

单词 无货

External sources (not reviewed)

无货,零 售商和游商也无货可卖
Without goods, retailers and peddlers will have nothing [...]
to sell.
我们接无现货产品 的订单,此类订单可能会被安排在未来某个日期送货。
It is important to note the scheduled dock date on the order entry screen. We do take orders for items that are not in stock, so delivery may be scheduled at a future date.
有人指出,提议作为家用空调机改装替代品的 R-290 在当地市场无货,为此目的 的现有替代品(R-407A)的价格几乎是 HCFC-22 的两倍。
It was noted that R-290, proposed as a retrofit alternative for domestic air-conditioning units, is not available in the local market, and the price of the available alternative for this purpose (R-407A) is almost twice as much as that of HCFC-22.
如果发生转卖的情况无论货品在 转卖前是否经过加工,买方 对转卖引起的一切权力立即转移给我方,特别是货款要求权, 也包括在卖方发票金额总数(包括增值税)范围内可要求的其 它权力。
In the event of a resale the customer at this time already assigns to us all claims resulting from the resale in the amount of the sum total of the invoice (including VAT), especially claims for payment but also claims in connection with the sale, regardless of the fact whether the object supplied has been resold without or after processing.
框架协议可以与《示范法》中的所有采购方法结合, 用于所有采购当中无论是货物、 工程或服务采购,还是同时包括这三者的采 购。
As with all procurement
[...] methods under the Model Law, the framework agreement can be used in all procurement — whether of goods, construction, [...]
services or a combination thereof.
RDSC 是一个无源辐射探测系统,它与标准的跨载 器集成,并采用二次扫描来解决警报问题, 无 需 打 开 货 物 集 装箱。
RDSC is a passive radiation detection system that
integrates with a standard straddle carrier and uses secondary scans to resolve
[...] alarms without the need to open cargo containers.
正如下文案例所示,尽管专家组可能 能够观察到可疑活动,但通无法核 实 货 物 的内容,因为安全部队不让进入所 涉港口。
As the following cases illustrate, although it may be
able to observe suspicious activity,
[...] the Group is usually unable to verify the contents [...]
of shipments because security forces
prevent entry into the port in question.
无疑问,受共货币影 响最直接的就是新的货币政策概念:共同货币将货 币政策的大权交到了欧洲中央银行的手中,这一点已经是不可逆转的。
The most immediate implication of the creation of the
[...] common currency was undoubtedly the new conception [...]
of monetary policy, whose oversight
was irreversibly assigned to the European Central Bank (ECB), with the Bank of Spain thereby losing its direct autonomy in the design of monetary policy.
此外,以色列过境点开放时间非常 有限,基础设施不足,如缺乏冷藏设施和大型扫描仪,且商业过境点使用缓慢和 低效连续单个检查系统,而不是使用集装箱,使巴勒斯坦企业家无法进行有成本 效益货运,无法进入交货时间 要求严格的国际市场,限制了他们实现规模经济 的能力。
In addition, the very limited working hours at Israeli crossing points, combined with inadequate infrastructure, such as the lack of cold storage facilities and large scanners, and the use of a slow and inefficient back-toback system at commercial crossings instead of containers, make it impossible for Palestinian enterprises
to make cost-effective
[...] shipments, thereby preventing them from entering international markets that require rigorous delivery times and limiting [...]
their ability to achieve economies of scale.
(c) 加大力度,加强入境点和开放边界沿线的边境安全,并通过制订区域办 法和最佳做法(例如社区警务)等方式,预防和阻止恐怖分子的跨界流动,同时按 照国际最佳准则和做法,防止和阻 货 币 和 无 记 名 可转让票据、货物、武器/爆 炸物的实际跨界携带。
Strengthen efforts to enhance border security at entry points and along open borders, including through the development of regional approaches and best practices, such as community policing, in order to prevent and suppress the movement of terrorists across borders, and also prevent and suppress the physical cross-border transportation of currency and bearer negotiable instruments, cargo and arms/explosives, in accordance with international best codes and practices.
法院也驳回了这一说法,理由是,这与诉讼程 无 关 , 因为证 货物 在 原产地时就存在颜色瑕疵的举证责任在于买方,买方本能够(且本应该)在 [...]
收到货物时检查,而不是到了目的地才检查货物,因为买方完全了解,或者说 至少不可能不了解时间和运输对果汁颜色的影响。
The Court rejected that claim also, on the grounds that it was
not relevant to the proceedings as the burden of proof
[...] that the colour of the goods was defective at their [...]
point of origin
was on the buyer, which could (and ought to) have checked the goods on collection rather than at their destination, given that the buyer was perfectly aware of, or at least could not be unaware of, the effect of time and transportation on the colour of the must.
董事会可在其认为适当情况下收取股东愿就所持股份垫付的全部或任 何部份未催缴、未付款或应付分期股款 无 论 以 货 币 或 货 币 等值形式),而本公司 可就预缴之全部或任何款项(就该垫付而言,直至该等款项目前须予支付为止)按 董事会厘订之利率(如有)支付利息。
The Board may, if it thinks fit, receive from any Member willing to advance the same, and either in money or money’s worth, all or any part of the moneys uncalled and unpaid or instalments payable upon any shares held by him and upon all or any of the moneys so advanced (until the same would, but for such advance, become presently payable) pay interest at such rate (if any) as the Board may decide.
但绝大多数人认为,鉴于薪水差异是聘用前 举行的谈判的结果,根据《平等就业机会法》,原告并未受到歧视,因此,无 权就非货币损 害请求赔偿――这与下级法院的裁定相反。
However, the majority opinion ruled that as the difference in salary was the result of negotiations made prior to employment, the plaintiff had not been discriminated against based on the Equal Employment Opportunities Law, and therefore had no right to compensation for nonpecuniary damage in contrast to the lower court’s ruling.
真正的全渠道顾客体验:从任意设备对产品和计划的浏览;包括网上购买和店内 货 的 无 缝 隙 体验,以及长尾产品在店内的可利用性。
A true omni-channel experience for customers: a single
view of product and plan offerings from any
[...] device, plus a seamless experience including [...]
buy online / pick up in store and
long-tail product availability in store.
2010 年,根据其在研制和运行国际空间站方面所持的国际义务,俄罗斯联
[...] 邦发射了两架载人联盟号 TMA 飞船和四无人 Progress-M 号货运飞 船,对国际 空间站俄罗斯段的飞行情况实施了监控,并实施了计划中的研究和实验方案。
In 2010, the Russian Federation, in accordance with its international obligations regarding the development and operation of ISS,
launched two manned Soyuz TMA
[...] spacecraft and four unmanned Progress-M cargo spacecraft, [...]
controlled and tracked the flight
of the Russian segment of ISS and implemented a planned programme of research and experiments.
我们提供没有最低起订量的免费货 , 两 年 无 忧 保 修以及三十天退款保证服务;所有这些都使您的购物体验不受烦恼困扰。
We offer free shipping with no minimum order, a two year worry-free warranty, and a thirty day money back guarantee; all to make your shopping experience hassle free.
为了避免这些延误,采用视频监货运配载,配无线射频识别货运 中转监测和加密数据容器密封,以提供足够 的安全性,避免普通边境检查造成的延误,从而以可预测的方式及时交付易腐产 品。
In order to avoid these delays, video-monitored freight loading was combined with freight transit monitoring using radio frequency identification (RFID) and encrypted data container seals to offer sufficient security to bypass ordinary border inspection delays, resulting in the delivery of perishable products in a timely and predictable way.15 29.
第四十三条 接受交货的义务
[...] 当货物到达目的地时,要求交付货物的收货人应在运输合同约定的时间或期 限内,在运输合同约定的地点接受 货 , 无 此 种 约定的,应在考虑到合同条款和 行业习惯、惯例或做法以及运输情形,能够合理预期的交货时间和地点接受交货。
When the goods have arrived at their destination, the consignee that demands delivery of the goods under the contract of carriage shall accept delivery of the goods at the time or within the time period and at the location agreed in the contract of carriage or,
failing such agreement, at the time and
[...] location at which, having regard to the terms [...]
of the contract, the customs, usages
or practices of the trade and the circumstances of the carriage, delivery could reasonably be expected.
由于财政刺激减弱货币政策无效, 发达经济体开始出现停滞;同时,虽然有些发展中经济体弹性较 [...]
强,只出现了增长率的下降,但由于它们占世界经济的份额仍然相对较小,因此 无法帮助世界经济的其余部分脱离危机。
Developed economies had begun to
stagnate with the waning fiscal stimuli and
[...] ineffective monetary policy, and while some [...]
developing economies were resilient,
showing only a slowdown in growth rates, they were, however, not able to pull the rest of the world economy out of the crisis, due to their still relatively small share of the global economy.
大 赦 国际建议按 以下方式加 强这些建议:承认对被占领土适 用 以 色列根据国际人权和人道 主义法 所 承担的责任,调 查 战争罪和其他违 反 国际
法 的行为 , 将 罪 犯 绳 之 以 法 , 向受害
[...] 者提供 赔偿; 取 消 对 加沙地带 的 封锁, 让 居 民货 物 通行无阻; 停 止 扩 大 以 色列定 居 点 、 摧毁巴勒斯坦房 屋 [...]
、在加沙地带 建 造隔离墙/屏障;并撤除 500
多个妨碍巴勒斯坦人行动的路卡和壁垒;收回妨碍在 被占领土、以及在以色列的 贝 都 因 人取得 医疗保 健 、 教育、 住房、工作和适足生 活水准权的政策 和 做 法 。
suggested the recommendations be strengthened as follows: to recognize the applicability to the occupied territories of Israel’s responsibility under international human rights and humanitarian law and to investigate war crimes and other violations of international law, hold the perpetrators accountable and provide reparation to victims; to lift the
blockade of the Gaza Strip
[...] and allow the unhindered passage of people and goods; to halt the expansion [...]
of Israeli settlements,
the destruction of Palestinian homes and the construction of the wall/fence in the West Bank; and to remove the more than 500 checkpoints and barriers which impede the movement of Palestinians; to reverse policies and practices which undermine the rights to health, education, housing, work and an adequate standard of living in the occupied territories, as well as for the Bedouin communities in Israel.
分配给各会员 国的资产在资产类别货币形式上无 须 相 同。
The shares distributed to the several members need not necessarily be uniform in respect of the type of assets distributed or of the currencies in which they are expressed.
[...] 加正式的(比如剧院的演出或付费演出)或非正式的、 货 币 交 易 无 关 的(社区活动、家庭 活动)文化活动的形式,或者是在家里的文化活动。
The FCS includes all elements of participation in cultural activity or practices, whether they are through formal employment or attendance at formal (i.e. performance in a theatre or subject to fees) or informal cultural
events (community events, family events) not
[...] subjects to monetary transactions, or through cultural [...]
activities at home.
巡逻、搜救、捕鱼、货 — 无论在 什么条件下,船舶的核心部件都是来自斯堪尼亚发动机。
On patrol, carrying out search and rescue,
[...] fishing, shipping cargo - whatever the conditions, [...]
the beating heart of the craft is the engine from Scania.
正式和非正式会议重点讨论了政府和财政政策的新作用。在明确仅 货币 政策无法创 造条件使经济从危机中复苏并实现更加公平和可持续的增长后,政府 和财政政策就开始发挥新作用。
Discussions in formal and informal sessions focused on the new role
for government and
[...] fiscal policy that has emerged since it became clear that monetary policy alone could not [...]
create the conditions
for economies to recover from crisis and to reach a more equitable and sustainable growth path.
(c) 关于遵守《采购手册》中确保货无 风 险 的指 导原则,自 2006年9月1日起,联塞部队严格遵守 履约保证金政策,大力落实合同中规定的条件; (d) 关于非消耗性财产的保管、控制、记录和处置, 内部会计股作为目前控制和监督措施的一环,随时 了解财产管制和盘存股实物核查过程中发现的每项 资产的任何出入,随后采取纠正行动,并在伽利略 系统中记录。
(d) With regard to the proper custody, control, recording and disposal of non-expendable property, the Self-Accounting Units, as part of ongoing control and oversight measures, are promptly apprised of any discrepancy noted during physical verifications by the Property Control and Inventory Unit on an individual asset basis and for which corrective actions are subsequently taken and recorded in the Galileo system.
(c) 为了保证用会员国本国货币交付的会费可以为本组织所使用,授权总干事与有
[...] 关会员国协商确定一个付款期限,过期则需用上文第 1 段中规定的货币交付; (d) 接受美元或欧元以外的货币应按下述条件办理: (i) 所接受的此货币应无需再 洽商就可在有关国家的兑换条例范围内加 以使用,以支付教科文组织在该国的一切开支
(c) in order to ensure that contributions paid in national currencies will be usable by the Organization, the Director-General is authorized to fix a time limit for payment,
in consultation with
[...] the Member State concerned, after which contributions would become payable in the currencies mentioned [...]
in paragraph 1 above
2011年,在印度尼西亚和菲律宾试开办了关于解决现金运送 人货币和无记名 流通票据跨界运输问题的新课程,并计划在2012年全年进一 步举办培训班。
A new course on addressing the issues of cash couriers and the cross-border transportation of cash and bearer-negotiable instruments was piloted in Indonesia and the Philippines in 2011, with further training sessions scheduled throughout 2012.
2005 年第 770 号部委(贸易和工业部)决定颁布的 1975 年第 118 号法执行条 例的第 6 条规定:停止进口执行条例附件 1 所列特货物,无论进口的目的是为 了贸易、生产还是特别用途。
Article 6 of the implementing regulation of Act No. 118 of 1975, promulgated by Ministerial Decision (Ministry of Trade and Industry) No. 770 of 2005, provides for
the cessation of the
[...] import of certain goods listed in annex 1 to the implementing regulation irrespective of whether the import [...]
is for the purpose of
trade, production or special use.
对人权的侵犯包括:多次对巴勒斯坦城镇和村 庄进行军事入侵,狂轰滥炸,任意逮捕妇女儿童, 在前 12 年摧毁了约 2 450 处房屋,破坏民用设施及
公共和私人财产,轧平农业用地,实行集体惩罚和 限制,其中包括:设立了 505 个封闭障碍,在 2009 年 12 月至 2010 年 3
[...] 月间“飞行”检查站的数量增 加了 50%以上,从而阻碍了人员货物通 行,人无 法上医院、学校和礼拜场所。
The violations of human rights included repeated military aggression in Palestinian towns and villages, indiscriminate shelling, the arbitrary arrest of women and children, the destruction of some 2,450 homes over the previous 12 years, the destruction of civilian installations and of public and private property, the bulldozing of agricultural land, the imposition of collective punishments and of restrictions, which included setting up 505 closure obstacles and increasing the number of “flying” checkpoints by more than 50 per cent between December
2009 and March 2010, thus impeding the
[...] movement of people and goods and access to hospitals, [...]
schools and places of worship.
安理会在 2009 年 1 月 8 日通过的第 1860(2009)
[...] 号决议中要求取消这项措施,以便允许人道主义援助 和商货物畅通无阻地进入加沙,并允许人民自由通 行。
In resolution 1860 (2009), adopted 8 January 2009, the Security Council called for the lifting of that
measure in order to allow humanitarian
[...] aid and commercial goods into Gaza without [...]
hindrance and to allow individuals to move about freely.




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