

单词 无限制

See also:

无限 adj

indefinite adj
finite adj

无限 adv

infinitely adv

限制 n

limitation n
restrictions pl
limitations pl
constraint n
lid n
restraint n

External sources (not reviewed)

由 57 个国家海洋资料中心和选定的国家机构组成的
[...] 国际海洋资料和信息交流系统(IODE)是进行公开无限制的环 境资料交流的最成功的系统之一。
The International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), with its 57 National Oceanographic Data Centres and
Designated National Agencies, is one of the most successful
[...] systems of open and unrestricted environmental data [...]
以双方商定的关于公正和公平运用大众媒体的框架为 依据,已经启动了自由无限制的政 治竞选运动。
A free and unrestricted
[...] political campaign, based on a mutually agreed [...]
framework on a fair and equitable use of publicly
owned media, had already commenced.
除了有制招标外,无限制招标 形成了整个过程的基 础。
The unlimited tender bidding, apart from the limited tender, forms [...]
the basis of procedure.
[...] 使一些人非常富有,但这与改善市场是两码事...我们的传统没有教育我们进 无限制的 保 护,而是教育我们掌握平衡、洞察过度加强的知识产权制度所固有的危险。
Certainly it will make some people very rich,
but that's different from improving a
[...] market…Rather than unbounded protection, our [...]
tradition teaches balance and the dangers
inherent in overly strong intellectual property regimes.
为基本建设总计划提供捐助的政 策应无限制性的,并应与本组织的国际性质和大会 [...]
第 63/270 号决议的有关规定一致。
The donations policy for the capital master plan
[...] should not be restrictive and should be [...]
consistent with the Organization’s international
character and with the relevant provisions of General Assembly resolution 63/270.
可用作本地或服务器:服务器版本的授权和安装类似于共享打印机,Raster-XChange安装简单,易于使用并且提供很多方便且便宜的授权-从本地单个用户授权 无限制 用 户授权-全球用户合作的话每个用户才需一分钱。
Available as a 'Local' or as a 'Server' License and installed as shared printer in the server version, Raster-XChange is both simple to install and easy to use and offers many convenient and inexpensive
License packs - from a single local
[...] user license to an unlimited user pack - for Global [...]
Corporate users at just a fraction of a penny per user !
然而,数字技术的发展与传播现在已允许对受保护作品进 无限制 的 、完整的、无需付 出代价的非法复制以及几乎即时的在全球范围内销售。
The development and diffusion of digital
technology, however, now permits
[...] unauthorised creation of unlimited, perfect and costless [...]
copies, and the almost instantaneous
and worldwide distribution of protected works.
在您给 Specification Lead 提供任何反馈时,您作以下保证:(i)同意以非专利和非机密的基础提供这些反馈,(ii)颁发给 Specification
Lead 无限期的、非独占的、世界范围内的、付讫的、不可收回的许可证,Specification Lead
[...] 有权向多级别的从属许可证方颁发从属许可证,可以出于与本规范及其未来版本、实现和测试套件有关的任何目的将您的反馈编入、公开 无限制 地 使 用。
To the extent that you provide the Specification Lead with any Feedback, you hereby: (i) agree that such Feedback is provided on a non-proprietary and non-confidential basis, and (ii) grant the Specification Lead a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid-up, irrevocable license, with the right to sublicense through multiple levels of sublicensees, to incorporate, disclose, and use without
limitation the Feedback for any purpose
[...] related to the Specification and future versions, [...]
implementations, and test suites thereof.
主席向专家小组解释称,因为对统计网站参与 者部分的访问无限制的, 他请专家小组提交一份具体的信息请求,并提供保密 [...]
保证,即保证该信息不会被进一步披露或用于除请求中所述目的以外的其他目 的。
The Chair explained to the Panel that, because access to
the participants’ section of the
[...] statistics website was unlimited, he was asking the [...]
Panel to submit a request for specific
information along with assurances of confidentiality that the information would not be further disclosed or used for purposes other than those described in the request.
[...] Emerson(或保证此类信息和材料的所有权人已明确授予 Emerson)免版税、永久、不可撤销 无限制 的 权利及许可,允许 Emerson 使用、复制、展示、执行、修改、改编、出版、翻译、传播及发行,或向世界范围内其他方公开此类信息及材料(部分或全部的,出于任何目的)和/或将此类信息以任何方式,如媒体或已知或今后开发的技术,纳入其它作品中。
By submitting information and material to the Site, you automatically grant to Emerson (or warrant that the owner of such information and material has expressly
granted to Emerson) a
[...] royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, unrestricted, right and license [...]
to use, reproduce, display, perform,
modify, adapt, publish, translate, transmit and distribute, or otherwise make available to other such information and material (in whole or in part and for any purpose) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or hereafter developed.
如果三次此无限制 投票 均无结果,后三次投票应只限于对在第三 无限制 投 票中得票最多的候选 人,其人数不得超过余下的待填补职位数的两倍;此后三次投票又应 无限制投 票,依此交替进行,直至所有职位均得到填补为止。
If three such unrestricted ballots are inconclusive, the next three ballots shall be restricted to the candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes in the third of the unrestricted ballots, whose number shall not be more than twice the number of places remaining to be filled; the following three ballots shall be unrestricted, and so on until [...]
all the places have been filled.
在欧 盟和欧洲自由贸易联盟所属的实施了该准则的国家里,本仪表允无 限制用于封闭容器的内部和外部,这些国家包括:奥地利,比利时, [...]
保加利亚,德国,丹麦,爱沙尼亚,法国,希腊,英国,爱尔兰,冰 岛,意大利,列支敦士登,立陶宛,拉脱维亚,卢森堡,马耳他,荷
兰,挪威,波兰,葡萄牙,罗马尼亚,瑞典,瑞士,斯洛伐克,斯洛 文尼亚,西班牙,捷克共和国和塞浦路斯。
It is approved for unrestricted use inside and [...]
outside of closed vessels in countries of the EU and EFTA that have implemented
this standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Island, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republik and Cyprus.
无限制地嵌 套——可通过很多种不同的方式来管理控件组和单一控件—— [...]
Unlimited Nesting - Control [...]
groups and control elements can be organized in a myriad of different ways - to give your application
the functionality and ease of use it requires.
世界银行的所有退休人员有权获得在工作时间 无限制 出 入 设施和大楼的胸卡 (安全限制措施与在职工作人员相同,即不包括财政部和信息处理部门(ISG) 的人员)。
All retired World Bank staff are entitled
[...] to a badge enabling unlimited access to facilities and buildings within working hours (within the same limitations as current [...]
staff, i.e. not including
Treasury and ISG (information processing).
发达国家也必须兑现其承诺,消除扭曲贸易的农业补贴,最终向发展中国 家提供真无限制的市 场准入机会,帮助它们摆脱贫穷。
Developed countries must also live up to their promises by eliminating
tradedistorting agricultural subsidies and finally
[...] giving genuinely unrestricted market access to [...]
developing countries to help them lift themselves out of poverty.
在柏林,最先的设定是可以将 PC用无限制的免 费打印,其结果就是每年打印大约一百万张纸,而其 [...]
中的 20% 事实上都是废纸。
In Berlin, things were originally set up so that the PCs
[...] could be used for unlimited printing at no charge, [...]
which resulted in
about one million pages being printed each year, 20% of which was actually wasted paper.
法律特别是国际人 道主义法的基本假设正在受到非对称战争和恐怖主
[...] 义的挑战,必须建立一个可以接受的框架,以避免出 现忽略边界且任何人都可能成为目标 无限制 战争 的情形。
Underlying assumptions of law, international humanitarian law in particular, were being challenged by asymmetric warfare and terrorism, and an acceptable
framework must to be established to
[...] avoid a situation of unlimited warfare in which borders [...]
were ignored and anyone could be a target.
执行局在第 2010/22
[...] 号决定中 重申,监督事务司可以完全、自由 无限制 地 查 阅人口基金所有档案、接触与审计 中的人口基金职能有关的财产和人员,并重申所有工作人员都有义务协助该司执行 [...]
任务(DP/2010/34, 第 19 段)。
The Executive Board in its decision 2010/22 reiterates that
the Division for Oversight Services has
[...] full, free and unrestricted access to any and [...]
all UNFPA records, physical properties
and personnel relevant to any functions of UNFPA under review and reiterates that all employees are obliged to assist the Division in fulfilling its role (DP/2010/34, para. 19).
根据国际人道主义法和联合国有关决议的规定,立即、无条件和全部解 除以色列对加沙地带巴勒斯坦人民实行的非法封锁并开放以色列边境 的所有过境点,允许人员和货物自由进出加沙地带,允许长期 无限制 的人道主义准入。
The immediate, unconditional and complete lifting of the illegal Israeli blockade imposed on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the opening of all Israeli border crossing points to allow for freedom of movement of persons and goods into and out of the Gaza Strip and to allow for permanent unfettered humanitarian access, in accordance with international humanitarian law and relevant United Nations resolutions.
拯救生命的救护车必须能无限制地到达伤员;医护人员、医院以及其他医疗 单位必须得到尊重和保护。
[...] ambulances must be given unrestricted access to the wounded; [...]
medical personnel, hospitals and other medical
units must be respected and protected.
如果对检查和测试的结果不满意,认为贵方产品不符合订单或管理正式协议的各个方面(包 无限制 的 我 们提供的规格、说明、设计或样式),那么,除了获取其他权益和补救且不负担本订单项下的法律责任外,我们可以退回或拒绝接收货物。
Rejection If as a result of inspection or testing we are not satisfied that the goods will comply in all respects with this
order or the governing formal
[...] agreement (including, without limitation, all specifications, [...]
instructions, designs or patterns
supplied by us) then we will be entitled, in addition to any other right or remedy and without liability under this order, to reject or refuse to accept such goods.
一些国家辩称,核武器是保证自身及盟国安全的一种不可或缺、合法而又无限制的保 障手段,但其他国家却无权掌握核武器来保护自己所认为的安全 需求,这种说法既非正当有理,也毫无依据。
It is neither defensible nor sustainable for some states to argue that nuclear weapons are an indispensable, legitimate and open-ended guarantor of their own and allies’ security, but that others have no right to acquire them to protect their own perceived security needs.
但是,其中的两个适用于多数情况,它 们是无限制招标和有限制招标。
However, two of these are applied in
[...] most cases, namely unlimited tender bidding and limited tender bidding.
在认缴参加国同无限制地支 付其认缴额一部分,余额须经立法机构按有关拨款法律加以 执行时,它应以受托人可接受的形式交存一份限制性承诺文件(“限制性承诺文件”); 该认缴参加国承诺做出最大的努力在第3 款规定的支付日期之前取得立法机构对其认缴全额 [...]
(b) When a Contributing
[...] Participant agrees to pay a part of its contribution without qualification and the remainder is subject to enactment by its legislature [...]
of the necessary
appropriation legislation, it shall deposit a qualified instrument of commitment in a form acceptable to the Trustee (“Qualified Instrument of Commitment”); such Contributing Participant undertakes to exercise its best efforts to obtain legislative approval for the full amount of its contribution by the payment dates set out in paragraph 3.
图 标,能对该项目进行法兰的 添加或删除(添加的法兰数无限制)。
Any number of flanges can be stored within a project.
我们谴责不 分青红皂白的攻击和造成过大损失 无限制 使 用 武 力,谴责针对手无寸铁的民众进行报复行动和没有 [...]
保持必要的谨慎以尽量减少冲突对平民影响的战斗 行动。
We condemn
[...] indiscriminate attacks and the unlimited use of arms that [...]
cause excessive damage, retaliation against defenceless populations and belligerent
actions that bypass the necessary precautions to minimize the impact of conflicts on civilian populations.
经海地当局同意他们的任期始终 得到延长。这些专家的实地访问请求始终得到批准,他们始终 无限制 地 进 入海 地公共机构,在该国享有完全的行动自由。
Requests for country visits by these experts were
always granted and they
[...] always had unimpeded access to Haitian public institutions and enjoyed full freedom of movement within the country.
必须掌握行政能力以促进遵守和尊重法律、规则、条例、程序、适当进程和 谨慎利用稀有资源以避免在行政系统 无限制 地 利 用酌处权,避免混乱政治竞 争、贪污腐败、缺乏问责制以及“适者生存”的情况,这种情况是社会上许多人 容易遭受各种各样自私力量,以及最终遭受暴力的侵害。
Administrative ability is necessary for following and respecting laws, rules, regulations, procedures, due process and prudent
utilization of scarce
[...] resources to avoid unlimited use of discretion in bureaucracies, chaotic political competition, corruption, lack of accountability [...]
and a situation of “survival
of the fittest” which leaves many individuals in society vulnerable to all sorts of selfish forces and eventually to violence.
如果认缴参加国已交存了合格的承诺文件,并且在此之后通知受托人在到期日期之后分期款 项或部分分期款项无限制条件的,那么即应在此通知日期之后的30 [...]
天之内支付此分期款项 或部分分项款项。
(d) If a Contributing Participant has deposited a Qualified Instrument of Commitment and thereafter
notifies the Trustee that an installment, or
[...] part thereof, is unqualified after the date [...]
when it was due, then payment of such installment,
or part thereof, shall be made within 30 days of such notification.
有关执行机构将与项目提案国协商 告知秘书处自己是否同意前者 无限制 地 向 执行 委员会披露所要求的指明的技术信息 如果执行机构不同意 秘书处将报告执行委员会 如果适当 并将申明自己无法建议核准该项目提案
The Implementing Agency, in consultation with the country from which the project proposal originated, will inform the Secretariat either of its agreement that the Secretariat disclose the requested Identified Technical Information to the Executive Committee without restriction or its disagreement.




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