

单词 无奸不商

See also:


none missing
everyone without exception
none lacking
everything is there


dishonest business
unscrupulous businessman


not without

External sources (not reviewed)

刚果黄金出口行主管人员告诉专 家组说,他们根无法与这些奸商竞 争
Congolese gold export house managers told the Group that they simply could not compete.
不少市民由於誤 信這些所謂奸商所售 賣的食品,導致食用後身體受到殘害。
A number
[...] of people have suffered bodily damage because of their mistaken belief in the foods sold by these unscrupulous businessmen.
然而,这类措施通不考虑 性别差异,因此,女无法因为遭受性虐待的后果,无 法 因 受到 奸 而 怀 孕或被迫堕胎而获得特别 的承认或赔偿。
However, gender differences have
[...] generally not been taken into account and, as a consequence, there has not been special recognition of or compensation for girls for consequences of sexual abuse, such as pregnancy resulting from rape or forced abortion.
[...] 來到立法會游說的人,當政府通過了減稅,但這些人卻把本應回饋消費者的 稅款,放進自己的口袋,對於這些所謂奸商,我認為須有一些阻嚇的作用, 所以,我支持單仲偕議員修正案的意義,並非在於認為這項修正案或所謂 “日落條款”是否具有效用或是否表示支持,而是在於我們要把一個很清楚 的信息告奸商,不要以 為減稅後他們可以為所欲為,中飽私囊。
I think that we have to tell the alcoholic beverage trade or other people who come to the Legislative Council to carry out lobbying in relation to any indirect tax that after the Government has approved a duty reduction, if these people pocket the savings in duty that should have been passed onto consumers, there will definitely be some sort of deterrent for such crooked businesses. Therefore, the significance of my support for Mr SIN Chung-kai's amendment does not lie in whether this amendment or so-called "sunset clause" will be effective or whether I will lend my support, rather, the significance lies in
the delivery of a very
[...] clear signal to crooked businessmen, telling them that they must not think that they can do as they wish after the duty has been reduced [...]
and line their own pockets.
在若干因素的推动下,支助费用会增加,这些因素包括:行动区的地理面 积扩大;气候条件;缺乏安全保障;基础设施薄弱;要求作战部队灵活机动;难 以在战争环境中使用平民承商;无 法 在 索马里南部(例如基斯马尤)短期就近使 用海港,从不得不绕行 或靠季节性陆地走廊运输供给(见 S/2012/74,第28段)。
The increase in support costs will be driven by several factors, including the larger geographical area of operations, climatic conditions, lack of security, weak infrastructure, mobility requirements of a dynamic combat
force, the
[...] difficulty of using civilian contractors in a war environment, and the lack of access in the short term to a proximate seaport [...]
in southern Somalia, such as Kismaayo, necessitating the use of circuitous and seasonal
land corridors for supply lines (see S/2012/74, para. 28).
在香港,我想我們不會有那麼高 的要求,但當民間有很多聲音說 奸商 ”、 “奸商”,而似乎任何社會上有 共識、對大多數市民有好處的政策也無法得到商人的支持下,我亦一直 希望在官、商、民方面,就很多已經得到社會共識的政策,會得到商界 [...]
But when people keep talking about "unscrupulous businessmen" …… when it seems that businessmen will never support any [...]
policies that have the consensus
of the people, any policies that are good to the people …… I have always hoped that the Government, the business sector and the people …… I have always hoped that the business sector can support those policies that have the consensus of society.
在经历了一场战争,目睹了严重和系统侵犯儿童 人权的行为,包括不限于强迫招募、强迫劳动、奸以及对无辜儿 童犯下的其它形式的卑劣暴行之后, 我们别无选择,只有加入到制止这一令人发指罪行的 斗争中来,无论在世界哪个地方犯下此类罪行。
Having gone through a war that witnessed gross and systematic violations of the
human rights of
[...] children, including but not limited to forceful conscription, forced labour, rape and other forms of despicable atrocities committed against innocent [...]
children, we are left with no alternative
but to join the fight to end this heinous crime wherever it is committed in the world.
除非有可行的補救措施,否則伺伏 奸商, 總會趁機不虞有詐的消費者㆖當。
Unless remedies are enforceable, the lurking villain will always be there to catch an unwary consumer.
关于委员会对 采取切实措施以确不会无故拖延就 奸 指 控 向法院提 出诉讼的建议,缔约国认为,缔约国主张并支持保护和 增进人权,包括司法程序中涉及的人权,并正在采取措 施,确保 1998 年《迅速审判法》得到全面有效的执行。
As to the Committee’s recommendations concerning the effective measures to ensure that court proceedings involving rape are pursued without [...]
undue delay, the State
party submits that it advocates and supports the protection and promotion of human rights, including those in judicial proceedings, and is undertaking measures to ensure that the Speedy Trial Act of 1998 is fully and effectively implemented.
香港的教育,特別是 大學教育,何時淪落至這個奸商也 不 如 的 地步?
When has education in Hong Kong,
in particular university education, been degenerated into such a state that is
[...] even worse than unscrupulous businessmen?
可是,很可惜,那些大財團,尤其是 收費電視這類大財團,如此大型的公司,竟也使用這般卑劣的手段來欺騙小 市民,我覺得這又真的被人說中了,果然是“ 商不奸 ”。
But much to our regret, those consortiums, especially those pay television service operators which are companies of such a large scale, have resorted to these despicable practices to deceive ordinary members of the public.
我認為解決問題的大原則,應該是 不 影 響 正當商人的情況下,適當 懲處無奸商,同 時盡可能保障僱員的最大權益。
At the same time, employees' maximum rights and benefits ought to be safeguarded as far as possible. This, in my opinion, should be the primary principle underlining any solution to the problem.
一些社區學院的經營者, 樣子與肚滿腸肥的商人無異,其做事手法更 奸商 如 出 一轍,可以在 沒有足夠課室,沒有聘請足夠教師,甚至甚麼也未有準備好的情況 下不斷增加副學士等課程的學額。
Some operators of community colleges are no
different from those big-bellied businessmen in
[...] appearance, and their practices are exactly the same as those of unscrupulous traders. They keep increasing places for associate degree programmes even when [...]
there are not enough classrooms and teachers, and even when the preparation work has not been done.
虽然医无法确认强奸和电 击的确切时间, 但是没有任何迹象表明提交人刚被拘留时身 不 好。
While the doctor could not
[...] establish the exact time of the torture by rape and use of electrical equipment, there is no indication that the author went into [...]
detention in bad health.
然而,在未制定出衡量 在实现既定目标方面取得多大进展的指标, 无商 定 报 告形式的情况下,上述一些不明晰,又无深入分析的报告,如何便利决策进程。
However, in the absence of success indicators to measure progress towards meeting established objectives and an agreed reporting format, some of these reports lack clarity and in-depth analysis which would ease the decision-making [...]
目前正在进行采购,寻找一个主要承商负责土地核无雷, 和一个排雷方案办公室提供质量控制和保证及社区建立信 [...]
[...] processes are now under way for a main contractor to undertake [...]
this land release and a Demining Programme Office
to provide quality control and assurance, and community confidence building measures.
第一联合提交文件显示 ,《伯利兹刑 法典》第 71 条 第(1)款将强奸定义 为 同 任何年龄 的 女 性在未经其同 意的情况下发生肉体关系 , 这就假设男不可能奸,而被强奸的男子便无法诉 诸律法。
JS1 indicated that Section 71 (1) of the Belize Criminal Code defines rape as the carnal knowledge of a female of any age without her consent, assuming that males cannot be raped and leaving raped men without recourse to the law.
城市水资源”丛书的出 版商 2008 年 6 月强调了此类滞后带来不便之 处:“作 不 能 及 时出版自己的著作;出商 无法出 版含有新鲜内容的作品,没有遵守在市场上宣布的最后期限”62 。
In June 2008, the publisher of the Urban Water Series described the disadvantages of such delays: authors cannot publish their results in time; publishers are not in a position to publish works containing fresh information and do not keep to the deadlines announced to the market.62 The texts in question were not published until 2009.
例 如,国际药品采购机制医药专利共享组织鼓励新 无商 标 组 合药品的生产,促进 专利共享,使当前研不足领域新药品的生产合理化。
The UNITAID Medicines Patent Pool, for example, encourages new generic formulations by facilitating patent-sharing and streamlining the production of new medicines in currently underresearched areas.
不可抗力 事件包括不限于 :自然灾害(例如闪电、地震、飓风、洪水);战争、暴乱、恐怖行动 和民众骚乱;本地交换运营商、电信运 商 、 无 线 运 营商、Internet 服务提供商和其他第 三方的行为;爆炸和火灾;禁运、罢工和劳资纠纷;政府法规;以及超出当事方合理控制 范围的任何其他原因。
Force majeure events
[...] include, but are not limited to: natural disasters (e.g., lightning, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods); wars, riots, terrorist activities, and civil commotions; activities of local exchange carriers, telephone carriers, wireless carriers, Internet [...]
service providers, and other third parties; explosions
and fires; embargoes, strikes, and labor disputes; governmental decrees; and any other cause beyond the reasonable control of a party.
此外,為防奸商以假 貨魚目混珠,政府應考慮修訂現時的《商品說明 條例》,建立商品的檢驗制度,詳細列 不 同 牌子產品的細則及規格,讓消 費者有一個清晰的標準,以判斷所買的是真貨,還是假貨,讓假貨無所遁形。
To prevent unscrupulous operators from passing off the sham as the genuine, the Government should consider amending the existing Trade Descriptions Ordinance, establishing [...]
an examination
system for commodities and setting out in detail the details and specifications of products of different brands so as to provide consumers with a clear standard whereby they can judge the authenticity of the goods they have bought so that fakes will not go undetected.
对于不正确 使用本设备而导致的任何损坏,制 商无 法 承 担任何责任。
The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by incorrect use of [...]
this equipment.
此外,孤无援、婚内奸和言 语虐待对受害者的心理健康产生了严重的 长期影响。
Furthermore, isolation, marital rape and verbal abuse have [...]
serious long-term effects on victims’ mental health.
这些包括:任意拘留;酷刑或其他残忍 不 人 道 或有辱人 格的待遇和处罚;即决处决和法外处决;性暴力,包括 奸 、 性 虐待和性剥削行 为,以及出于歧视原因,侵害妇女的其它暴力形式。
These included: arbitrary detention; torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment;
[...] summary and extrajudicial executions; sexual violence, including rape, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation; and other forms of violence [...]
grounded in discrimination against women.
不過,奸商也要 得到貪官包庇,才得以使 “做假”的生意源源不絕,假貨品越出越多。
Nonetheless, the cunning businessmen must have the protection [...]
of corrupt officials before their "cheating" businesses can
flourish with many scam items coming on line.
在许多国家,需要有规章制度用于保护农民,防止他们 不 良 奸商 手 中 购买假种子及其他投入物资。
In many countries, regulations are needed to protect farmers
[...] from unscrupulous dealers selling bogus seed [...]
and other inputs.
我们认为,安理会应该让建设和平委员 会所有国别组合的主席——我重复,建设和平委员会 所有国别组合的主席——都参加安理会的相关 商, 无论他们所属国家不是安理会成员。
We believe that it would be beneficial for the Council to have the chairs of all country-specific configurations of the PBC — I repeat, all country-specific configurations of
the PBC — participate
[...] in the relevant consultations of the Council independently of whether they represent Council members or not.
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是 无 论 合规督察干事的个人专业才干如何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主任打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验不 足 以 取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
又深为关切对女童的歧视以及对女童权利的侵犯往往导致减少女孩获得教 育的机会并降低其所获教育的质量,造成其营养和身心保健的机会减少,使女孩 在童年和少年期享受的权利、机会和福利少于男孩,使她们比男孩更容易受没有 保护的不成熟的性关系的后果的影响,并使她们常常受到各种形式的文化、社 会、性和经济剥削及暴力,受害于虐待、 奸 、 乱 伦、与维护名誉有关犯罪以及 有害传统习俗,例如杀害女婴、童婚、逼婚、产前性别挑选和切割女性生殖器等
Deeply concerned also about discrimination against the girl child and the violation of the rights of the girl child, which often result in less access for girls to education, and to quality education, nutrition and physical and mental health care, in girls enjoying fewer of the rights, opportunities and benefits of childhood and adolescence than boys, and in leaving them more vulnerable than boys to the consequences of unprotected and premature sexual relations and often
being subjected to
[...] various forms of cultural, social, sexual and economic exploitation and violence, abuse, rape, incest, honour-related crimes and harmful traditional practices, such as female infanticide, [...]
child and forced
marriages, prenatal sex selection and female genital mutilation
周梁淑怡議員是次動議充分反映出自由黨『只顧經濟主導,何必關注民生』 的㆒貫作風,更徹底暴露官商勾結以 奸商 利 益,攜手扼殺婦女平等就業機會的 真面目。
The motion moved by Mrs Selina CHOW has fully shown the consistent stand of the Liberal Party to "care only about economic growth and not the people's livelihood". It has also thoroughly exposed the true picture of
collusion between the
[...] Government and businessmen to protect the interests of these wicked businessmen and how they [...]
join hands to deprive
women of equal opportunity of employment.




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