

单词 无任



deeply obliged

External sources (not reviewed)

本文件所涉财务和行政影响都已包含在《34 C/5 批准本》中并均 获批准,除此之外,无任何其他财务和行政关涉。
This document does
[...] not entail any additional implications of a financial or administrative nature beyond those already contained in and authorized under document 34 [...]
C/5 Approved.
但从法律上说,并 非必然可以套用这一期限:条约的所有缔约方当然有权通过协议修改条约,无 任何时间限制。
However, legally, such a transposition is not inevitable: all the parties to a treaty always have the right to modify it by agreement without any time limit.
[...] 况下,被贩运者被误认为是无正常身份的移民,被羁押于移民拘留中心,或被立 即驱逐出境,因无任何机 会寻求赔偿。
In many instances, however, trafficked persons are misidentified as irregular migrants and
detained in immigration detention centres, or immediately deported
[...] without being given any opportunities to [...]
seek compensation.
确认联合国目前无任何机构熟悉此一技术性法律问题,并能以充分 时间致力此方面工作。
Recognizing that there is no existing United Nations organ which is both familiar with this technical legal subject and able to devote sufficient time to work in this field.
[...] 做法的可选性质,而最后的限制句“如果没有任何缔约国或缔约组织在特定情况 下提出反对”则保障在无任何一 个缔约国或缔约组织反对将其列入计算时适用 [...]
第 1 款中制定的原则。
The expression “may, however, be included” reflects the optional nature of this divergent
practice, whereas the final qualification “if
[...] no contracting State or contracting [...]
organization is opposed in a particular case”
safeguards the application of the principle established in paragraph 1 should any one contracting State or contracting organization be opposed to that inclusion.
美利坚合众国代表报告了在妇女的机制领域取得的进展,该代表 向会议通报说该国家设立了:(a)白宫妇女和女孩问题理事会,该理事会负 责协调应对同工同酬、家事假、儿童保育、对妇女的暴力行为问题和妇女 的医疗卫生等领域的问题;(b) 设立了白宫制止对妇女暴力行为问题顾问 和全球妇女问无任所大 使的职位,其工作重点是努力将妇女问题纳入外 交政策。
The representative of the United States of America reported on progress in the areas of women’s machinery, informing the Meeting of the establishment of (a) the White House Council on Women and Girls, which provided a coordinated response to issues such as equal pay, family leave, child care, violence against women and women’s health; and (b) the position of White House Advisor on Violence against Women and Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, whose work focused on integrating women’s issues into foreign policy.
不要超过这些压力,因无 任何额 外好处,并且会减少涡轮使用寿命。
Do not exceed these pressures as there is no added benefit and turbine life could be reduced.
摩尔多瓦共和国关于难民身份的法律确定了给予难民身份的法律、经济、 社会和体制框架无任何基 于种族、宗教、国籍、任何社会团体背景或政见的歧 视,从而保障了与摩尔多瓦共和国国内的外国公民和无国籍人员获得提供的同样 权利和自由。
The law on the status of refugees sets the legal, economic, social and institutional framework for granting the status of refugee in the Republic of Moldova, without any discrimination based on race, religion, nationality, affiliation to any social group or political opinion, the same rights and freedoms being guaranteed as those offered to foreign citizens and stateless persons present in the Republic of Moldova.
思想表达及资讯权,系无任何检查、阻碍或歧视情况下行使 者,尤其在有关尊重个人自由、公民对其道德良好名誉及声誉之权利等方面为 然。
Both the freedom of expression of thought and the right to information are exercised without any form of censorship, impediment or discrimination, within the boundaries of the respect for individual freedoms and the right of all persons to their moral integrity, public standing and reputation.
社会和经济处境最困难的个人或家庭,即无工作收入、无养老金或财产以无任何其 它收入,有权获得长期援助。
Persons or families in the hardest position socially and economically, i.e. without income from work, pension or property, and without any other income, are entitled to permanent assistance.
在某些情 况下,某一合同不是在双年度结束之前签订的, 无任 何 证 据可以证 明该活动是在双年度结束前开始的。
In some cases a contract was not signed before the end of the biennium and there was no evidence that the activity had started before the end of the biennium.
由于国家竞争考试是征 聘专业员额的有效工具,特别是来 无任 职 人 员和 任职人数不足的国家的工作人员,韩国代表团欢迎 秘书长的建议,只有经过两年的满意任职期,才能 [...]
获得连续任用合同,并重申其呼吁迅速安置已上候 选人名单的人员和缩短考试周期。
Since national competitive examinations were an
effective tool for
[...] recruitment to Professional posts, especially from the unrepresented and underrepresented [...]
countries, his
delegation welcomed the Secretary-General’s proposal to award continuing appointments to such recruits after two years of satisfactory service and reiterated its call for rostered candidates to be placed quickly and for the examination cycle to be shortened.
内部元件会 按照 ASME B40.1 第 5 章节进行清洁、其中规定压力表无 任何可目视检测到的湿气和异物 (碎屑、裂片、焊渣或焊接飞溅 物 、工 厂 泥 土 、油 脂 、机 油 或 其 他 污 染 物 ) 、这 些 异 物 会 对 压 力 表 的正常运作造成机械上的损害。
Internal components are cleaned in accordance with ASME B40.1, Section 5, which states that the gauge shall be free of visually detectable moisture and foreign matter (chips, slivers, weld slag or splatter, shop soil, greases, oils, or other contaminants) that could be mechanically detrimental to proper function of the gauge.
这些条例设定了载体问题人口专业指导和心理支助活动的管理、提供和财 政支助的程序和条件,确保社会所有人一律拥有平等的机会 无任 何 形 式的专业 和就业歧视。
The Regulations set the procedure and conditions of management, delivery and financial support of the activities of professional guidance and psychological support of the population on carrier issues and ensures equality of opportunity for all the members of the society, excluding any form of discrimination with regard to profession and employment.
无任何相 关材料的情况下,委员 会认为,来文此部分内容证据不足,满足不了受理目的的要求,因此,根据《任 [...]
In the absence of any pertinent [...]
information, the Committee considers that this part of the communication is insufficiently
substantiated, for purposes of admissibility, and is therefore inadmissible under article 2 of the Optional Protocol.
加拿大支持阿富汗作出努力,与那些放弃暴力、 遵守《宪法》且与基地组织或其他恐怖团 无任 何联 系的人进行对话。
Canada supports the efforts being made by Afghanistan to establish a dialogue with those who have renounced violence, respect the Constitution, and have no ties with Al-Qaida or other terrorist groups.
委员会还 注意到,缔约国称《规划建筑法》平等地适用于所有人,无论残疾与否,且该法无任何可 能间接导致歧视残疾人的措辞。
It further notes the State party’s argument that the Planning and Building Act is applied equally to all, whether the person has a disability or not, and that the Act contains no clauses that would indirectly lead to discrimination against persons with disabilities.
( 第五条) 委员会建议缔约国修订关于政治权利,比如选举权和被选举权的法律,保障所有 公民充分享有和行使这类权利无任 何 种 族、肤色、血统、国籍或族裔、或其它 任何身份方面的歧视。
The Committee recommends that the State party revise its laws regarding political rights, such as the right to vote and the right to stand for election, to guarantee that such rights are fully enjoyed and exercised by all citizens without any discrimination based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin or any other status.
虽然有类似的专利制度提 供给发展中国家,但目前无任何国家利用这种制度。
A similar system for patents is offered to developing countries, although no country has yet taken advantage of this option.
在探索执行委员会供资时可能考虑的任何措施的程度、性质和适用性,满足氟氯烃 淘汰所需的调查、体制措施和/或执行委员会在第 47/9(e)号决定中要求的其他氟氯烃淘 汰准备活动的过程中,有必要注意到,目前,在最初活动和今后为促进新氟氯烃控制措施 的履约而可能采取项目的优先地位方面,执行委员会未对提出任何具体的指导意见,无 任何有关增支成本的指导原则。
In exploring the extent, nature and eligibility of any additional measures that might be considered for funding by the Executive Committee to address surveys, institutional measures and/or other preparatory activities for HCFC phase-out as requested by the Executive Committee in decision 47/9(e), it needs to be noted that, at present, there is no specific Executive Committee guidance on priorities for initial activities and later possible projects to facilitate compliance with the new HCFC control measures, and no guidelines on incremental costs.
代表们指出,许多国家不允无任何 治 疗性目的, 单独使用兽药促进生长,而食典委,作为风险管理机构,其决定不仅要基于科学,还 要考虑到其它因素,例如消费者的担忧。
It was noted that many countries did not allow the use of veterinary drugs solely for growth promotion, without any therapeutic purposes and that Codex, as risk management body, should base its decision not only on science but also take into account other factors, such as consumer concerns.
一切选举均以无记名投票进行,除非 无任 何 异议的情况下,会议决定 对商定的候选人或候选人名单不进行投票选举。
All elections shall be held by secret ballot unless, in the absence of any objection, the conference decides to proceed without taking a ballot on an agreed candidate or slate.
注意到关于被占领的叙利亚戈兰的决议草案 A/C.4/64/L.19的案文与前一年相同,她强调了该决议 阐述的反对外国占领和吞并的强烈信息,并回顾说, 安全理事会从一开始便宣布以色列决定将其法律、 管辖权和行政权强加于戈兰无任何 效 力的。
Noting that the text of the draft resolution A/C.4/64/L.19, on the occupied Syrian Golan, was the same as that of the previous year, she underscored its strong message against foreign occupation and annexation and recalled that Israel’s decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration had been declared null and void from the start by the Security Council.
如果在武装冲突期间,有关国家进行第 8 条草案所规定的通知,而不遵守通知的条 件——如果按照 1969 年《维也纳条约法公约》第 31 条和第 32 条对条约所作的解 释显示。条约缔约方之间对于容许条约终止、条约退出或条约中止 无任 何 共 同 意愿,同时也没有任何有效理由可以根据冲突的性质和范围、冲突对条约的预期 影响、条约的事项或缔约方的数目提出这种要求,这些行为就武装冲突而论,等 于认为如此行事的国家了解这些缺失。
If, during an armed conflict, a State concerned makes the notification provided for in draft article 8 without complying with the conditions set out in the draft article — should the interpretation of the treaty pursuant to articles 31 and 32 of the 1969 Vienna Convention show that the parties to the treaty had not expressed a common desire to allow for termination, withdrawal or suspension, and that there is no valid ground for such a request arising from the nature and extent of the conflict, the likely effect of the conflict on the treaty, the subject matter of the treaty or the number of parties to the treaty — the State that has so acted would, at the end of the armed conflict, be considered accountable for such non-compliance.
(d) 如果根据上述(c)节(ii)分节增加法定股本,所有会员国在公司决定的条件下
[...] 均应有合理的机会认购一定数额的所增股本,其比例应相当于该会员国至那时为 止在公司资本总额内的认股比例,但是会员国 无任 何 义务认购新增股本。
(d) In case of an increase authorized pursuant to paragraph (c)(ii) above, each member shall have a reasonable opportunity to subscribe, under such conditions as the Corporation shall decide, to a proportion of the increase of stock equivalent to the proportion which its stock theretofore subscribed bears to the
total capital stock of the Corporation, but no member
[...] shall be obligated to subscribe to any part of the [...]
increased capital.
令人遗憾的是,在本报告所述期间,在黎巴嫩领导人在 2006 年的全国对话会议 上呼吁和商定、并随后在 2008 年以来的全国对话会议上重申的解除这些团体的 武装方无任何进展。
Regrettably, there has been no progress during the reporting period towards the disarming of such groups, as called for and agreed upon by Lebanese leaders at the National Dialogue session of 2006 and reaffirmed in subsequent sessions of the National Dialogue since 2008.
我们确认核裁军领域中的一些积极的全球性发 展,但要重申,必须作出不懈努力,以实现无核武器 和实际无任何大 规模毁灭性武器的世界的崇高目 标。
We acknowledge a number of positive global developments in the context of nuclear disarmament, but reiterate the need for unrelenting efforts to attain the noble objective of a world free of nuclear weapons and, indeed, of all weapons of mass destruction.
从试验上分析热喷或膨化工艺,由于其缺乏汽体膨胀做功的必要结果条件,因此热喷和膨化工艺从工程热力学焓、熵、火用、火无等基础热力学过程来分析,缺乏对物料产生膨化做功的热力学条件,如果对未完成膨胀做功的热喷、自动蒸煮及膨化工艺,不顾工程热力学基本原理, 无任 何 学 术价值臆想它与完成膨胀做功的汽爆一致,主观的认为爆破速度与结果无关,那么仅可以理解为一种商业宣传或者一种幻想。
From the experimental analysis of thermal sprayed or extruded on the process, the vapor expansion due to its lack of a necessary result of doing work conditions, the thermal spray process from engineering thermodynamics and puffing enthalpy, entropy, exergy, fire and other basic thermodynamic processes without analysis, the lack of materials thermodynamic conditions have puffed acting, if acting on the outstanding expansion of thermal spraying, and
extrusion cooking
[...] process automatically, regardless of the basic principles [...]
of engineering thermodynamics, without any academic value conjecture it to
complete the expansion work done with the same burst of steam, that the subjective speed blast nothing to do with the results, then only can be understood as a business promotion or a fantasy.




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