单词 | 无比的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无比的 adjective—final adjSee also:无比—incomparable • matchless 无的 adj—absent adj
其次,撤回的后果可以视为独立的,因此不必理会保留本身的复 杂无 比的后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the second place, the effect of a withdrawal may be [...] viewed as being autonomous, thus precluding the [...] need to go into the infinitely more complex effect [...]of the reservation itself. daccess-ods.un.org |
我最后要对叙利亚人民说几句话,过去 10 个月 来,他们以无比的勇气,为争取未来的自由而抗争。 daccess-ods.un.org | I save my final word for the Syrian [...] people, who with untold courage have kept [...]their eyes on the prize of future freedom for the past 10 months. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国将怀着无比的信心 和勇气,开拓创新,锐意 进取,进一步推进载人航天计划,为人类航天事业贡 献力量。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the utmost confidence and courage, China will explore the unknown and make determined advances, thereby promoting, and making our contribution to, the cause of human space flight. daccess-ods.un.org |
新款 Murciélago R-GT 可为兰博基尼客户提供强悍无比的性 能 ,让他们在国际级别的专业赛车活动中尽情驰骋,一决胜负。 lamborghini.com | The new Murciélago R-GT will offer Lamborghini clients a highly competitive car to participate in professional motorsport events on an international level. lamborghini.com |
芬兰海岸与它美丽无比的群岛 也很容易到达,并提供给游客各种各样引人入胜的目的地。 visitfinland.com | Coastal Finland with its stunningly beautiful archipelago offers a variety of fascinating destinations that are easy to reach. visitfinland.com |
它们以无比的执着、能力 和对寻求和平与安全的坚定不移承诺开展工作,包括 努力在安理会解决巴勒斯坦问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | They served with consummate dedication, ability and an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of peace and security, including with regard to their efforts to address the question of Palestine in the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
丹尼斯Pétau(Petavius,1583年至1652年)编辑了希腊的父亲,写年表,历史和神学产生 了 无比的 书 , “德theologicis dogmatibus”(1044)。 mb-soft.com | Denis Pétau (Petavius, 1583-1652) edited Greek Fathers, wrote on chronology, and produced an incomparable book of historical theology, "De theologicis dogmatibus" (1044). mb-soft.com |
来自BHS德国总部和其在海外公司的1500名员工为客户提供性能优 越 无比的 设 备 ,这些设备专为客户的需求设计并配有相关服务和技术支持。 sino-corrugated.com | BHS the most innovative company in the world for the designing, engineering and manufacturing of corrugator machinery industry since 1959 with manufacturing capabilities in GERMANY,CHINA,BRASIL,USA,CZECH REPUBLIC and CROATIA. sino-corrugated.com |
酒店拥有超过 1,226 平方米的多功能空间,更辅以出色的活动筹办及餐饮服务,为您打造难 忘 无比的 完 美 活动。 marriott.com.cn | With over 1,226 square meters of function space, event planning and catering, we commit to make your event unforgettable. marriott.co.uk |
它为热爱自然的人提供了绚丽无比的 自 然 风光;为民族研究者提供了简单坚决的民族个性;为领导者树立了宗教,自由以及财产安全方面的榜样;而对于文人墨客,没有任何一个国家比瑞士更能激发他们的想象力。 swissworld.org | To the admirer of nature it offers scenes of [...] grandeur almost unrivalled; to the observer [...]of national manners, a people of great [...]simplicity and firmness of character; while to the statesman it displays in a striking light the salutary effects of religion, freedom, and security of property; nor can the poet or painter find scenes more calculated to exalt the imagination. swissworld.org |
因其永恒的优雅和无比的精致 ,Twenty-4系列很快就得到世界各地女士的钟爱。 patek-institutional.com | The Twenty-4® was soon a favorite with ladies around the world. patek-institutional.com |
越来越多的公司都负担得起Filmetrics薄膜厚度测量,如手机、镜片、液晶显示器与数以百计的其他产品制造商都能体会到我们的设备是操作简单、低成本 与 无比的 后 勤 支援服务。 cn.filmetrics.com | More companies count on Filmetrics for affordable thin-film thickness measurements than on anyone else. Makers of cell phones, eyeglasses, liquid-crystal displays, and [...] hundreds of other products appreciate that our devices are easy to use, cost less, [...] and are backed with unmatched support. filmetrics.com |
该品牌在各手表系列中广泛采用与众不同的设计元素,即在手表盘面上采用各种纹理和层次,以突显奢 华 无比的 典 雅 外观。 hk.ashford.com | A distinctive design element in their [...] extensive line of watches is their use of various textures and layers on the watch [...] face giving it a very luxurious look. ashford.com |
口感柔和而独特,有很好的结构感和持久力,单宁的完美组合夹杂一份薄荷的甜意又带来了一 份 无比的 优 雅 和细腻,令人回味无穷。 tmedco.com | Taste soft with well-structured and [...] persistent, elegant and lubricious thanks to fine tannins with a sweet sensation mingled with [...] menthol displayed in the aftertaste. tmedco.com |
他非常富有成果的和通用的文学活动为深刻Latinist和希 腊 无比的 复 兴,作为批评家和评论家,作为教育工作者,讽刺作家,神学家和圣经注释家,就不可能在这里住(见ERASMUS,DESIDERIUS)。 mb-soft.com | His extraordinarily fruitful and [...] versatile literary activity as profound [...] Latinist and incomparable revivalist of [...]Greek, as critic and commentator, as educator, [...]satirist, theologian, and Biblical exegete, it is impossible to dwell upon here (see ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS). mb-soft.com |
另外可多孔 (20或更多孔) 可加工,这在加工凸轮轴这类工件时就显示出 了 无比的 优 越 性。 emag.com | Another advantage is that a large number of holes (20 or more) can be drilled simultaneously with ECM - for instance when machining a camshaft. emag.com |
机芯由精细无比的齿轮 组驱动,每122年才会出现一天误差。 piaget.com.cn | Controlled by an extremely fine gear train, it will lose or gain only one day in 122 years. piaget.com |
而复杂功能腕表方面,CORUM(昆仑表)海军上将杯里程号46四锤三问腕表(Admiral' s Cup Legend 46 Minute Repeater Acoustica)配备世界首创的四个音簧及四个击锤,以两两同时敲打的方式产生一种美 妙 无比的 和 弦 音色,是崇尚纯粹主义人士的不二之选。 wthejournal.com | On the complication side, the Admiral’s Cup Legend 46 Minute Repeater Acoustica by Corum, a world première with its four gongs and four hammers – two of them striking simultaneously each time – should satisfy the purists. wthejournal.com |
伊斯坦布尔著名圣索菲亚大教堂的设计就像一个巨 大 无比的 扩 音 器。 bksv.cn | Istanbul’s famous Hagia Sophia was designed as a gigantic amplifier, but is now a museum where singing is no longer heard. bksv.com |
我们衷心感谢吴仪副总理积极推进谈判进程, 以 无比的 智 慧 和全力的支持铺就新中自贸协定之路。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Our appreciation goes to Vice-Premier Wu Yi for her wisdom and support which have paved the way for the SCFTA to be launched and the good progress made in the negotiations. english.sccci.org.sg |
正如原版产品手册所述:“双点火装置和间接燃油喷射发动机创造了强 劲 无比的 动 力 、极致平顺的操控性能以及卓绝出众的燃油经济性”。 maserati.com.cn | According to the original brochure, “twin ignition and indirect fuel injection offered exceptional power, smoothness and economy”. maserati.us |
对于这项活动,她必定投入了无比的 热 情 ,一如她对待她在IWC万国表的工作一样。 iwc.com | To which she no doubt brings the same [...] enthusiasm as to her job with IWC. iwc.com |
将韩式烧烤和墨西哥街头小吃相融合,Choi发明了一系列的创意菜式,如泡菜油炸玉米粉饼、短段排骨卷饼——每天都为超过1万的洛杉矶居民提供享 乐 无比的 美 味 ,饱腹人数超过全美任何一位厨师。 cn.nowness.com | Fusing the flavors of Korean BBQ with Mexican street food in such creations as the kimchi quesadilla and short rib tacos, Choi delivers his epicurean inventions to an estimated 10,000 Angelenos every day, satiating more appetites than any other chef in America. nowness.com |
今天要不是我亲眼见到这浩瀚无边的北海,我还会以为黄河是天 下 无比的 呢 ! 那样,岂不是被有见识的人永远笑话了! chinesestoryonline.com | If I had not come to your gate, I should have been in danger of continuing in my ignorance, and been laughed at for long by sensible people. chinesestoryonline.com |
不断增加而且丰富的竹产量使得Cariloha能够提供您独家珍藏的服装、饰品、家居装饰、睡袍以及沐浴套装,我们的产品,让您既能与绿色环保同步、又能同时享受柔 软 无比的 触 感。 kingsshops.com | An ever-growing rich supply of bamboo makes it possible for Cariloha to offer an exclusive collection of apparel, [...] accessories, home décor, bed and bath sets and more all [...] enjoying the soft touch and green footprint [...]of this renewable resource. kingsshops.com |
它的外观犹如钻石切割一般,无论从哪个角度看,都能感受到凌 厉 无比的 线 条。 vantageshanghai.com | From whichever angle you look at it, the diamond cut exterior design conveys the prowess of its one-of-a-kind contour. vantageshanghai.com |
从测试结果可以看出,GranTurismo系列的两款双子车型均能带来动感十足的赛道体验和舒 适 无比的 公 路 驾驶体验。 maserati.com.cn | The tests highlighted the GranTurismo’s twin character: supersporty on the track and extremely comfortable on the road. maserati.it |
蓝博士备受赞誉的FLX数字信号处理平台不仅提供蓝博士无与 伦 比的无 线 麦克风技术,带来前所未有的声音清晰度和灵活性,而且还提供了先进的音频技术、卓越的回声消除和声音品质。 tipschina.gov.cn | Revolabs' award-winning FLX digital signal processing platform provides advanced audio technology, superior echo [...] cancellation and acoustics, as well as [...] Revolabs unparalleled wireless microphone [...]technology for unmatched audio clarity and flexibility. tipschina.gov.cn |
相反,出于法律、意识形态或文化上的 原因拒绝承认这一现实将继续使我们自欺欺人,无法 让各国警惕那些摧毁了无数家庭 的无比 真 实 和现实 的处决情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the contrary, to refuse to recognize this reality for legal, ideological or cultural reasons would be to continue burying our heads in the sand and to fail to alert States to these very real and current executions, which devastate families. daccess-ods.un.org |