

单词 无名烈士墓

See also:




celebrity, esp. distinguished literary person having no official post
famous scholar



External sources (not reviewed)

士黑啤无疑是爱尔兰最名的烈 性 啤酒,但是你也可以尝试其它同样美味的牌子的酒,例如墨菲(Murphy's)和比美鲜(Beamish)。
Guinness is obviously Ireland’s most famous stout, but you can try other equally delicious brands, such as Murphy’s and Beamish.
76%男生和女生表示死亡是 他们未来的梦想无论是作为 名烈士 还 是 自由战士。
The survey asked what their future
dream was. 76% of both boys and girls expressed that death was their
[...] future dream, either as a martyr or a freedom fighter.
根据卫生部、人权秘书处和阿根廷法医人类学小组 的三方协议为拉丁美洲失踪士识别 倡议提供的官 方支持已使无名墓地发 现的遗体得到了积极的识 别。
Official support for the Latin American Initiative for the Identification of Disappeared Persons, under a tripartite agreement between with the Ministry of Health, the Human Rights Secretariat, and
Argentine Forensic Anthropology Unit
[...] (EAAF) had resulted in the positive identification of remains found in unmarked graves.
圣达玛斯说经文诗歌,但有趣的是穷人,他们给我们 烈士 和 墓 穴 的 资料。
St. Damasus wrote verses which are poor poetry but interesting where they give us
[...] information about the martyrs and the catacombs.
年官方调查委员会对被绑架和失踪人员的命运进行机密调查的结果以及有 关贝鲁特两个万人坑: Ashrafieh 地区的圣狄米崔斯公墓和Horsh 贝鲁特烈士 公墓的调查资料。
In October/November 2009, the authorities had been required by a court order to provide confidential findings of investigations conducted by the Official Commission of Investigation into the Fate of the Abducted and Disappeared Persons in 2000 and
information relating
[...] to two mass graves in Beirut: the St Demetrious Cemetery in Ashrafieh and the Martyrs’ Cemetery in Horsh Beirut.
那里沉睡着总统约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪,还拥有那座著名 无名 战 士 之 墓。
Here you will find the grave of President John F. Kennedy
[...] as well as the Tomb of the unknowns.
谨随信转递耶路撒冷和以色列 45 位名巴勒斯坦士(包括基督教和伊斯兰 教人士、政界人士、工商界人士和民间社会活动家)写给联合国人权事务高级专 员纳瓦尼特姆·皮莱和联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)总干事伊琳 娜·博科娃的信和相关文件,其中促请她们采取行动,阻止以色列政府继续摧毁 位于耶路撒冷的马曼·阿拉墓(见附 件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith relevant documents along with letters
[...] written by 45 prominent Palestinians from Jerusalem and Israel, including Christian and Muslim figures, politicians, businesspeople and civil society activists, addressed to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, and the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Irina Bokova, urging that they take action to stop the continued destruction of Ma’man Allah Cemetery in Jerusalem by the [...]
Israeli Government (see annex).
[...] 名儿童作为被枪瞄准的目标的画像,标语是“他们越 小,击中越难”;一名孕妇作为被枪瞄准的目标的画像, 标语是“一枪打死俩”;以及一名以色 士 兵 攻 击一座 清真寺或名在墓地哭 泣的巴勒斯坦妇女的图像。
Those included an image of a child as a target in the sight of a gun with the logo “The smaller they are — the harder it is”, or drawing of a pregnant woman as a target in the sight of a gun with the logo
“One shot — two kills” or the
[...] image of an Israeli soldier blowing up a mosque or a Palestinian woman weeping at a cemetery.
在该撒利亚,一Origenist中心,根据另 烈士 , 圣 Pamphilus,谁与他的朋友尤西比乌斯,有一定的Ammonius等人,收集在一个长的 名 图 书 馆工程的奥利纠正渊源的“的hexapla”,蓬勃发展,并没有多少编辑的这两个老和新约文本。
At Caesarea, an Origenist centre, flourished
[...] under another martyr, St. Pamphilus, who with his friend Eusebius, a certain Ammonius, and others, collected the works of Origen in a long-famous library, corrected [...]
Origen's "Hexapla",
and did much editing of the text both of the Old and the New Testaments.
当地社区应烈士姓名为街 道和公共广场命名,并建立革命纪念 碑,铭烈士姓名。
Local communities should name streets and public squares after martyrs and construct monuments in memory of the revolution, bearing the names of martyrs.
专家组取得的证据和资料烈显示,6 名 被拘押者仍然被国家情报和安全无 限 期羁押,既没有被提出指控,也没有见过 检察官,而检察官必须对所有拘押进行记录并负有每天视察所有拘押场所的法律 责任。
Evidence and information obtained
[...] by the Panel strongly indicate that the six detainees remain in NISS custody indefinitely without [...]
having been charged or seen by a prosecutor,
who is required to hold records of all detentions and is legally responsible to inspect all places of detention on a daily basis.15
[...] 年以来因争取自由而遭到迫害。采取的形式包括(1) 撤销先前的政治名,(2) 保障革烈士和伤员的权利,以及(3) 巩固过渡时期司法程序。
This took the form of (1) quashing previous political
convictions, (2) ensuring the
[...] rights of the revolution’s martyrs and wounded and (3) consolidating [...]
the path of transitional justice.
[...] 作为高频能力自我维持补偿的依据,理由是这些特遣队需要有足够数量的高频无 线电台,即应达到步兵部队使用的 1:10 比例(每 10 名士兵有 1 部高无线电台)。
Local mission COE inspection teams have declined to accept the available quantity of HF radio sets in these units for reimbursement against selfsustainment for HF capability using the argument that these contingents need to have a
sufficient quantity of HF radio sets with a ratio of 1:10 (1 HF
[...] radio per 10 troops), the ratio used in an infantry unit.
孤儿无父母照顾的儿童、退伍军人 烈士 或 伤 残军人的子女在学习期间享 受国家物质保障。
Guaranteed State-funded education is available to orphans, children lacking parental care and children of war veterans and deceased or disabled servicemen.
以色列对加沙地带进行的军事打击造 无 辜 人 士 丧 生 ,460 多名巴勒 斯坦平 民遇害,其中包括数名儿童,2 500 多名平民受伤,加沙地带的财产和基础设施 遭到大规模毁坏,不结盟运动对此深表遗憾。
ongoing Israeli military attacks against the Strip, including the killing of more than 460 Palestinian civilians, among them several children, and the injuring of nearly more than 2,500 other civilians, as well as the massive destruction of property and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.
其中一名成员的父母是文盲,另名 的 父亲 是当地的墓人,还有名的父 亲是建筑工人。
The parents of one were illiterate; the father of
[...] another was the caretaker of a local cemetery; the father of a third was a construction [...]
本法令的任何规定都不得解释为可妨碍适当安排、维护和保养为参与第二次 世界大战并阵亡人士建造的军人公墓,但用于纪念阵亡 士 的 墓 碑 、 纪念碑、纪 念柱、方尖碑和其他纪念性结构和设施不得含有复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 其帮凶的属性。
Nothing in the present Act shall be construed as an impediment to the proper arrangement, maintenance and upkeep of military cemeteries for those who took part in and perished in the Second World War, provided that the headstones, monuments, columns, obelisks and other memorial structures and facilities commemorating the fallen do not contain attributes of the rehabilitation of Nazism and the glorification of Nazi criminals and their accomplices.
[...] 查谟和克什米尔邦人权论坛建议印度允许对查谟和克什米尔 邦的群葬坟无标识坟墓中的 尸体作DNA 鉴定,并允许这方面的国际调查。
IFJ/HRFJK recommended that India
allow DNA profiling of the bodies from
[...] mass and unmarked graves in Jammu and Kashmir [...]
and allow for international investigation
in this regard.147 A related recommendation was made by JS22.148 68.
我深 信 ,天安門 事件 終 會 得到平 反 , 這些為民主 而 犧牲烈 士,他名 字 一 定會刻 在 天安門 的 紀 念 碑 上 , 一 定會刻 在中國人的心 [...]
裏 ,永垂 不 朽 。
When that day comes, the
[...] names of all these martyrs who died for the cause of democracy will be inscribed on [...]
the People's Heroes Monument
at Tiananmen Square, and also on the hearts of all Chinese people until immortality.
村后,圣Amadour命名后发现的墓衰变 体,(圣Amadour),它已成为一个 名 的 中 心朝圣者,在1166年,一些奇迹随后发现,一个神圣的印章上村。
The village is named after St Amadour: it has become a famous center for pilgrims after the discovery of an ancient grave with an undecayed [...]
body, (St Amadour),
in 1166, some miracles then followed the discovery, putting a holy seal on the village.
[...] eSPORTS的星海战将『白大妈White-Ra』亲临现场与来到摊位的观众及粉丝一起同乐,也顺便让玩家一赌何谓【白大妈独门战术】,当然白大妈一如往常地展现超高亲和力,现场接受访问及合照,让玩家及粉丝 无 不 与高 采 烈 的 索取 签 名 照 , 也因为如此现场的电竞产品完全被抢购一空。
The booth will also be the home of Tt eSPORTS Superstar Aleksey “White-Ra” Krupnyk who is competing in the Starcraft 2 Tournament at Dreamhack, but when not competing in his
tournament matches you can visit and watch him at the Tt
[...] eSPORTS Booth Stage as well as ask for autographs and pictures.
食環署亦為沒有墓碑或墓 碑嚴重損壞的已佔用金塔墓穴附加刻有離世者 名 和 墓 穴 編 號的 石碑。
Site maps have been prepared showing the location of each urn grave. The FEHD
also affixed stone
[...] tablets showing the name of the deceased and the grave number at occupied urn graves without headstones or with seriously damaged headstones.
4.欢迎 2011 年 10 月 12 日释放 200 多名良心犯,并烈敦促缅甸政府立无条件释放所有良心犯,包括掸邦民主联合会主席吴坤吞吴、“88 年代”学生 团体领袖吴敏哥奈、“88 年代”学生团体创始人之一戈戈季、人权维护者吴敏埃 [...]
无条件释放他们对于民族和解至关重要,强烈吁请政府公布被拘留者或强迫失踪 人员的下落,不再出于政治动机施行逮捕
the release on 12 October 2011 of more than
[...] 200 prisoners of conscience, and strongly urges the Government of Myanmar to release without further delay [...]
and without conditions
all prisoners of conscience, including the Chairman of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy, U Hkun Htun Oo, the leader of the 88 Generation Students Group, U Min Ko Naing, one of the founders of the 88 Generation Students Group, Ko Ko Gyi, human rights defender U Myint Aye, and the leader of the All Burma Monks’ Alliance, U Gambira, and to allow their full participation in the political process, emphasizing that their unrestricted release is fundamental to national reconciliation, and strongly calls upon the Government to reveal the whereabouts of persons who are detained or have been subjected to enforced disappearance and to desist from further politically motivated arrests
几百年来一直由耶路撒冷基金信托金(伊斯兰信托基金)照料该墓地,但 自 1967 年以来因以色列阻挠无法进入该墓 地 ,致 使 墓 地 年 久失修。
For hundreds of years the Waqf (Islamic Endowment) of Jerusalem had cared for the
Cemetery, but it has been prevented by
[...] Israel from accessing the Cemetery grounds since 1967, causing [...]
it to fall into disrepair.
2012 年 7 月 16 日 23:00 时,武装恐怖分子袭击位于杜烈士 广 场 的执法机 构无人员伤亡。
At 2300 hours on 16 July 2012, armed terrorists
[...] attacked law enforcement forces in Martyrs’ Square, Duma; there were [...]
no casualties.
關於在人口稀少的離島興建靈灰閣的建議,政府當局表 示,這做法或不可行,原因是渡輪公司難以提供足夠的渡輪服 務,應付在清明及重陽節期間大量 墓 人 士 的 需 求。
On the suggestion of constructing columbaria on outlying islands with small population, the Administration advised that it might not be feasible to do so as ferry companies would have great difficulties in providing adequate ferry service to meet the demand generated by large number of grave sweepers during the Ching Ming and Chung Yeung Festivals.
從奢華魅力的好萊塢到神秘的印加帝國,到Sheriff Gaming累計大獎的巨型金幣池,『至高現金』則是讓玩家深入印加金字塔,喚醒 名 強 大的 戰 士 , 尋找 古 墓 隱 藏 的寶藏,並贏得豐厚的回報。
From the glitz and glamour of Hollywood to the mystical world of the Incan empire, Sheriff Gaming’s progressive jackpot slot part of the Mega Money
Pool, InCash invites
[...] players to enter the tombs of the Incan pyramids to help a mighty warrior recover hidden treasures [...]
for which they will be rewarded generously.
无锡生物医药研发外包服务区管委会主任朱小健,副主任华兆哲、副主任曹华强等政府领导,默克生物医药研发外包负责人PK Tsai博士、生 物医药分析部负责人Hans-Martin Muller 博士、生物医药QC部负责人Yu Zou 博士等客 户代表,以及赛多利斯斯泰迪(生物技术)北京有限公司中国区销售总监王晋鲁、中国区市场总监王旭宇等供应商代表共同出席庆祝仪式并发表讲话, 烈 祝 贺 无 锡 公 司这一成功发展里程碑。
Guests including Director Zhu Xiaojian, Vice Director Hua Zhaozhe and Vice Director Cao Huaqiang from the
Administrative Committee of Wuxi
[...] Bio-Pharmaceuticals R&D Outsourcing Service Park; Dr. PK Tsai, Leader of Analytical Outsourcing for Biologics and Vaccines from Merck; Dr. Hans-Martin Mueller, Head of Late-Stage Analytical from Merck; Dr.Yu Zou, Leader of GMP Release/Stability from Merck; Thomas Wang, Sales Director and Sarah Wang, Marketing Director at Sartorius Stedim Biotech (Beijing) Co.
15 时,一个武装恐怖团体在 Lajah-Suwayda 公路上 Hamir 村与 Najih 村之间 路段伏击了一辆军队食品运送车,并 烈 开 火 ,打死一名人员和 名士 兵 , 另打 伤两人,后被送到 Sanamayn 军医院。
At 1500 hours, an armed terrorist group ambushed and opened heavy fire on a
military food delivery
[...] vehicle on the Lajah-Suwayda’ road between the villages of Hamir and Najih, killing an officer and two soldiers and wounding [...]
two others, who were
taken to the Sanamayn military hospital.
将需要有一项政治协议来解决这些调动问题,包括南科尔多凡 州和青尼罗州“自愿复员”的 9 599 名苏丹人民解放士兵和 32 814 名无法以 其他方式说明其下落的苏丹人民解放军士兵。
A political agreement will be necessary to resolve these redeployments, including 9,599 “voluntarily demobilized” SPLA troops in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile States and 32,814 otherwise unaccounted for SPLA troops.




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