

单词 日常生活

See also:



日常 n

daily life n
ordinary n
everyday life n

生活 n

lives pl
activity n
lifestyle n

External sources (not reviewed)

但现在主流新闻媒体 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速扩张,并不
断地花样翻新,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 询委员会试想,现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更
[...] 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以较贴近 世界各地人日常生活的方 式促进联合国工作。
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative sources, news distribution platforms are rapidly multiplying and diversifying and social media tools are revolutionizing the way in which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to
promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more
[...] relevant to the daily lives of individuals [...]
all around the world.
英国聚乙烯工业公司 (BPI) 在过去十年来不断发展 壮大,成功的策略让它成为了全球聚乙烯薄膜产
[...] 品的最大生产商之一,产品广泛应用 日常生 活中; 公司的回收工厂负责重新处理英国境内工 [...]
British Polythene Industries (BPI) has developed over the last decade to strategically become one of the largest producers
of polythene film products worldwide
[...] which are used in everyday applications and [...]
its recycling plants reprocess waste from
industrial, commercial, agricultural and domestic source across the UK.
当儿童获得发表真实感受的机会,获得心声被倾听的平台时,他们会成为针对影响 日常生活 问 题 的最有说服力的、充满激情的发言人。
When children are given an honest chance to speak
and a platform to be listened to, they are the most eloquent, passionate speakers
[...] on issues that affect their daily lives.
工作 小組會諮詢聽障人士和其他相關持份者對推廣手語的意
[...] 見,以釐定推廣手語的策略性方向,增加對聽障人士日 常生活上的支援,建構共融的社區。
The Working Group will consult persons with hearing impairment and other relevant stakeholders in mapping out the strategic directions in promoting the use of sign language with a
view to enhancing support for persons with hearing
[...] impairment in their daily lives and building [...]
an inclusive community.
由于各 种设施的现代化,西班牙出现了一些大型音乐周和音乐节,并造就了几代才华横
[...] 溢的作曲家和演奏家,这些人见证了各种形式的音乐是如何成为西班牙 日常生 活的一部分。
Encouraged by this modernization, major cycles and festivals have appeared, and several generations of composers and musicians of great intellectual standing
have been trained – a reflection of how music in its various forms of expression
[...] has become a part of people’s daily lives.
委员会关切妇女与男子之间以及女孩与男孩之间没有平等分 日常生 活责任 ,包括照料责任,极大地影响了妇女和女孩接受教育、培训和科学技 [...]
The Commission expresses concern that the unequal sharing of
[...] responsibilities of daily life, including caregiving [...]
between women and men, girls and
boys, has a disproportionate impact on women’s and girls’ access to education, training and science and technology, and on their economic empowerment and long-term economic security.
此外,學生應能運用碳化合物的系統名稱和通俗名稱,作為學術日 常生活上傳遞化學知識和理解的工具。
Students are also expected to be able to use the
[...] systematic and common trivial names of carbon compounds to communicate knowledge and understanding in study and in daily life.
[...] 队采取了一种审慎和系统的政策以破坏基础设施, 这不是因为目标构成了军事威胁,而是要使平民百 姓日常生活更加困难。
Finally, the evidence gathered by the Mission showed that the Israeli military forces had adopted a deliberate and systematic policy to destroy infrastructure not
because the targets constituted a military threat but in
[...] order to make the daily life of the civilian population [...]
来自巴勒斯坦和联合王国的青年,在接受视频制作技能培训后,围绕与和平相关的问 题,共同制作了一个在线辩论节目“我们 日常生活 ”。
Youth from Palestine and United Kingdom, trained
in video production skills, jointly produced an online debate
[...] programme “Our everyday lives” on issues [...]
related to peace.
2009 年 4 月 23 日至 27 日,第二大因特网旅行社 Orbitz Worldwide 公 司对美国公民进行调查,其中有 67%的受访者会支持允许美国人到古巴
[...] 旅行的政策,72%的人认为,“扩大到古巴的旅行和旅游会对古巴人民日常生活产生积极影响”。
From 23 to 27 April 2009, Orbitz Worldwide, the second largest Internet travel agency, conducted a survey of United States citizens which showed that 67 per cent of those polled would support a policy that allowed United States citizens to travel to Cuba and 72 per cent
said that an expansion of travel and tourism to Cuba would have a
[...] positive impact on the daily life of the Cuban people.
为了让公众了解科技日常生活中的 重要性,在巡展之外,瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心还组织 [...]
了“E+科学系列活动”,即“爱因斯坦”展在广州和香港巡回展出期间,在以上城市组织一系列的高端 科学系列活动,目的在于通过这个项目增强瑞中两国在高科技领域合作的可能性,展示瑞士是创新
During the exhibition’s stay in Guangzhou and Hong Kong,
[...] several high-level events will take place [...]
in the respective cities, so as to bring
together the high potentials of China and Switzerland, present Switzerland as a top location for science, technology and innovation, and to foster interest in studying in and cooperating with Switzerland.
如果要实现在提高地雷受害 日常生活 质 量方面取得可衡量的 进展,加强所有相关行为者之间的合作就十分重要。
Strengthening collaboration and cooperation between all relevant
actors will be essential if measurable progress in improving
[...] the quality of daily life for mine victims [...]
is to be achieved.
他还想知道近东救济工程处将采取哪些措施对 不断出现的供资不足问题产生真正的影响,此问题
[...] 令人更为担忧该机构可能无法提供其基本服务,从 而使巴勒斯坦难民日常生活条件 更为艰难;他还 想知道会员国如何共同解决近东救济工程处当前的 [...]
Also, he wondered what it would take to make a real impact on the recurrent cycle of underfunding, which added fear of the possible loss
of the Agency’s essential services to
[...] the pain of the daily living conditions of [...]
the Palestine refugees; and how Member States
could collectively deal with the ongoing financial problems experienced by UNRWA.
尽管如此日常生活费用 ,如食品和住宿,仍然相当便宜。
Given this, daily living costs such as food [...]
and accommodation can be expensive.
尽管自 2010 年 6 月以色 列政府做出有关加沙通行的决定后取得了一些进展, 但是还需作出进一步努力,以实现政策上的根本改
[...] 变,以便重建并恢复加沙的经济,提高人民 日常生 活水平 ,同时顾及以色列正当的安全关切。
Despite some progress following the decision of the Government of Israel in June 2010 regarding Gaza access, further efforts are needed to achieve a fundamental change of policy that allows for the
reconstruction and economic recovery of Gaza
[...] and improves the daily lives of the population [...]
while addressing Israel’s legitimate security concerns.
我認為長遠的政策措施,必須包括(一)如何保障長者所 需日常生活費用 ;(二)如何改善對長者提供的醫療服務;(三)完成保障有 [...]
關退休保障的研究,並就成立全民退休保障及改革現有強積金制度諮詢公 眾;及(四)為發展長期護理訂定政策及融資安排,以縮短長者院舍輪候時
I think that such long-term policies and measures must
include the following which: (a) aim at
[...] assuring the day-to-day living expenses of the elderly; [...]
(b) improve health care services
for the elderly; (c) complete studies relating to retirement protection and conduct public consultation on universal retirement protection and reform of the Mandatory Provident Fund system; and (d) draw up policies and financing arrangements for long-stay care so as to shorten the waiting time for RCHEs and increase community support services for them.
最重要的事情是要知道,即使我们拥有的水总量无时不刻都在循环,但是我 们用日常生活的水 ,例如饮用、做饭和洗刷的水却在不断减少,而且很难重新 获得。
The important thing to remember is that although the amount of water we have in the world will never actually decrease, but the amount of water we can use for important things such as drinking, cooking and washing is steadily decreasing, and it’s very hard to get back again.
拍卖会的所得将用于创作一件反映上 日常生活 的 作 品,并会在2013年在匹兹堡举办的展览中展出。
The proceeds of the sale will go into the production of a subsequent exhibition
[...] representing everyday Shanghai life in Pittsburgh [...]
in 2013.
今天我们将会了解到,我们 日常生活 中 使用的很多产品都是由石油制成的。
Today we are going to
[...] learn that in our daily lives there are many [...]
products that we use made from petroleum.
梅賽德斯-奔馳香港有限公司於今天宣佈smart電動汽車的試驗計劃,成為香港首部應用 日常生活 的 歐 洲電動汽車。
Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited today announced a pilot program for the smart electric drive, Hong Kong’s
[...] first European electric car for daily use.
[...] 的是,尽管在有关援助受害者的工作方面投入了大量资金,但据国际残疾人协会 说,对许多幸存者而言,自内罗毕首脑会议以来, 日常生活 质 量 毫无改善。
However, it is of concern to the States Parties that, despite the significant amount of funding invested in victim assistance-related efforts, for many survivors,
according to Handicap International, there has been no improvement in the
[...] quality of their daily lives since the Nairobi Summit.
鉴于科学进步和技术对个人和群 日常生活 的 巨大影响,必须结合下述权 利来理解科学权:言论自由,包括跨越国界寻求、接收和发出信息及各种主张的 [...]
自由;14 每个人直接或通过自由选择的代表参与公共事务的权利;15 以及所有 人民的自决权利。16 还必须考虑到的是发展权(
其目的是“在全体人民和所有个 人积极、自由和有意义地参与发展及其带来的利益的公平分配的基础上,不断改 善全体人民和所有个人的福利” 的确,科学权的一个方面关系到给予个人和人民在考虑科学进步可提供的 改善及其可能的副作用或危险利用之后作出决策的机会。
Given the enormous impact that scientific advances and
[...] technologies have on the daily lives of individuals [...]
and peoples, the right to science must
be read in conjunction with freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers,14 the right of everyone to take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives,15 and the right of all peoples to self-determination.16 The right to development as the “constant improvement of the well-being of the entire population and of all individuals on the basis of their active, free and meaningful participation in development and in the fair distribution of benefits resulting therefrom”17 must also be taken into consideration.
自 2000-2001 学年以来,五到九年级学生开始学习“公民教育”课程,依照 下列顺序培养摩尔多瓦共和国公民的公民意识:了解基本的人权和义务、 日常 生活中培 养尊重他人权利的意识、开展关于普遍人权和民主价值观的教育;培养 社会责任意识和公民意识。
Since the school year 2000–2001, the V-IX classes study the course on “Civic Education”, which entails the formation of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova within the
complex process of the current world
[...] order: learning about fundamental human rights and obligations, and cultivation of their respect for daily life; education on the [...]
basis of general human
and democratic values; development of the responsibility for social actions; cultivation of the civic sentiment.
古巴注意到,尽管也门作为发展中国家资源有限,但审议表明,它明确希 望进一步改善公民日常生活,尤 其是尊重教育、卫生、食物和消除贫困等领域 [...]
Cuba noted that, despite the scarcity of resources that Yemen faced as a developing country, the
review had pointed to its clear will to
[...] improve further the daily life of its citizens, [...]
in particular with respect to basic rights
such as education, health, food and to poverty eradication.
Dkaika 的孩子们不是第一批接受帮助的儿童,联合国儿童基金会自2003年以来就与
[...] ECHO 合作,帮助巴勒斯坦儿童和他们的家人应付冲突和暴力对他们 日常生活 造 成 的影响。
Dkaika children are not the first ones to receive help however, as UNICEF has worked with ECHO since
2003 to help Palestinian children and their families cope with the conflict and
[...] violence that affects their daily lives.
又談室內空間,是與每個日常生活 關 係最密切的環境,相對於外在環境極度惡化的情況下,室內空間成為個人所能掌握的最後防線,它具有相當程度的生活表徵和期望,除了滿足機能需求與作為個人的象徵符號外,同時也是一種因時/因地而生的空間表現(表情是也);在個人化(或內在化) [...] [...]
與因時/地制寸的情況下,設計師得以參與室內空間Programming / Designing完整過程,因此命題Ordering與設計Designing之間,可以有更敏銳而深入的契合,甚至啟發使用者(業主)思考自身定位與外在環境(社會)的互動關係。
Also on Interior space is most closely each
[...] person's environment, daily life, as opposed to the [...]
external environment worsen the situation,
interior space a person can control the last line of defence, which has considerable representation of life and hope, in addition to meet the functional needs of and as a personal symbol, the same time is also a result of time / space due to the performance of students (expression is also); in personal (or internalisation) and by the time / to system-inch case, the designer can be involved in Interior Space Programming / Designing a full process, so proposition between Ordering and Design Designing, can be more sensitive and deeper fit, and even inspire users (owners) thought about their own position and the external environment (social) interaction.
然而,这种未来的视角,及 其对希望信息的理想需要与儿童对他们自己当下和不远未来生活的评估的希望的感觉相平 衡;对儿童来说,游戏处在他们重要 日常生活 的 核 心。
Yet this future perspective, and its utopian message of hope, needs to be balanced with an appreciation of children’s own
sense of hope in their current and
[...] near future lives; for children, play is at the heart of the everyday things that matter.
这样,作为经合组织的成员国,墨西哥自 2000 年开始参加国际学生评估 方案(PISA)测试,测试中,对 15
[...] 岁少年的阅读能力、数学和科学能力进行了评 估,以衡量其在分析和解决问题、处理信息和应 日常生活 方 面 的技能。
Therefore, as a member of the OECD, Mexico has since 2000 been participating in the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) test, which assesses the competencies in reading, mathematics and sciences of 15-year-olds, in
order to evaluate their skills in analysing and resolving problems, managing
[...] information and coping with everyday life.




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