

单词 无所畏忌

See also:

无畏 adj

fearless adj


be arrested by fear

External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 法官在审理一切事项时必须无畏、 不偏袒且不存偏见的方式行事; (b) 法官必须确保其任何时候的行为均能维 所 有 人 对法庭公正性的信任
(b ) Judges must ensure that their conduct at all times maintains the confidence of all in the impartiality of the Tribunals
凭借其抗震蓝宝石水晶和划伤,他 无所畏 惧 地面对现代生活的各个方面的挑战。
With its shock-resistant sapphire crystal and
[...] scratch, they fearlessly face all the challenges...
各方将避免任何可能不鼓励证人自由 无畏 作 证的 行为出现。
The Parties shall abstain from any act that might discourage witnesses from
[...] testifying freely and without fear.
这类行动必须与体育运动界按照《条例》规定所采取的行动相配 合,因为,如果这两种文件之间缺乏协调一致,则有可能被一些 所 利 用而 肆 无忌 惮 地 长期 在体育运动中使用兴奋剂。
Such actions must be complementary to those actions being taken by the sporting movement under the Code, as any lack of harmonization between the two instruments has the potential to be exploited by unscrupulous individuals to perpetuate doping in sport.
这是在海地在联合国海地稳定团的支持下,在促 进安全、尊重基本自由和结束国家支持的长期 无忌 惮的暴力方所取得 的成果基础上取得的成就。
That achievement builds on the gains Haiti has made, with the support of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti towards
security, respect for basic
[...] freedoms and an end to the State-sponsored violence that was [...]
carried out with impunity for so long.
古巴谴责路易斯·波萨达·卡里莱斯的挑衅行为,这表明这一恐怖分子可以 在美国境内无忌惮地 随意流窜,并认为美国政府要对美国当 所 纵 容 的这种针 对古巴代表团的房舍和工作人员的挑衅行为可能导致的任何后果承担责任。
Cuba denounces this provocation by Posada Carriles, which proves that this terrorist circulates freely and with total impunity in United States territory, and it holds the United States Government responsible for any
consequences that might result
[...] from such provocations against Cuban Mission premises and staff, which are condoned by the United [...]
States authorities.
这些因素包括人员、车辆和燃油短缺以及就巫 所 涉 的 种种 忌 及巫 术本身即有碍采取干预措施。
These include shortages of personnel, vehicles and
fuel and a limited presence of the
[...] police, as well as the taboo surrounding sorcery, [...]
which in and of itself prevents intervention.
教科文组织参与这一周年活动应是国际社会对其音乐作品已成为重要世界文化遗产的 这位具有无畏创新精神的音乐家的至高无上的承认。
UNESCO’s association with this anniversary is the ultimate recognition by the international community of this daring and innovative musician whose musical works represent a very important treasure of the world’s cultural heritage.
[...] 和殖民化,把这些社区和文化说成是“原始”和“野 蛮”的,并以一种经济制度提倡西方世界 所 谓 文 明, 这种制度过去和现在仍然基于无忌 惮 的 发展以及 对我们地球母亲和海洋的自然资源的掠夺。
Then came the conquest and colonization, which called these communities and cultures “primitive” and “savage” and promoted the so-called civilization of the
Western world with an
[...] economic system that was and remains based on unbridled development, the looting of the natural resources [...]
of our Mother Earth and of our oceans.
[...] 有许多海地人被掩埋,但是对于未来的前景,活着的 人仍以不屈不挠的精神勇敢面对 无所畏 惧。
Haitians may have died in their thousands, and so many Haitians may have been
consigned to the grave, yet the indomitable spirit of the
[...] living remains undaunted and undeterred [...]
as to what the future holds.
同时, 世界存在着持续的大众贫穷、巨大而且在日益加大的收入差距、隐隐出现的缺粮 缺水问题所有这一切现都因无忌 惮 的金融操纵和投机以及美国和其他政府没 有对金融和其他部门进行适当管制造成的世界衰退而更加复杂。
Meanwhile the world is beset by persistent mass poverty, huge and growing income disparities, looming food and water shortages, all now complicated by a world recession brought on by reckless financial manipulation and speculation and the failure of the United States and other Governments to properly regulate finance and other sectors.
我们必须确认,塞拉利昂若无其至高无上的部落 首领和其他传统领导人、其穆斯林和基督教领袖、其 多样而活跃的民间社会、其妇女组织、其往往英无 畏的记者以及该国的艺术家尤其是其音乐家的贡献, 便不会有今天的面貌。
We must recognize that Sierra Leone would not be where it is today without the contributions of its paramount chiefs and other traditional leaders, of its Muslim and Christian religious leaders, of its diverse and active civil society, of its women’s organizations, of its often courageous journalists and of the country’s artists, above all its musicians.
所谓“ 狭路相逢勇者胜”这句话,正好验证了李总和他的团队为民族工业和民族品牌不畏强势,披荆斩棘,力挽狂澜的 无畏 精 神
Just as the old saying goes, the brave one will win in the fierce competition, which suitably demonstrates the great spirit of Li Ke and his team in forging ahead for national [...] [...]
industry and national brand despite the troubles.
[...] 国争议法庭法官的司法职责,不偏不倚 无畏无 惧 , 刚正不阿,且在任何时 候都遵守《行为守则》。
I swear/solemnly undertake to carry out my judicial duties as a judge of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal/United
Nations Dispute Tribunal independently and
[...] impartially and without fear or favour and [...]
that I shall abide at all times by the code of conduct.
斯里兰卡的经验尤其涉及到我们在国内 冲突中保护平民方所遇到的挑战,其中被挑战者是 国家,挑战者是一个无忌惮的恐怖主义团体,即泰 米尔猛虎人民解放组织(猛虎人解)。
Sri Lanka’s experience relates in particular to the challenges we faced in protecting civilians in the
context of an internal
[...] conflict — a challenge to the State itself, involving a ruthless terrorist group, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
同时,由于不存在问责制度,那些参与犯罪活动和使用暴 力的人会更加无忌惮。
Concurrently, the lack of accountability emboldens those who engage in criminal activity and the use of violence.
从叙利亚一 侧侵犯以叙之间的脱离接触线提出了令人不安的问题,就是我们区域的某些行为 体是否在试图利用此类挑衅无所顾 忌 地 转 移对其他问题的注意力。
This breach of the disengagement line between Israel and Syria from the Syrian side raises disturbing questions about whether certain actors in our region are seeking to use such provocations as a cynical distraction from other issues.
我 们遗憾地重 申,国际社会在这方面继无所作为 的情况显然使以色列更加 无忌 惮 地 采取蔑 视和强硬态度。
In this regard, we regret to reiterate that continued international inaction has clearly emboldened Israel in its defiance and intransigence.
在 “以及 真正代表港人利益 的立法會議員"之後加上“;本會 亦 促 請 選 舉 管 理 委 員會立即採取有效措 施,確 保
[...] 選民在 不 受干預的 情況下 自由 投票,所畏懼地 表 達 訴 求 "。
To add “; this Council also urges the Electoral Affairs Commission to immediately take effective measures to ensure that electors vote
freely without interference and express
[...] their demands without fear” after “and [...]
truly represent the interests of the Hong Kong people”.
现在 他们又在寻求否决其他人做出同样的选择,这实际上 是无所顾忌地适用双重标准。
They now sought to deny others that same choice, which amounted to a cynical application of double standards.
自地震以来,联合国稳定特派团一直辛勤工作,帮助海地政府维护社会稳定,这支蓝盔部队在海 所 展 现 出的职业、奉献和 无畏 精 神 体现了联合国维和行动帮助受援助国家克服冲突和灾难的众多示例之一。
Since the quake, MINUSTAH has continued to work hard to help stabilize Haiti and the professionalism, dedication and courage shown by the ‘blue helmets’ in Haiti since then is just one of many examples of UN peacekeeping helping countries overcome conflict and tragedy.
和我母亲及其他对特奥运动的创始起到推动作用的人一样,他具有开拓者的精神,同时又怀 无所畏 惧 的决心,凭借这两者,他敢于开创一片全新的天地,尽管这片天地世人可能前所未见,也不易理解。
With my mother and a handful of others, he had the pioneering
[...] spirit and the fearless resolve necessary [...]
to create something the world had never
seen and couldn’t possibly understand.
They meet Rhino, a fearless, TV-obsessed [...]
hamster and Bolt fan who joins their team.
本次辩论是在充满危险的时刻举行的:加沙地带 的巴勒斯坦人民在安全理事会众目睽睽之下遭遇种 族灭绝的行径,占领国以色列明显和 无忌 惮 地 违反 国际法和国际人道主义所规定 的义务。
The Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are confronting genocide under the very nose of the Security Council, and the Israeli occupying Power is clearly and flagrantly violating its obligations under international law and international humanitarian law.
索马里公民遭受冷酷无情的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力无忌惮 的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 [...]
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its
coasts and adjacent sea
[...] lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the [...]
of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
遗憾的是,由于大多数非洲国 家缺乏有效监测其海岸的必要资源和能力,对非洲海 洋资源的这种侵略行为变本加厉,这导致了许多问 题,特别是索马里沿海海盗活动、索马里的资源遭到 开采并且枯竭以及在索马里沿海 无忌 惮 地 倾倒有 毒废物,这加剧了海盗活动带来的问题,使得海盗活 动过去几年来变得无法控制。
Unfortunately, such acts of aggression against African marine resources are exacerbated by the fact that most African countries lack the necessary resources and capacity to monitor their shores effectively, which has given rise to many problems, in particular piracy off the coast of Somalia, the exploitation and exhaustion of Somalia’s resources and the unscrupulous dumping of toxic wastes off the coast of Somalia, which has exacerbated the problems caused by piracy, making it uncontrollable over the past few years.
邀请各国政府采取步骤,确保刑事司法程序和证人保护方案敏感顾及被 贩运妇女和女孩的特别境况,确保她们酌情得到支持和援助,能 无所畏 惧 地 向 警方或其他有关当局投诉,而且能够在刑事司法系统需要时出场作证,并确保她 [...]
Invites Governments to take steps to ensure that criminal justice procedures and witness protection programmes are sensitive to the particular situation of trafficked women and girls and that they are supported and
assisted, as appropriate,
[...] in making complaints to the police or other authorities without fear and being [...]
available when required
by the criminal justice system, and to ensure that during this time they have access to gender- and age-sensitive protection and, as appropriate, social, medical, financial and legal assistance, including the possibility of obtaining compensation for damages suffered
委员会建议缔约国撤销《大赦法》,并重申其建议 (CERD/C/SLV/CO/13, 第15段) ,即缔约国落实美洲人权委员会提出的采取补偿方案的建议,在可能情
[...] 况下向受害者作出物质赔偿,从而创造信任的气氛,使土著人民能 无所畏 惧地 表达自己的身份
The Committee recommends that the State party repeal the Amnesty Law and reiterates its recommendation (CERD/C/SLV/CO/13, para. 15) that the State party put into effect the recommendation made by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to adopt a programme of reparation and, where possible, material compensation for the victims,
thus creating a climate of trust that will enable the indigenous peoples to express
[...] their identity without fear (art. 6).
华雷斯是墨西哥人所崇敬 的自己最伟大的历史人物之一,他以 无畏 的 精 神和特别 正直的态度维护国家的法律,反对阶级特权和外国对自己国家的干预。
Revered by Mexicans as one of their greatest historical figures, Juárez, with great moral courage and most of all, honesty, upheld the civil law and opposed class privileges and foreign interventions in his country.




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