

单词 既然


this being the case

See also:



both... (and...)

External sources (not reviewed)

一名业界代表查询既然建议将会采纳食品法典委员 会的标准,为何仍保留食品法典委员会食物分類系统没有 涵盖的食物。
One trade representative wondered whilethe proposed amendments were going to adopt Codex standards, why food items absent in Codex food category system was still retained in the proposed amendments.
既然中 心正在推进执行成果管理制和成果预算编制,它应继续借鉴联合国系统 其他组织的经验和教训。
As it moves forward with the implementation of results-based management and results-based budgeting, ITC should continue to draw on the experience of and lessons learned by other organizations of the United Nations system.
既然建议采纳 食品法典委员会订定的最高残余限量,作为本港食物中残余除害剂最高 残余限量的主要骨干,为确保相关的最高残余限量是与食物分類兼容 的,我们建议在制定新规管方案的分類制度时,亦參照食品法典委员会 的食物分類方法。
As it is proposed to adopt Codex MRLs as the backbone of the local set of MRLs for pesticide residues in food, to ensure compatibility, it is also proposed to make reference to Codex when developing such classification system under the new regulatory framework.
既然31C/4 是一种“滚动的中期战略”,可以对不断变化的全 球和地区形势做出反应,因此有可能需要根据近来所发生的灾难性事件对其作出调整。
Since document 31 C/4 had been conceived as a “rolling medium-term strategy”, to allow a response to changing global and regional circumstances, it was noted that recent catastrophes may warrant adjustments in document 31 C/4.
既然人与其他人一样具有完 整的法律地位和能力,那我们就应该确认《公约》第 [...]
12 条第 1 款和第 2 款的有 关规定与西班牙国内法是互相兼容的。
Since persons withdisabilities [...]
enjoy recognized legal personality and the same legal capacity as others, it may therefore
be stated that the legal order is fully in line with article 12, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Convention.
既然文组织已经把自身定位为一个促进信息社会发展的中心机构,它就应该继续加强努力,就有关普遍获 取信息的问题向会员国提供帮助。
Having positioned itself as a central agency in the development process of the information society, UNESCO should continue to concentrate its efforts on providing assistance to Member States on issues related to universal access to information.
However,since there is a professional [...]
agency which needs to understand the public impression on different tertiary institutions,
we definitely need to do our best.
(b)既然必须进行补选,当局可考虑和采纳补选以外的其 他方案,以填补临时空缺,只要这些方案是客观和公平, 并且追求合理的目标。
(b) Since by-election is not a must, options other than holding a by-election to fill a casual vacancy may be considered and adopted by the Administration provided they are objective and fair, and pursue legitimate aims.
他们认为知识产 权不是一个有关贸易的事宜,他们进一步提出既然贸易有关的知识产权协议》主要 对发达国家有利,这就削弱了世界贸易组织作为一个为所有国家利益促进自由贸易的机构 的可信度。
They argue that intellectual property is not a matter concerned with trade, and further, that as TRIPS will principally benefit the developed countries, the credibility of the WTO as an instrument to promote free trade in the interests of all countries is weakened.
检查专员认为既然委员会的构成类似、议程相仿,只 是召开会议的频率不同,应该对其做合理化改革,以减少协调工作带来的成本;有 些委员会可以合并。
The Inspector is of the view that, since these committees have a similar composition and similar agendas with a different frequency of meetings, they should be rationalized to reduce transaction costs of coordination; some of them could be merged.
既然证据,提交人 也就不能断言科特迪瓦司法机构对本案的处理不尽人意。
Since no such evidence exists, the author cannot claim that the Ivorian courts have been lax in their handling of the case.
既然斯坦各政治派别准备签署一项统一协定,就绝不能允许占领国以色 [...]
列干涉巴勒斯坦人民的这一内政,以求推行它自己的非法议程,同时破坏重新恢 复和平进程以结束 1967 年开始的占领并缔结一项和平解决方案的努力。
Now that Palestinian political [...]
factions are poised to sign a unity agreement, it would be entirely unacceptable to permit
Israel, the occupying Power, to interfere in this internal Palestinian affair in order to promote its own illegitimate agenda and at the same time undermine the efforts to resume the peace process towards the achievement of an end to the occupation that began in 1967 and the conclusion of a peace settlement.
根据 2000 年 12 月 22 日关于管辖权和承认并执行民事和商事判决的 理事会条例(欧洲理事会)第 44/2001 号(以下简称《布鲁塞尔条例 1》)第 5 条第 1 款(b)项既然须收集,而不是交付,那么具有管辖权的法院应为意 大利公司所在地的法院,而不是那家法国公司的总部所在地的法院。
Under Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters (hereinafter Brussels 1 Regulation), article 5, paragraph 1 (b), therefore, the competent courts should be those in the place where the Italian companies were based, given that the goods had to be collected rather than delivered, and not those of the headquarters of the French company.
既然目直接涉及南方 的大多数国家,就没有理由不对其进行讨论。
There was no reason not to discuss the item, which directly involved most countries of the South.
匈牙利认为既然暴力不论是侵害家庭成员,还是侵害第三方 人员,均无区别,因此就无必要将家庭暴力界定为一项单独的罪行,以避免《刑 法》出现重叠现象。
Since such violent acts didnot differ, whether committed against a member of the family or against a third person, it was believed that there was no need to have domestic violence defined as a separate crime to avoid duplication in the Code.
委员会注意到,缔约国认为既然对一个人的聆讯结果证明不在该法官的管辖权范围内,说明提交人求助的司法机 构不适当。
The Committee further notes that, according to the State party, the author has not referred the case to the competent legal authorities because raising a matter during a hearing before a judge does not represent seizure of that matter by the competent judicial authority.
实现独立的权利被视与美 国搞对立,既然已经结束,殖民主义就没有 道理可言,事情已经发生了变化。
The right to independence had been seen as opposition to the United States butnow that the Cold War was over, and colonialism could not be justified, things had changed.
Q: Since the scientific standard and reliability of the survey is not a problem, how should we interpret the contradictory findings of low support of referendum but high voting propensity?
既然讨论的是中东问题,我重申,我国呼吁 遵照国际法结束以色列对叙利亚戈兰高地及其余被 [...]
占黎巴嫩领土的占领,使得该地区所有人民都能享有 和平与安全,并把注意力集中到发展和建设更美好的 未来上。
As today’s discussion has [...]
been on the Middle East, I renew my country’s call for an end to the Israeli occupation of the
Syrian Golan and the remaining occupied Lebanese territories, in accordance with international law, so that all of the peoples of the region can enjoy peace and security and focus their attention on development and on building a better future.
既然了为保护弱势人口进行干预的国际承诺,难道不应当更多 地注意提供资源,通过培训增强当地提供社会保护的专门知识,以避免庞大的国 际开支,同时取得更持久的成果?
In the international commitment to intervene to protect vulnerable populations, should there not be more attention to resources for training local expertise to provide that social protection, both to avoid the large international expenses and have a more lasting result?
既然全方面取得进展,过渡联邦政府在其伙伴支持下就必须在政治和发 展方面有所作为,以维持和巩固来之不易的成果。
Now that there has been progress on the security track, the Transitional Federal Government, with the support of its partners, must deliver on the political and development tracks to sustain and consolidate the hard-won gains.
既然保证未来的投资回 报,因此也无法保证未来的红利与分红。
Future investment returns cannot be guaranteed and for that reason, neither can future bonuses and dividends.
最终,杜尔马丁和其他人决定在亚齐设立安全基地,认既然由亚齐运动(Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, GAM)已在那里与印尼军队交战长达30年,这本身就说明亚齐确实具备合适的地形;而且,与印尼其他省份不同,亚齐有授权实行伊斯兰法,并且许多当地领袖都亲伊斯兰教法;一些在2004年海啸后在亚齐设立分支机构的强硬派团体也是潜在的盟友。
In the end, Dulmatin and the others went along with the idea of setting up a secure base in Aceh, believing that since therebel Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, GAM) had fought the Indonesian army there for more than 30 years, it had suitable terrain; alone among Indonesian provinces, it was authorised to apply Islamic law and many community leaders were pro-sharia; and a number of hardline groups that had set up shop in Aceh after the 2004 tsunami were potential allies.
职责范围规定的分析;提交第六十七次会议的时限是否给予顾问充足的时间编制报告;是 否能收集更具代表性的 2011
[...] 年的数据供审计使用;拟议的取得进展的方法所涉费用是多少; 在提出数据问题时有没有提出方法问题既然不全,世界银行和中国政府有没有使用 该报告来编制氟氯烃行业淘汰计划。
The presentation had raised a number of issues, such as: whether the data obtained by the first consultant was sufficient for the second consultant to conduct the kind of analysis required by the terms of reference; whether the deadline of submission to the 67th meeting gave the consultant sufficient time to prepare the report; whether more representative, 2011 data could be collected for use in the audit; what the cost 5 implications of the proposed way forward were; whether the
methodology was being called
[...] into question along with thedata; and whether, given the incomplete data, the [...]
report had been used by
the World Bank and the Government of China to prepare the HCFC phase-out sector plan.
The degree of OA and how to get started, I offer to provide the application and, since the product is free online experience, whydo so manyrestrictions on the establishment, if only to fill it just a simple message,but still have to fill out the advertising client questionnaire (Khan ^) started the free trial online degrees, should be simplified in a user-friendly, practical client's point of view, the need to fill in the informationдÕâô¶àneed to wait for the other party to verify, say other ways to protect customer information will not be compromised, so that degrees in the trial started on the first pass clearance, site design and well, send him to fly degrees 2 stars.
既然个富裕 的、已发展的城市,特区政府应代表整体社会就减排目标作出恰如其份的承诺, 更应向发展中地区提供财务援助,及引领香港发展成为一个拥有先进节能技术的 大都会。
Being a wealthy developed city willing to share global responsibilities, the Government should provide financial assistance to the poorer regions, on behalf of the entire community.
如果按该决议草案设想的那样, 暂停适用是为了寻求最终完全废除死刑,那将需要 在世界范围对刑事司法制度进行一次全面评估,但既然建议这样做,所以孟加拉国对该决议草 案投了反对票。
A moratorium that ultimately sought the total abolition of the death penalty, as envisaged in the draft resolution, would require a comprehensive appraisal of criminal justice systems worldwide, but since that had not been proposed, Bangladesh had voted against the draft resolution.
现 在 法既 然这 样 做 了 , 我 看 该 项 原 [...]
则 的 自 然 发 展 , 必 然 是 规 定 法 庭 在 其 已 经 这 样 做 的 案 件 中 , 考 虑 到 有 关 的 外 币 在 本 地 通 行 的 利 率 。
Now that this can be done it seems
[...] to methat the naturaldevelopment [...]
of the principle must be to require the court, in
those cases where it has been done, to have regard to the commercial rates which prevail here in relation to the particular foreign currency involved.




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