单词 | 无国界记者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无国界记者 —Reporters Without Borders (pressure group)记者无国界 —Reporters Without Borders (pressure group)See also:无国界—without borders (used for organizations such as Médecins sans Frontières) 国界—national boundary • border between countries 记者 n—reporters pl • journalists n
(c) 以下非政府组织的观察员:大赦国际、人权观察社 、 无国界记者 国际 协会、联合国观察组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Observers for the following non-governmental [...] organizations: Amnesty International, [...] Human Rights Watch, Reporters Sans Frontières – International, [...]United Nations Watch. daccess-ods.un.org |
在毛里塔尼亚维持与国际非政府组织、人权机制和机构关系的框架下,政 府积极回应了国际特赦、无国界记者 、 非 洲权利和人民委员会的视察要求,并与 红十字国际委员会缔结了一份协议,允许该组织到所有拘留中心进行视察。 daccess-ods.un.org | In respect of Mauritania’s relations with international non-governmental organizations and human rights bodies and organizations, the Government has responded positively [...] to requests for a visit [...] from Amnesty International, Reporters without Borders and the African Commission [...]on Human and Peoples’ [...]Rights and has signed an agreement with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) which will enable it to visit all the country’s detention centres. daccess-ods.un.org |
无国界记者国际 协会估计,在厄立特里亚的监狱中关押了大约30 名未经 审判定罪的记者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reporters Without Borders estimated that some 30 journalists were being held [...] in Eritrean prisons without having been convicted, [...]and that sources indicated that they had been submitted to torture and other cruel treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
在政变后,无国界记者组织 谴责了这些限制措施以及 其他严重违反知情权的行为,包括威胁记者、新闻封锁和媒体审查,并敦促军政 府恢复媒体自由报道新闻的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the aftermath of the coup, Reporters Without Borders denounced these [...] and other grave violations of the right to information, [...]including threats to journalists, news blackout and media censorship, and urged the military junta to restore the media’s right to freely report news. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些团体,如国际新闻安全协会9 和国际新 闻工作者联合会10 [...] ,记录所有安全相关的方面,包括车辆事故和疾病,而其他团 体,保护新闻工作者委员会11 和无国界记者组织 12 ,采取了范围较窄的方式,重 点关注其职业直接导致暴力死亡的记者的案例。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some, like the International News Safety Institute (INSI)9 and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)10, keep track of all safety-related aspects, including vehicle accidents and illness, while others, [...] such as the Committee [...] to Protect Journalists (CPJ)11and Reporters Without Borders (RWB),12 take a [...]more narrow approach, [...]focusing more on instances where journalists suffer violent deaths directly related to their profession. daccess-ods.un.org |
( 并代表阿拉伯律师联合会、阿拉伯法学家联合会) 、无国界记者国际协 会。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Amnesty International, Asian Legal Resource Centre, General Arab Women Federation, International Commission of Jurists, International Human Rights Association of American Minorities, [...] Nord-Sud XXI (also on behalf of the Arab Lawyers Union and the Union of [...] Arab Jurists), Reporters Without Borders International. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 以下非政府组织的观察员:大赦国际、亚洲人权和发展论坛( 同时代表 [...] 人权联系会和世界观点国际基金会 ) 、亚洲法律资源中心、人权观察社、人权联 盟国际联合会以及无国界记者国际 协会。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Amnesty International, Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) (also on behalf of Conectas Direitos Humanos and the Worldview International Foundation), Asian Legal Resource [...] Centre, Human Rights Watch, International Federation for Human [...] Rights Leagues, Reporters Without Borders International. daccess-ods.un.org |
此 外,他透露有关事实,即根据各种消息来源,其中包 括无国界记者组织,自 2004 年以来,在伊拉克和阿 富汗的美国军方蔑视法律,拘留 12 名没有定罪的记 者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, according to various sources, [...] including the non-governmental organization Reporters Without Borders, the United [...]States military in Iraq and Afghanistan [...]had, since 2004, illegally held about a dozen journalists whose guilt had not been established. daccess-ods.un.org |
15 8. 无国界记者组织 提议,洪都拉斯有关获取信息和新闻犯罪的立法应当符合国 际标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reporters without Borders (RSF) recommends [...] that Honduran legislation be brought into line with international standards relating [...]to access to information and press offences.16 9. daccess-ods.un.org |
DADG/CI 还提到教科文组织和无国界记者 组织 自 1992 年以来建立的长久而活跃的合作关系、非政府组织言论自由的权利和教科文组 织在出现分歧时能立即做出回应。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Deputy Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information (DADG/CI) recalled the long and dynamic partnership which had linked UNESCO with RSF since 1992, the right of NGOs to express themselves freely, and UNESCO’s ability to act immediately in the case of disagreement. unesdoc.unesco.org |
阿拉伯人权研究所得以继 续留在突尼斯,无国界记者组织、无 国 界 医师组织、欧洲-地中海人权网以及人 权监察组织液得以在我国建立。 daccess-ods.un.org | This has enabled the Arab Institute Human Rights to support its [...] presence in Tunisia and Reporters without Borders, Médecins [...]Sans Frontières, the Euro-Mediterranean [...]Human Rights Network and Human Rights Watch to set up in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,哥伦比亚局势对记者来说仍不 理想,事实上,哥伦比亚在 无国界记者 新 闻 自由指数上的排名有所下降, 2002 年在179 [...] 个国家中列第114位,2011至2012 年则下降到143位。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the situation in Colombia is still not an optimal one for journalists; in fact, Colombia has [...] dropped in its ranking on the Press [...] Freedom Index of Reporters Without Borders, from 114th [...]out of 179 countries in 2002 to 143rd in 2011-2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
埃及、斯里兰卡和 沙特阿拉伯在承认无国界记者组织 工作重要性的同时也表示任何非政府组织之间、成员国之 间或教科文组织间的关系应当基于互相尊重,他们要求教科文组织保证任何类似事故都不会 再次发生。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Egypt, Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia, while acknowledging the important work accomplished by RSF, stated that any relationship between NGOs, Member States and UNESCO should be based on mutual respect, and asked UNESCO to ensure that such an incident did not happen again. unesdoc.unesco.org |
法国突出了无国界记者组织 出色的工作和现今和教科文组织卓越的合作关系,这 在第 181 EX/ONG.2 号文件中已经提及同时也为总干事的提议作了理由说明。 unesdoc.unesco.org | France, supported by Portugal, Italy, [...] Greece and two States not members of the Committee, Czech Republic and the United [...]States of America, [...]attending as observers highlighted the outstanding work accomplished by RSF and the excellent cooperation existing with UNESCO, as stated in document 181 EX/ONG.2, justifying the recommendation by the Director-General. unesdoc.unesco.org |
无国界记者组织(RWB) 指出,媒体自由在2005年8 月军人政变以后有很大 的改进。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reporters without Borders (RWB) indicated [...] that media freedom has radically improved since the August 2005 military coup. daccess-ods.un.org |
在长时间讨论之中,每个人都发表了自己的观点,讨论之 后,主席、会员国和秘书处的共同努力使得大家就 与 无国界记者 组 织 之间的咨询正式关系的 更新达成了一致。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the end of a lengthy discussion during which everybody had the chance to express their point of view, the joint efforts [...] of the Chair, the [...] Member States and the Secretariat enabled a consensus to be reached on the renewal of formal consultative relations with RSF. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些准则包括国际新闻安全倡议安全守则 、 无国界记者 组织 拟订的在战区或危险地区工作的新闻记者的安全宪章以及保护新闻工作者 [...] 委员会的新闻记者安全指南。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such guidelines include the International News [...] Safety Institute safety code, the Charter [...] for the Safety of Journalists Working in War [...]Zones or Dangerous Areas, developed by [...]Reporters without Borders, and the Journalist Safety Guide of CPJ. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中包括2007年的 《国际新闻安全协会安全守则》76 和2002 年的《无国界记者组织战区或危险地 区记者安全宪章》。 daccess-ods.un.org | This includes the INSI safety code of [...] 200776 and the RWB Charter for the Safety of Journalists Working in [...]War Zones or Dangerous Areas of 2002.77 (b) Training daccess-ods.un.org |
4 月 18 日,无国界记者组织 谴责对知情权实施限制,谴责威胁记者、封锁消 息和审查媒体的行为,敦促军政府恢复媒体自由报道新闻的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 18 April, Reporters without Borders condemned the [...] restrictions imposed on the right to information, including threats [...]to journalists, a news blackout and media censorship, and urged the military junta to restore the media’s right to report news freely. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国和古巴 在无国界记者组织 的工作和使命问题上留给大家一些疑问,两国认为造势反对某些国家是不 能够被接受的,这就没能遵守与教科文组织在关系框架内所制定的准则。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The latter expressed doubts about RSF’s work and [...] mission and deemed unacceptable the launching of a campaign against some [...]States, thus failing to observe the rules established in the framework of its relations with UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
无国界记者组织 促请当局撤销新闻总局对私人拥有的报刊 Oea 和Quryana 的印刷禁止,并且撤销对电视台 al-Libeyya和 al-Wasat 的国有化,并 停止对互联网的新闻检查。 daccess-ods.un.org | RSF urged the authorities to lift the General Press Authority’s ban on the printing of the privately-owned newspapers Oea and Quryana, reverse the nationalization of the TV stations al-Libeyya and al-Wasat, and stop censoring the Internet.32 23. daccess-ods.un.org |
无国界记者组织和国际新闻安全协会都为陷入困境的记者设立了24 小时紧 急联络点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both RWB and INSI have established 24-hour emergency contact points for journalists in trouble. daccess-ods.un.org |
在无国界记者组织 10 月份发表的“2010 年世界新闻自由度指数”排名中, [...] 科索沃在一个列有 178 个排名的名单中排在第 92 位,比上一年的排名下降了 17 位。 daccess-ods.un.org | The World Press Freedom Index for [...] 2010, published by Reporters without Borders [...]in October, ranked Kosovo 92nd in a list of 178. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据无国界记者协会 ,本地区一些最自由 的媒体就在东帝汶。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to Reporters Without Borders, Timor-Leste has [...] some of the freest media in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
法国的立场得 到了葡萄牙、意大利、希腊、2 个委员会非会员国--捷克共和国和美利坚合众国作为观察员 列席的国家的支持。L’ADG/ERC 随后表明,教科文组织以前和 无国界记者 组 织 之间工作关 系十分融洽,双方按《组织法》倡导之思想和图象自由流动的精神及有关教科文组织和非政 府组织关系指示推动言论自由、对记者进行保护。 unesdoc.unesco.org | ADG/ERC then pointed out that UNESCO was working in perfect harmony with RSF to promote freedom of expression and the protection of journalists, in conformity with the Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with nongovernmental organizations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科 文组织继续帮助国家、地区和国际非政府组织、专业媒体组织、以及倡导新闻自由的组织, 如世界报刊协会、国际新闻工作者联合会 、 无国界记者 和 国际新闻学会,并与之密切合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO continued its assistance and close collaboration with national, regional and international non-governmental and professional media organizations as well as press freedom advocacy groups such as the World Association of [...] Newspapers, the International [...] Federation of Journalists, Reporters sans Frontières and the International [...]Press Institute. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(p) 为了与保护和增进人权领域的非政府组织进行有建设性的交流,阿尔及利 亚政府邀请了大赦 国际、人权观察社、无国界记者组织 和人权联盟国际联合会的 代表进行讨论 daccess-ods.un.org | (p) In order to have constructive exchanges with non-governmental organizations in the area of the protection and promotion of human rights, the Government of Algeria has invited representatives [...] from Amnesty International, [...] Human Rights Watch, Reporters without Borders and the International [...]Federation of Human Rights League for discussions daccess-ods.un.org |
兰 学 生 组织联合会、土著 事务国际工作组(同时代表俄罗斯 北 方土著 民族协 会和特波 提巴基金会 )、 [...] 伊朗高级研究中心、姆博罗罗社会和 [...] 文化发展协会、二十一世纪南北合作会、保护暴力受害者组织、人权 常设大会、非洲维护人权会议、 无国界记者 国 际协会、保护受威胁人 民协会、妇女行动联盟、阿拉伯法学家联合会、联合国观察组织、世 [...]界基督教青年会联盟、世界互助组织、世界互助组织、世界人口基金 [...]会 (同时代表世界教育协 会、国际人道 与 伦 理联合会和世界进 步犹太 教联盟)、世界进 步犹太教联 (同时代表世界教育协会和国际人道与 伦 理联合会)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Observer of the Council speaking on behalf of States members and observer States. daccess-ods.un.org |
无国界记者组织 建议土耳其彻底废除《刑法典》缩小媒体民主辩论空间的 各项法律条款;废除《反恐怖主义法》;停止临时关闭调查敏感问题的新闻报纸 [...] 的做法,并审查网络犯罪法,以澄清这些罪行的性质,对阻止访问可疑网站的做 法加以限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reporters Without Borders (RWB) recommended that [...] Turkey entirely repeal all laws and articles of the Criminal Code that [...]narrow the space for democratic debate in the media; repeal the Anti-Terrorism Law; put an end to the practice of temporary closing newspapers investigating sensitive issues, and review the Law on online crime in order to clarify the nature of these crimes and introduce restrictions to the practice of blocking access to suspect web-sites.86 56. daccess-ods.un.org |
保 护新闻工作者委员会、国际新闻工作者联合会、国际新闻安全研究所、新闻标志 运动和无国界记者组织 等都极大地有助于提高国际社会对攻击记者行为及记者 [...] 安全问题的认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | CPJ, IFJ, the International News [...] Safety Institute, the Press Emblem [...] Campaign and Reporters without Borders, to name only [...]a few, have contributed significantly [...]to raising the awareness of the international community regarding attacks against journalists and their safety concerns. daccess-ods.un.org |