

单词 无原则

See also:


principle n
rule n
standard n

conjunction used express contrast with a previous sentence or clause
classifier for written items (such as an official statement)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 样,上帝军仍然对中部非洲各国的平民构成暴力威 胁,无原则可言
We need a unified response from the LRA-affected countries, the
African Union and the United Nations political, development, humanitarian and
[...] peacekeeping missions in those countries.
但是这 种协调精神不应该导致制定无原则 地 对 捐助者的建议全盘吸收而罔顾补充性追加计划的基 本目标的计划,补充性追加计划的基本目标就是与正常计划相一致并且对正常计划进行补 充。
However, this approach must not mean that projects are created in order to accommodate all the donors’ proposals, thus losing sight of the main objective of the CAP, which is to increase the consistency and complementarity of extrabudgetary programmes with the regular programme.
这个故事的寓意是:人们要珍视友谊和团结,不要 无原则 的 内 部纠纷,以免两败俱伤.
The idiom of A Snipe And A Clam Locked In Combat--Yu Bang Xiang Zheng has the same meaning and usage as his English counterpart "Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it" or "When shepherds quarrel, the wolf has a winning game".
职业道德和问责制不是可有可无的,而是管辖我们的行为方式 的首原则,无论我 们在哪里开展工作。
Ethics and accountability are not optional – they are
[...] the overarching principles governing the way [...]
we act, wherever we operate.
[...] 办哥伦比亚办事处认为,允许承认这类婚姻将能反映出最高的人权标准,据此, 所有类别的婚姻和家庭都能够根据平等 无 歧 视 原则 而 得 到国家的应有保护。
OHCHR-Colombia believes that granting this recognition would reflect the highest standards of human rights, whereby all types of
marriages and families deserve protection from the State,
[...] by virtue of the principles of equality and non-discrimination.
1995 年 4 月 6 日批准了《无障碍法》,该法 源自以原则:无障碍 和可以进入周边环境及空间是同等重要的不应受到歧视的 权利,个人平等和自由应当真实有效。
In 2002, Andorra adopted the Act Guaranteeing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a law consistent with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which it signed on 27 April 2007.
以上四原则:1)无数据。无市场;2)知情权;3)替代原则;4)预先告知原则, 为 各国非政府组织开展国家化学品管理立法和法规方面的工作提供了非常适用的开端。
Nonetheless, most health and environmental NGOs and civil society organizations with expertise in chemicals management issues consider the REACH legislation to be a very important and positive advance, an advance that other countries can learn from and emulate.
对于没有任何证据证明需要进一步调查的指控,必须奉 无 罪 推 定 原则 ,该 原则也适 用于安全部队的被指控成员”。
The presumption of innocence, which applies to the accused members of the security forces, must prevail over an accusation for which there is not the slightest evidence to justify any further investigation of the allegations.
与此相对应,在 2007 年 10 月 29 日颁布的第 1393/2007 号皇家法令中规定为官 方高校教育所制定的学习计划中应考虑,任何一项职业活动都应符合“尊重及促 进人权且所有设计应遵照普无障碍 性 原则 , 该 宗旨是基于 2003 年 12 月 2 日的 第 51/2003 号法律第十条――最终规定:应在教育计划中包含与残疾人机会均 等、无歧视及普遍无障碍设置权利 原则 相 关 的教学”。
The Royal Decree No. 1393/2007 of 29 October 2007 establishing the progression of official university syllabi, stipulates that study programmes should take into account the fact that all occupational activities must be conducted "on a basis of respect
for and fostering of
[...] human rights and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all in accordance with the tenth final provision of Act No. 51/2003 of 2 December 2003 on equality of opportunities, non-discrimination and universal access for persons with disabilities; these study programmes must where appropriate include teaching relating to those rights and principles.
原则无论是 被视为 1949 年日内瓦人道主义法四公 约共有第三条所确立的禁止非人道待遇的根源,还是被认为关系到作为整体的人 类,抑或是用于形容具有某种特质(仁慈)的人类行为,该原则都永远必然存在(第 [...]
18-20 段)。
Whether it is regarded as underlying the prohibition of inhuman treatment (established [...]
by Article 3 common to the four Geneva
Conventions on International Humanitarian Law of 1949), or else as by reference to humankind as a whole, or still to qualify a given quality of human behaviour (humaneness), the principle of humanity is always and ineluctably present (paras. 18-20).
作为国际人道主义法的原则适用于武装冲突的情况下,国际法不容质疑地 认为中立原则无论其 内容为何,具有类似于人道主义原则和规则的根本性 质,可以(在联合国宪章有关规定的限制下)适用于无论可能使用何种类型武 器的所有国际武装冲突。
as in the case of the principles of humanitarian law applicable in armed conflict,
international law leaves no
[...] doubt that the principle of neutrality, whatever its content, which is of a fundamental character similar to that of the humanitarian principles and [...]
rules, is applicable
(subject to the relevant provisions of the United Nations Charter) to all international armed conflict, whatever type of weapons might be used”.410 (7) The implication of continuity does not affect the operation of the law of armed conflict as lex specialis applicable to armed conflict.
2.又重申在非殖民化进程中,自 原则无 可 替代,自决也是有关人权公约 承认的一项基本人权; 3.还重申最终应由领土人民自己按照《宪章》的有关规定、《宣言》和大 会有关决议自由决定他们未来的政治地位,为此重申它长期以来发出的呼吁,呼 吁管理国与领土政府和联合国系统有关机构合作,为领土制定政治教育方案,促 使人民认识他们有权根据大会第 1541(XV)号决议和其他相关决议及决定明确规 定的原则,按照合法的政治地位备选方案,实行自决
that it is ultimately for the peoples of the Territories themselves to determine freely their future political status in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter, the Declaration and the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, and in that connection reiterates its long-standing call for the administering Powers, in cooperation with the territorial Governments and appropriate bodies of the United Nations system, to develop political education programmes for the Territories in order to foster an awareness among the people of their right to self-determination in conformity with the legitimate political status options, based on the principles clearly defined in Assembly resolution 1541 (XV) and other relevant resolutions and decisions
准则4.5.2第1 段基本上是重申前几条准则清楚暗示的一项基 原则 : 无效 保 留的无效性质取决于保留本身,不取决于它可能引起的反应。
(1) Paragraph 1 of guideline 4.5.2 is
essentially a reminder
[...] of a fundamental principle clearly implied in several previous guidelines, according [...]
to which the nullity of
an invalid reservation depends on the reservation itself and not on the reactions it may elicit.
土耳其代表强调如下几点:(a) 该组织“欧洲——第 三世界中心”不尊重土耳其的领土完整和政治统一,一直在违背《联合国宪章》 的基原则和理事会第 1996/31 号决议的基本要求;(b) 该组织一直在对土耳其 进无事实 根据并有政治动机的指控;(c) 该组织一直在煽动和纵容针对联合国 会员国的恐怖主义行动,而这是被国际法所禁止的;(d) 该组织已经成为恐怖主 义组织库尔德工人党/库尔德国民大会的宣传工具;(e) 该组织未能考虑到土耳 其之前关于需要捍卫《联合国宪章》和理事会第 1996/31 号决议所规定的该国的 [...]
The representative of Turkey underlined the following points: (a) the organization, Centre Europe-tiers monde
had been failing to
[...] adhere to the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic requirements set out in Council resolution 1996/31 by disrespecting the territorial integrity and political unity of Turkey; (b) the organization had been undertaking unsubstantiated [...]
and politically
motivated allegations against Turkey; (c) the organization had been inciting and condoning acts of terrorism against States Members of the United Nations, which is prohibited under international law; (d) the organization had become a propaganda vehicle of the terrorist organization PKK/Kongra-Gel; and (e) the organization had not taken into consideration earlier statements of Turkey regarding the need to uphold its obligations and responsibilities under the Charter and Council resolution 1996/31.
多数代表团支持在步骤 5/8 通过提到的拟议法典草案,该草案已在通用原则委员 会做了相当长时间的讨论,并且已经成了一份文件,可作为一个指 原则 , 对 尚 无 健全 食品管理系统的国家提供重要且紧急保证。
Many delegations supported the adoption of the Proposed Draft Code at Step 5/8, mentioning that it had been discussed in the CCGP for quite some time and
was a document that
[...] could be a guiding principle giving important and urgent assurances to countries not having adequate food control [...]
因为,在不具强制效力但已被广泛接受的文书 中认可和承认某原则,无疑有 助于确立和强化它们的重要性。
Indeed, the enshrinement
[...] and recognition of principles in non-binding but widely adopted instruments undoubtedly contribute to [...]
the establishment and
reinforcement of their importance.
(a) 倘任何组织显然直接或通过其分支机构成为其利益行事的代表 滥用其咨商地位,从事违背《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则的一类行为,包括 对联合国会员国从事不符合这些宗旨 原则 的 无 事 实 根据或出于政治动机 的行为者”。
(a) If an organization, either directly or through its affiliates or representatives acting on its behalf, clearly abuses its status by engaging in a pattern of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United
Nations, including
[...] unsubstantiated or politically motivated acts against Member States of the United Nations incompatible with those purposes and principles.
此外, 它意味着要奠定对私营部门实行法治 原则 , 无 论是 对本国、区域还是跨国私营部门都是如此。
Furthermore, it
[...] means laying down principles of the rule of law [...]
for the private sector, be it local, regional or transnational.
一些代表团重申了他们对和平利用和探索外层空间的承诺,并强调了以原则:所有国家无论其 科学、技术和经济发展水平如何,均可平等而不受歧 [...]
视地进入外层空间,对所有国家条件均等;不通过主权要求、使用、占领或任 何其他手段,将外层空间包括月球和其他天体据为已有;不将外层空间军事
化,仅为在地球上改善生活条件和增进和平利用外层空间;开展区域合作以促 进大会和其他国际论坛所确定的空间活动。
Some delegations reiterated the commitment of their countries to the peaceful use and
exploration of outer space and
[...] emphasized the following principles: equal and non-discriminatory [...]
access to outer space and
equal conditions for all States, irrespective of their level of scientific, technical and economic development; non-appropriation of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, by claim of sovereignty, use, occupation or any other means; non-militarization of outer space, and its exploitation strictly for the improvement of living conditions and peace on the planet; and regional cooperation to promote space activities as established by the General Assembly and other international forums.
这份决议执行部分 第 5 段称:“倘任何组织显然直接或通过其分支机构成为其利益行事的代表滥用 其资商地位,从事违背《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则的一类行为,包括对联合国 会员国从事不符合这些宗旨原则的 无 事 实 根据或出于政治动机的行为者”,其 咨商地位应予以停止或撤销三年。
Paragraph 57 of the same resolution states that “if an organization, either directly or through its affiliates or representatives acting on its behalf, clearly abuses its status by engaging in a pattern of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the Charter of
the United Nations, including
[...] unsubstantiated or politically motivated acts against Member States of the United Nations incompatible with those purposes and principles”, its consultative [...]
status shall be suspended or withdrawn for three years.
[...] 告的情况”的内容,该文件汇编了迄今提交的报告,介绍了各国承诺提交报告的 背景,说明就报告的适当范围和格式不断进行的讨论,概述所提交报告的内容, 并提出有关建议,说明可如何改进报告,从而更好地实施问责 原 则 , 强调原 则是 1995 年无限期延长《条约》的一部分。
This summary provides an overview of the paper entitled “Transparency and accountability: NPT reporting 2002-2009”, which compiles the reporting to date, provides background to the reporting commitment, reviews the continuing discussion of the appropriate scope and format of reports, broadly surveys the content of reports submitted and recommends ways in which reporting can be
strengthened and thus
[...] better meet the principle of accountability that was emphasized as part of the 1995 indefinite extension [...]
of the Treaty.
鉴于历史责任的道原 则,无论如何这是负担得起的。
Given the moral principle of historical responsibility, [...]
this is affordable by any measure.
今天,我们强调我们遏制非传染性疾病蔓延的真 诚决心,并申明我们坚定的政治意愿和有力的承诺, 致力于:所有预防、治疗和护理方案的国家自 原则; 无条件 地加强国际合作与援助,以 使我们的利益最大 化;根据各会员国和社区的具体特点,加强我们的努 力,以消除各国确定的非传染性疾病决定因素,从而 [...]
实现我们共同的大小目标;通过全面审查和评估已有 进展和廉价现代技术采用情况,加强国际合作,以实
现《政治宣言》(第 66/2 号决议,附件)的各项目标; 通过 2014 全面审查和评估预防和控制非传染性疾病 方面所取得的进展,加紧开展国际合作。
Today we emphasize our sincere determination to combat the spread of NCDs and affirm our firm political will and strong commitment to the
principle of national
[...] ownership of all prevention, treatment, and care programmes; to strengthening international cooperation and assistance, without conditionality, [...]
in order to maximize
our benefits; to enhancing our efforts to address the nationally identified determinants of NCDs, in accordance with the specificities of each Member State and community, so as to realize our common goals and objectives; to intensifying international cooperation through a comprehensive review and assessment of the progress achieved and the use of modern technology at affordable prices in order to achieve the objectives of the Political Declaration (resolution 66/2, annex); to stepping up international cooperation through a comprehensive review and assessment in 2014 of the progress achieved in the prevention and control of NCDs.
如果因为任何原因,不论是否为旅客 无 法 控制 的 原 因 , 以致旅客并未使用航行合约于指示的日期及船只或任 何替代船只航海,或旅客于航海途中加入或离开,以致航行合约仅用于订明航海的部份 则 旅 客 无 权 要求任何 退费,除非本合约另有其他规定;且承运人对旅客的不使用或部份使用毋须负上任何义务或责任。
If for any reason, whether or not due to causes beyond the Guest's control, the Passage Contract is not used by the Guest for the Cruise on the date and Vessel indicated or any substitute Vessel, or the Guest joins or leaves the Cruise while in progress so that the Passage Contract is used for only part of the stipulated Cruise, no right to any refund exists unless otherwise provided [...]
herein and the Carrier
shall have no obligation or liability for such nonuse or partial use by the Guest.
目前正与有关当局讨论修正1963 年《国籍法》若干条款的法律草 案,以根据保护与外国人结婚的巴林妇女所生子女这一群体的权利 且与国家主原则无冲突 的客观规则和标准,批准赋予其巴林公民 身份。
A draft law amending several provisions of the 1963 Nationality Law is currently being discussed with the concerned authorities with a view toward authorizing the granting Bahraini citizenship to the children of Bahraini women married to
foreigners according to
[...] objective rules and standards that protect the rights of this group and do not conflict with the principle of state sovereignty.
该法还包括一个强有力的公共利益优先原则,而依据 原则, 无论是 信息权法还是《官方保密法》中的例外,当披露带给公共的利益大于给受保护的利益 带来的伤害时,信息应予以披露(第 8 条第( 2 )款 )。
The Law also includes a strong public interest override whereby, when the public interest in disclosure outweighs the harm to the protected interest, the information should be disclosed notwithstanding not only the exceptions in the RTI Law but also anything in the Official Secrets Act (section 8(2)).
我欢迎贵国接受该建议,并重申联合国及其伙伴承诺与贵国政府密切协调, 按照独立、中立和公正的人道主 原则 , 无 歧 视地向所有受冲突影响者提供人道 主义援助。
I welcome the acceptance of the proposal and reaffirm the commitment of the United Nations and its partners to work in close coordination with your Government to provide humanitarian assistance to
all those affected by
[...] the conflict, without discrimination and in accordance with the humanitarian principles of independence, [...]
neutrality and impartiality.
健康的生活方式和为防治非传染性疾病而联 合努力的必要性原则,无疑应 成为旨在实现千 年发展目标的全球议程的重要项目。
The principles of healthy lifestyles and the need to combine efforts to fight non-communicable diseases should without doubt become the defining items on the global agenda aimed at meeting the Millennium Development Goals.
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法则和原则基础 上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 [...]
占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the
conflict on the basis of the generally
[...] accepted norms and principles of international [...]
law, the policy and practice of the
Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).




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