻 译就有效。
Licenses issued by Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Taiwan are valid if they are attached with a Japanese translation issued by the
country’s license issuing institution,
[...] embassy/consulate, the JAF, or the East Asia [...]
Relations Committee (only in the case of Taiwan).
所有的版本(包含VC版本)能够使用不同的字符集,如阿拉伯语,Cantoneese,孟加拉文,希腊文,希伯来文,印 文 , 日文 , 韩 文 , 俄文,泰文等等,使用适当的字体(例如Arial [...]
Unicode MS)。
All versions (including VC) can use different character sets
such as Arabic, Cantoneese, Bengali,
[...] Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Thai, [...]
etc., using the appropiate font (such as Arial Unicode MS).
2009 年 5 月 29 日通过的关于制定 2009 年会议工作方
[...] 案的决定(CD/1864)中同意,在 1995 年 3 月 24 日文 件 C D/1299 及其中所载授权的基础上立即开始并及早 [...]
In that connection, the Union attaches great importance to the immediate commencement and early conclusion of negotiations on a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear
weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, on
[...] the basis of document CD/1299 of 24 [...]
March 1995 and the mandate contained therein,
as agreed in the decision adopted on 29 May 2009 by the Conference on Disarmament on the establishment of a programme of work for the 2009 session (CD/1864).
(2) 凡 某 項認可的 撤銷或 暫 時 吊 銷 已 生 效 , 署 長 必 須 在 切實可行範圍內 , 盡 快將該項撤銷或 暫 時 吊 銷 最 少 連續 3 天 在行銷 於香港的文日報及 中 文 日報各一份 內公告。
(2) Where the revocation or suspension of a recognition has taken effect, the Director must, as soon as practicable, give notice of the revocation or suspension for at least 3 consecutive days in one English language daily newspaper and one Chinese language daily newspaper in circulation in Hong Kong.
(iii) 倘該等股份於聯交所上市,本公司已在於香港流通之一份主要文 日報上以英文及一份主要文日報上 以中文(即就公司條例第 71A 條於憲報刊發及刊登之報章)刊登廣告,作出通知表明有意出售該 [...]
等股份,並已知會聯交所該意圖,而且由最後一日刊登該廣告之日 期後起已過三個月的期間。
(iii) where such shares are listed on the Stock Exchange the Company has caused advertisements to be inserted in
English in a leading English
[...] language daily newspaper and in Chinese in a leading Chinese language daily newspaper circulating [...]
in Hong Kong,
being newspapers issued and published in the Gazette for the purposes of Section 71A of the Ordinance, giving notice of its intention to sell such shares and has notified the Stock Exchange of such intention and a period of three months has elapsed since the date of the last of such advertisements.
除根據細則第26條發出通知,有關獲委任接收每次催繳付款之人士及付款 指定時間及地點之通告,可藉在香港以英文在最少一份 文日 報 及以中文在最少一份文日報刊 登付費廣告之形式發出通告知會股東(惟上述日報須名列香港政府憲報就 公司條例第71A條發出及刊登報章之名單內)。
In addition to the giving of notice in accordance with Article 26, notice of the person appointed to receive payment of every call and of the times and places appointed for payment may be given to the members by notice to be published as a paid advertisement in
English in at least one
[...] English language daily newspaper and in Chinese in at least one Chinese language daily newspaper [...]
(provided that the aforesaid
daily newspapers shall be included in the list of newspapers issued and published in the Hong Kong Government Gazette for the purpose of section 71A of the Companies Ordinance).
任何根據此等公司細則提供或刊發之通告或文件須採用書面形式,並 由本公司親自或以預付郵資函件、封套或包裹按名冊上之登記地址郵寄或送交予股東 或按上述登記地址遞交或放置於上址,或﹙如屬通告﹚以英文在有關地區流通的一份 主要文日報及 (倘有關地區為香港)以中文在一份主要 文日 報 刊 登廣告。
Any notice or document to be given or issued under these Bye-laws shall be in writing, and may be served by the Company on any member either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to such member at his registered address as appearing in the register or by delivering or leaving it at such registered address as aforesaid or (in the case of a notice) by advertisement
in English in a
[...] leading English language daily newspaper and (if the Relevant Territory is Hong Kong) in Chinese in a leading Chinese language daily newspaper circulating [...]
in the Relevant Territory.




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