

单词 无异

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 法官与其他公无异,享 有言论、信仰、结社及集会自由,惟于行使这 些自由时,法官必须适当顾及本《守则》所载价值观和原则
(d ) Judges, like
[...] other citizens, are entitled to freedom of expression, belief, association and assembly, but must exercise these freedoms [...]
with due regard to the
values and principles set out in the present Code
[...] 无法进入,如此造成的既成事实极有可能永久化,在此情况 无异 于 事 实上的吞 并
(f) The expansion of Israeli settlements and the construction of new ones on the Occupied Palestinian Territory rendered inaccessible behind the wall, which
create a fait accompli on the ground that could well be permanent and would in
[...] that case be tantamount to de facto [...]
与最不发达国家经济体及其人民遭受的损害费用不断攀升相 比,当前援助水无异于九牛一毛。
Current levels of aid are dwarfed by the mounting costs of the damage done to LDC economies and their people.
完成《非洲通史》和《非洲地区史》的编写、翻译和提供免费在线阅 无异 于一 项壮举,为不同文化间对话、通史的交叉和(或)混合的平行式阅读及其用于教 [...]
The completion of the General and Regional Histories, their
[...] translation into different languages and [...]
free online access represent a major achievement
and opened up great avenues for intercultural dialogue, including cross-and/or entangled horizontal reading of these general histories as well as their use for purposes of education.
例如,Séguéla 大院属于 5 区指挥官 Ouattara Issiaka(别名 Wattao),与军 事营无异。
For example, the compound in Séguéla, which belongs to the commander of Zone 5, Ouattara Issiaka, known as Wattao, resembles a military encampment.
他是否仍为民主与社会进步联盟的成员 并非决定因素,因为他曾经是一名成员;申诉人具有相同的姓氏;以及被怀疑为 政治反对派的人是刚果民主共和国当局系统针对的目标,移送前危险评估干事对 此无异议。
Whether the latter is still a UDPS member is not decisive, as he has been one in the past; the complainant has the same family name; and persons suspected of political opposition are systematically targeted by the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which the PRRA officer does not dispute.
应执行局第 2010/25 号决定的要求,并根据第 2001/11 号和第 2006/36 号决 定,坦桑尼亚联合共和国共同国家方案文件中的机构部分内容将不做介绍或讨 论,无异议办 法批准,除非至少五名成员在会前书面通知秘书处,表示希望执 行局审议共同国家方案文件。
As requested by the Executive Board in its decision 2010/25 and in line with decisions 2001/11 and 2006/36, the agency component of the common country programme for the United Republic of Tanzania will be approved on a no-objection basis, without presentation or discussion, unless at least five members have informed the secretariat in writing before the meeting of their wish to bring the common country programme document before the Board.
重新启动机械装置前,要认真确认螺栓等连接部位 无异 常。
Make sure
[...] there is no abnormality in the bolts [...]
and respective parts before restarting.
我代表伊朗伊斯兰共和国人民和政府谴责这一焚烧《古兰经》的可憎行为, 并强调这种行无异于煽 动仇恨,违反了需尊重宗教和文化的公认准则以及宗教 和文化不同的人民和平共处的原则。
shall condemn this odious act of burning the Holy Quran and stress that such acts amount to incitement to hatred and violate the universally recognized norms requiring respect for religions and cultures as well as the principle of peaceful coexistence of peoples of different religions and cultures.
特别报告员访问过的拘留场所的一般条件实际上与 不人道和有辱人格的待无异。
The general conditions in most places of detention visited amount to inhuman and degrading treatment.
按照成分和未来一年或一学期的行动编入预算的行动安排、过去一个 学期的执行报告以及事先进行让合作伙 无异 议 的任何可能的重新定 向有效。
The validation of budgeted action programmes by component and activity for the following year or semester; of implementation reports on the past six months; and of any possible reorientation acceptable to the partners.
希望解决 难民和饥馑问题但不化解基本冲突 无异 于 试 图烧灼 一条木腿。
Wishing to solve the problem of refugees and the hungry without settling the basic conflict could be considered the equivalent of trying to cauterize a wooden leg.
不应将直布罗陀 从委员会名单中删除,因为这样做将损害联合国在 一种所谓的现代宪法关系基础上建立的进程,事实 上,无异于“ 经同意的殖民主义”,其中的同意 是指管理国而非遭受殖民统治的人民,即西班牙人 民的同意;这种同意既不符合决议的精神,也不符 合其文字。
Gibraltar should not be removed from the Committee’s list, since doing so would jeopardize the process established by the United Nations on the basis of a so-called modern constitutional relationship that was in fact no more than “colonialism by consent”, in which the consent was that of the administering Power and not the colonized people, the people of Spain, and did not comply with either the spirit or the letter of the resolutions.
一切选举均应以无记名投票方式进行,除非 无异 议 情 况下,审查会议决定对 已商定的一名候选人或候选人名单不进行投票选举。
All elections shall be held by secret ballot unless, in the absence of any objection, the Review Conference decides to proceed without taking a ballot when there is an agreed candidate or slate.
对我们来说,无异于扩 大了我们 的行动区域,但是它又不真正在该区域中。
For us, it amounts to an extension of our area of operations, but it is not actually within that area.
执行局按照执行局第 2006/19 号决定,无异议的基础上,批准了 订正文件。
The Executive Board approved the revised documents on a no-objection basis in accordance with Executive Board decision 2006/19.
以这种方式剥夺博萨诺先生的自 由,其无异于变相形式的引渡,目的是为规避 1979 年 5 月 15 日利摩日上 诉法院起诉庭的否定裁决以及正常的“为递解出境采取……行动”所需的“拘 留”。
Depriving Mr. Bozano of his liberty in this way amounted in fact to a disguised form of extradition designed to circumvent the negative ruling of 15 May 1979 by the Indictment Division of the Limoges Court of Appeal, and not to “detention” necessary in the [27] ordinary course of “action… taken with a view to deportation”.
Now, in my eyes, IT is no different from business, and [...]
good management is even more important in IT than in business, considering
the complexity of IT staffs, various systems, and huge annual budget, etc. The Business Technology Practice is a place to build cutting-edge management thinking to reach business and IT alignment.
正如你在 7 月 13 日的声明中十分正确地指出的那样,的确迫切需要采取集
[...] 体和果断行动,立即完全制止正在叙利亚上演的惨剧,而若不作为, 无异 于给 今后的屠杀发放通行证。
As you very rightly pointed out in your statement of 13 July, there is indeed an urgent need for collective and decisive
action to immediately and fully stop the tragedy unfolding
[...] in Syria, and inaction becomes a licence [...]
for further massacres.
在这方面,建无异于暗中回到维 和干部们的想法,人们对这一想法还没有达成共识。
In that regard the proposals amounted to a back-door reversion to the idea of a cadre of peacekeepers, on which there was no consensus.
一个缔约方 强调,协商一致应被理解无异议而不是一致同意。
One Party highlighted that consensus should be understood as no objection rather than unanimity.
教科文组织所体现的决心无异于高 级别小组辩论中展示的对通过各级对 话、交互和教育实现人类进步的可能性所持的坚定信心。
The commitment that UNESCO embodies is synonymous with the kind of unshakable confidence in the possibility of human improvement through dialogue, interaction and education at all levels demonstrated in the debate of the High Panel.
这款五颜六色的人工沙的手感与天然湿 无异 , 但 由于其具有聚烯烃涂层,永远不会变干。
This multicolored artificial sand feels like real, wet sand, but it never dries out because it is coated with polyolefins.
由于执行局各代表团没有提出请求,将 其希望进一步讨论该文件的意向书面通知秘书处,执行局 无异 议 基 础上,批准 了该文件中与儿童基金会有关的内容。
As there were no requests from Executive Board delegations informing the Secretariat in writing that they wished to further discuss the document, the Executive Board approved the UNICEF component on a no-objection basis.
我们并非 Harry Winston 手表的授权经销商,因此我们提供长达两年的内部无忧质保,与我们网站上所有其他钟表的服 无异。
We are not an authorized dealer of Harry Winston Watches therefore we offer our own in house extensive two year worry free warranty as we do on all our timepieces site wide.
(d) 大会主席应草拟一份民间社会组织代表名单,这些组织包括活跃于法治 领域的非政府组织,同时考虑到公平地域代表性原则, 无异 议 程 序,将参加高 级别会议的名单提交会员国审议
(d ) The President of the General Assembly shall draw up a list of representatives of civil society organizations, including non-governmental organizations active in the field of the rule of law and, taking into account the principle of equitable geographical representation, submit the list to Member States for consideration on a no-objection basis, for participation in the high-level meeting
并请董事会制订一项准备通过本决定所附管理文书第46 段所指指定国 家主管部门实施的、透明的无异议 ”程序,以确保与国家气候战略和计划以及 国家驱动的方针取得一致,并安排由绿色气候基金提供有效的直接和间接公营部 门和私营部门融资。
Also requests the Board to develop a transparent no-objection procedure to be conducted through national designated authorities referred to in paragraph 46 of the governing instrument annexed to this decision, in order to ensure consistency with national climate strategies and plans and a country driven approach and to provide for effective direct and indirect public and private sector financing by the Green Climate Fund.
经修 订的国家、共同国家和区域方案文件将在 2011 年第二届常会上由执行局无异 议方 式批准,除非至少有五名成员书面通知秘书处,希望把某一国家方案提交给 执行局审查。
The revised country, common country, and area programme documents will be approved by the Executive Board on a no-objection basis at the 2011 second regular session unless at least five members have informed the secretariat in writing of their wish to bring a particular country programme before the Executive Board.
(c) 不在上述类别内的其他相关非政府组织,可向秘书处提出认可请求,申 请书应根据经济及社会理事会 1996 年 7 月 25 日第 1996/31 号决议第 44 段的规 定,列入其组织的专长以及其活动与老龄问题不限成员名额工作组工作的相关 性,关于这些申请书,它还决定: ㈠ 秘书处应无异议的 基础上,至少应在每届会议召开前 4 个星期之 内向老龄问题不限成员名额工作组成员国分发非政府组织新提出的申 请认可清单,但工作组第 1 次会议除外,因为其清单将在会议召开两周 前分发
(c) That other relevant non-governmental organizations, not falling within the above categories, may apply to the Secretariat for such accreditation, and that their applications should contain all the information on the competence of the organization and the relevance of its activities to the work of the Openended Working Group on Ageing, as specified in paragraph 44 of Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31 of 25 July 1996, and in respect of those applications, also decides that
如果有担保债权人向设保人/被许可人提议以 获得许可来作为对附担保债务的全部或部分清偿,而且设保人或任何其他相关 方(诸如债务人、应履行附担保债务的其他任何人或对设保资产享有权利的任 何人;见建议 156-158)无异议(且许可协议不禁止转让许可),则有担保债 权人便按照被许可人和许可人之间许可协议的条款取得许可。
In situations where the secured creditor proposes to a grantor/licensee to acquire the licence in total or partial satisfaction of the secured obligation and neither the grantor nor any other interested party (such as the debtor, any other person owing performance of the secured obligation or any person with rights in the encumbered asset; see recommendations 156-158) object (and the licence agreement does not prohibit the transfer of the licence), the secured creditor becomes vested with the licence according to the terms of the licence agreement between the licensee and the licensor.




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