单词 | 无品 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无品 —fretless (stringed instrument)
一是市场上无更多的强势品牌,无品 牌 竞 争;二是各厂家未与商家建立稳定的合作关系,无通路之争;三是市场上流通的大多数属于通用产品,技术含量低,产品差异程度低 , 无 产 品 差 异化的市场运作和技术之争;价格成为单一竞争手段,低价格市场运应该是企业形成规模化生产后形成成本优势且能保证产品质量,而大多数企 业 无品 牌 优 势、无较高的市场占有率、无规模化生产,成本居高不下,只能偷工减料,所以出现以次充好,不同品牌同一价格竞争现象。 wxsanhong.com | First, the market is no more a strong brand, no brand competition; Second, not all manufacturers and merchants to set up stable cooperative relationship, no access dispute; Third, the market most of circulation are common products, technology content is low, the product differences between low and no product differentiation in the market and technology dispute; price competition means a single, low-price market operation should be the [...] business formed after the formation [...]of large-scale production cost advantages and can ensure product quality, and most enterprises have no brand without a high market share, no large-scale production, high cost, can only cut corners, so there are shoddy, the same price competition in different brands. wxsanhong.com |
用于检验和测试的产品无需是 实际供应的产品。 quadrantplastics.com | The products inspected and tested need not necessarily be the products actually supplied. quadrantplastics.com |
如果贵方无法装运导致商品无法在 指定交货日期运抵,请立即通知我公司。 seagate.com | Advise us immediately if you are unable to ship so that your goods arrive on the specified delivery date. seagate.com |
这将帮您避免在后期生产链中由于成 品无 法 满 足法规要求而造成的工具更换和/或产品召回,从而节省高昂的开支。 sgsgroup.com.cn | This will help you to avoid expensive tool [...] changes and /or product recalls later in the production chain [...] when finished products fail to meet regulatory [...]requirements. sgsgroup.com.ar |
答:MSC邮轮可以为各种预算的客人提供相应的 产 品 , 无 论 您 是选择标准的单人间还是极尽奢华的游艇俱乐部豪华套房。 msccruises.com.cn | A. An MSC cruise can be tailored to suit all budgets whether you prefer a simple standard cabin or a luxury Yacht Club Deluxe Suite. msccruises.com.eg |
不愿透漏身份的人士告知工作组,前总统行政当局提出可为某些进口商提 供进口“便利”,使非西非经共体商 品无 需 缴 纳消费者开发税即可结关。 daccess-ods.un.org | Confidential sources have informed the Group that the administration of the former President offered to “facilitate” imports [...] made by selected importers, by Customs clearing non-ECOWAS commodities without paying the [...] consumer development product tax. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此同时,宏源公司于2009年4月还组织了专家团队编撰了有史以来第一本系统介绍无极灯专业技术的著作《LVD无极灯》并由复旦大学出版社出版,向全世界发行;此外,公司专家团队和技术人员还先后在国内外主要杂志和大型学术交流会上发表了数十篇有关无极灯方面的技术论文,尤其是在法国、俄罗斯、英国、韩国以及第五届环太平洋照明会议、海峡两岸第十一届照明科技研讨会、2004世界工程师大会、第十届国际电光源技术研讨会、2005中国绿色照明国际会议、电光源应用手册等等所发表的论文都引起很大反响,为新一代节能照明 产 品无 极 灯 在世界范围的推广和应用在技术层面得到了广泛共识。 cn.lvd.cc | Furthermore, a team of experts and technicians from Hongyuan successively published dozens of technical papers related to the induction lamp, in magazines and large academic exchange home and abroad, especially in France, Russia, Britain and South Korea as well as at meetings like LUXPACIFICA5th, the Eleventh Mainland and Taiwan Lighting Technology Seminar, the World Engineers’ Convention 2004, the 10th International Symposium on Science and Technology of Light-sources, the 2005 International Conference of China Green lights, and Practical Manual on Electricity and Light Resource etc., causing great sensation and bringing broad technical consensus [...] on the promotion and usage of new generation [...] energy-efficient lighting products, i.e. induction lamp, at a world level. en.lvd.cc |
责任部分有所改变,从政府需要证明风险改为制造商、进口商和下游 使用者需要确保其所发展、使用和投入市场的 物 品无 害 人的健康和环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | Responsibility had shifted from Governments having to prove risks to manufacturers, importers and downstream users [...] having to ensure that the [...] substances they developed, used and placed on the market did not harm human [...]health or the environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
合法注册的音像销售商既卖盗版又卖正版产品主要有几个原因:首先盗版 产 品无 需经 审查部门审批也不受进口限制的影响,零售商可以为消费者提供更多的选择;其次,非 法产品容易逃税,因而会产生更高的利润。 uschina.org | Licensed audiovisual product outlets sometimes sell pirated product as well as legitimate product for several reasons: one, because pirated product is subject to neither censorship nor import restrictions, retailers are able to offer customers a broader selection of product; and two, taxes are easier to evade on illegitimate product, generating higher profit margins for the retailer. uschina.org |
文化统计框架采用了国际贸易中心(ITC)和联合国教科文组织对手工艺或手工艺产品的定 义,即“由手工艺者生产的产品,无 论 它们是纯手工制作,还是借助于工具或是借助于机械 [...] 的手段,只要直接的手工劳动对最终产品的贡献是最重要的部分。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The FCS adopts the International Trade Center [...] (ITC) and UNESCO definition of Crafts, [...] or artisanal products, described as “those produced [...]by artisans, either completely [...]by hand or with the help of hand-tools or even mechanical means, as long as the direct manual contribution of the artisan remains the most substantial component of the finished product. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(g) 考虑与区域和次区域中心以及组织间化 学 品无 害 管 理方案参与组 织的区域办事处合作,建立一个国际机制,支持化 学 品无 害 管理方面教育和 能力建设,使其与国际化学品管理战略方针和三个主要的化学品和废物公约 的实施保持一致。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Consider establishing an international mechanism, in collaboration with the [...] regional and subregional [...] centres as well as the regional offices of the participating organizations of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals, to support education [...]and capacity-building [...]for the sound management of chemicals aligned with the implementation of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management and the three main conventions on chemicals and waste. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,这种产品无需升 级主机系统的芯片组就可以将SATA设备连接到PATA主机。 marvell.com.cn | Similarly, this product can connect SATA [...] devices to PATA host without upgrading chipset of host systems. marvell.com |
实时检索这一信息将得以通过与船旗国和区域渔业管理组 [...] 织的沟通核查产品的来源,此举将使按照国际措施所获的产品能更快进入市场, 同时确保非法、无管制和未报告的捕捞所获 产 品无 法 进 入美国市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Real-time access to this information would enable the verification of the sources of products via communication with flag States and regional fisheries management organizations, which would expedite the entry of products caught in [...] conformity with international measures while [...] ensuring that products caught by illegal, [...]unreported and unregulated fishing did [...]not gain access to United States markets. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种插入模式可以代给整个产品无限 的 功能扩展可能,比如插入对数据库的支持、XML支持、数字加密和FTP文件传递。 evget.com | These plugin modules can [...] extend the product in infinitely powerful ways, [...]such as adding support for databases, XML, data [...]encryption and FTP file transfers. evget.com |
更多样品无需稀 释即可测量;集中式解决方案几乎无需预处理。 malvern.com.cn | More samples can be measured without dilution; concentrated solutions require less pre-treatment. malvern.com |
据估 计,由于经济危机,全球食品无保障的人数增加了约 9%,在最不发达国家这 一比率很可能更高。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is estimated that as a result of the economic crisis, the number of food insecure individuals has increased by about 9 per cent globally and this rate is most likely even higher in least developed countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些天然的样品无论是在来源还是组成上有很大的差异,这会导致参数和光谱之间的高度非线性关系。 foss.cn | Some natural sample types vary a lot, both in origin and composition, leading to highly on-linear relationships between the parameter of interest and the spectra. foss.us |
答:十三)约,有两个天使,一边一个:一个写下来的优点,其他的缺点,而Doḳiel,天使长,重量平衡,对每一个其他两种以及另一名,Pyroel(“火天使”),试图用火的人的 作 品 , 无 论 是消费或没有;则属于正义的灵魂得救的人进行的;发现在那些不公正的,谁将会满足他们的处罚。 mb-soft.com | According to the Testament of Abraham (A. xiii.), there are two angels, one on either side: one writes down the merits, the other the demerits, while Doḳiel, the archangel, weighs the two kinds against each other in a balance; and another, [...] Pyroel ("angel of fire"), tries the works [...] of men by fire, whether they are consumed [...]or not; then the just souls are carried [...]among the saved ones; those found unjust, among those who will meet their punishment. mb-soft.com |
公司政策、美国《反海外腐败法》等 世界各地的反行贿法律都禁止公司员工或其代理人直接或通过他人间接给予外国官员(即国外政 府人员、国外政党或政党官员或国外政党候选人)金钱或贵重 物 品 ( 无 论 是否为现金),诱使其 影响政府行为或决策,或帮助公司获得或保留业务。 colgate.com | Company policy, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar anti-bribery laws around the world prohibit our people or their agents from giving or offering to give money or anything of value — whether in cash or not, or whether directly or indirectly through others — to any foreign official (i.e., foreign government employee, foreign political party, or party official or candidate for foreign political office) to induce that official to affect any governmental act or decision, or to assist the Company in obtaining or retaining business. colgate.com |
同时还有必要向您试图要销售产品的市场或国家的合作伙伴和客户说明该特定 产 品无 需 证 书。 nemko.com | It might also be necessary to show partners [...] and customers in the market or country you are seeking to sell in [...] that a specific product does not require [...]a certificate. nemko.com |
MTS 的责任仅限于实际损失;在任何情况下,MTS 对于 [...] 客户或任何第三方因任何原因(包括延迟交付、客户安装和/或使用产 品,无论是否可以预见)而遭致的任何特殊、附带或结果性损害或损失 [...] 概不承担任何责任,而无论责任请求是依据何等理据提出。 mts.com | MTS’ liability is limited to actual damages; in no event will MTS be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages [...] or losses incurred by Customer or any [...] third party for any reason, including arising [...]from delays in delivery, installation [...]and/or use of the Product by Customer, regardless of the theory advanced. mts.com |
其他处理用品无论多么天然,都会明显改变木料原本的质感和外观。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Other treatments, no matter how natural, change the original texture and appearance significantly. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
如果新兴替代品无法在 可以接受的时限内加以利用,则它们也致 力于采用在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划中 所选择的碳氢化合物技术。 multilateralfund.org | They are also committed to the hydrocarbon technologies as selected in the HPMP, in the event the emerging alternatives are not available within acceptable timeframes. multilateralfund.org |
为此,政府已经训练 1 000 名海岸警卫队人员,但他们缺乏基本必 需 品, 无法部 署到受到影响和亟需他们打击陆上海盗活动 的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | To that end, the Government has already trained 1,000 coast guard staff, but they lack the basic necessities to be deployed to the areas affected and where they are most needed to combat piracy on land. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果产品未完全设置,则在屏幕上产品名称的旁边会显示 一个星号 (*),且在设置完成之前,产品无法运 行。 foodproducernews.com | If a product is not completely [...] setup an asterisk (*) displays on the screen [...] beside the product name and that product cannot be run until [...]setup is complete. foodproducernews.com |
国际化学品安全方案开发了“INCHEM”数据库,通过电子手段提 供数千份关于化学品风险和化学品无 害 管 理的文件,帮助各国履行该领域的国际 [...] 义务(见图十五)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The International Programme on Chemical Safety database INCHEM offers electronic access to thousands of searchable full-text documents [...] on chemical risks and the sound management [...] of chemicals, thus helping countries [...]to fulfil their international obligations in this area (see figure XV). daccess-ods.un.org |
出于保护版权的目的,“文学和艺术作品”应该包括所有的原创作 品,无论其文学或艺术价值如何。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The expression “literary and artistic works” is to be understood, for the purposes of copyright protection, as including every original work of authorship, irrespective of its literary or artistic merit. unesdoc.unesco.org |
完全承认食典规定的食品中农药和兽药残留量的一项最高限量意味着,有关国家 [...] 将确保在其区域管辖范围内食典最高限量适用的一种 食 品 , 无 论 是国产的或是进口 的,将符合该限量规定。 codexalimentarius.org | Full acceptance of a Codex maximum limit for residues of pesticides or veterinary drugs in food means that the country concerned will [...] ensure, within its territorial [...] jurisdiction, that a food, whether home-produced [...]or imported, to which the Codex maximum limit [...]applies, will comply with that limit. codexalimentarius.org |
它采用媒体发表的期刊、原创作品或其他 产 品 , 无 论 是 报纸、视频、数字 还是音频支持形式,在其公众当中宣传男女平等,推广妇女和男子均衡的、多元 [...] 化形象,鼓励妇女更多地参与生产和决策,尤其是提高对妇女人权的认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | It applies to journalistic, [...] creative or other products publicised by the media, [...]whether on paper, video, digital and audio [...]support, and which promote equality between women and men among its public, promote balanced and diversified images of women and men, stimulate a stronger participation of women in production and decision-making and, especially, which raise awareness on the human rights of women. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然每一款 Bang & Olufsen 产品,无论是 扬声器、电视机,都诞生于复杂、高科技的理念,但我们的最终目标始终保持不变:最简便的操作与最简约的设计。 bang-olufsen.com | Even though every single [...] Bang & Olufsen product, from our speakers [...]to our TVs, is born from complex, hi-tech ideas our ultimate [...]goal always remains the same: pure simplicity of usage and design. bang-olufsen.com |