

单词 日交易

交易日 noun ()

business day n
trading day n
trade date n

交易日 ()

working day (in banking, share trading)

See also:

交易 n

trading n
trade n
transaction n
transactions pl
deal n
bargain n

交易 pl

deals pl
dealings pl

交易 v

trade v
deal v


(business) transaction
business deal

External sources (not reviewed)

中國人民銀行每天在北京時間9點15分確定滙率,在岸人民幣 日交易 區 間 被維持在滙率+/-0.5%的範圍之內。
The PBOC conducts fixings of the exchange rate at 9:15am Beijing
time every business
[...] day, with the daily trading range of the onshore RMB being kept within a band of +/- 0.5% of the daily fixing exchange rate.
整个月的累计金额未计提的累 日交易 账 户 余额为零(),并转移到下一个月时的平衡是突破了。
The amount accumulated throughout the month is not
[...] accrued on zero balance trading accounts (on the accruing date) and is transferred [...]
to the next month
when the balance is topped up.
按 預 期 股 價 回 報 率 標 準 偏 差 計 量 的 波 幅 乃 根 據 本 公 司 過 往 兩 年 及 其 他
[...] 可 比 較 公 司 過 往 五 年 股日 交 易 價 的統 計 分 析釐 定。
The volatility measured at the standard deviation of
expected share price returns is based on
[...] statistical analysis of daily share prices of the [...]
Company over the last two years and other
comparable companies over the last five years.
於2012年12月21日(交易時段 結束後),賣方(本公司的直接全資附屬公司)與買方訂立 協議,據此,賣方有條件地同意出售而買方有條件地同意收購富宏的全部已發行股本及貸款 [...]
On 21 December 2012 (after the trading hours), the Vendor, [...]
a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, and the Purchaser
entered into the Agreement, pursuant to which the Vendor has conditionally agreed to sell and the Purchaser has conditionally agreed to acquire the entire issued share capital of Richmind and the benefit of the Loan at an aggregate consideration of HK$24,000,000.
为期5个星期的推广活动,从11月19日至12 月 2 3 日 , 交易 3 , 0 00 欧元(或等值美元),让您的Skrill变为VIP状态, 同时赚取额外的积分。
During the 5 weeks promotion, from Monday November 19th until Sunday December 23rd, transact just €3,000 (or equivalent in USD) to get your Skrill VIP status, along with all the extra loyalty points you’ve earned.
於二零一三年一月十日(交易時段 後),買方(本公司間接全資附屬公司)及本公 司與賣方訂立股份銷售協議,據此:(i)賣方同意出售而買方同意購買待售股份;及(ii) [...]
本公司(作為擔保人)同意為買方就其如期履行按股份銷售協議所訂之責任提供擔 保。
On 14th January, 2013 (after trading hours), the Purchaser, [...]
being an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, and
the Company entered into the Share Sale Agreement with the Vendors pursuant to which: (i) the Vendors have agreed to sell and the Purchaser has agreed to purchase the Sale Shares; and (ii) the Company, as guarantor, has agreed to guarantee the due and punctual compliance of the Purchaser with its obligations under the Share Sale Agreement.
如函件所述,於二零一零年五月日 ( 交易 時 段結束後),(i) 貴公司、Galaxy Fund I與配售 代理就有關以每股認購股份0.265港元之認購價向Galaxy Fund I發行40,000,000股認購股份訂 立認購協議I;及(ii) 貴公司、 [...]
Galaxy Fund II與配售代理就有關以每股認購股份0.265港元
之認購價向Galaxy Fund II發行60,000,000股認購股份訂立認購協議II。
As referred to in the Letter,
[...] on 5 May 2010 (after trading hours), (i) the Company, Galaxy Fund I and the Placing Agent entered into the Subscription [...]
Agreement I
in relation to the issue of 40,000,000 Subscription Shares to Galaxy Fund I at the Subscription Price of HK$0.265 per Subscription Share; and (ii) the Company, Galaxy Fund II and the Placing Agent entered into the Subscription Agreement II in relation to the issue of 60,000,000 Subscription Shares to Galaxy Fund II at the Subscription Price of HK$0.265 per Subscription Share.
董事會宣佈,於二零一三年三月十 日 ( 交易 時 間 後),賣方(本公司的全資附屬公司)與 買方訂立協議,據此,賣方有條件地同意出售而買方有條件地同意收購銷售股份,有關 [...]
The Board announces that
[...] on 11 March 2013 (after trading hours), the Vendor [...]
(a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company) entered
into the Agreement with the Purchasers, pursuant to which the Vendor conditionally agreed to dispose of, and the Purchasers conditionally agreed to acquire, the Sale Shares, which in aggregate, represent 30% equity interest in the Sale Company (an indirect whollyowned subsidiary of the Company).
英國倫敦是夢想之城,人們熱愛過去與光輝,歷史與現代在此共融,一同創造世上極具活力的場所;這座城每年吸引的直接外來投資額高居世界之冠,也是全球金融重鎮, 日交易 量 大 於紐約、東京與法蘭克福;倫敦人文薈萃,博物館、劇場與藝術收藏既多又豐富,在文化層面傲視全球。
It is the city that attracts the highest amount of Foreign Direct Investment per year of any other city
around the world; it is the world’s financial power
[...] house, with more daily transactions than New York, [...]
Tokyo and Frankfurt.
(iv) 股份於截至最後實際可行日期(包括該日)止最後五 交易日 在 聯 交所所報之平均收市 價每股股份0.287港元折讓約7.67%。
(iv) a discount of approximately 7.67% to the average closing price of
HK$0.287 per Share as quoted
[...] on the Stock Exchange for the last five trading days ended on and [...]
including the Latest Practicable Date.
在规制交易市场(例如证券交易所)内,收 购上市公司股票导致投票权的改变,应交 易日起的六个交易日内按 上述要求发出的通 知。
In the case of a change resulting from the acquisition of shares of a public company in a transaction on a
regulated market (e.g. a stock exchange), the above mentioned requirement is due no
[...] later than within six trading days from the transaction date.
潛 在 標 的 股 票 的 授 予 價 格 為 屆 時 授 予 激 勵 對 象 預 留 標 的 股 票 的 相 關 董 事 會 會 議 召 開 之 日 前 一交 易 日,本 公 司A 股 股 票 在 深 圳 證 券 交 易 所 的 收 市 價。
The subscription price for the Potential Awarded Shares will be calculated on the same basis of the Awarded Shares as described above.
行使價由董事局決定,惟不得少於授出日之收市價或授出日前五交易日的平 均收市價或本公司股票面值,以較高者為準。
The exercise price is determined by the Board of Directors and will not be less than the higher of the closing price of the Company’s shares on the date of grant,
or the average closing price of the
[...] shares for the five trading days immediately preceding [...]
the date of grant, or the nominal
value of a share of the Company.
L 為認可商人銀行或本公司當時的核數師真誠釐 定的一股普通股應佔資本分派部份於有關公佈 日期或(視乎情況而定)緊接資本分派記錄日期交易日的公平市值。
L is the fair market value on the date of such announcement or (as the ease may require) the Dealing Day immediately preceding the Record Date for the Capital Distribution, as determined in good faith by an approved merchant bank or the auditors for the time being of the Company of the portion of the Capital Distribution which is attributable to one Ordinary Share.
購股權之行使價由董事釐定,惟不可低於 (i) 本公司股份於授出購股權日期(該日必須 交易日) 在 聯交所每日報價表上所報之收市價;(ii) 本公司股份於緊接授出購股權日期前五 交易日 在 聯交 所每日報價表上所報之平均收市價;及 (iii) 本公司股份之面值(以最高者為準)。
The exercise price of the share options is determinable by the directors, but may not be less than the higher of (i) the closing price of the
Company's shares as stated
[...] in the Stock Exchange's daily quotations sheet on the date of grant of the share options, which must be a trading day; (ii) the average closing price of the Company’s shares as stated in the Stock Exchange's daily quotations sheets for the five trading days immediately preceding [...]
the date of grant
of the share options; and (iii) the nominal value of the Company's shares.
大唐認購價較(i)股份於二零一零年八月十三日(即緊接大唐認購協議簽立前最 後一個完交易日)在 聯交所所報收市價每股0.55港元折讓約5.77%;(ii)股份截至 二零一零年八月十三日(包括該日)止五個連 交易日 在 聯 交所所報平均收市價每 股約0.558港元折讓約7.31%;及(iii)股份截至二零一零年八月十三日(包括該日) 止十個連交易日在聯交所所報平均收市價每股約0.55港元折讓約5.77%。
The Datang Subscription Price represents (i) a discount of approximately 5.77% to the closing price of HK$0.55
per Share as quoted
[...] on the Stock Exchange on 13 August, 2010, being the last full trading day immediately before the execution of the Datang Subscription Agreement; (ii) a discount of approximately 7.31% to the average closing prices of approximately HK$0.558 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the last five consecutive trading days up to and including 13 August, 2010; and (iii) a discount of approximately 5.77% to the average closing prices of approximately HK$0.55 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the last ten consecutive trading days up to and including [...]
13 August, 2010.
購 股 權 可 以 由 董 事 會 釐 定 之 行 使 價 予以行 使 , 並 知 會 合 資 格 人 士( 可 按 新 購 股 權 計 劃 之 規 則 及 上 市 規 則 之任何修 改 作 出 調 整 ), 行 使 價 於 任 何 時 間 不 得 低 於 一 股股份之面 值 , 並 應 至 少 為 下 列 中之較 高 者 : (i) 股
份 於 授 出 日 期 在 聯 交 所 每 日 報 價 表 所 列 之 官 方收市 價 ; 及 (ii)
[...] 於 緊 接授出 日 期 前 五交 易 日 在 聯 交 所 每 日 報 價 表 所 [...]
列 股 份之官 方收市 價 之 平 均 值 。
Options may be granted at an initial payment of HK$1.00 for each acceptance of grant of Option(s) and can be exercised at an exercise price determined by the Board and notified to an Eligible Person (subject to adjustments as provided in the rules of the New Option Scheme and any amendments to the Listing Rules and shall at all times not be lower than the nominal value of a Share) and shall be at least the higher of (i) the official closing price of the Shares as stated in the Stock Exchange’s daily quotations sheet on the Offer Date; and (ii) the average of the official
closing prices of the Shares as
[...] stated in the Stock Exchange’s daily quotations [...]
sheets for 5 Business Days immediately preceding the Offer Date.
金融資產最初交易日期的 公平值確認,包括(如為 並非以公平值計量且其變動計入損益的金融工具)直接計入交易成 本。
Financial assets are initially recognised at
[...] fair value on the trade date, including, in [...]
the case of instruments not recorded
at fair value through profit or loss, directly attributable transaction costs.
平 均 每 日 成 交 量 乃 根 據 月 ╱ 期 內 總 成 交 量 除 以 月 ╱ 期 內 股交易 日數( 不 包 括 股 份 於 完交 易 日 在 聯 交 所 暫 停 買賣之任交 易 日 )計 算 。
Average daily trading volume is
calculated by
[...] dividing the total trading volume for the month/period by the number of trading days of Shares during the month/period which exclude any trading day on which trading of the Shares on the Stock Exchange was suspended for the whole trading day.
行使價由本公司董事釐定及將不會低於 (i) 本公司
[...] 股份於授出日期的收市價,(ii) 股份於緊接授出日期前五交易日的 平 均收市價,及 (iii) 本公司股份的面值(以 較高者為准)。
The exercise price is determined by the directors of the Company, and will not be less than the higher of (i) the closing price of the Company’s shares on the date of grant, (ii) the average
closing price of the shares for
[...] the five business days immediately preceding the date of grant; [...]
and (iii) the nominal value of the Company’s share.
由於土地文件會交易日後30 天內送交本處註冊,以上的註冊數字 一般顯示對上一個月的物業交易數字。
As deeds may not be lodged with the Land Registry
[...] until up to 30 days after the transaction, these statistics [...]
generally relate to land transactions in the previous month.
[...] 之行使價由本公司董事釐定,最低行使價為以下各項之最高者:i)於授予日期時在香港聯交所日報表上所載之 本公司股份收市價;ii)緊接授予日期前五 交易日 載 於 香港聯交所日報表上之本公司股份平均收市價;及iii)本 公司股份面值。
The exercise price for an option to subscribe for a share is determined by the directors of the Company, and shall be at least the highest of: i) the closing price of the shares of the Company as stated in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s daily quotation sheet on the date of grant; ii) the average closing price of the shares of the
Company as stated in the
[...] Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s daily quotation sheets for the five trading days immediately preceding [...]
the date of grant;
and iii) the nominal value of a share of the Company.
由董事會釐定,惟該價格必須至少為下列各項的較高者:(i) 股份於授出購股權日期(須交易日 ) 於 香港聯交 所每日報價表所報普通股的收市價;(ii) [...]
緊接授出日期前五個營業日股份於香港聯交所每日報價表所報普通股 的收市價平均數;及 (iii) 一股普通股的面值。
Determined by the Board but shall not be less than the highest of (i) the closing price of the ordinary shares as stated in the HKSE daily quotation
sheets on the date of grant of
[...] options, which must be a trading day; (ii) the average [...]
closing price of the ordinary shares
as stated in the HKSE daily quotation sheets for the five business days immediately preceding the date of grant of options; and (iii) the nominal value of an ordinary share.
关于互联网上的文化财交易日益明 显的问题,教科文组织正在与国际刑警组织和国际博物馆 理事会积极开展合作,并参加了一个专家小组,该小组正在起草一封致相关会员国“关于与在互联 [...]
UNESCO was actively cooperating with Interpol and ICOM on
[...] the increasingly visible problem of the trade of cultural property [...]
on the Internet and,
among others, participates in an expert group currently elaborating a draft “Letter on Basic Actions concerning the Sale of Cultural Objects on the Internet”, to be addressed to respective Member States.
按照於二零一一年九月二十八日(亦即股份在聯交所暫停買賣前最後一 交易日 ) 的 股 份收市價每股0.161港元(相當於新股份每股16.1港元),假設股本重組已經生效而股份亦已 於聯交所恢復買賣,新股份每手5,000股的價值將為80,500港元。
Based on the closing price of HK$0.161 per Share (equivalent to HK$16.1 per New Share) as at
28 September 2011,
[...] being the last trading day before suspension of trading in the Shares on the Stock Exchange, the value of [...]
each board lot of 5,000
New Shares, assuming the Capital Reorganisation had already been effective and the trading in the Shares on the Stock Exchange had been resumed, would be HK$80,500.
履行机构注意到秘书处关于国 交易日 志 预 算详情的说明,并请执行秘书 通过进一步澄清与合同和顾问有关的开支,以及在以后的概算中更详细地分列这 些费用,继续提高国交易日志方 案概算中所报告项目的透明度。
The SBI took note of the presentation by the
secretariat on the details of
[...] the budget for the ITL, and requested the Executive Secretary to continue to improve transparency for the items reported in the ITL programme budget proposal by further clarifying expenditures related to contracts and consultants [...]
and to further disaggregate
these costs in subsequent budget proposals.
此類情況下,公平值測量 乃基於對相交易日期或 報告期結束時可能交易的資產及負債的金 [...]
In such instances, fair value measurements are estimated based on the amounts for which the assets and
[...] liabilities could be exchanged at the relevant [...]
transaction date or reporting
period end, and are therefore not necessarily reflective of the likely cashflow upon actual settlements.
獨立非執行董事確定上述關交易乃 基 於以下情況下 簽訂:(甲)在本集團一般日常業務過程中訂立;(乙)按正常商業條款或按不遜於本集團提供予獨立 第三方或由獨立第三方提供的條款訂立;及(丙)根據規管該等交易的相關協議,按公平合理且符合 [...]
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual [...]
course of business of the Group;
(b) either on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; and (c) in accordance with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
管理費 基金經理有權向子基金按年收取管理費,該費用按子基金下每個類別可贖回基金單位的持有人應佔資產 淨值的 1.2%(A 類基金單位)及 0.8%(I 類基金單位)於每交易日計算 及累算(合共最高達總計每年 2.5%,須向基金單位持有人發出不少於一個月的事先通知),並每月支付上月應付費用。
The Manager is entitled to receive, on an annual basis, a management fee from the Sub-Fund, at a rate of 1.2% for Class A units and 0.8% for Class I units (up to maximum of 2.5% per annum in total on giving not less than one month’s prior notice to the unitholders) per annum with respect to the net assets attributable to holders of redeemable units of each class of the Sub-Fund calculated and accrued on each dealing day and are paid monthly in arrears.
西非政府间反洗钱行动小组(反洗钱小组)指出,“博科哈拉姆”组织从萨赫 勒区域和中非国家那里获得了武器,并通过不法火器 易 和 走私收入及成员日 交费, 以及尼日利亚国内外的个人和组织的捐款,来资助其行动。
According to the Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money-Laundering in West Africa (GIABA), Boko Haram has acquired weapons from States of the Sahel region and Central Africa and finances its operations
through the proceeds of
[...] illicit firearms trading and smuggling and daily levies paid by members, [...]
as well as donations by
individuals and organizations within and outside Nigeria.




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