

单词 无国籍

无国籍 noun ()

statelessness n

See also:

国籍 n

citizenship n

book or record
surname Ji
place of one's family or ancestral records


of high reputation

External sources (not reviewed)

没有出生登记还增加无国籍的风 险,因为这些人在以后的生活里可能无法 确立自己的国籍。
Lack of birth registration also increases
[...] the risk of statelessness because individuals may be unable to establish their nationality later in life.
外国公民无国籍人员 拥有与摩尔多瓦共和国公民同等的权利、自由和责 任(居住、工作和工作保护、教育、休息、健康保护等权利);同时现行法律规定 [...]
了一些例外情况(不得被提名参与或参与根据法律规定必须是摩尔多瓦共和国公 民才能参与的活动,在立法、行政及其他职能机构中无选举与被选举权,无权参
加普选,不得加入党派及其他社会政治组织,不得在摩尔多瓦共和国武装部队服 役)。
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same [...]
rights, freedoms and responsibilities as do the citizens of the Republic
of Moldova (right to residence, work and protection of work, education, rest, health protection, etc.); with the exceptions set by legislation in force (may not be nominated or involved in activities for which, according to the legislation in force, the Republic of Moldova citizenship is required, do not enjoy the right to elect and the right to be elected in legislative, executive and other eligible bodies, to participate in the universal suffrage, may not be members of parties and other sociopolitical organisations, may not exercise the military service in the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova).
[...] 力行为,无论是由于其国籍、族裔、宗教和语言,还是由于其属于土著群体、移 民无国籍人、 难民、居住在不发达、农村或边远社区、无家可归、被机构安置 [...]
此,在制定针对暴力侵害妇女行为的预防犯罪和刑事司法对策时,需要对她们予 以特殊关注、干预和保护。
The updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures recognize that some special groups of women are particularly vulnerable to violence, either because of their nationality, ethnicity, religion or language, or
because they belong to an indigenous group, are
[...] migrants, are stateless, are refugees, [...]
live in underdeveloped, rural or remote
communities, are homeless, are in institutions or in detention, have disabilities, are elderly, are widowed or live in conflict, post-conflict or disaster situations, and as such they require special attention, intervention and protection in the development of crime prevention and criminal justice responses to violence against women.
摩尔多瓦共和国通过了一系列涉及移徙程序和国家境内外国公民 无国籍 人员地位的规范性法案:《摩尔多瓦共和国民事诉讼法》(第 454-456 条)和《摩 尔多瓦共和国民法》(第五部分)、《移民法》、《摩尔多瓦共和国关于外国公民无国籍人员 地位的法律》、《难民地位法》、《摩尔多瓦共和国出入境法》、 《关于摩尔多瓦共和国境内外国公民 无国籍 人 员 居留的规则》、《关于移徙工 人临时就业的政府决定》、《关于外国公民 无国籍 人 员 在摩尔多瓦共和国教育 机构接受教育的规定》。
Republic of Moldova adopted a list of normative acts that regulate the migration
processes, the status of
[...] foreign citizens and stateless persons present on the territory of the country: Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Moldova (art. 454–456) and the Civil Code of the Republic of Moldova (Fifth part), Law on migration, Law on the status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Moldova, Law on the status of refugees, Law on departure and entry in the Republic of Moldova, Rules on stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Moldova, Government Decision on temporary employment of migrant workers, Regulations on education of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the [...]
educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova.
摩尔多瓦共和国关于难民身份的法律确定了给予难民身份的法律、经济、 社会和体制框架,无任何基于种族、宗教、国籍、任何社会团体背景或政见的歧
[...] 视,从而保障了与摩尔多瓦共和国国内的外国公民 无国籍 人 员获得提供的同样 权利和自由。
The law on the status of refugees sets the legal, economic, social and institutional framework for granting the status of refugee in the Republic of Moldova, without any discrimination based on race, religion, nationality, affiliation to any social group or political opinion, the same rights and
freedoms being guaranteed as those offered to foreign
[...] citizens and stateless persons present [...]
in the Republic of Moldova.
(1) 外国公民无国籍人员 拥有与摩尔多瓦共和国公民同等的权利和义 务,法律另有规定除外。
(1) Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the [...]
same rights and obligations as the citizens of the Republic of Moldova,
with the exceptions set by law.
委员会还鼓励尚未加入 1951 年《关于难民地位的公约》及其 1967 年《议定 书》、1954 年《关无国籍人地位的公约》、1961 年《减无国籍状态 公约》和 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》及其《任择议定书》的国家加入这些文书,撤 销对这些文书的任何持续保留,并建立尊重性别平等原则的关于庇护 无国籍问 题的国家法律框架。
The Committee also encourages States that have not yet done so to accede to the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol,
the 1954 Convention on
[...] the Status of Stateless Persons, the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol, to withdraw any continuing reservations to these instruments and to establish national legal frameworks on asylum and statelessness that respect gender [...]
equality principles.
人道主义的考虑将要求,这些人必须在不歧视的基础上,不论 国籍 、 无国籍状 况 ,也不论社会及其他出身,得到保护和援助。
Humanitarian considerations would dictate that they need to be afforded protection
and assistance on the basis of non-discrimination,
[...] irrespective of nationality, statelessness, or social or [...]
other origins.
遵守会员国的法律规章及他们对本组织的职责和责任; (h) 系统地落实近期国际会议制订的行动计划、特别是与千年发展目标有关的行动计划中的有
[...] 关建议,并让其他的国家和国际人道主义组织和发展组织参与向难民、回返者 无国籍 者、境内流离失所者和收容社区提供援助,以及寻找持久的解决办法。
(h) Systematically following up on relevant recommendations in the plans of action emanating from recent international conferences, especially the plan of action related to the Millennium Development Goals, and involving other humanitarian and development organizations, both national and international,
in the provision of assistance to
[...] refugees, returnees, stateless persons, internally [...]
displaced persons and host communities,
as well as in the search for durable solutions.
由于处无国籍 状态 ,所以这些儿童在教育、卫生保健和经济方面遭遇歧视。
As a consequence of their statelessness, these children [...]
face discrimination with regard to education, health care and employment.
它对具体的妇女群体给予特别关注,包括但不限于生活贫穷 妇女、移徙妇女、残疾妇女、少数群体妇女、农村和土著妇女、老年妇女、女童
[...] 包括少女、冲突中和冲突后局势中的妇女、难民妇女、境内流离失所妇女 无国 籍妇女
It is paying particular attention to specific groups of women, including but not limited to women living in poverty, migrant women, women with disabilities, women belonging to minorities, rural and indigenous women, older women, girls, including
adolescents, women in conflict and post-conflict situations, refugee women, internally
[...] displaced women and stateless women.
这些在联合国难民署的积极参与下制定的法律规定了在白俄罗斯境内的外 国公民无国籍人士的权利和自由。
These Acts, which were drawn up with the active
participation of UNHCR, strengthen the rights and freedoms
[...] of aliens and stateless persons present [...]
in the territory of Belarus.
还提无国籍人的情况,因为没有国籍国承担接收他 们的义务。
The case of stateless persons was also mentioned, since they had no State of nationality that was obliged [...]
to admit them.
而且,缔约国应该考虑加入《关 无国籍 人 地 位的公约》和 《减无国籍状态 公约》,并采取必要的立法和行政措施,使其法律和程序与那 些准则接轨。
Furthermore the State party should consider the possibility of acceding to the
Convention Relating to the
[...] Status of Stateless Persons and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, and adopt [...]
the necessary legislative
and administrative measures to bring its laws and procedures in line with those norms.
委员会感到关注的是,比起非土著儿童,土著儿童在更大程度上 无出生登记无国籍的风险也更高。
The Committee is concerned that indigenous children, to a
greater extent than non-indigenous children, remain without birth registration and
[...] at a higher risk of being stateless.
(h) 系统地落实近期国际会议制订的行动计划的有关建议,特别是与千年发
[...] 展目标有关的行动计划的有关建议,以及国家和国际的其他人道主义组织和发展 组织参与向难民、回返者无国籍者 、 境内流离失所者和收容社区提供援助,以 [...]
(h) Systematically following up on relevant recommendations in the plans of action emanating from recent international conferences, especially the plan of action related to the Millennium Development Goals, and involving other humanitarian and development organizations, both national and international,
in the provision of assistance to
[...] refugees, returnees, stateless persons, internally [...]
displaced persons and host communities,
as well as in the search for durable solutions.
添加了第 3 款,将保护的对象扩大到包无国籍 人 , 以应对委员 们所表示的关切。
Paragraph 3, which extended the protection
[...] in question to stateless persons, had [...]
been added to address a concern expressed in the Commission.
黑山是《关于难民地位的公约》(1954 年)和《关无国籍人地位的公约》(1960 年)缔约国,黑山政府坚定参与解决流离失所问题,并在区域一级确保 [...]
1990 年代 早期逃离前南斯拉夫境内冲突的难民和境内流离失所者问题的持久解决。
As a State party to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1954) and the Convention relating to
[...] the Status of Stateless Persons (1960), [...]
the Government of
Montenegro is strongly engaged in resolving the issue of displacement and ensuring durable solutions for refugees and internally displaced persons at the regional level fleeing the conflict in the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s.
长期居住在白俄罗斯的外国公民 无国籍 人 士、取得难民身份的公民与白 俄罗斯公民平等享有接受各级教育的权利。
Foreign citizens and stateless persons who are permanently [...]
resident in the territory of Belarus and refugees have the same
rights as Belarusian citizens to receive education at all levels.
[...] 其他组织、决策者、摩尔多瓦共和国公民、外国人 无国籍 人 员 助长极端主义活 动应负的责任,以及大众媒体广播带有极端主义特征的材料和宣传极端主义活动 [...]
The law provides basic principles of fight against extremist activities, the subjects of fight against extremist activities, prevention of such activities, regulates the forms of liability of nongovernmental or religious organisations, other organisations, decision making persons,
citizens of the Republic of Moldova,
[...] foreign citizens and stateless persons for promoting [...]
extremist activities, liability of
mass media for broadcast of materials with extremist character and promotion of extremist activities, regulates issues of international cooperation in the field of fight against extremism.
大会第六十五届会议欢迎联合国难民事务高级专员采取举措,与各国协商, 协助举办纪念 1951 年《关于难民地位的公约》六十周年和纪念 1961 年《减无 国籍状态 公约》五十周年的部长级政府间活动,赞赏地注意到高级专员办事处在 开展结构和管理改革方面、包括在执行全球需要评估倡议方面取得的进展,鼓励 [...]
办事处整合改革进程的各个方面,请高级专员向大会第六十六届会议报告其活动 情况(第 65/194 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly welcomed the initiative of the High Commissioner to facilitate, in consultation with States, the convening of an intergovernmental
event at the
[...] ministerial level on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of [...]
Refugees and the fiftieth anniversary of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness,
noted with appreciation the progress made in the implementation of the process of structural and management change, including the global needs assessment initiative, undertaken by the Office of the High Commissioner, encouraged the Office to consolidate the various aspects of the reform process, and requested the High Commissioner to report on his activities to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session (resolution 65/194).
对因行政违法而被拘留的 外国公民无国籍人士 应用其懂得的语言立即告知其被拘留的原因及其所享有的 [...]
Foreign citizens or stateless persons who are [...]
detained after committing an administrative offence must be informed promptly,
in a language which they can understand, of the grounds for their detention and of their rights.
此外,有人对第 3 款具体提无国籍人的必要 性,表示一些疑虑。
In addition, doubts were expressed about the need for a paragraph 3
[...] specifically referring to stateless persons.
过去任意拒绝或 剥夺籍而造成无国籍状态 的事例,在世界各地依然有重大影响:而这些受影响 者的子孙一出生就无国籍人,从而使问题延续下去。
Instances of previous arbitrary denial or
[...] deprivation of nationality resulting in statelessness have continued to have a major impact around the world: the children and grandchildren of those affected generally become stateless at birth, thereby [...]
perpetuating the problem.
[...] 平等待遇和为难民子女提供教育方面的能力;以及难民署为推动各国加入《关于 难民地位的公约》及其《议定书》以及《关 无国籍 人 地 位的公约》和《减无 国籍状态公约》所开展的活动。
Questions were raised on the capacity of UNHCR with regard to activities on mixed migration, gender-related protection and equal treatment of refugees and provision of education for refugee children, as well as activities to promote accession to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol
thereto, the Convention relating to the
[...] Status of Stateless Persons and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.
这些应对措施包括协助那些面 无国籍 状 态 风险的人获 得所需的出生证和其他重要的身份文件,以便他们在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、克 [...]
These responses included assisting
[...] people at risk of statelessness to acquire birth [...]
certificates and other vital identity
documents needed to establish their nationality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
[...] 将包括:在加强伙伴关系和外联的基础上逐步加强对难民署城市难民政策的执 行;推动持久解决;加强解无国籍 问 题的业务;努力解决指定的局势;按照难 民署的集权职责处理境内流离失所问题,并将重点放在执行《非洲联盟保护和援 [...]
Activities to achieve these will include incremental implementation of UNHCR’s urban refugee policy, based on strengthened partnership and outreach; promotion of
durable solutions; strengthening of
[...] operations to address statelessness; pursuing the resolution [...]
of targeted situations; and
addressing internal displacement as per the Office’s cluster responsibilities with focus on the entry into force of the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.
2007 年期间,有 1 706 名外国公民无国籍人员 移徙到摩尔多瓦共和国(他 们主要来自乌克兰、土耳其、叙利亚、俄罗斯联邦、以色列、美国、罗马尼亚、 [...]
保加利亚、约旦、意大利、阿塞拜疆、苏丹、亚美尼亚、哈萨克斯坦等国),其 中有 551
人带有家属,615 人是为了学习,540 人是为了就业。
During 2007, 1,706
[...] foreign citizens and stateless persons have migrated [...]
to Republic of Moldova (especially from Ukraine,
Turkey, Syria, Russian Federation, Israel, USA, Romania, Bulgaria, Jordan, Italy, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, etc.), out of which 551 migrated with their families, 615 migrated with the purpose to undergo studies and 540 migrated with the purpose of employment.
工作组还同流离 失所无国籍背景下的性别平等问题工作组举行会议,以确保关于武装冲突和冲 突后局势中的妇女的人权的一般性建议与日后关于流离失所 无国籍 背 景 下的 性别平等问题的一般性建议相辅相成,不会发生重叠。
The working group also met with the working group on gender
equality in the context of
[...] displacement and statelessness to ensure that the general recommendation on the human rights of women in armed conflict and post-conflict situations and the future general recommendation on gender equality in the context of displacement and statelessness would be complementary [...]
and would not overlap.
[...] 问题:有关酋长国国家认同的定义和给予公民身份;非熟练外籍工人,特别是建 筑工人和家庭佣工的生活和工作条件 无国籍 人 的 困难处境;贩卖人口;教育政 策;以及打击种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍现象的法律和人权体 [...]
In particular, the Special Rapporteur raised issues related to the definition of the Emirati national identity and the granting of citizenship; the living and working conditions of unskilled foreign workers, in particular
construction and domestic workers; the vulnerable
[...] situation of stateless persons; human trafficking; [...]
the educational policy; and the
legal and institutional human rights framework to fight racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.




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