

单词 无家可归

See also:

无家 adj

homeless adj

无家 n

homelessness n



可归 adj

homeless adj

External sources (not reviewed)

加拿大提到青年失业率、中学辍学率以 及具有移民背景人员无家可归率。
Canada referred to the youth unemployment rate, the secondary school
[...] dropout rate and the homelessness rate for persons of an immigrant [...]
Homeless persons in particular are frequently [...]
subject to restrictions on their freedom of movement and criminalized for using public space.
委员会还重申以前的建议,即请缔约国开无 家可归问题的研究,并在下一次定期报告中向委员会报告研究的结果。
The Committee also reiterates its previous recommendation
that the State party undertake a study
[...] on the problem of homeless people and report [...]
back on its findings in its next periodic report.
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没有父母照管的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子 女家庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑受监视人员 无家可归 人 员 ,合作社与合作群体, 以及从事居住环境规划和开发的专门人员。
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during the ownership reform, children and young people without parental care,
disabled people,
[...] elderly people, families with many children, persons released from prison and persons under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative [...]
societies and communities,
and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.
[...] 力行为,无论是由于其国籍、族裔、宗教和语言,还是由于其属于土著群体、移 民、无国籍人、难民、居住在不发达、农村或边远社区 无家可归 、 被 机构安置 或拘留、身有残疾、是老年妇女、寡妇或生活在冲突、冲突后和灾害局势中,因 此,在制定针对暴力侵害妇女行为的预防犯罪和刑事司法对策时,需要对她们予 [...] [...]
The updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures recognize that some special groups of women are particularly vulnerable to violence, either because of their nationality, ethnicity, religion or language, or because they belong to an
indigenous group, are migrants, are
[...] stateless, are refugees, live in underdeveloped, rural or remote communities, are homeless, are in institutions [...]
or in detention,
have disabilities, are elderly, are widowed or live in conflict, post-conflict or disaster situations, and as such they require special attention, intervention and protection in the development of crime prevention and criminal justice responses to violence against women.
其实,除了非法没收土地和建造定居点外,以色列还继续采用其他各种非法手段, 其目的是驱赶巴勒斯坦原住民,包括拆除房屋(从今年初以来,占领国至少拆毁
[...] 了31座巴勒斯坦住宅楼,造成 106 名巴勒斯坦平无家可归,包 括 61 名儿童在 内)、取消居住权、继续关闭城内的巴勒斯坦机构、最近还决定禁止社会活动家 [...]
Indeed, in addition to illegally confiscating land and constructing settlements, Israel continues to apply a host of other illegal measures aimed at driving out the indigenous Palestinian population, including the demolition of homes (the occupying Power has demolished at least 31 Palestinian residential buildings, leaving 106
Palestinian civilians, including
[...] 61 children, homeless since the start of [...]
this year), the revocation of residency rights, the continued closure of Palestinian institutions in the city and the recent decision
to ban social activists from travelling to other parts of the West Bank, effectively severing them from their work and familial relations with their natural surroundings.
1959年,好莱坞女星Sara和Yvonne结伴到东京旅行,期间看见许 无家可归 、 流浪街头的儿童。
In 1959, Sara and Yvonne, Hollywood actresses at the time, travelled to Tokyo.
十年前,在阅读一份有关慕尼黑流浪汉的报告时,Jutta看到一篇文章,描述当 无家可归 的 孩 子及其母亲的情况。
Reading a Munich-based homeless paper
about 10 years ago, Jutta came across an article that described
[...] the situation of homeless children and mothers [...]
at the time.
目前,柬埔寨还 没无家 可归个人 和家庭 的真实统计 数 字 ; 因此,王国 政府正在努力收集这方面的准确数据,以 便 制 订 战 略 和实际方案 , 为 所无 家 可 归者提供适当的住所。
Currently, there is not real figure about the number
[...] of people and homeless families in Cambodia; therefore, the Royal Government is working so hard to research for accurate data about this in order that to prepare strategies and actual programmes to provide all of them proper residences.
此外,应采取专门措施防止未成年 无家 可归,并 为这一群体提供社会支持和教育。
Furthermore, specific measures should be put in
[...] place to prevent homelessness and to provide [...]
social support and education to this group.
另一个组 织建议,教科文组织可以采取系统要求将难民、归国者和国 无家可归 者 (I DPs)纳入国家教 育行动规划,以及采取提高对人道主义援助与发展之间在过渡时期的特殊问题的认识等方 法,更好地支持改进在教育部门开展的对话。
Another organization suggested that UNESCO could best support improved dialogue in the education sector by systematically requesting that refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) be included in national education action plans, as well as by raising awareness on the specific issue of transition between humanitarian assistance and development.
(d) 将无家可归的妇 女和儿童以及无人陪伴的外国血统儿童列为减贫战略 中的优先受益者,包括采取紧急和持久措施为他们提供适当住处和其他服务。
(d) Include homeless women and children and unaccompanied [...]
children of foreign origin as priority beneficiaries of its poverty
strategy, including taking urgent and sustainable measures to provide them with appropriate housing and other services.
为了推动对儿童和青少年中出现越来越多 无家可归 者 和贫困者的社会、经济、文化 和其他原因开展研究,教科文组织支持了由比什凯克公共舆论研究中心开展的“吉尔吉斯斯 [...]
To attain the goal of advancing research on
social, economic, cultural and other causes
[...] of the growing homelessness and poverty among [...]
children and young people, UNESCO supported
the research study on “Problems of Street Children in the Cities of Kyrgyzstan”, carried out by the Bishkek Centre for Public Opinion Studies.
墨西哥关切地看到,这场灾难影响普遍,医院、学校、教堂和政府建筑物悉 数被毁,成千上万人流落街 无家可归。
Mexico notes with concern the total extent of the devastation, with hospitals, schools, churches and government buildings in ruins and tens of thousands of people on the streets without shelter.
ο 精神创伤,例如被抢劫,因车祸而严重受伤,或因失火 无家可归 , 都 可压垮一个人 的体力、意志和精神。
o Trauma, such as robbery, serious injury caused by a car accident, or a fire
[...] that leads to homelessness, can overwhelm [...]
the body, mind and spirit.
在压力、目无法纪无家可归的情 况加剧时,妇女 面临更多暴力威胁,会发现更难以养活自己以及她们所照料的儿童、老人、伤员、 [...]
In a time of
[...] heightened stress, lawlessness and homelessness, women face [...]
an increased threat of violence and will find it
harder to support themselves, the children, the elderly, the injured, the disabled and other survivors who are in their care.
(k) 增强妇女能力,特别是增强贫困妇女的能力,加强她们在经济上的独立 性,确保她们充分参与社会和决策进程,途径包括制订社会和经济政策,保证妇
女能够充分和平等地获得各级优质教育和培训以及负担得起和适足的公共和社 会服务,并且能够平等地获得资金,就业和享有拥有和获取土地和其他财产的完
[...] 全和平等权利,并采取其他适当措施,处理妇 无家可归 人 数 不断增加和住房愈 益不足的问题,以减少她们遭受暴力的可能性
(k) Empowering women, in particular women living in poverty, by strengthening their economic independence and by ensuring their full participation in society and in decision-making processes, through, inter alia, social and economic policies that guarantee them full and equal access to all levels of quality education and training and to affordable and adequate public and social services, as well as equal access to financial resources, employment, and full and equal rights to own and have access to land and other property, and taking further
appropriate measures to address the
[...] increasing rate of homelessness and inadequate [...]
housing for women in order to reduce their vulnerability to violence
(j) 增强妇女能力,特别是增强贫困妇女的能力,途径包括制订社会和经济
政策,保证妇女能够充分和平等地获得各级优质教育和培训以及负担得起和适足 的公共和社会服务,并且能够平等地获得资金,享有拥有土地和其他财产的完全
[...] 和平等权利,并采取其他适当措施,处理妇 无家可归 人 数 不断增加或住房愈益 不足的问题,以减少她们遭受暴力的可能性
( j ) Empowering women, in particular women living in poverty, through, inter alia, social and economic policies that guarantee them full and equal access to all levels of quality education and training and to affordable and adequate public and social services, as well as equal access to financial resources and full and equal rights to own land and other property, and taking further
appropriate measures to address the
[...] increasing rate of homelessness or inadequate [...]
housing for women in order to reduce their vulnerability to violence
2004 年 12
[...] 月海啸的悲惨后果表明这一点,当时亚洲海啸致使许多人死亡 无家可归 和失去他们的原来的生计。
This fact was demonstrated with tragic
consequences in December 2004 when the Asian Tsunami left
[...] many people dead, homeless and without their [...]
former livelihoods.
我们齐聚在一起是为了让在本次地震中受伤的数以千计的民众,以及在地震 无家可归 的 数 以万计的民众知道 — 正如美国总统和国务部长曾经许诺过的一样 [...]
— 美国随时准备提供支援。
And we gather to let the thousands who have been
injured in the earthquake the tens of
[...] thousands who are today homeless know – as the [...]
President and Secretary of State have said
– that America stands ready to assist.
在这方面,该运动 最强烈地谴责以色列最近对加沙的巴勒斯坦平民发 动军事侵略,导致 1 400 多名巴勒斯坦人死亡,其中 包括数百名儿童与妇女,造成 5 500 多名巴勒斯坦人
[...] 受伤和大规模的流离失所现象,致使几千个巴勒斯坦 家无家可归,加剧了当地居民普遍的苦难和恐惧。
In that regard, the Movement condemns in the strongest terms the recent Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza, which resulted in the death of more than 1,400 Palestinians, including hundreds of children and women, the injury of more than 5,500 Palestinians and
widespread displacement, making thousands of
[...] Palestinian families homeless and deepening [...]
the suffering and fear that overwhelm the population.
国际仁人家园于 1976 年在美国成立,是一家非赢利性、基督教徒房屋事物组织,致力于消除贫困住房环境 无家可归 的 情 况,并积极以行动及提高意识促进适当住房。
Founded in the United States in 1976, Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, Christian housing ministry that works both to eliminate poverty housing and to make adequate housing a matter of conscience and action.
项目厅积极参与帮助其合作伙伴为自然灾害所 无家可归 者 制 定更稳定、 更安全的生活安排,代表各方合作伙伴,包括美国政府建设或修缮了共 [...]
3 049 个 过渡收容所,其中在巴基斯坦建造了 300 个此类庇护所。
UNOPS was actively involved in helping its partners
create more stable, secure living
[...] arrangements for families left homeless by natural disasters, [...]
building or repairing a total
of 3,049 transitional shelters on behalf of a wide range of partners, including, on behalf of the United States Government, 300 such shelters in Pakistan.
在这方面,委员会呼吁充分遵守国际法院 2004 年 7 月 9 日的咨询意见和
[...] 有关联合国决议,全面停止修建隔离墙行为,因为此一行为对社会经济造成重大 破坏、导致成千上万名巴勒斯坦 无家可归 、 严重妨碍行动自由、以及损害领土 的毗连与完整。
In this regard, the Committee calls for full respect of the 9 July 2004 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice and the relevant United Nations resolutions and for the full cessation of the construction
of the wall, which has caused vast socio-economic
[...] damage and the displacement of thousands of Palestinians and is severely obstructing [...]
freedom of
movement and impairing territorial contiguity and integrity.
只有在多重治理层面上把这些权利制度化,我 们才可能有能力在地方、国内地区、区域和国际层面上着手解决正在加剧的社会与经济不
[...] 平等和悲惨的剥削问题,以及伴随近年经济强劲和生产力上升而来的普遍的饥饿 无家可 归问题
It is only by institutionalizing these rights at multiple levels of governance that we are able to create an ability at the local, the sub-national, the regional and the international levels to address the growing social and economic inequality
and tragic deprivation, including
[...] widespread hunger and homelessness, that has accompanied [...]
strong economic development and
increased productivity in recent years.
尽管注意到缔约国努力在冬天 无家可归 儿 童 提供住所,但委员会表示 关切的是,有报告说无家可归妇女 和儿童、包括无人陪伴的外国血统儿童人数 有所增加,并且没有处理该情况的综合应对办法。
While noting the efforts of the State
[...] party to house homeless children during the winter, the Committee expresses concern at reports of increasing number of homeless women and children, [...]
including unaccompanied
children of foreign origin, and at the absence of an integral response to address their situation.




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