

单词 既往不咎


not censure sb.for his past misdeeds
overlook sb's past mistakes
let bygones be bygones

See also:




very oftenadj



External sources (not reviewed)

其目的在于查明多哥 1958 年至 2005 年发生的政 治暴力事件的真相,从而一劳永逸地杜绝我国存 在的有罪不罚现象,并使多哥人民能够做既往 不咎
Its purpose is to shed light on the political acts of violence that occurred in Togo between 1958 and 2005 in order once and for all to banish impunity from our country and to reconcile the people of Togo withtheir history.
由于众多存有异议的条款,包 括对基本食物的文本描述,美国代表团一既往决议草案投反对票。
Because of numerous objectionable provisions, including inaccurate
textual descriptions of the underlying
[...] right to food, his delegation had, asin the past, voted against the draft resolution.
但是, 我们科索沃决不咎既往眼未来。
But we in Kosovo are
[...] committed to puttingthe pastbehindus and working [...]
for the benefit of the future.
但有人指出,由”这一说法并非真正的法律术语,应明确声明相关理由到底实或 法律错误还是毫无根据。
It wassuggested, however, that the notion of “mistaken grounds”, which wasnot really legal terminology, be clarified by stating [...]
that the grounds in question
were either attributable to an error of fact or of law, or were baseless.
换言之,如基金组织所述(见 A/CN.4/556,第二节 N 部分),一国际组织确定某一目标,而成员国决定以违反其国际义务的方式加以 实现既不国际组织违反这些义务,也不能将责任际组织。
In other words, as stated by IMF (see A/CN.4/556/sect.II.N), the identification of a certain objective by an international organization, which the member country decides to achieve by breaching its international obligations, can neither result in a breach of such obligations by the organization, nor in attribution toits responsibility.
解经家将以色列人的悖往往他们 当中的「闲杂人(们真正是谁) ,就如其中一位是 这样说:「这些闲杂人就好似今天教会中没有真正悔改的 教友一样,像昔日一般,是輭弱和分裂的源头(参民数记 11:4-6) 。
Many commentators blamed these other people (whoever they were) for many of the troubles of the Israelites in [...]
the wilderness, as
one of them says, “These ‘other people’ similar to unconverted church members in the present age, were a source of weakness and division then as now (cp. Number 11:4-6).
然 而,造成支出不足的因算编列过高 或没有对各项举措作出充分分析,其原因可能是在 提交拟议预算与执行已核准预算之间存在很大的 时滞,在这一期间,特派往往化的业 务需求及其他外部因素,这些可能造成支出不足或 超支的情况。
Factors that lead to
[...] underexpenditure are not, however, attributable to overbudgeting or failure to fully analyse initiatives, but may result from the substantial time lag between the submission of budget proposals and the implementation of the approved budget, during which time the Missionoften facesevolving [...]
operational requirements
and other external factors that can lead to underexpenditure or overexpenditure.
因此,虽然这些国家仍将不失为本区域重 要的出口市场,能一既往续作为推动本区域经济增长 的引擎发挥作用。
Thus, while these countries will remain important markets for the region’s exports, they are unlikely to continue playing the role of engine of growth for the region that they played in the past.
但这一数字可能募的儿童总数,因为 2010 年劳工组织收到 201 份招募儿童兵的投诉(与 2009 年收到 86 份投诉相比投诉数大幅增加),而且 国家监察和报告任务组继续一既往期收到有关招募未成年人的报告。
However, this most likelydoes not represent the total number of children recruited, given that ILO received 201 complaints of child soldier recruitment in 2010 (a significant increase over the 86 complaints received in 2009), and there continued [...]
to be a steady stream of
underage recruitment reports submitted regularly to the task force.
The non-retroactivity of laws and its corollary, res judicata, are guaranteed by these excellent provisions on human rights.
例如, 这些保障措施涉及到罪名和刑罚的合法性、无罪推定、刑事法律既往(除非刑法已变得更宽松)、获得公平审讯的权利、向更高法庭上诉的权利以及 请求赦免的权利。
Those safeguards concern, for instance, the legality of the offences and penalties, the presumption of innocence, the non-retroactivity of criminal law, except where it has become more lenient, the right to a fair hearing, the right to appeal to a higher court and the right to apply for pardon.
委员会还对缔约往往既 不也不起诉这类暴力行为表示关切。
The Committee is also concerned that these acts of violence are often neither investigated [...]
nor prosecuted.
部长们承诺发挥直接的积极作用力重建地方、国家、次区域和区域 发展思维和规划、经济管理和政策协调能力;推动普惠性公共政策进程;为满足 非洲的投资需要调集财政资源;应对气候变化影响;增加卫生经费和加强与卫生 部长的对话和合作关系,以更好地了解卫生方面的需要;支持非洲发展实效相互 审查;鼓励联合国系统一既往持非洲联盟和非洲发展新伙伴关系;支持科 技投资。
The Ministers committed themselves, inter alia, totaking a direct and active role in ongoing efforts at rebuilding local, national, subregional and regional capacities for development thinking and planning, economic management and policy coordination; promoting inclusive public policy processes; mobilizing financial resources to meet Africa’s investment needs; addressing the impact of climate change; increasing resources for health financing and strengthening dialogue and partnership with ministries of health to ensure better understanding of health needs; supporting the Mutual Review of Development Effectiveness(MRDE) in Africa; [...]
encouraging ongoing
United Nations system support for the African Union and its New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD); and supporting investments in science and technology.
在引起援引官员豁免权的行为方面,特别报告员还提到“国家关于其官员 有豁免权的声称与该国对国际不法行为的责任之间关系”的一个有关问题,他强 调,官员的所属国不管是否放弃对其官员的豁免权,在引起豁免问题的行为方 面,去对的行为的国际法律责任。
The Special Rapporteur also alluded to a related aspect concerning the relationship between a State’s assertion that its official had immunity and the responsibility of that State for an internationally wrongful act in respect of the conduct which gave rise to invocation of immunity of the official, underscoring that irrespective of the waiver of immunity with regard to its official, the State of the official was not exempt from international legal responsibility for acts attributed to it in respect of any conduct that may have given rise to questions of immunity.
因此,在强迫失踪发生在文书生效之前,或者在具体国家接受主管机 构管辖之前的情况下,失踪事件在生效或接受管辖之后继续发生的这一事
[...] 实,使机构具备在相关法律文书生效或接受管辖之后,将强迫失踪行为作 为整体,是对家的行为或疏忽进行审议的主管权和管辖 权。
Thus, when an enforced disappearance began before the entry into force of an instrument or before the specific State accepted the jurisdiction of the competent body, the fact that the disappearance continues after the entry into force or the acceptance of the jurisdiction gives the institution the competence and jurisdiction to consider the
act of enforced disappearance as
[...] a whole,andnot onlyacts or omissions imputable to the [...]
State that followed the entry
into force of the relevant legal instrument or the acceptance of the jurisdiction.
采取纠正的方法可能会 更糟,因为负责人应对自己的行为负责,而他们的习惯只是将可能给其带来麻烦的决一推或是对出于职业道德努力行使其职责和责任或指出违规行为的同事进行报复:例如排 斥他们,甚至取消其职位把他们除名,辞了职的那位助理总干事最近就是这样位同 事--当时的教育部门行政与财务股负责人(Chef, AO/ED)的。
Indeed, the cure seems likely to be worse than the disease insofar as it seeks to make accountable for their actions officials who normally either defer decisions that might cause them problems or take reprisals against colleagues who make an effort to carry out their duties and responsibilities professionally or who report irregularities, for example, by marginalizing them or even removing them by abolishing their posts, as the ADG who has just resigned recently did at the expense of a colleague who was then the Chief of the Administration and Finance Unit of the Education Sector (Chief, AO/ED).
经济贫穷和物质贫穷,或是可直接和特别穷的各种状况作为 剥夺父母对儿童的照料、以替代性照料方式安置儿童或阻止其与家人团聚的唯一 理由,而应将其视为一种信号,表明有必要向该家庭提供适当支助。
Financial and material poverty, or
[...] conditions directly and uniquely imputable to such poverty, should never be the only [...]
justification for
the removal of a child from parental care, for receiving a child into alternative care, or for preventing his/her reintegration, but should be seen as a signal for the need to provide appropriate support to the family.
12 小时时,应给予他们每天一小时的室外活动时间,监 狱中的医护人员应每天对他们在纪律处罚室的健康状况进行检查喻,医 生应一既往囚犯健康的最佳利益采取行动。
The SPT also recommends, in the specific context of the prisons visited, that, when detainees are placed in a disciplinary cell for more than 12 hours, they should be given access to the outdoors for one hour each day, and the healthcare staff of the prison should perform daily checks on their
health in the
[...] disciplinary cell, it being understood that the doctor should act,as always, inthe best [...]
interests of the health of the prisoner.
科特迪瓦政府能否筹集资金支付第四项补充 协议中规定的复员费也是这些进程成功与否的关键,特别是考虑到国际伙伴不情
[...] 愿支持“现金付款”方式,“现金付款”本往往既不,也不利于前 战斗人员可持续地重返社会。
The ability of the Government of Côte d’Ivoire to raise the funds for the payment of demobilization packages provided for in the fourth supplementary agreement will also be key to the success of these processes, especially in the light of the reluctance of international
partners to support cash payments which,
[...] in themselves,haveoften provento beneither sufficient [...]
nor conducive to the sustainable
reintegration of ex-combatants.
(b) 如果任务被指定为不带家属的派任,联合既不工作人员的配偶和 (或)受扶养子女的安家费,也不提供他们地点的旅费。
(b) When a mission has been designated as non-family, the spouse and/or dependent children of the staff member shall notbe installed at nor shall travel to the duty station be provided at the expense of the Organization.
这些缺陷要个因素,包括国家及其发展伙伴未能履行承 诺,财政资源与《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》设定的宏伟目标相比尤显不足,以及最不 发达国家的人力和体制能力有限。
These shortcomings were attributed to a variety of factors, including unfulfilled commitments onthe part of least developed countries and their development partners, inadequate financial resources, particularly when set against the broad ambitions of the Brussels Programme of Action, and the limited human and institutional capacity in the least developed countries.
它还认为,申诉 人的指控纯粹是理论性的,利比里亚叛乱分子和村民所带来的风险,除了不太可 能发生之外,迪瓦当局。
It observes moreover that the complainant’s allegations are merely theories and that the risk posed by Liberian rebels and by the villagers, apart from being unlikely, cannot be attributed to the Ivorian authorities.
新政策的重点是:警察监控 和加强监狱管理;处理国家工作人员犯不咎题;恢复公众对国家警察的信 心;按照和平协议的精神重建部队。
The new policy would focus on police control and greater control in prisons; addressing impunity for crimescommitted byState agents; recovering public trust in the national police force; and the restructuring of the force, in accordance with the spirit of the peace accords.




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