单词 | 无遮盖的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无遮盖的 adjective—bare adjSee also:无的 adj—absent adj 遮盖 v—cover v 遮盖—cover (one's tracks) 无...的 adj—free adj
它的遮瑕度足以遮盖有疤痕的肌肤 并隐藏缺陷,使肌肤变得光 滑 无 比 , 呈现出素颜般的美肌质感。 clarinsusa.com | It provides just enough coverage to even-out blotchy skin and hide imperfections, but is light enough [...] for a “no make-up” look. clarinsusa.com |
出色的色纯度、卓越的光泽以及绝佳 的遮盖 力 ,都保证了它们在所有一般应用中的特殊优雅效果。 eckart.com.cn | Outstanding colour purity, excellent gloss, as [...] well as optimum coverage properties, ensure [...]elegant special effects in all common applications. eckart.net |
现代多边主义不能以圈内方圈外方、政治上有权 无权为基础,也不能用象征性地容纳个别发展中国家 来遮盖对现 有权力安排实行深层次结构性改 造 的必 要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Modern multilateralism cannot proceed on the bases of the included and the excluded, of the political haves and have-nots, nor can token assimilations of individual developing countries serve to mask the necessity for deep structural changes to existing [...] power arrangements. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时三边环绕的大露台提供户外就餐空间,同时起到遮阳作用 而 无 需 使用 会 遮 挡 视 线 的遮 阳 帘。 chinese-architects.com | A covered terrace surrounds the canteen on three sides, providing a space for outdoor dining and relaxation. chinese-architects.com |
这些观察人员将被部署在急需保护的抗议者之 中,而这种保护是观察人员没有条件或没有授权提供 的。部署的观察人员人数之少,无法 覆 盖 整 个国家, 然而这一人数又足以让人寄予期望,假如叙利亚政府 不履行持续停止暴力的承诺的话,这种期望是根本不 [...] 可能达到的。 daccess-ods.un.org | They are going to be deployed in the midst of protesters who are desperate for a protection that the monitors are not equipped or mandated to provide, and they will be [...] deployed in numbers [...] too small to cover the entire country but large enough to give rise to expectations [...]that will be impossible [...]to meet if the Syrian Government does not fulfil its commitments towards a sustained cessation of violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
重申 2008 年 11 月 3 日第 63/8 号决议,并就此请秘书长指定有遮盖的 吸烟区,以使翻修后的联合国总部成 为 无 烟 房舍 daccess-ods.un.org | Reaffirms its resolution 63/8 of 3 November 2008, and requests the Secretary-General, in this regard, to designate sheltered smoking areas in order to make the renovated United Nations Headquarters premises smoke-free daccess-ods.un.org |
在此 情况下,可从抽样调查中收集补充资料,其目的不仅是为了使统计完 整 无 缺 (例 如在覆盖不足的情况 下),而且也是为了评估数据的质量,并显示同一问题的不 [...] 同方面(例如,将医院记录中获得的发病率与自我健康评估相比较)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In such cases, additional information may be collected from sample [...] surveys, not only to complete the [...] statistics (as in case of under-coverage), but also to assess the [...]quality of the data and to [...]show different sides of the same issue (e.g., to compare morbidity from hospital records with selfassessed health). daccess-ods.un.org |
近年来,公众就禁止或限制宗教标志的问题展开 了 无 数 次辩论,尤其是关 于尖塔、伊斯兰面纱和从头到脚全部 遮盖的 面 纱。 daccess-ods.un.org | In recent years, [...] there have been numerous public debates around the issue of bans or restrictions on religious symbols, and in particular on minarets, the Islamic veil and the full [...]head-to-toe niqab. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴西、埃及和摩洛哥的总部外办事处也苦于信托基金管理费账户不够充盈,该账 户无 法为其覆盖范围内由当地管理的预算 外计划的行政支助职位提供全部资金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The field offices in Brazil, Egypt and Morocco, too, are adversely affected by the shortfall in FITOCA, which cannot fund all posts providing administrative support for locally generated extrabudgetary projects falling within their field of competence. unesdoc.unesco.org |
以后还将用雷达数 据来补充光学数据的使用,以便克服云 层 遮盖的 问 题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The use of optical data will be complemented with radar data in the future in order to [...] overcome the problem of cloud cover. daccess-ods.un.org |
在制订实施战略时需要考虑的一些关键因素是需要 涵 盖的 功 能 范围 (无论它们是同时还是分阶段引入)以及在所有地点推出新系统而需要作 几次部署。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some of the key elements to be considered in developing an implementation strategy are the range of functions to be covered, whether they are introduced simultaneously or in phases and the number of deployments for rolling out the new system to all locations. daccess-ods.un.org |
内部泉池沿着类似縁側的过渡空间移动;一条 有 遮盖的 外 通 道,链接温泉内的所有功能。 chinese-architects.com | Within this interior world of the pools movement is guided by a transitional space operating akin to an engawa; an external covered path that links all programs within the spa. chinese-architects.com |
由于无法获得计算需要的信息和数据,上述百分比不包括: (i)一些投喂型物种的非投喂型部分(例如部分生长在养殖池塘施肥增殖藻类环 境中的遮目鱼 ,这种藻类被称为“lab-lab”;以及(ii)一些生产国将非投喂滤 食性鲤科鱼与其他物种合计报告,被整体视为投喂型物种。 fao.org | Owing to the unavailability of information and data needed for the calculation, the said percentage does not include: (i) the non-fed portion of production of some fed species (such as milkfish that grow partially [...] on algal aggregates [...]known as “lab-lab” proliferated through fertilization in culture ponds); and (ii) the non-fed filter feeding carps reported by some producers in aggregation with other species and treated wholly as fed species. fao.org |
试问谁人愿意将这样美丽的产品遮盖 著? tunewear.com | Why would you want to cover such a beautiful product? tunewear.com |
设计保留了大部分原有的结构,并从结构和树木的限制中创造出三个相互嵌套的庭院来组织空间:西南角的庭院最为开敞并带有室外露台,能够 毫 无遮 挡 的 看 到 西面的云杉林和南面的远山;东北角在相对局促的现有环境中创造了相对围合的内院,遮蔽了周围嘈杂的环境,提供了看树和看天的环境。 chinese-architects.com | The design retains the existing structure and then creates three differentiated courtyards in connection to the spruce trees. chinese-architects.com |
注意分接开关头范围中的红色平面标记,不得被切换开关芯 子 的 底 板 遮盖, 图 17。 highvolt.de | Take note of the red-marked area which is [...] in the region of the on-load tapchanger head and not [...] covered by the base plate of the diverter switch [...]insert, Figure 17. highvolt.de |
一个电池板被定义成“无遮挡”,如果,对于特定的运行期间,电池板本身是完 全 无遮 挡 的 ; 以及,即使 是在日历中最坏的一天内,无妨碍的日照也会持续几个小时。 sipos.de | A module is defined as “shadow-free”, if, for the defined operation period, the module itself is completely unshadowed and unhindered insolation is possible for several hours even on the calendarically worst days. sipos.de |
栏位配置在 AMH 中完成,系统向另一 个应用程序发出不同的请求,根据用 户 的 说 明对栏位信息进 行 遮盖 / 编 码。 swift.com | The field configuration is done in AMH and different calls are made to another application which mask/code the field’s information according to the user specification. swift.com |
委员会遵循至少三项指标判断各国如何作出这种适应性调整:列入管制物项 清单中的技术以及货物;它们管制制度所 覆 盖的 技 术 无 形 转 让的范围;对本国境 内信息向外国国民流动(即视同出口)的管制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee follows at least three indicators of how States have made such adaptations: the inclusion of technologies as well as goods in lists of controlled items; the coverage of intangible transfers of technology in their control systems; and controls on the flow of information to foreign nationals within the boundaries of a State (i.e. deemed exports). daccess-ods.un.org |
应当注意 [...] 的是,根据某些安排,尤其是与非营利组织和政府部委为实施教科文组织的使命和任务项下 的活动而签订的非交换性合同,所确 立 的 合 同 涵 盖无 法 轻易分配给单一合约服务类别的若干 服务和工作类别。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It should be noted that under certain arrangements, especially nonexchange contracts with not-for-profit organizations and government ministries for the implementation of activities under UNESCO’s mission and [...] mandate, contracts are [...] established which cover several types of services and work which cannot be easily [...]allocated to a single [...]category of contracted services. unesdoc.unesco.org |
拥有135个轮齿的齿轮保证月相遮片运 行 无 误 ,月 相 遮 片 可逐渐掩蔽或展露代表月亮的圆盘。 piaget.com.cn | A wheel of 135 teeth drives the rotation of the moon mask which, as the name suggests, hides and reveals a second disc symbolizing the moon. piaget.com |
关于所涵盖的事项 ,联合王国赞同条约范围包括所有常规武器,至少包括有 人或无人操 控的武器;坦克;其他军事车辆;火炮系统;军用飞机和直升机;载 有武器或军事装备的水面和水下海军舰只;制导或非制导导弹和导弹系统;小武 器和轻武器;地雷和其他爆炸装置;供上述任何武器使用的弹药;对上述任何武 [...] 器特别或专门设计的零件或部件;为发展、制造或维护上述任何武器而特别和专 [...]门设计和使用的技术和设备。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding items to be covered, the United Kingdom agrees that the scope of the treaty should [...] include all [...] conventional weapons, including, at a minimum, manned or unmanned weapons; tanks; other military vehicles; artillery systems; [...]military [...]aircraft and helicopters; surface and submarine naval vessels armed or equipped for military use; missiles and missile systems, guided or unguided; small arms and light weapons; mines and other explosive devices; munitions for use with any of the above; parts or components specially and exclusively designed for any of the above; and technology and equipment specially and exclusively designed and used to develop, manufacture or maintain any of the above. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,仍在旨在实施扩大甚高频无线 电通 信覆盖面的方案(S/2009/200,第 25 段),并在任务区安装更多的中继器。 daccess-ods.un.org | The programme aimed at improving VHF radio communications coverage is still ongoing (S/2009/200, para. 25), with the installation of additional repeaters throughout the area of operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
12 为专家组提供消息的人士 说得很具体,并一致认为,遮盖起来 的 载 重 军用卡车被用来将武器和弹药从该国 与布基纳法索的边界(从拉莱拉巴到科霍戈)运入,此后进一步向南转运。 daccess-ods.un.org | These transfers reportedly began early in January 2011 (some sources note late December 2010) and have continued in subsequent months in parallel with the intensive training of Forces nouvelles units in various locations.12 The Group’s sources are specific and concur that heavily laden, covered military trucks have been used to transfer weapons and ammunition from the border with Burkina Faso (from Laleraba to Korhogo) and then further south. daccess-ods.un.org |
公开本报告无疑将 为巴西防范酷刑和虐待多提供一种手 段,正如防止酷刑小组委员会认为,广泛传播这些建议将有助于在全国就报告所 涵盖的问题 展开一次透明而富有成效的对话。 daccess-ods.un.org | The publication of this report will undoubtedly serve as an additional means for preventing torture and ill-treatment in Brazil, as the SPT considers that the widespread dissemination of the recommendations [...] would contribute [...]to a transparent and fruitful national dialogue on the issues the report covers. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于在广泛讨论中提出的关切,委员会商定,有关该议题的工作只应 侧重于在破产情况下产生的职责 和责任, 而 无 意 涵 盖 刑 事 责任各个领域或处理 公司法的核心领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the light of concerns raised during extensive discussion, the Commission agreed that the focus of the work on that topic should only be upon those responsibilities and liabilities that arose in [...] the context of insolvency, [...] and that it was not intended to cover areas of criminal liability [...]or to deal with core areas of company law. daccess-ods.un.org |