

单词 无遗嘱

See also:

无遗 n

exhaustive n



urge v

External sources (not reviewed)

无遗嘱指导者或法律监护人的未成年人 以及无行为能力的儿童或孤儿,该事务署充当托管人,保护他们的资产并维护和 [...]
It acts as a trustee for minors
[...] and wards without a testamentary tutor or [...]
a legal guardian and for children who lack capacity
or are orphans, protecting their assets and safeguarding and developing their property.
参与关于《配偶财 产权法》和无遗嘱继承法》的立法倡导和社区宣传。
Has engaged in legislative advocacy and community sensitization on the Property Rights of Spouses Bill and the Intestate Succession Bill.
缔约国必须通过与其根据《公约》所承担义务一致 无遗 嘱继承法。
They must adopt laws of intestate succession that comply with their obligations under the Convention.
据提交人称,当时提交人及其父亲居住在格恩西,因此, 根据格恩西法律起草并执行了这 遗嘱。
According to the author, the will was drawn up and executed pursuant to the laws of Guernsey, where
[...] the author and his father then resided.
为了帮助部分可以遗嘱的无行为 能力当事人立遗嘱,应向他们提供一些必 要的帮助。
There is therefore no need to make any amendment of substance in this regard, although it would be desirable to provide for some measure of support for persons deprived of capacity so as to enable them to make a will with assistance.
对于在法律意义上无行为 能力人,可以根据《民法典》第 665 条规定的各种条件来确定其是否可遗嘱。
In cases of persons declared incapable by court judgement, the latter may contain a specific prohibition, or be silent, on the subject, in which case the person concerned will be allowed to make a will under the conditions stipulated in article 665.
业务:律师所;业务包括民事及工商诉讼、公司及工商法、财产转让及产业法、雇用法、移民事项、汽车及工商意外索赔、离婚及家庭法、员工赔偿 遗嘱 检 验 及 遗 产 管理、刑法、破产 无 力 偿 付债务法
Business: Law firm; areas of practice include civil & commercial litigation, company & commercial law, conveyancing & property law, employment law, immigration matters, vehicle & industrial accident claims, divorce & family law, workers' compensation claims, probate & administration of estates, criminal law, bankruptcy & insolvency law
按照本章程的规定送交或以邮寄方式寄往任何成员的登记地址的任何通知或文 件,尽管该成员当时已经去世,及不论本公司是否已收到关于其去世的通知,仍
应被视为已正式送达(关于任何登记股份,不论是单独或与其他人联名持有)给 该成员,直至有其他人取代他登记为该股份的持有人或联名持有人为止,而该送
[...] 达就任何目的而言,应被视为将该通知或文件给 遗嘱 执 行 人或遗产管理人及所 有与他对于该股份有共同利益的人(如有)的足够送达。
Any notice or document delivered or sent by post to the registered address of any Member in pursuance of these Articles shall, notwithstanding that such Member be then deceased and whether or not the Company has notice of his decease, be deemed to have been duly served (in respect of any registered shares, whether held solely or jointly with other persons) on such Members until some other person be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof and such service shall for all purposes of these presents be
deemed a sufficient service of such notice
[...] or document on his executors or administrators [...]
and all persons (if any) jointly
interested with him in any such share.
最后,第五部分专门讨论继承和继承法,其中包含诸 如资产的划分和管理、法定和强制性继承 遗嘱 等 问 题的规定。
Finally, the fifth part is devoted to succession and inheritance law,
containing provisions on issues such as division and administration of assets, legal
[...] and mandatory inheritance and wills.
鉴于对本案适用公民身份规定这一事实违背了第二十六条的规定,形成了 歧视,委员会没有必要评判提交人根据第十四和第二条提出的其他申诉,以判定 国家法院对原始资产所有人是否确为捷克公民问题所作的相关评估以及对所遗 嘱的理解问题。
10.5 In light of a finding of a violation of article 26, due to the fact that the citizenship criteria, as applied in this case, was discriminatory, the Committee need not pronounce itself on the author’s other claims under articles 14 and 2, which relate to the national court’s assessment of whether or not the original owner was in fact a Czech citizen, as well as their interpretation of the will in question.
3.3 提交人宣称,缔约国未能为他提供第二条第3 款和第二条第1 款以及第十 四条与第二十六条一并解读的含义所述的有效补救办法,纠正任意解 遗嘱 的行 为,因为宪法法院非但拒绝受理提交人关于任意解释问题的申诉,反而以国籍问 题为依托。
3.3 The author claims that the State party failed to provide him with an effective remedy, within the meaning of article 2, paragraph 3 and article 2, paragraph 1, read in combination with articles 14 and 26, against the arbitrary interpretation of the will, since the Constitutional Court refused to address the author’s complaints about arbitrary interpretation and instead relied on the citizenship issue.
生前嘱是您 希望如何对您进行医疗护理 的书面文件,在无法为 自己做出决定和 表达时使用。
A living will is a written record of how you wish your medical care to be handled if you are no longer able to decide and speak for yourself.
此外, 添加了“尤其是本条款草案所述”的短语,以便强调不只是无意将被驱逐出境情况 下的人权分为等级,还强调在条款草案中具体提到的权利并不是包 无遗 的。
In addition, the phrase “in particular those mentioned in the present draft articles” had been added in order to emphasize not only that there was no intention to establish a hierarchy among the human rights to be respected in the context of expulsion but also that the rights specifically mentioned in the draft articles were not exhaustive.
无处方/不按治疗用途 使用处方药 使用被转用的处方药或不按执业医师 嘱 自 行 使用处方药(即,为非治疗目的)。
The use of diverted prescription drugs or use of one’s own prescription drugs in a manner other than that prescribed by a medical practitioner (i.e. for non-therapeutic purposes).
最后,提议在第 C1 条草案第 1 款的起首语中添加“包括”一词,以便强 调该项规定中提出的程序权利清单并非详 无遗 的 性 质。
Lastly, the insertion of the word “including” in the chapeau to draft article C1, paragraph 1, was proposed in order to stress the non-exhaustive nature of the list of procedural rights set out in that provision.
俄罗斯联邦感谢哥伦比亚对俄罗斯在审议过程中提出的问题所作的详无 遗 并 重 点 突 出的解 答 ,并称 , 这 种专注而尊敬 的 态 度 可 以成为典范。
The Russian Federation thanked Colombia for its exhaustive and focused approach to issues raised by Russia during the review, adding that this attentive and respectful attitude could serve as an example.
不适用于与向受托人移转资产遗嘱 及 其 他行为是否有效相关的先决 问题[第 4 条
Does not apply to preliminary issues relating to the validity of wills or of other acts by virtue of which assets are transferred to the trustee [Article 4
最后,关于裁决没有给出充分理由,意味着侵犯了获得有效司法保护的权利的 论点,法院认为裁决证明是有正当理由的,符合宪法法院之前阐述的关于司法 判决的意见,大意是提供理由的要求并不意味着要求法院对当事人可能就审议 的问题提出的每个方面或观点都提供详 无遗 的 司法论点;支持司法裁定的理 由表明裁定是依据基本的法律标准——判决理由——作出的,应当认为是充分 的。
Lastly, with regard to the argument concerning the lack of reasons given for the award, which would mean that the right of effective judicial protection had been infringed, the Court considered that the award had been duly justified, in line with the opinion previously set out by the Constitutional Court with regard to judicial decisions to the effect that the requirement to provide reasons did not mean that the Court was required to provide an exhaustive and detailed judicial argument on every aspect or point of view that the parties might raise on the question under consideration; judicial decisions supported by reasons that demonstrated the essential legal criteria underpinning the decision — the
原告称,其父亲的第二任妻子在其过世后又找到一名新伴侣,根据其父 遗嘱中 的 一项规定,她这样做即丧失了财产权,财产遂将由子女继承。
The plaintiffs claimed that their father’s widow had a new spouse and that according to a condition in their father’s testament, she lost the right to the property under those circumstances and the children were subsequently to inherit it.
就本细则而 言,已故股东(任何股份以其名义登记)的数 遗嘱 执 行 人或遗产管理人视为股份 的联名持有人。
Several executors or administrators of a deceased Member in whose name any share stands shall for the purposes of this Article be deemed joint holders thereof.
[...] 致受害人死亡,则为受害人的配偶或伴侣、四等以内直系血亲或两等以内旁系亲 属、收养的子女和(或)父遗嘱继承 人;受犯罪之害的法人;如果犯罪影响集体 利益或广泛利益,则为依法设立的基金会和协会,条件是基金会或协会的宗旨与 [...]
The Code of Criminal Procedure defines the various categories of victims: persons directly affected by a crime; spouses or partners, blood relatives up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of kinship,
adoptive children and/or
[...] parents’ testamentary heirs, where the crime results in the death of the victim; [...]
legal persons affected
by the crime; and legally constituted foundations and associations, where the crime affects collective or widespread interests, provided that the purpose of the foundation or association has a direct bearing on those interests.
6.2 委员会进一步注意到,根据《公约》第22条第5款(b) 项,国内补救办法已 援无遗,而且缔约国并未质疑该来文的可受理性。
6.2 The Committee further notes that domestic remedies have been exhausted pursuant to article 22, paragraph 5 (b), and that the State party does not contest admissibility.
这种意义符遗嘱的目的,即只有当其妻 子与她的新伴侣发展为一种严肃而永久的关系时―― 类似于她与自己生前的那种 关系,子女才可继承财产。
This meaning complied with the testimony’s objective that the children would inherit the property only if the wife developed a serious and permanent relationship with her new partner, similar to the one she had with the deceased.
此外,《民法典》第 665 条规定,如果不完全行为人具有 遗嘱 的 行 为能力,那么当他/她需要 遗嘱 时, 应到公证处、并在两名公证人员的公证下 遗嘱 : 这 也是对不完全行为人的 负责。
Finally, article 665 states that where the judgement of incapacity makes no provision regarding the capacity to make a will, and the incapacitated person wishes to make one, the assistance of a notary must be sought to designate two medical practitioners to guarantee the person's capacity and grant recognition and authorization as appropriate.
此外,还有关 于体检、举行宗教仪式、会见亲属和撰 遗嘱 等 权 利的规定。
Moreover, there are also provisions for medical examinations, performance of religious ceremonies, meetings with relatives, and the writing of wills, among others.
这是一个公共机构,管理以个遗嘱 和 以 委托书授权的资产,并将其投资在 发展、教育和社会项目上,为社区及其机构服务。
This is a public institution which administers assets donated by individuals under wills and via instruments authorizing the Foundation to administer these assets and to invest them in development, educational and social projects which serve the community and its institutions.
6.2 委员会注意到,按《任择议定书》第五条第2款(子)项和(丑) 项规定,同一
[...] 事件不在另一国际调查或解决程序审查之中,并已对可以运用的国内补救办法援无遗。
6.2 As required under article 5, paragraph 2 (a) and (b), of the Optional Protocol, the Committee has ascertained that the same matter is not being
examined under another procedure of international investigation or settlement, and that domestic
[...] remedies have been exhausted.
通过纳入来无遗产代表作国家的 3 处遗址、遗产代表作 不足区域的 [...]
4 处遗址和遗产代表作不足的类别中的 4 处遗址,《世界遗产名录》的代表性已 有所提升。
The representativeness of the World Heritage List was [...]
improved by the inclusion of three sites from non-represented countries;
four from underrepresented regions and four under-represented categories.
让病人及家人可以为将来作计划─ 包括    订遗嘱、返 回祖籍、计划丧事,或者其    他很多他们希望在辞世前想要做的事情   ─ 如何他们不知道真相,便没有机会去    完成上述的任务。
To allow patients and families to prepare for the future – this might involve writing a will, travelling to the family home, planning a funeral, or many other things which they want to do before they die, and which may not be done if they do not hear the truth.




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