单词 | 无言 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无言 —have nothing to sayremain silentExamples:哑口无言的 adj—dumb adj 言者无意,听者有心—take a casual remark to heart [idiom.] 哑口无言—at a loss for words • dumbstruck and unable reply (idiom); left speechless 口无择言—offer many needless alternatives [idiom.] 无言以对—unable respond • be left speechless 言者无罪,闻者足戒—don't blame the speaker, take note of his warning (idiom); an exhortation speak one's mind without fear of reprisals, and with the expectation of being taken seriously 童言无忌—children's words carry no harm [idiom.]
中国年复一年的经济增长速度震惊了经济学家,也让批评人 士 无言 以 对。 australiachina.com.au | Year after year China’s economy grows at a rate that surprises the economists and defies the critics. australiachina.com.au |
好导师是无价之宝;好导师可以针对您的研究事业,以 知 无不 言、言无不尽 的方式向您提供关键性建议。 biggerbrains.com | A good Mentor who is prepared to give free and open but critical advice on your research career is invaluable. biggerbrains.com |
没有什么可以和坐雪狗雪橇的感觉相比!在一个哈士奇雪犬的野外旅程中,您可以放松地享受雪地 的 无言 风 景 之余,又可以因着精力充沛狗儿的速度而感到刺激兴奋。 visitfinland.com | In a husky safari one can both relax and enjoy the silent snowy views and get excited by the speed of the energetic dogs. visitfinland.com |
在座许多人从不会放过任何机会,告诉以色列为 了和平应当做些什么,但是到了应该告诉巴勒斯坦人 民为了实现和平而必须作出根本妥协时,却闭 口无 言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet many around this table who never miss an opportunity to tell Israel what it has to do for peace conveniently lose their voices when it comes to telling the Palestinian people about the basic compromises they will have to make for peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
总体而言,无论是 提高人们对作为基本人权的言论自由的认识,还是实施有关的国际 公认的法律、伦理以及专业准则,都取得了进展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Overall, [...] progress has been achieved in raising awareness about freedom of expression as a basic [...]human right and in the application [...]of related internationally recognized legal, ethical and professional standards. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该设备的占用面积小,它集成的 19 寸 LCD 平台对于受限于空间的组织而言无疑 是 最理想选择。 igel.com | The device has a small footprint and an integrated 19” LCD platform that is ideal for organizations that face spaceconstrained environments. igel.com |
如果一国本身断言无法履行其义务, 则应当采取这一步骤。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is relevant that this step is engaged where a State itself asserts that it is unable to carry out its obligations. daccess-ods.un.org |
一般而言,无需更 改这些设 置,因为默认值几乎适用于所有应用程序和网络。 redlion.net | You should not generally have to change these settings as the default values are suitable for virtually all applications and all networks. redlion.net |
63.05 实践中,语言问题仅仅影响商品和服务清单,申请书的其他内容 与语言无关。 wipo.int | 63.05 In practice, the question of language affects only the list of goods and services, since the other contents of the request are independent of language. wipo.int |
注意到 2005 年 4 月 26 至 28 日在墨西哥特拉特洛尔科举行的建立无核武器 [...] 区条约缔约国和签署国第一次会议通过《 宣 言 》 ,8 无核武 器区各国在那里举行会 议,以加强无核武器区制度,促进裁军和不扩散进程,特别是分析开展合作的各 [...] 种方式,以实现无核武器世界的世界目标, [...]9. 欢迎 2005 年 4 月 26 日至 28 日在墨西哥特拉特洛尔科召开的建立无核 武器区条约缔约国和签署国第一次会议在无核武器区内部和之间加强协作方面 取得的进展,会上各国都重申它们需要为实现共同目标进行合作,并期待计划将 于 2010 年举行以进一步发展这种合作为宗旨的第二次会议 daccess-ods.un.org | Noting the [...] adoption of the Declaration of the first Conference [...]of States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Establish [...]Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zones, held in Tlatelolco, Mexico, from 26 to 28 April 2005,8 where nuclear-weapon-free-zone States met for the purpose of strengthening the nuclear-weapon-free zone regime and contributing to the disarmament and the non-proliferation processes, and in particular to analyse ways of cooperating that could contribute to achieving the universal goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,2008 年 11 月 24 日的秘书长报告表示,科索沃宣布独立以及其新《宪 法》对科索沃特派团行使其临时行政的能力造成困难和挑战,但该报告从未说过 [...] 不断变化的情况意味着违反安全理事会第 1244(1999)号决议;该报告从未试图宣 称独立宣言“无效”(第 21 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, the Report of the Secretary-General of 24.11.2008, for example, commented that Kosovo’s declaration of independence and its new Constitution posed difficulties and challenges to UNMIK’s ability to exercise its administrative authority, but it has never stated that the evolving circumstances represented a violation of [...] resolution 1244(1999) of the Security Council; it has never [...] attempted to “annul” that declaration of independence [...](para. 21). daccess-ods.un.org |
这种 25 年下落不明的状况对于这四人的家属 而 言无 疑 是 一大悲剧,并且是 黎巴嫩政府所关切之事,尽管他们的失踪发生在黎巴嫩当时的局面中,黎巴嫩政 府很希望看到这一问题的彻底解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Twenty-five years of undisclosed fate constitute by all means a human tragedy for the families of the four persons, and a matter of concern for the Lebanese Government, which, despite the circumstances existing in Lebanon at the time of their disappearance, would like to see this issue fully resolved. daccess-ods.un.org |
就当地工作人员 (非营利组织,L 类合同和服务合同/特殊服务协议)的有关安排 而 言 , 无 论 是 继 续服务于一个国家办事处或办事处,或进行经济补偿,均应制订以同样方式适用 于整个组织的规定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For local staff (NPO, L and SC/SSA) relevant arrangements, either for continuing service in a country-desk or office or for financial compensation should be elaborated and applied in the same way throughout the Organization. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不过,发言者指出,由于《联合国示范公约》与《经合组织示范公约》的 主要区别在于前者赋予来源国更多征税权,并且由于其他条款有可能适用于许可 证交易收入的征税问题(对于已制订排放贸易计划的国家 而 言无 论 这 些条款目前 是否如此),在有些情况下,税务条约的分配规则有可能导致来源国征税。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the speakers noted that because the United Nations Model Convention differed from the OECD Model Convention (notably in respect of more source-State taxing rights), and because other articles could potentially apply to the taxation of permit-trading income (whether or not they currently did in respect of countries having emissions-trading schemes), there were cases where the distributive rules of tax treaties might lead to source-State taxation. daccess-ods.un.org |
索马里指出科威特在阿拉伯世界中具有最 畅 言无 忌 和 透明的媒 体,人类发展指数排名最高。 daccess-ods.un.org | Somalia noted that Kuwait had one of the most vocal and transparent media and the highest ranking in the Human Development Index in the Arab world. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,已经连续7个季度增速放缓的中国 经济逐渐显现出回暖的迹象,这对2013年的艺术品市场 而 言无 疑 是 有利因 素。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Currently, the seven consecutive quarter slump in [...] the Chinese economy is gradually showing signs of [...] recovery, which will undoubtedly be favourable [...]to the 2013 art market. imgpublic.artprice.com |
法院认为,根据土耳其代表提交声明后在部长委员会和委员会(涉及 关于第 25 [...] 条的声明)或法院庭审(涉及第 25 和 46 条)时的发言,无法解决对 土耳其声明无效部分的分割问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Court does not consider that the issue of the severability of the invalid parts of Turkey’s declarations can be decided by reference to the statements of her representatives expressed subsequent to [...] the filing of the declarations either [...] (as regards the declaration under Article 25) [...](art. 25) before the Committee of Ministers [...]and the Commission or (as regards both Articles 25 and 46) (art. 25, art. 46) in the hearing before the Court. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于很多人而言,无纺布产品仅需执行某一“智能”或“巧妙”的任务,织物不需要在外部环境的影响下发生变化。 news.groz-beckert.com | For many people the nonwoven product simply [...] has to perform a "smart" or clever task – without it necessarily having to forcibly [...]undergo a change of any kind as the result of external influences. news.groz-beckert.com |
对于大部分消费者而言,无论他 们是在专卖店花500元购买的正品,还是在假货市场花5块钱购买的盗版产品,Windows就仅是Windows,正版与盗版之间几乎感觉不到差别。 labbrand.com | To most customers, Windows is Windows, whether bought in a nice store for 500 RMB or at the fake market for 5 RMB. labbrand.com |
除非在前述语句中明确许可,否则未经英思科公司 书面许可,这些帮助材料或其中的任何部分均不得以任何形式进行复制、翻印或翻版,包括但不限于采用 任何形式的介质进行影印、传输或存储,或者以任何形式或方式将其翻译成任何 语 言 , 无 论 是 数字、 电 子、机械、静电印刷、光学印刷、磁性印刷还是其他方式。 www.indsci.com | Except as expressly permitted in the preceding sentence, these help materials or any part thereof may not, without the written consent of Industrial Scientific Corporation, be copied, reprinted, or reproduced in any material form including but not limited to photocopying, transcribing, transmitting, or storing it in any medium or translating it into any language, in any form or by any means, be it digitally, electronic, mechanical, xerographic, optical, magnetic, or otherwise. www.indsci.com |
食典委,作为一个危险性管理机构,就其本身 而 言无 法 承 担科学评估工作,但是可 以依靠粮农组织和世卫组织召集的关于特定问题的科学专家机构的意见。 codexalimentarius.org | The CAC, as a risk management body, does not undertake scientific evaluations per se but relies on the opinions of scientific expert bodies convened by FAO and WHO on specific issues. codexalimentarius.org |
在这 方面,我谨指出,这种指控和谎言无 法 取 代明显的证 据。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, I would like to state that such accusations and lies cannot replace the evident truth. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于一名优秀的外科医生而言,无论 如 何,这部分并非难事,但更具挑战性的任务是创建一套患者护理的综合体系,以便确保患者得到良好的医疗护理,包括从初步咨询、术前评估、手术环境到及时的术后护理,再到恢复期。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The more challenging task is to develop a comprehensive system of patient care, in which the surgeon is assured that the patient will be well taken care of – from the initial consultation and preoperative evaluation, to the operative environment, immediate postoperative care, and beyond, to the recovery period. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
同样,就某些指控而言,无论申 诉人的可信度如何,并不妨碍如 果返回刚果民主共和国他仍可能在客观上和主观上面临酷刑的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Likewise, the complainant’s credibility with regard to certain allegations is of little importance, as he could still objectively and subjectively be at risk of being tortured if returned to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. daccess-ods.un.org |
第 II/31 号决议对国际标准化的定义如果是指“按地点和语言 命名”,也完全符合这些原则,但如果被解释为是“按地点命名,与 语 言无 关 ”, 则并非如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the definition of international standardization given by the Second United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names in resolution II/31 is fully in keeping with these principles if it is understood in the sense of “one name per place and per language”, but not if is construed as “one name per place irrespective of language”. daccess-ods.un.org |
该转换工具具有简单易用的向导界面,即使是新手也可以轻松完成转换,并且可以最大限度的保留原有的版面布局和图像,支持转换文档中的中文等东亚 语 言 , 无 需 安装 Adobe Acrobat Reader。 oapdf.com | The conversion tool with easy-to-use wizard interface that even novices can easily complete the conversion, and can maximum retain the original layout and images to [...] support the conversion of the Chinese documents and other East [...] Asian languages, do not need to install [...]Adobe Acrobat Reader. oapdf.com |
对于期望采用单一控制环境和 开发环境的机器制造商和最终用户而 言 , 无 论 应 用规模和复杂程度如 何,这都是一种理想选择。 literature.rock...lautomation.com | The Rockwell Automation® Integrated Architecture™ system is unique in that it offers scalable, integrated safety, motion control, and visualization capabilities that are ideal for machine builders and end users who want a single control and development environment, regardless of the application size or complexity. literature.rock...lautomation.com |
对汽车行业而言,无论是乘用车还是商用车,未来几年十分关键,因为我们要面对燃油消耗量的挑战以及满足气候变化法规的要求。 cn.drivelinenews.com | For the automotive industry, including both passenger cars and commercial vehicles, the next few years will be crucial when it comes to fuel consumption and meeting the demands of climate change legislation. drivelinenews.com |
卢森堡国际银行首席执行官François Pauly认为,卢森堡作为世界第二大基金 中心,对选择卢森堡结构的亚洲经理 而言 无疑具有真正的优势。 luxembourgforfinance.lu | For François pauly, ceo of Bil, there is no doubt that luxembourg, the world’s second largest player in the fund industry, presents a real advantage to asian managers who opt for a luxembourg structure. luxembourgforfinance.lu |