






is both ...(and...)
being the case that



External sources (not reviewed)

采取人权做法为长期脱贫提供了一种框架,其基础是承认极端贫困的利 的持有者,也是变革的力量。
A human rights approach provides a framework for the long-term eradication of extreme poverty based on the recognition of persons living in extreme poverty as rights holders and agents of change.
后法工厂安装到 B 和 L 型压 力表上,也可作为现场安装的附件提供。
Rear flanges are available factory installed on B and L model gauges and as accessories for field installation.
一名业界代表查询订建议将会采纳食品法典委员 会的标准,为何仍保留食品法典委员会食物分類系统没有 涵盖的食物。
One trade representative wondered while the proposed amendments were going to adopt Codex standards, why food items absent in Codex food category system was still retained in the proposed amendments.
们建议采纳 食品法典委员会订定的最高残余限量,作为本港食物中残余除害剂最高 残余限量的主要骨干,为确保相关的最高残余限量是与食物分類兼容 的,我们建议在制定新规管方案的分類制度时,亦參照食品法典委员会 的食物分類方法。
As it is proposed to adopt Codex MRLs as the backbone of the local set of MRLs for pesticide residues in food, to ensure compatibility, it is also proposed to make reference to Codex when developing such classification system under the new regulatory framework.
例如: 如果将两个控制输入端都设置为“本地/远程”,一个输入端信号为高 (1),另一个输入端信号为低 (0),则“手动/自动”和“升/降”功借助于前置面板上的 F 按键完成,也无法通过远程通讯的输入端或串口实现。
If you have set both control inputs to "Local/Remote", and the signal is high (1), but low (0) on the other control input, the "Manual/Auto" and "Raise/lower" functions are not possible with either the F keys on the front panel or the inputs for remote messages or serial interface.
最后,如果孩子们要被送回刚果民主共和国,也会和他们的父亲一起 返回无人陪同,也不是无人帮助。
Lastly, if the children were to be returned to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, they would be returned with their father and would thus be neither unaccompanied nor unsupported.
根据《工作和休息时间法》,下述各类的工作已经缩短了工作时间: 从事地下工作、对健康构成危害的工作或特殊性质的工作的雇员――最多每 天七小三十五个小时;在学校和其他托儿机构工作的教师和教育工 作者,在教育工作的其他人员以及根据与保健服务提供机构订立的雇用合同 工作的心理学家和语言治疗师――最多每天七小三十五个小时。
Under the Working and Rest Time Act, the following categories of workers have reduced working time: employees who perform underground work, work that poses a health hazard or work of a special nature — up to seven hours per day or thirty-five hours per week; teachers and educators working in schools and other child care institutions, and other persons working in the area of education, and psychologists and speech therapists working on the basis of employment contracts entered into with a provider of health care services — up to seven hours per day or thirty-five hours per week.
惯例,秘书处公布了工作方案、举行会议的模式,其中包括各国和其他利益攸 [...]
关者的发言模式,以及工作组会议之前、期间或以后由联合国成员国、非成员国 和观察员以及非政府组织所收到的有关理事会对外网页而提供的全部意见。
In accordancewith established practice, [...]
the Secretariat posted the Programme of Work, the Modalities for conducting the
meeting, including with regard to the interventions by States and other stakeholders, as well as all contributions received, before, during or after the session of the working group, by United Nations Member States, non-member States and observers and non-governmental organizations on the Extranet page of the Council.
我相信,在各位同事的共同努力及广大客户一支持下,我们海通国际一定能尽快实现国际一流投行 的目标。
I believe with the joint efforts of all staffs and the continuing support from our customers, we will soon be able to achieve the goal of transforming into an international-class investment bank.
在这方面,我们主要的担 心是:若国际水平的数据库知识产权保护,又鼓励在新的商用数据库产品和服务 [...]
方面增加投资,可能会同时大大减少发展中国家的科学家和研究员对其中所包含数据的使 用,因为他们通常缺少支付必要订费的财力。
Our central concern here,
[...] therefore,is that astrengthening [...]
of IP protection for databases at the international level,
whilst encouraging more investment in new commercial database products and services, may at the same time greatly reduce the access of scientists and researchers in developing countries to the data they contain because they will often lack the financial means to pay for the necessary subscriptions.
对于攻击的一方来说,这包括尽一切可能核实被 攻击的目平民,也不是民用物体,同时不进 行那种不分青红皂白的攻击,包括预计可能会造成非 有意的平民伤亡攻击,而这种伤亡超过了具体攻击所 期望获得的具体和直接的军事优势。
For those launching attacks, this includes doing everything feasible to verify that the objectives to be attacked are neither civilians nor civilian objects and refraining from any indiscriminate attacks, including those that may be expected to cause incidental civilian casualties that would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated from that specific attack.
在该决议同一节第 16 段,大会请秘书长在其下次关于会议时地分配办法的 报告中提供进一步资料,说明对于超过大会针对秘书处、政府间机构和附属机关 报告规定的字数限制和(或)不符合大会这方则而提交文件的豁免程序, 包括给予豁免的标准以及过去三年中的实施情况。
In paragraph 16 of the same section of the resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to provide, in his next report on the pattern of conferences, further information on the waiver process for documents submitted over the word limits and/or not in compliance with the guidelines established by the Assembly for the reports of the Secretariat, intergovernmental bodies and subsidiary organs, including the criteria for issuing waivers and their application during the previous three years.
2.8 根据内部监督事务厅在对大会部全球统筹管理举措的评价(A/64/166)中的建议,秘书长提议将 日内瓦联合国图书馆的预算从第 2 款的会议管理,日内瓦下的次级方案 5(图书馆事务)转到第 29 E 款(行政,日内瓦)次级方案 7(图书馆事务),并将联合国图书馆-维也纳的预算从第 2 款 的会议管理,维也纳下的次级方案 5(图书馆事务)转到第 29 F 款(行政,维也纳)次级方案 4(支 助事务),以使日内瓦和维也纳图书馆事务的预算结构与这两个办事处织报告结构相 一致。
2.8 Based on a recommendation made by the Office of Internal Oversight Services in its evaluation of the integrated global management initiative of the Department (A/64/166), the Secretary-General proposes that the budget of the United Nations Library in Geneva be moved from subprogramme 5, Library services, under Conference management, Geneva, of section 2 to subprogramme 7, Library services, under Administration, Geneva, of section 29E, and that the budget of the United Nations Library — Vienna moved from subprogramme 5, Library services, under Conference management, Vienna, of section 2 to subprogramme 4, Support services, under Administration, Vienna, of section 29F, so that the budget structures of the library services in Geneva and Vienna are aligned with the established organizational reporting structures at the two Offices.
由于众多存有异议的条款,包 括对基本食物权不准确的文本描述,美国代表团一该决议草案投反对票。
Because of numerous objectionable provisions, including inaccurate textual descriptions of the underlying right to food, his delegation had, as in the past, voted against the draft resolution.
从程序角度看,法庭也显示出若干创新之处,其中包括:(a) 有 一名权力和责任很大的预审法官;(b) 为法官们规定了较为积极主动的作用;(c) 被 害人广泛参与诉讼程序;(d) 用其他措施取代羁押,目的是保证审判前的人身自 由是常规,而不是例外;(e) 保护敏感资料,了保证证人的安全,也是 为了满足各国的合理请求(包括国家安全利益);(f) 在某些情况下对被告进行缺 席审判,并建立旨在充分保护被告权利的机制。
The Tribunal also exhibits several novelties from the point of view of procedure, including: (a) a Pre-Trial Judge with significant authority and responsibility; (b) a more proactive role for judges; (c) extensive victim participation in the proceedings; (d) measures alternative to detention, aimed at ensuring that freedom pending trial is the norm rather than the exception; (e) the protection of sensitive information, both to ensure the safety of witnesses and to accommodate the legitimate requests of States (including national security interests); and (f) trials in the absence of the accused under certain circumstances and with mechanisms designed to fully protect the rights of the accused.
保留,也不是解释性声明,而 是就条约或条约所涉领域作出的单纯的一般政策声明。
Hence, these are neither reservations nor interpretative declarations, but simple general statements of policy formulated in relation to the treaty or relating to the area which it covers.
3) 转 移 了 收 取 金 融 资 产 现 金 流 量 的 权 利,并 且(a)实 质 上 转 让 了 金 融 资 产 所 有 权 上 几 乎 所 有 的 风 险 和 报 酬,或(b)虽 然 实 质转 移 也 没 有 保 留 金 融 资 产 所 有 权 上 几 乎 所 有 的 风 险 和 报 酬,但 放 弃 了 对 该 金 融 资 产 的 控 制。
3) Therightofreceivingcashflowgeneratedbythefinancia lassetsistransferred,and(a)substantially allrisksandrewardsoftheownershipofsuchfinancialas setshavebeentransferred,or(b)control over such financial assets has been renounced even though substantially none of the risks and rewards of the ownership of such financial assets have been transferred or retained.
秘 书 长 在 预 算 文 件 (A/64/6(Sect.34)/Add.1)第 34.6 段指出,内部管理审查查明该部因 其名称而承担了多项任务,关于安全和安保部应管何事也存在若干普遍 假设,尽管其中许多任先赋予也未明确授权。
In paragraph 34.6 of the budget document (A/64/6 (Sect. 34)/Add.1), the Secretary-General states that the internal management review identified a large number of tasks that the Department has assumed by virtue of its title and widespread assumptions about what a department of safety and security should manage, irrespective of the fact that many such tasks were notoriginally anticipated or explicitly mandated.
南非大使已指出,2005 年,当时的秘书长科菲·安南 在题为“大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权” 的报告(A/59/2005)中告诉我们,没有安全我们就无 法实现发展,没有发展我们就没有安全,人权得不到 尊重,我们有安全,也不会有发展。
In his 2005 report entitled “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005), then Secretary-General Kofi Annan told us, as the South African Ambassador has already pointed out, that we would not enjoy development without security, we would not enjoy security without development and we would not enjoy either without respect for human rights.
在几乎所有的最不发达国家中,农业都具有举足轻重的地位促进粮 食安全,也是大部分人的主要经济活动,而且农业与消除贫穷、解决温饱、促进 农村发展、性别平等、妇女赋权、促进出口、实现商品和生产多样化及提高农业 加工能力有直接关系。
Agriculture plays a crucial role in almost all least developed countries, both in promoting food security and as the major economic activity for much of the population, with direct linkages to the eradication of poverty and hunger, rural development and gender equality and empowerment of women, as well as exports, commodity and production diversification and agro-processing capacity.
在落实有利于行使社会经济、文化和政治权利的政策框架下,各部委根据 预先制定的战略采取各种措施和行动,并呼吁相应机制完标。
In implementing their policies to promote the enjoyment of socio-economic, cultural and political rights, the different ministerial departments adopt various measures and actions accordingto predefined strategies and use appropriate mechanisms to achieve the goals set.
然而,随着教育者尝试承认新的社会经济现实(如日新月异的信息通信工具,以及它们 对人类行为、价值观以及追求的的影响),在课程设置中纳入新的知识和技能,使学习内学生们当前的生活,也能够为他们未来的成功做准备,课程设置本身也正在变得越来 越复杂。
However, curriculum itself is becoming more complex as educators seek to acknowledge new economic and social realities (such as rapidly emerging information and communication technologies and their impact on human behaviour, values and aspirations), to integrate new knowledge and skills into the curriculum, and to make students’ learning both relevant to their current lives and essential for success in their future lives.
教科文组织蒙得维的亚多国办事处有双重任务方共同市场区域(阿根 廷、巴西、巴拉圭和乌拉圭)和智利的多国办事处,也是区域科学办事处。
The UNESCO Office Montevideo has the dual mandate of Cluster Office to the MERCOSUR region (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and Chile as well as Regional Bureau for Science.
代表 团看到一些被拘留者需要医治,例如因为他们被送他们到宪兵队的暴徒殴打,但 是他要求看医生,也没有获得接触医生的机会。
The delegation observed detainees who were in need of medical treatment, for example because the mob who had brought them to the gendarmerie had beaten them, but who had either not asked to see a doctor, or had not been provided with access to a doctor.
第六十三次会议审议了多边基金 2011-2014 年综合业务计划,在对所提议项目作出 若干修订后,执行委员会:认可了 2011-2014 年综合业务计划,同时指出,认示 对所确定项目的核准,也不表示对其供资金额或吨数的核准;根据缔约方第二十一次会议 的第 XXI/2 号决定,为低消费量国家销毁消耗臭氧物质设立一个金额 300 万美元的窗口; 并决定可以为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第二阶段的活动提供项目编制的资金,并在 2012-2014 年业务计划第一阶段结束前予以列入,以及下一个业务计划的持续时间应仅限于下一个 2012-2014 三年期,并包括 2014 年之后的任何多年期供资(第 63/5 号决定)。
The 63rd meeting considered the 2011-2014 consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund, and after making some amendments to the projects proposed, the Executive Committee endorsed the 2011-2014 consolidated business plan while noting that endorsement denoted neither approval of the projects identified therein nor their funding or tonnage levels; established a window for ODS destruction for LVC countries, pursuant to decision XXI/2 of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties, amounting to US $3 million; and decided that the project preparation could be funded for stage II HPMP activities and 12 might be included prior to the completion of stage I in business plans for the years 2012-2014 and that the duration of the next business plan should be only for the next triennium 2012-2014, and include any multi-year funding after 2014 (decision 63/5).
为维持其非法占领而采取的高压政策造 成了双重灾难,因为地人的生命和生计造 成了直接影响,也对更广泛的和平进程产生了消极 影响,而和平进程则是漫长的冲突和暴力隧道尽头 的唯一曙光。
High-handed policies to maintain illegal occupation were doubly disastrous owing to their direct effect on lives and livelihoods on the ground and to their negative impact on the broader peace process, the only light at the end of a long tunnel of conflict and violence.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他人无法与他们合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住户搬走,而且 不提供其他住所。
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.




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