单词 | 无烟煤 | ||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 烟煤n—anthraciten 煤n—coaln 煤烟n—sootn
高挥发性B级烟煤发热量 在7,212到7,785千卡/千克之间,高挥发性A级烟煤发热量高於7,785千卡/千克。 southgobi.com | High volatile B produces between 7,212 to 7,785 kcal/kg and high volatile A produces greater than 7,785 kcal/kg heat output. southgobi.com |
首先是经典的缎银在外面和蛋白石的中心,第二个结合了黑色无菸煤。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The first is classic satin silver on the outside and opal in the center, the second combines blackanthracite. en.horloger-paris.com |
除下表所载以外,於本公告刊发当日,中华煤气(中国)或其一致行动人士或假定一致行动人士没拥有、 亦无控制或指示港华燃气的股份表决权、与港华燃气股份有关的可换股证券、认股权证或期权、或 与港华燃气任何证券相关的未行使衍生工具,亦不存在与港华燃气股份或中华煤气(中国)股份相关且 对清洗豁免而言重大的安排(不論是期权、弥偿保证或其他方式),中华煤气(中国)亦无订立任何可 以对或不得对清洗豁免引用或尝试引用任何先决条件或条件的协议或安排。 towngaschina.com | Save as set out in the table below, as at the date of this announcement, none of HK&CG(China) or any persons acting or presumed to be acting in concert with it owns or has control or direction over any voting rights in any Shares or any convertible securities, warrants or options in respect of the Shares, or any outstanding derivative in respect of any securities in TCC; nor is there any arrangement (whether by way of option, indemnity or otherwise) in relation to the Shares or shares of HK&CG(China) and which might be material to the Whitewash Waiver, or any agreements or arrangements to which HK&CG(China) is a party which relate to the circumstances in which it may or may not invoke or seek to invoke a pre-condition or a condition to the Whitewash Waiver. towngaschina.com |
回顾期内,本集团位於山西省柳林县的三个优质焦煤矿(兴无煤矿、金家庄煤矿和寨 崖底煤矿)运作良好,并且录得良好的安全生产纪录。 shougang-resources.com.hk | During the period under review, the three quality coalmines of the Group (Xingwu Coal Mine, Jinjiazhuang Coal Mine and Zhaiyadi Coal Mine) located in Liulin County, Shanxi Province, operated smoothly and maintained excellent safety record. shougang-resources.com.hk |
倘任何一间工厂的任何生产工序产生某种程度可能因点火 而爆炸或具有该性质的尘埃、煤气、烟或蒸气,应采取一切可行措施以防 止该爆炸,该等措施包括(aa)对生产过程中所使用的厂房或机器进行密封; (bb)清除或防止该等尘埃、煤气、烟气或蒸气的积聚;及(cc)排除或有效封 锁所有可能着火的来源。 cre8ir.com | Where in any factory any manufacturing process produces dust, gas, fume or vapour of such character and to such extent as to be likely to explode on ignition, all practicable [...] measuresshallbe taken to prevent any such explosion [...] by (aa) effective enclosure of the plantor machinery used in the process; (bb) removal or prevention of the accumulation of such dust,gas,fume or vapour; (cc) exclusion or effective enclosure of all possible sources of ignition. cre8ir.com |
非窑用燃料假定为完全氧化,即不计煤烟或粉煤灰中的碳含量。 wbcsdcement.org | Carbon in non-kiln fuels is assumed to be fully oxidized, i.e. carbon storage in sootor ash is not accounted for. wbcsdcement.org |
饭店可根据客人的要求,安排无烟房。 shangri-la.com | Non smokingrooms areavailable [...] on request. shangri-la.com |
对於这个转折点的苍穹,随着时间的灰,蓝色青金石无菸煤用於支持天文学家们有用的功能。 zh.horloger-paris.com | For this turning firmament, as the hours, blue lapis lazuli gray anthracite used to support functions useful to astronomers. en.horloger-paris.com |
车内用滤清器结合了各款滤清器: 即使外在空气污染,车内用滤清器可以保护乘客免於花粉、煤烟、灰尘、细菌或其他污染源的侵害。 bosch.com.tw | Interior [...] filters complete our rangeof filters: Even in polluted exterior air, they protect passengers from pollen, soot, dust, bacteria [...]and other pollutants. bosch.com.tw |