单词 | 无后 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无后 —lack male offspringExamples:后继无人—have no qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking 打蛇不死,后患无穷—beat the snake death or it will cause endless calamity (common saying); nip the problem in the bud 后患无穷—it will cause no end of trouble (idiom); nip the problem in the bud 后会无期—meeting postponed indefinitely • meet again at unspecified date 前无古人后无来者—surpass all others of its kind before and since • have neither predecessors nor successors
最终,基金的介入目前尚无后续追 踪和评估。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Lastly, the Fund’s operations were [...] rooted in the short term and made no provision for monitoring and evaluation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
青年党的核心部队通常是排建制(30-50 名战斗人员)的战术单位,配备冷战 [...] 时期的武器,包括突击步枪、PKM 机枪、火箭榴弹,必要时还有 B-10 无后坐力步 枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | The tactical unit of the core Al-Shabaab force is typically platoon-sized (30-50 fighters), equipped with cold war-era arms, [...] including assault rifles, PK general purpose machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and when [...] necessary B-10 recoilless rifles. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果是,该进程 本身即脆弱无力,而且根据这样的安排在 2009 年之 后无法继续。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, the process itself was fragile and could not be sustained under such an arrangement beyond 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
打开电源开关后无显示 或者显示异常,请立即关闭电源,排除故障后再行开机。 qianshao.com | If no shows or [...] show abnormally after the power being [...]switched on, please switch off the power at once. After eliminate the [...]trouble, start-up could be done. qianshao.com |
在控告警员的刑事诉讼中,法院事 后无 罪 释 放了涉案警 员。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the criminal proceedings brought against police officers, the [...] officers involved were subsequently acquitted by the courts. daccess-ods.un.org |
关键词“从......所得形式”表示取自基因库的材料不能申请专利或其他 形式的权利,但材料经修改后(无论 是怎样定义)是允许申请专利的。 iprcommission.org | The crucial words “in the form [...] received” mean that [...] material received cannot be patented as such, but they do allow patents to be taken out on modifications (however defined) to [...]that material. iprcommission.org |
到 2009 年 立法进程进行到最后,无论子 女在家中排行第几,所有家庭中的每位子女都将获 得固定数额的津贴。 daccess-ods.un.org | By the end of the legislative process in 2009, the allowance will be a fixed amount for every child in all families, regardless of the child’s place in the family. daccess-ods.un.org |
冲突后和灾后无法复 原的根源往往在于外部行为体的特点和政策,而不是与 国内治理有关的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Failures in post-conflict and post-disaster [...] recovery are more often rooted in the characteristics and policies of external [...]actors than in problems associated with domestic governance. daccess-ods.un.org |
对拟议活动的执行似乎在 2010 年之后无法继 续进 行,因为到那时氟氯化碳消费量应该为零。 multilateralfund.org | It appears not unlikely that the implementation of proposed activities will continue beyond 2010 when the zero CFC consumption is achieved. multilateralfund.org |
冲突结束后,无论是 国家行为体还是国际行为体都不得串通一气,让妇女 重扮男子认为可以接受的角色,而是必须确保《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》 [...] 等国际人权标准得到维护,该公约重申妇女充分享有一切公民、政治、经济、社 会和文化权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conflict’s aftermath, neither national nor [...] international actors must be complicit in relegating women to roles deemed [...]acceptable by men, but instead must ensure that international human rights standards are upheld, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which reaffirms women’s full entitlement to all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
今后无论什么主 题年,如 2003 年的淡水年都应采取这种方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This applies for any upcoming themes for particular years, such as the Year of Fresh Water in 2003. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一项受条约禁止或与条约目的和宗旨不符的保留,如果在保存人应一缔约国 [...] 或一缔约组织请求明确告知其他缔约国或缔约组织 之 后 , 无 缔 约国或缔约组织反 对,应视为允许的保留。 daccess-ods.un.org | A reservation that is prohibited by the treaty or which is incompatible with its object and purpose shall be deemed permissible if no [...] contracting State or contracting [...] organization objects to it after having been expressly [...]informed thereof by the depositary [...]at the request of a contracting State or a contracting organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
在政变后,无国界 记者组织谴责了这些限制措施以及 其他严重违反知情权的行为,包括威胁记者、新闻封锁和媒体审查,并敦促军政 [...] 府恢复媒体自由报道新闻的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the aftermath of the coup, Reporters [...] Without Borders denounced these and other grave violations of the right to information, [...]including threats to journalists, news blackout and media censorship, and urged the military junta to restore the media’s right to freely report news. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,无论可 能适用于联海特派团任务规定的标 准如何,联合国必须为协调支助海地的国际努力承担 [...] 起更多职责,始终须以该国自身确定的优先事项为基 础,以便在实现巩固稳定框架方面取得可持续的进 展,逐步实现向海地当局的责任过渡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, regardless of the criteria [...] that may be applied to the mandate of MINUSTAH, it is essential that the United Nations [...]assume further responsibility for the coordination international efforts in support of Haiti, always on the basis of the priorities set by the country itself, in order to make sustained progress towards the consolidation of a framework of stability that will allow for a progressive transfer of responsibilities to the Haitian authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
消除海盗行为要求发展经济替代办法,从 而使‘海盗经济’不会搞垮整个索马里的经济制 度,并且给常常觉得自己今后无望的 年轻人带来 希望”。 daccess-ods.un.org | eradicating piracy requires the development of economic alternatives so that the ‘economy of piracy’ does not corrupt the whole [...] of the Somali economic [...] system and to give hope to the young people who too often believe themselves to have no future”. daccess-ods.un.org |
该系统具有直线导轨系统的高精度,特点是低摩擦,容易安装,安 装 后无 需 调 整。 schaeffler.cn | It has the highest accuracy of any rolling element [...] linear guidance system, is particularly low-friction and very easy to fit, requiring no [...] adjustment work after mounting. schaeffler.us |
当您选择拍摄媒介时,请记住,您要保证影像质量的水平,而且多数情况下,影像质量事 后无法改善。 motion.kodak.com | When you choose your capture medium, remember that you are committing to a level of image quality that, for the [...] most part, cannot be improved later. motion.kodak.com |
因此,随着人口增长, 相应的人口权重增加,但速度下降,在达到最高门槛 值 后 , 无 论 人 口规模为何, 权重保持不变。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, as population grows, the corresponding population weight grows at a decreasing rate, [...] until the highest threshold is reached where the weight [...] remains constant thereafter, regardless of the population size. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,关于落实《和平与民 [...] 族和解宪章》的第 6/01 号法令颁布之后,无法向 司法机构进行合法申诉使Kamel [...] Djebrouni和提交人无法进行任何有用的申诉,因为该法令禁止为澄清被迫失踪等 最严重罪行进行申诉,否则将被处以监禁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the absence of the legal right to take judicial proceedings since the promulgation of Ordinance No. 0601 implementing the Charter for Peace and National [...] Reconciliation continues to deprive Kamel [...] Djebrouni and the author of access to an [...]effective remedy, since the Ordinance prohibits, [...]on pain of imprisonment, the pursuit of legal remedies to shed light on the most serious crimes such as enforced disappearances.27 The Committee concludes that the facts before it reveal a violation of article 2, paragraph 3, read in conjunction with article 6, paragraph 1; article 7; article 9; and article 16 of the Covenant with regard to Kamel Djebrouni; and article 2, paragraph 3, read in conjunction with article 7 of the Covenant, with regard to the author. daccess-ods.un.org |
在概述了该文件后,他 [...] 说工发组织在执行委员会批准项目 后无 需 签 订项目文件,只有体制建设项目例外。 multilateralfund.org | After summarizing the document, he stated [...] that UNIDO did not need to sign a [...]project document following the project’s approval [...]by the Executive Committee, with the exception of IS projects. multilateralfund.org |
在一国取得一项合同或强制执行裁决 后 ,无 需在 所有其他国家再取得一项新的合同或裁决,但 是此类文书是否确实可行,还取决于地方法律。 daccess-ods.un.org | A contract or an enforcement judgement obtained in one country did not require a new contract or judgement in every other country, but whether such instruments were actually enforceable depended on local law. daccess-ods.un.org |
可指定在同一PC上的每种功能的使用时间;例如,操作员可在日间进行扫描,然后切换到自动导入模式并允许工作站在下 班 后无 人 看 管的情形下运行自动导入。 graphics.kodak.com | It is possible to dedicate blocks of time to each function on the same PC; for example, an [...] operator can scan during [...] the day, then switch to Auto Import mode and allow the workstation to run Auto Import unattended during the off hours. graphics.kodak.com |
尽管犬类的游泳能力众所周知,但一些宠物跌入水 中 后无 法 掌 控步伐或可能跃过高墙以求脱离危险。 eukanuba.com.cn | Though canines are known for their ability to swim, some pets fall in but can't navigate to steps or leap over tall walls to get to safety. eukanuba.com.au |
1945年战争结束之后,无数来 自欧洲与中东的移民来到澳大利亚,许多人在欣欣向荣的制造行业找到了工作。 australia.com | After the war ended in 1945, hundreds [...] of thousands of migrants from across Europe and the Middle East arrived in Australia, [...]many finding jobs in the booming manufacturing sector. australia.com |
4) 6bit 二进制 起动联动(PRM36=4,紧急停车后无编号 设置时) 将程序设置输入的十位数(CN3-9)作为程序编号选择输入的 [...] bit 4, 将程序设置输入的个位数(CN3-10)作为程序编号选择输入的 bit 5 使用。 ckd.co.jp | 4) 6 bit Binary Selection with [...] Start (PRM36=4, program [...] number is not set after emergency stop) [...]The second digit (CN3-9) in the program setting input is used [...]for bit 4 of the program number selection input, and the first digit (CN3-10) in the program setting input is used for bit 5 of the program number selection input. ckd.co.jp |
除非在大脑发育完成之前补充足够的碘,否则缺碘儿童抵抗疾病和学习的能力将大受影响,而且成年 之 后 , 无 法 有效地开展工作。 unicef.org | Unless the deficiency is corrected before brain development is completed, iodine-deficient children will be poorly equipped to fight disease and to learn, and will become adults who are unable to work effectively,” says UNICEF Nutrition Specialist Ismael Ngnie Teta. unicef.org |
在最后一次期望设置之后无须使用 逗号。 grindingcontrol.com | Commas after the last desired setting are not required. grindingcontrol.com |
只选举一个人或一个会员国时,如第一次投 票 后无 候 选人获得 法定多数票,则应举行第二次投票,这次投票只限于得票最多的两 个候选人。 unachina.org | When only one person or Member is to be elected and no candidate obtains in the first ballot the majority required, a second ballot shall be taken, which shall be restricted to the two candidates obtaining the largest number of votes. unachina.org |
如果贵机构的 SWIFTNet 和 FIN 系统在允许停机 [...] 时段运行,并启用了自动重新连接功能,那么在测试开始时贵机构的系统将自动断开,受影响 的对话会在之后无缝恢复。 swift.com | If your SWIFTNet and FIN systems are up and running during the ADW and automatic reconnect is [...] enabled, you will be disconnected at the start of the test and your [...] impacted sessions should seamlessly recover afterwards. swift.com |