

单词 日久岁深

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在罗马尼亚有住所或久住处且年满 18 岁的欧盟公民,包括选日当天 年满 18 岁且未 被剥夺选举权者,具有选举资格。
EU citizens having the domicile or residence in
Romania and being
[...] 18, including those who have reached that age on the Election Day, and who have not been deprived of their [...]
electoral rights, are entitled to vote.
码头游览令人印深刻,来日岁月, 会让你知道,他们允许发现的特定视图汉堡的全景,欣赏广袤的欧洲第三码头后,“鹿特丹公约”和“ANVERS。
The marina tour is impressive, infact they permit to discover a particular view of Hamburg’s panorama and admire the immensity of the third European marina after Rotterdam and Anvers.
正如联合国秘书长在坎帕拉举行的国际刑事法院审查会议开幕会议上所说: “我们现在有了国际刑事法院——一个 久 、 日 益 强 大和影 深 远 的 法院。
As the Secretary-General said during the opening session of the Review Conference of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in Kampala
有人指出,今后进行的试验性 会议可重点讨论少数几个领域,以便促进更 深 入 的 交流,确保讨论取得有意义 的成果。
It was noted that any future experimentation sessions would benefit from focusing on a small number of areas to promote more detailed exchange and to ensure a meaningful outcome from the discussions.
赞赏地注意到食物权特别报告员的报告(A/HRC/9/23)及其中所载的建议深为关切地注意到 92300 万人民,主要是在发展中国家和最不发达国家,仍然 食不 裹腹、 营养 不良和没 有粮食 安全保障, 每 5 秒中世界上的某个地方便有一个 不满 10 岁的儿 童直接或间接地死于饥饿,尽管根据粮农组织的报告,世界农业的 产量应该能够养活 120 亿人口,也即现今世界人口的两倍
Noting with deep concern that 923 million people, mainly in developing and least developed countries, continue to suffer from hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity, and that every five seconds a child under the age of 10 dies, directly and indirectly, [...]
of hunger somewhere in the world, despite
the fact that, according to reports of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, world agricultural output should be able to feed 12 billion people, twice the world’s present population
這類節目 的公眾頻道在其他國深受歡 迎,同時,這類節目事實㆖可能源自倫敦著名的海德 公園角,早自日久遠的 時代,在該處演說的㆟士已享有絕對的言論自由,既可博 ㆟㆒粲,又不傷害甚麼㆟。
Such public access channels have gained popularity in other countries, and indeed were perhaps spawned in London’s famous Hyde Park Corner where [...]
speakers have had total freedom
of expression, since beyond living memory, to the amusement of some and to the harm of nobody.
在 2007年 7月 10日事務 委員會會議上,委員支持李華明議員建 議事務委員會前往法國及英國進行海外職務訪問,以 便 深 入 瞭 解該等地 方的食物安全規管架構、食物標籤規定,以及加強向消費者提供保障的 措施,以助事務委員日後與 政府當局討論有關的課題。
At the Panel meeting on 10 July 2007, members supported Hon Fred LI Wah-ming's suggestion for the Panel to conduct an overseas duty visit to better understand the regulatory frameworks of food safety, food labelling requirements and relevant measures for enhancing consumer protection in France and the UK, with [...]
a view to facilitating
future discussion with the Administration on the subjects.
所有有关各方应就这些建 议采取行动,并呼吁各方将其视为自己的集体责任, 以减轻在占领下生活的巴勒斯坦人和其他阿拉伯人 的漫长苦岁月,从而使久和平 不会成为一种幻 想。
All the parties concerned should act on those recommendations and look upon them as their collective
responsibility to
[...] alleviate the long years of suffering of the Palestinians and other Arabs living under occupation, so that sustainable peace would not [...]
be an illusion.
同时,也规定了相应的附加条件,比如:家庭人均住房面 积低于最低标准;所住房屋卫生和技术设施达不到规定的标准;在获得住房日 不到 35 周岁而且 没有独立套房居住的新婚夫妇;住在转租的房屋内。
Also supplementary conditions are set, for instance: ownership of a housing space per member of family which is lower than the minimal standards; living in housing which does not correspond to the sanitary and technical
standards set for housing;
[...] are recently married, who at the date of housing access each had up to 35 years and did not have [...]
a separate apartment;
living under the sublease contract conditions.
根据罗马尼亚修订《宪法》第 40 条第 3 款规定,有选举权且于选日当 天至少年满 23 岁的欧盟公民,包括选日当天年满 23 岁者, 如果在其打算参加 竞选的行政单位内有住所,并有资格加入政党,则享有被选举权。
EU citizens having the right to vote and who have turned at least
23 years of
[...] age on the Election Day, including those who have reached that age on the Election Day, have the right to be [...]
elected if they have the domicile in the area of that administrative-territorial
unit where they intend to be elected and if they are entitled to be members of the political parties, according to art. 40, paragraph 3 of the Romanian Constitution, republished.
委员会注意到第 175 EX/13 号决定,所以将 2008--2009 年科学伦理工作的主题定为继 续努力,通过地区磋商进程,让会员国、政府间和非政府国际组织、相关的国家和地区机构 参与关于科学伦理和科学家责任的思考,并分析《关于科学研究人员地位的建议书》的伦理 原则和《科学和利用科学知识宣言》的伦理问题,以便明确其地位 深 化 其影响,鼓励会员 国和其它有关机构加以应用。
Taking note of 175 EX/Decision 13, COMEST has devoted its science ethics work in 2008-2009 to continuing its efforts to involve Member States, intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations, and relevant national and regional bodies in the process of pursuing reflection on science ethics and scientists’ responsibilities through a process of regional consultations, and to analyse the ethical principles of the Recommendation on the Status of Scientific Researchers as well as of the ethical aspects of the Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge, in order to clarify their status, develop their implications, and encourage their use by Member States and other relevant bodies.
LTD in shenzhen, he thinks, it also can't blame the government, because even today, shenzhen LED companies can do not many particularly large, output value of billions of enterprises are not too much, and the development of the Internet or shenzhen determine strategic emerging industries such as biology, literally a project is one hundred billion yuan, "the industry, in such a shortage of land resources in shenzhen, is clearly government despises eye".
委员会进一步关注缺少0岁至2 岁儿童的日托设 施,迫使生身父母将其年 幼的子女和其祖父母一起居住,有时甚至居住在不同的岛屿,直至他们到达必须 上学的年龄。
The Committee is further concerned
[...] about the lack of day-care facilities for children aged 0-2 years old that [...]
often obliges the biological
parents to send their young children to live with their grandparents, sometimes in a different island, until they reach the age of compulsory school attendance.
特别是缔约国应当确保免费出生登记,并且设 立出生登记机动工作队,以便深入到整个国家的边远地区和农村地区。
In particular, the State party should ensure free birth registration and introduce mobile birth registration units in order to reach the remote and rural areas throughout the country.
1939年,为庆祝理查德·施特劳斯75岁 生 日 , 贝克索被邀请到了德国柏林表演歌剧《阿里阿德涅在纳索斯岛》(Ariadne [...]
auf Naxos),饰演其中的阿里阿德涅,一曲高歌,成为首位在欧洲舞台上表演的土耳其首席女高音。
In 1939,
[...] for the 75th birthday of Richard Strauss in Berlin, she [...]
sang the role of Ariadne in Ariadne auf Naxos, becoming
the first Turkish prima donna to perform on stage in Europe.
2 月 3 日 20 岁的巴 勒斯坦牧羊人,Mahdi Daraghma 在约旦河谷北部放 羊时,遭到以色列定居者殴打,受了伤。
On 3 February, a 20-year-old Palestinian shepherd, Mahdi Daraghma, was beaten [...]
and injured by Israeli settlers who attacked
him in the northern Jordan Valley, where he was tending his sheep.
我们与尼日利亚人民一样感到悲痛,并且要向亚 拉杜瓦总统的家人表示慰问,我们希望,他致力于大
[...] 众、民主和国家最贫穷者的遗产不仅将留在人们的记 忆中,而且在日利亚的未岁月中将被视作榜样并 得到弘扬。
Sharing the grief afflicting the Nigerian people and expressing our condolences to President Yar’Adua’s family, we hope that his legacy of commitment to the masses, to democracy and to his
country’s neediest not only will live on in memory but will be seen and held
[...] up as an example in the coming years in Nigeria.
In 1941 when he was 10 years old, Pearl Harbor [...]
Raid marked the opening of the Pacific War, an entrance to imperial ruin of ’45.
換言之,只要大眾普遍採用「民主派」和「親中派」等定義,我們便毋 深 究 「 民主派」是否也會「親中」、「親中派」是否也是「民主」等屬於另一層次的問題。
In other words, only if the general public adopts the definitions of "democratic camp" and "pro-China camp", we need not further investigate whether "democratic camp" will be "pro-China", or whether "pro-China camp" will also be "democratic", as these belong to questions of another level.
2009 年 6 月 1 日,一 15 岁男孩 在同一地区对另一次联合巡逻进行袭击,声称他被叛乱分子收买,向巡 逻队投掷手榴弹。
On 1 June 2009, in the same area, another joint patrol was attacked by a 15-year-old boy, [...]
who claimed he had been paid by
insurgents to throw a grenade at the patrol.
本两年期,WIPO 将把工作重点放在提高能力建设的服务上,为使用大量工具提供便 利,深对数 据库内容检索结果的理解,有效利用知识产权制度产生的知识来促进创新。
In this biennium, WIPO will focus on services for capacity building to facilitate the use of a wide array of tools, to better understand search results of content in databases, and to utilize effectively knowledge from IP systems for promoting innovation.
到目前为止,流动政策的执行 已引起管理当局和工作人员的担心;因此,流动政策
[...] 必须得到工作人员和管理当局的认真审查 深 入讨论,以便找到真正的解决之道,然后才能成功启用任 [...]
To date, the implementation of the mobility policy had raised concerns among managers as well as staff;
it must therefore be carefully reviewed and
[...] discussed in depth by both staff [...]
and management in order to find real solutions
before any new policy could be successfully launched.
执行局第一六二届会议通过了决定 7.8,该决定第 4 段全文专述维修问题,以此表明执 行局对这方面的状况的深切关注: (a) 考虑到本组织楼房因深日久维修和保养不够而状况破旧, (b) 进一步考虑到本组织维修技工班人员编制严重不足
At its 162nd session, the Executive Board adopted decision 7.8, paragraph 4 of which is entirely devoted to maintenance, demonstrating the Board’s profound concern about [...]
that matter
(d) 根据 2006
[...] 年技术需要评估结果改进技术需要评估及其利用;扩大技术 需要评估的范围,以便深入评估相关技术创新制度的运作障碍;并对 [...]
(d) Improving TNAs and their use on the basis of the 2006 technology
needs assessment review; expanding their scope
[...] to cover in-depth assessments [...]
of obstacles to the functioning of relevant technology
innovation systems; and carry out detailed assessment of technology capacity and markets.
华盛顿消息 -- 为纪念小马丁·路德·金的81岁生日, 美 国公民和移民服务局(USCIS)将于1月15日至22日的一周,在全美各地及海外举行仪式,欢迎6000多名新公民入籍。
WASHINGTON — U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will commemorate the 81st birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by welcoming more than 6,000 new citizens at citizenship ceremonies throughout the United States and overseas for the week of Jan.15 through 22.




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