单词 | 无误 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无误 —verifiedless common: unmistaken Examples:绝无错误 adj—infallible adj See also:误 v—mistake v • harm v • miss v • neglect v
利用其基于规则的方法,可快速无误 地 选 择合适的驱 动器、电机、电缆、 I/O 连接器和其它附件。 literature.rock...lautomation.com | With its rule-based approach, selecting the right drive, motor, cables, I/O connectors, and other accessory items is fast and error free. emea.rockwellautomation.com |
我们希望它能在相关法律问题上为您提 供总体信息,而且我们相信,本指南中提供的 所有信息均为编纂和印刷时的最新情况,并确 保准确无误。 paiz.gov.pl | We intended it to provide a general outline of the topics concerning legal issues and believe that all the information is correct on the day of writing and printing. paiz.gov.pl |
因此,应该可以把拟设的基本建 设总计划人身安全干事(P-3)的职能(包括负责所有建筑工地的人身安全问题,并 确保提议采用的周边和内部安保固体物和电子安保设备正 确 无误 ) 纳 入 该股现有 工作人员的职责。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should therefore be possible to incorporate the functions of the proposed Capital Master Plan Physical Security Officer (P-3), which include responsibility for all construction site physical security issues and for ensuring the accuracy of proposals presented for perimeter and interior hardening and electronic security systems, into the duties of the existing staff of that Unit. daccess-ods.un.org |
氟氯化碳生产核查组检查并确认,对向上述经销商 的销售的所有数据均完整无误。 multilateralfund.org | The CFC production verification team checked and confirmed all the data on sales to the above-mentioned dealers are complete and correct. multilateralfund.org |
秘书处还应当和各国的人与生物圈计划委员会一起,进 一步探索在重建或重新开发地区以及跨边界地区建立生物圈保留地的可能性,并且时时确保挑选过程严谨 无误。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Secretariat should furthermore, together with MAB National Committees, explore possibilities for establishing Biosphere Reserves in areas that have been rehabilitated and redeveloped, as well as ones of a transboundary character, consistently making sure that the designation process is rigorous in nature. unesdoc.unesco.org |
罪犯和诉讼其他各方应 获得经核证无误的决 定副本,其中可能省略所涉法官的签名。 daccess-ods.un.org | A convict and the other parties to the proceedings shall be provided with a certified copy of the decision, which may omit the signatures of the judges involved. daccess-ods.un.org |
这意味着:提供实时信 息,由援助方即时更新付款交易方面的信息,以便追踪援助从援助方到达最终受 益者的情况;方案国政府和利益攸关方提供投入,以确保援助方的投入准 确 无误, 并 与方案国的预算、计划以及监测和评价的周期和制度保持一致;特别是基层利 益攸关方提供关于跟踪援助支出和成果的投入。 daccess-ods.un.org | This implies the following: real-time information, with providers updating disbursement transactions immediately so that it is possible to track aid from provider to ultimate beneficiary; inputs from programme country Governments and stakeholders to ensure that provider inputs are accurate and aligned with programme country budget, plan and monitoring and evaluation cycles and systems; and, in particular, input from grass-roots stakeholders on tracking aid spending and results. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,在确认有问题之前,要检 查所有断路器、开关及控制器的设置是否正确、接线是 否无误。 graco.com | Also, determine that all circuit breakers, switches, and controls are properly set and wiring is correct before assuming there is a problem. graco.com |
华德士不保证本网站所含功能不间断 或 无误 差 , 不保证本网站缺陷将得到纠正,不保证本网站及其使用的任何服务器免受病毒或其他有害因素的攻击,不保证您使用本网站会获得成功或准确的结果或效果。 robertwalters.cn | Robert Walters does not warrant that the functions contained in the site will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, that the site or any server that makes it available is free from viruses or other harmful components, or that successful or accurate results or outcomes will result from your use of this site. robertwalters.com.vn |
审计委员会建议,外勤支助部应该要求各特派团: (a) 对非消耗性财产进行全面、彻底的实物核查; (b) 尽一切努力确定财产下落不明的原因;(c) [...] 加 快差异调节过程,以确保非消耗性财产相关数据准 确无误。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board recommends that the Department of Field Support require all missions: (a) to carry out full and complete physical verifications of non-expendable property; (b) to make every effort to ascertain the reasons why assets have not been located; and (c) to [...] expedite the process of discrepancy [...] reconciliation to ensure that the data relating [...]to non-expendable property are accurate. daccess-ods.un.org |
这两 方面的保障都要求尽可能完整地保存好文档的内容和功能及相关的文献,确保资料可 靠无 误。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Both require that the content, functionality of files and documentation be maintained to the extent necessary to secure an authentic record. unesdoc.unesco.org |
另外据称,虽然这些做法和其 他一些做法经常被统称为减少危害措施,但重要的不是支持某一个特定术语, 而是应当对拟实施的方案和政策作出明 白 无误 的 说 明。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also stated that, although those and other practices were frequently lumped together as harm reduction measures, it was not support for a particular term that was important but rather that the programmes and policies to be undertaken be described clearly and precisely. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,无论是为了保证透明度还是为了鼓励 对程序的参与,采购实体必须确保此种说明尽可能准 确 无误 , 而 本章介绍中的 评注[**超级链接** ]所提及的指导意见或可有助于这一过程。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the procuring entity must ensure that the description is as accurate as possible both for transparency reasons and to encourage participation in the procedure, and the guidance referred to in the commentary in the Introduction to this Chapter [**hyperlink**] may assist in this process. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,我们应该确保在由谁领导每一个具体国际 援助进程问题上清晰无误,以 避免重复劳动。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, we should ensure that there is clarity as to who is leading each particular international assistance process in order to avoid duplication of efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过政府调查,非政府组织查询,工作组或联合国或任何其他从事这方面工作 的国际 组 织 的人权工作人员调 查访问,或经 家 属 寻 找 ,已经 明 确 无误地 确 定失踪 人员的命运或下落,不论失踪人员生死,案件即已澄清。 daccess-ods.un.org | Clarification occurs when the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared persons are clearly established as a result of investigations by the Government, inquiries by non-governmental organizations, fact-finding missions by the Working Group or by human rights personnel from the United Nations or from any other international organization operating in the field, or by the search of the family, irrespective of whether the person is alive or dead. daccess-ods.un.org |
在文化方面使用口译和独立顾问的良好做 法是,对口译和咨询意见反复核实,以确保翻译准 确 无误 , 毫 无 偏 见 ,并消除 任何文化迷思。 daccess-ods.un.org | Good practice in using interpreters and independent advisors in respect of culture, is to cross-check [...] interpretations and advice to ensure that translations are [...] accurate and free of bias, and to dispel any cultural myths. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列促请秘书长表达国际社会明确 无误 的 期 望,立刻释放 Shalit 上士, 及时纠正这一违反最基本的人权标准的严重情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel urges the Secretary-General to express the unequivocal expectation of the international community for the immediate release of Staff Sergeant Shalit, and for prompt rectification of this grave situation which is contrary to the most fundamental standards of human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
核武器国家履行这一明确无误的承 诺是建立一个无核武器世界的一个基本必 要条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fulfilment, by the nuclear-weapon States, of this unequivocal undertaking is a basic necessity for the achievement of a nuclearweapon-free world. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中一个特别雀跃的时刻,便是两个完全组装的原型在我们手中运作时,所有功能均是精 确 无误。 iwc.com | One particularly uplifting moment was when we held the first two fully assembled prototypes in our hands, and all the functions performed flawlessly. iwc.com |
为了确保 1988(2011)制裁名单尽可能及时更新且准 确 无误 , 要求委员会定期 审查名单上的每个条目,包括酌情审查阿富汗政府认为和解的个人的条目资料、 没有提供确保有效实施各项措施所需的足够信息的个人条目、据报告已死亡的个 人以及据报告或已证实不复存在的实体。 daccess-ods.un.org | To ensure that the 1988 (2011) Sanctions List is as updated and accurate as possible, the Committee has been requested to review each entry on this list on a regular basis, including, as appropriate, by means of reviews of individuals whom the Afghan Government considers to be reconciled, individuals whose entries lack identifiers necessary to ensure effective implementation of the measures, individuals reportedly deceased, and entities reported or confirmed to have ceased to exist. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国否认侵犯了提交人的任何权利,并认为国内法院对法律的运 用和案件事实的评估正确无误。 daccess-ods.un.org | It denies that it has violated any of the author’s rights and considers that the national courts correctly evaluated the law and facts of this case. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为欧洲平台的玛泽中国服务部 [...] 的一部分,玛泽中国直接联系德国的中国服务部,为计划在德、瑞士、奥地利和卢森堡进行投资的中国公司提供准 确 无误 的 服 务。 chi.mazars.cn | Mazars in China is directly connected to the Chinese Desk in [...] Germany, part of Mazars China desk EU [...] platform , to provide seamless services to Chinese [...]companies planning to invest in Germany, [...]Switzerland, Austria or Luxembourg. mazars.cn |
工作组还似宜考虑本建议或相关评注是否应当明确指 出,有不止一个设保人的,一个设保人的身份识别特征发生差错不会造成通知 对身份识别特征准确无误的其 他一个(多个)设保人无效。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group may also wish to consider whether this recommendation or the relevant commentary should make it clear that, in the case of more than one grantor, an error in the identifier of one grantor does not render the notice ineffective with respect to the other grantor(s) identified correctly. daccess-ods.un.org |
明确无误地标 有 GN 合作伙伴名称及地址、购买日期、产品类型及型号的购买证明。 jabra.cn | Proof of purchase which clearly indicates the name and address of the GN Partner, date of purchase, product type and model number. jabra.com |
我/我们明白,我子女进入“光明未来”学前班学习时: a. 他/她只需很少帮助就能使用卫生间; b. 一旦有关我子女的信息有变动,我/我们将及时通知其教师; c. 我/我们确认这些信息一定要始终保持准 确 无误 , 这 样,我的子女在校期间生病或受伤时,学校就能及时与我联系; d. 我/我们同意遵守学前班的规章,严格遵守到校离校的时间。 webapps.philasd.org | I/We understand that during the time my child attends the Bright Futures preschool program: a. S/He will be able to use the toilet with minimal assistance; b. I/We will inform my child’s teacher when any of my child’s information changes; c. I/We will keep my child’s information accurate so that I can be contacted in the event my child becomes ill or injured while attending preschool; d. I/We will abide by the program policies and adhere to the scheduled arrival and departure times. webapps.philasd.org |
在签名上右键选“显示签名属性”-》显示证书-》详细信息-》公钥的SHA1摘要<查看详细信息>(核对传真或其他方式得到的SHA-1指 纹 无误 后 ) -》信任-》添加到可信任身份-》确定-》勾选前两个选项(“签名并作为可信任根”及“已验证的文档”)-》确定-》确定-》验证签名-》关闭。 oapdf.com | Right-election in the signature on the "Show Signature Properties" - "shows that the certificate -" For more information - "the public key of the SHA1 Abstract (check by fax or other manner of SHA-1 fingerprint after correct) -" trust - "added to the trusted identity -" OK - "Check the first two options (" Signed as a trusted root "and" document has been authenticated ") -" OK - "OK -" to verify the signature - "Close . oapdf.com |
在巴哈马与执 行委员会订立最初协定时,向委员会提出的谅解就是在许可证制度或同样准确的信息基础 上进行准确无误的核查还是有可能的。 multilateralfund.org | At the time of the original agreement between the Bahamas and the Executive Committee, the understanding given to the Committee was that accurate verification on the basis of a licensing system or information of similar accuracy would be possible. multilateralfund.org |
对于诸 [...] 如技术转让合同等情况,你有可能需要在合同中 保证你的技术是完整、无误、有 效且可以实现预 定目标的,或明确指出各方均不能将担保修改或 [...]删除。 china-iprhelpdesk.eu | In some instances, such as technology transfer contracts, you may need to [...] guarantee in your contract that your [...] technology is complete, free from error, effective [...]and capable of achieving the prescribed [...]goals, or alternatively, specify that the warranty cannot be amended or omitted by the parties. china-iprhelpdesk.eu |
要取得保修维护服务,您必须提供下列信息:(a) 本产品;(b) 明白无误地标 明了 经销商的名称及地址、购买日期及产品类型的购买证明;以及 (c) 返修原因。 jabra.cn | The following information must be presented to obtain Warranty Service: (a) the product, (b) proof of purchase, which clearly indicates the name and address of the dealer, the date of purchase and the product type, and (c) reason for return. jabra.com |
不扩散核武器条约》(不扩散条约)及其 2000 年和 2010 年审议大会的成果加在一起,已经明 确无 误地说明,存在创造一个无核武器世界的共同目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), and are pleased with the commitment of some delegations to implement the action plan adopted at the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the NPT. daccess-ods.un.org |