

单词 无毒不丈夫

See also:

无毒 n

innocuity n
non-toxicity n


lit. not poisonous


not without


none missing
everyone without exception
none lacking
everything is there

External sources (not reviewed)

例如,毒 的孕妇如果被丈夫抛弃,无家可 归,而医生又拒绝 帮助她,并继续建议她中止妊娠,她可以去哪里?
For example, where is a
[...] pregnant woman who uses drugs to go if she has been abandoned by her husband and has no home, [...]
and doctors refuse to
help her and continue to advise her to terminate her pregnancy?
它规定,各国应确保婚不会自动改变 妻子的国籍、使她成无国籍人或 丈夫 的 国 籍强加于她。
It provides that States shall ensure that
[...] marriage does not automatically change the nationality of the wife, render her stateless or force upon her the nationality of the husband.
无疑问,该人与提交人丈夫不同 ,是在可适用的归还法所规定的时限 内提出的要求。
It has no doubt that the individual in question raised their claims within the [...]
time limit applicable under the restitution
legislation applicable, unlike that of the author’s husband.
所以,我干脆自己写了一个前后完全不相干的紊乱的故事,我被弄烦了 不 想 弄 了,所以后来,内容比较奇怪,扯了很 无 关 痛 痒,但是要继续下去的东西,似乎是关于西方人的:比如牛奶厂,和一个德 丈夫 的 关 于奶汁品质的隐瞒,还有一个关于美国的前后历史背景。
But the things I wanted to carry on with seemed to be about westerners: for example, a dairy farm, a German husband’s cover-up of dairy product quality issues, and something about the historical background in the USA.
存在氰基不是一 个问题,因为氰基的结 构非常稳定而无毒。
The presence of the cyanide
[...] group is not a problem because it is in a very stable bonded form and is not toxic.
最后,考虑到他们的地理位置,马尔 夫无法 逃避毒品造 成的灾难性后果,尤其是吸食鸦片的后 果。
Lastly, in view of its geographic
[...] position, the Maldives was no stranger to the detrimental effects of drug addiction, in particular [...]
the use of opiates.
已经houvi通话杀死,甚至她的母亲是纯粹 毒 药 , 它杀死一个孩子或如果你喜欢“胎儿”听说过,但也有点运气,沿奥钢联的母亲,以及,那些谁杀的,得较多的应该不使一个差异,这一切,如果你是怀孕的需要,不可能是一个 夫 , 不 担 心 别人,你的生活负责任地承担起自己的行为,我敢肯定,这孩子将是一个祝福,他的母亲感到非常自豪 无 论 情 况中,它是生成的,事实是,它是一个新的生命,不论父亲或母亲将有它自己的生命,采取借此机会以来融入世界,就像你有机会,最后,我有一个肯定,上帝保佑所有没有区别,并祝福你和你儿子。
Already houvi talk that kills even
[...] her mother is pure poison, which kills a child or if you like "fetus"'ve heard, but also with a bit of luck along vai mother, well, for those who kill, morer should not make a difference, all this, if you are pregnant take, not be a coward, do not worry about others, live your life responsibly assume their acts, I'm sure this baby will be a blessing, a great pride to his mother, no matter circumstances in which it was generated, the fact is that it is a new life, regardless of the father [...]
or mother will have
its own life, take this opportunity to come into the world, just like you had the chance, finally, I have a certainty, that GOD BLESS ALL WITHOUT A DIFFERENCE, and bless YOU AND YOUR SON.
妇女可免费进行绝育手术不要求得 到 丈夫 的 同 意,只要符合全球公认的条 件。
Women also had free access to sterilization,
[...] without requiring the husband’s authorization, if [...]
globally accepted conditions were first met.
在一些国家,妇女尤其是农村妇女仅可获得 10%的信贷津贴,主要是因为国 家立法和习惯不允许妇女丈夫或 家 庭男性成员一起分享土地所有权/产权, 或者因为将女户主排除在土地权计划之外,因此她 无 法 提 供贷款机构要求的抵 押品。
women, especially rural women, mainly because national legislation and customary law do not allow them to share land
[...] rights along with their husbands or male members of their families, or because female heads of household are excluded from land entitlement schemes and consequently cannot provide the collateral [...]
required by lending institutions.
其规定包括妻子有权获得 部分婚内财产,并保护妻子和孩不 受 丈夫 暴 力 侵害。
Its provisions include entitling the wife to a share of the matrimonial property and protecting the
[...] wife and children from a violent husband.
根据现行法律,在雇员死亡的情况下,包括未休假 期的津贴在内的津贴付给丈夫(妻子)、子女或父母以及(如果他们 不 在 )付给 其他继承人。
In case of death of the employee, the allowance, including
for the unused leave, is
[...] paid to his/her husband (wife), children or parents, and in their absence – to other inheritors, in accordance with the legislation [...]
in force.
妇女不仅直接受到 失业的影响,她们也会间接受到影响,因为她们往 不 得 不 接 受 额外的工 作,以补偿因丈夫或家 里的男性劳动力失业所造成的收入损失。
Women were not only directly affected by job losses but also indirectly affected since they often had
to take up additional work to
[...] compensate for income losses when their husbands or men in their family lost their employment.
正如我剛才所說,我們不提出起訴或終止起訴程序的原因,是受害人 很多時候也不願意作供,或是兩夫婦已和好,妻 不 希 望 丈夫 坐 牢 或受罰 等。
As I said just now, the reasons that we did not take prosecution action or terminated the prosecution process were that the victim was often
unwilling to give evidence; a couple was on good terms again or the wife
[...] did not want the husband to go to jail or [...]
be punished.
法改會提出多項改善現有法例的建議,建 議的摘要載於附件 B。法改會認為,實際上,有關建議除會改變已婚 女子的居籍,使她們的居不再取決 於 丈夫 的 居 籍外, 不 會 改 變很 多人的居籍。
The Commission made a number of recommendations for legislative improvement, a summary of which is at Annex B. The Commission considers that, for practical
purposes, the
[...] recommendations would not change the domicile of many people, with the exception of a married woman's domicile which will no longer depend on that of her husband.
例 如,我们知道,由于一些法律的存在,从通常的法律 程序来讲,女性如不经丈夫允许, 便 无 法 采 取行动。
We know, for example, that there are some laws that limit what women can
[...] do without their husband’s permission in terms of routine legal [...]
Because of Reddex's excellent bonding property and robustness even after being torched by fire for an extended period of time, steel frames coated with Reddex in a building can still maintain strong structural adherence to the main structure, and thus protecting a building from catching fire or being damaged by fire.
因此,伊斯兰教法 限制妻子的离婚权利,离婚须由法官裁决,但 丈夫 离 婚 则 无 此 种 限制。
The sharia therefore restricts the wife’s rights to
divorce by making it contingent on a judge’s ruling, whereas no such
[...] restriction is laid down in the case of the husband.
由于很多用户都有过被Windows下各种病毒困扰的经历,因 不 免 有 对Lin ux “ 无毒 ” 的期待,而对Linux一知半解的用户甚至有着Linux“绝对安全”的误解。
As many users have been plagued by Windows,
the experience of a
[...] variety of viruses, so inevitably there are on Linux "toxic" and look forward to, but little [...]
knowledge of the
Linux users and even with Linux "absolute security" for the misunderstanding.
常见夫妻在不多同一时 候退休,由于妻子一般丈夫年轻 ,所以妻子要提早退休。
There seems to be a tendency for spouses to retire near the same
[...] time, with wives retiring earlier as they are usually younger than their husbands.
箴言第 31 章中的妇人和阿摩司时代的撒玛利亚妇人是截 不 同 的:后者是欺负贫 寒、压碎穷乏的,并且对她们丈夫 提 出贪 得 无 厌 的 要求(摩 4:1);前者敬畏耶和华(第 30 节)、服事自己的丈夫(第 12 节)、建立自己的家室(第 27 节),使自己丈夫的荣耀加增(第 [...]
23 节)和使自己的丈夫心里依靠她(第 11 节)。
Unlike the wives of Samaria who, in Amos' time, oppressed the poor and needy
and made insatiable
[...] demands upon their husbands (Am 4:1), the woman of Proverbs 31 fears the Lord (v. 30), serves her husband (v. 12), builds up [...]
her house (v. 27),
causing her husband's reputation to increase (v. 23) and for him to trust in her (v.11).
葡萄牙卫生部副部长、伊朗伊 斯兰共和国总统顾问兼药物管制总部秘书长、阿富汗主管禁毒事务的内政部副 部长、美国国家药物管制政策办公室主任、俄罗斯联邦药物管制署主任、秘鲁 发展无毒品生活全国委员会主席以及尼日利亚禁毒执法机构主席(代表尼日 利亚联邦总检察长和司法部长)也作了发言。
Statements were also made by the Deputy Minister for Health of Portugal, the Adviser to the President and Secretary-General of the Drug Control Headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Deputy Minister of the Interior for Counter-Narcotics of Afghanistan, the Director of the Office of National
Drug Control Policy of
[...] the United States, the Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, the President of the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (DEVIDA) of Peru [...]
and the Chairman of
the Drug Law Enforcement Agency of Nigeria, on behalf of the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice of Nigeria.
7.3 提交人表示,高等法院作出裁决过了15 个月之后,缔约国仍然藏身在被不
[...] 当拖延的法律诉讼程序的后面,而她和她 丈夫 则 不 得 不 分开居住在不同的国 家,以保证他的安全和维持生计。
7.3 The author submits that 15 months after the High Court’s ruling, the State party was still hiding
behind unduly prolonged legal proceedings,
[...] while she and her husband were forced to live [...]
in separate countries to ensure his safety and subsistence.
并按照路运联盟以创新(innovation)、奖励(incentives)和基础设施 (infrastructure)为基础的实现可持续发展的战略(3
[...] 个“i”战略)——已担负起 其责任,大幅减少了毒和无毒的排放,减排量可多达 98%,这已经帮助大大改 [...]
The road transport industry, recognizing the role that road transport plays in economic, social and environmental progress and in accordance with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) strategy for achieving sustainable development based on innovation, incentives and infrastructure (3 “i” strategy), has taken
up its responsibilities by
[...] significantly reducing toxic and non-toxic emissions by [...]
up to 98 per cent, which has helped to
significantly improve air quality.
更新的人口推算由2013年開始第二類嬰兒的數目推算為零,是由於已╱將會實施一連串措施,包括(一)2013年所有公立醫院不會接受任何非本地孕婦預約分娩服務、(二)衞生 不 會 向 丈夫 為 非 香港居民的內地孕婦(雙非孕婦)簽發2013年在港出生的「預約分娩服務確認書」,以及(三)香港私家醫院聯會亦表示已一致同意停止接受明年雙非孕婦的分娩預約。
It has been taken in this updated set of population projections that there are no Type II babies starting from 2013 because of a series of measures which has been /will be implemented, including (i) public hospitals would not accept bookings for delivery in 2013 from
non-local pregnant
[...] women,  (ii) the Department of Health would stop issuing the "Confirmation Certificate on Delivery Booking" to non-local Mainland women whose husbands are not Hong Kong [...]
residents for giving
birth in Hong Kong in 2013 and (iii) the Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association also indicated that consensus was reached to stop accepting delivery bookings from non-local Mainland women whose husbands are not Hong Kong residents next year.
虽然政府继续与联合禁毒工作队合作,争取塞拉 利昂和西非次区无毒品存在,但西非贩毒和有组织 跨国犯罪的威胁依然确实存在,这需要联塞建和办在 今后多年继续介入塞拉利昂工作,尤其是在 2012 年总 统选举、议会选举和地方政府选举迅速逼近的情况下。
While the Government continues working with the Joint Drug Interdiction Task Force to make Sierra Leone and the West African subregion drug-free, the narcotic trafficking menace in West Africa and organized cross-border crime remain real threats and require UNIPSIL’s continued engagement in Sierra Leone for many more years to come, especially with the fast-approaching 2012 presidential, legislative and local government elections.




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