

单词 无价之宝

External sources (not reviewed)

这些学生在清华的经历和在中国度过的时光将成为他们生命中 无价之宝。
The experience these students will have at Tsinghua and the time they will spend in China
[...] will be extremely valuable throughout their lives.
甚至还可以理解为他们认为它非常 珍贵,无价之宝。
It could even mean that they
[...] think it’s so valuable that it is priceless.
他们是非常强大的 Citrix
[...] 合作伙伴,在 标准化过程中,他们的知识和经验对于我们来说 无价之宝 ”。
They are very strong Citrix partners and their knowledge and
[...] experience has been invaluable to us during [...]
this process.
大自然虽然没有确切的市场价格,但 无价之宝 ” 不 等于“一文不值”。
Nature often does not have a market price but ‘priceless’ isn’t the same as ‘worthless’.
既然大自然无价之宝,我们应该投入更多财力物力进行保护:我们拥有各行各业的专业人才,从村长 [...]
If nature is valuable, input in invaluable: [...]
There is a diversity of experts – from village leaders to scientists to analysts.
他对该地区的深入了解、广泛的人际关系以及杰出的判断能力,对我们在东南亚以及整个地区的投资和咨询业务而言,堪 无价之宝。
His deep knowledge of the region, extensive relationships, and superb judgment will be invaluable to our investing and advisory businesses in Southeast Asia and throughout the region.
好导师无价之宝;好 导师可以针对您的研究事业,以知无不 言、言无不尽的方式向您提供关键性建议。
A good Mentor who is prepared to give free and open but critical advice on your research career is invaluable.
为此目的,联合国灾害管理和应急反应天 基信息平台的经验将成无价之宝。
To that end, the experience of
[...] UN-SPIDER would be invaluable.
一个民族 的文化价值无 价 之宝,因为 文化是传 授 给 子 孙 后 代 的 知 识 ,他们 将 是这些知 识 [...]
的 传 承 者 ,文化 促进了经济发展,尤其是人力资源的发展。
The cultural value of a race is an invaluable legacy because [...]
culture is the knowledge to be passed on to the next generations,
who were the successors, and use for economic development, especially for human resource development.
本决定草案寻求执行局认识到这一文明的发展历程 无价之宝 , 是 人类共有经验不可 分割的一部分,请教科文组织总干事采取措施,加强本组织,特别是其文化部门与奥罗维尔 合作开展该城四十周年纪念活动。
The present draft decision seeks
recognition by the
[...] Executive Board of the value of such civilizing experiences as an invaluable and integral [...]
part of the commonly held
human experience, and invites the Director-General of UNESCO to take steps to strengthen the association of UNESCO, and in particular its Culture Sector, with Auroville in the context of the commemorative activities at its 40th anniversary.
确定成果的困难问之一是 ,虽然研究和政策的相遇可能是唯一或非 宝 贵 的 ,但可 无 法 追踪这种 相互作用实际上是如何影响政策制订或决策的。
One of the difficult issues in
identifying results is
[...] that while the encounter between the research and policy communities may be unique or highly valuable, it may not be possible [...]
to track how
this interaction actually influences policy development or decision-making.
2006年5月18日至19,江诗丹顿德国分部与来自多塞尔多夫的当地零售商René Kern共同邀请了14位顾客,开展了一次主题为“高级钟表:精湛技术 无价 珍 宝 ” 的 “蒙特 之 旅 ”
On the 18th and 19th of May, 2006, Vacheron Constantin Germany and one of its local retailers René Kern from Düsseldorf, invited fourteen
customers to an exceptional journey called the "Tour de la Montre" on
[...] the theme of La Haute Horlogerie Technique et Précieuse.
还值得提一下的是,2011年2 月推出了《健康无价宝方案 》,它保证巴 西民众免费获得高血压和糖尿病的药物治疗。
It is also worth mentioning the launch in February 2011 of
[...] the Health Has no Price Programme, which guarantees [...]
free access to hypertension and
diabetes medication for the Brazilian population.
多年来,许多国际非政府组织证明了它们在争取实现有关科学目标方面对教 科文组织所具有宝贵价值, 除这些组 之 外 , 自然科学部门还打算与其他一些部的地区、 分地区及国际非政府组织开展合作。
In addition to the many international NGOs that have,
[...] over the years, proved so valuable to UNESCO in the pursuit of [...]
its objectives in science,
the Natural Sciences Sector envisages to collaborate with other and new regional, subregional and national non-governmental partners.
总部委员会之所以对档案与文献管理部门现代化努力给予始终如一的支持,主要出于 它希望帮助教科文组织利用新的信息传播技术,能拥有一套保存和利用这样一个独 无 二的宝库的 手段,为子孙后代留下这些教科文组织从诞 之 日 起 即在促进世界各种文化的事 业中创造的无比丰富的见证的信念。
The Headquarters Committee’s constant support for efforts to modernize the archives and files management system reflects its resolve to help the Organization acquire – through the new information and communication technologies – the means of conserving and
enhancing a unique documentary
[...] heritage in order to leave future generations an undeniably valuable record of what UNESCO has achieved since its establishment [...]
in promoting the cultures of the world.
但这并代表我不同意 John的观点,因为在之下的 每一件事情都必须更好地到位,否则可视性就 无价 值。
But that in no way disagrees with what John was
[...] saying because everything underneath that had better be in place or else the visibility’s worthless.
无论是毕业照片还是婚礼视频,捕捉了珍贵的瞬 之 后 , 可以安心以原始格式将其安全地保存起来,世代流传,成 无价 的 财 富。
After capturing your most precious moments, whether they're graduation photographs or wedding videos, having the peace of mind that they will be stored securely and in their original format for generations to come is invaluable.
中国海洋石总 公司主席兼首席执行官傅成玉试图缓解美国的种种担 忧,但 7 月 20 日,优尼科公司接受了雪佛龙公司价 之后(仍低于中海油)的报价,8 月 2 日,中海油宣布 退出收购优尼科,称“竞购交易宣布后,在美国出现了 前所未有的政治上的反对声音,甚至要取消或更改美国 外国投资委员会多年来行之有效的程序……这种非常遗 憾的政治环境使我们很难准确评估成功的几率,对我们 完成交易形成了很高的不确定性无 法 接 受的风险。
CNOOC’s chairman and CEO Fu
[...] Chengyu tried to assuage anxieties, but Unocal accepted a higher, but still financially inferior offer from Chevron on 20 July, and by 2 August CNOOC withdrew its offer stating, “the unprecedented political opposition that followed the announcement of our proposed transaction, attempting to replace or amend the CFIUS [Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S.] process that has been successfully in operation for decades, was regrettable and unjustified”.
它秉承了玛莎拉蒂独无二的文化传统,“兼具宾利欧陆GT的豪华空间与配置精良 宝 马 M5 的合 价 格 , 身姿优雅沉稳而不乏灵动,令这两款德国汽车望尘莫及。
Retaining the Maserati’s unique
[...] DNA, “the GranTurismo combines the opulent accommodation of a Bentley Continental GT with the price of a well-specified BMW M5, [...]
while promising a carefully
honed poise, balance and deftness either German can only dream of”.
如果马德里的某台服务器停机,则需要 花费一些时间来恢复正常工作,但这些时间对我们这个行业 来说非宝贵,代价不菲”。
If a server in Madrid went down, it could take some time to get it back up and working and that delay can be very costly in our industry.
虽然不采取行动的价 无疑要 大得多,但这类任务消耗的支出在联合国系统总支出中所占份额过大,而 其中三之二基 本上是由安理会决定的。
Although the cost of
[...] inaction would undoubtedly be much greater, such missions consume a very large portion of overall spending by the United Nations system, with the Council essentially deciding on two thirds of the total.
本网站上复制的任何前瞻性声明显示的都是载有该声明的文件原公布或报备之日的情况,且应与在表10-K中的公司年度报告(在标题"前瞻性声明"项下)、表10-Q中的公司季度报告(在标题"其他信息"项下)以及本网站或证交会Edgar数据库(http:/www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm)中可得的孩之宝向证交会报备的其他材料中所述的、可能会导致未来的实际事件或结果与预计的事件或结果显著不同的某些因素一并解读。 之宝 并 无 任 何责任或政策更新本网站所载的任何信息或声明,因此,该等信息或声明在您访问本网站之日不应作为最新资料而加以依赖。此外,本网站上提供的资料的任何部分均可能存在技术方面的不准确性或打字错误。本网站上提供的资料、软件和本网站上所述的产品可不经通知而不时加以变更。
Any forward-looking statement reproduced on this site speaks as of the original date the document containing such statement was published or filed and should be read together with certain factors set forth in the Company's Annual
Report on Form 10-K
[...] under the heading "Forward-Looking Statements", the Company's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q under the heading "Other Information" and in other Hasbro filings with [...]
the SEC available on
this site or on the SEC's Edgar Database (http:/www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm) that could cause actual future events or results to differ materially from anticipated events or results.
本报告重点在于如何在早期阶段重视侵犯少数群体权利的问题——在它们 导致紧张局势和暴之前— —将对联合国内的预防文化作 宝 贵 贡 献,拯 无数 生命并促进稳定与发展。
The present report will focus on how attention to minority rights violations at an early stage — before they lead to
tensions and violence —
[...] would make an invaluable contribution to the culture of prevention within the United Nations, save countless lives and [...]
promote stability and development.
有人还指出,特别程序、条约机构 和普遍定期审议的建议,对外地办事处具 宝 贵 价 值 , 因为这些建议使得他们能 够为解决人权问题加强和改变政策。
It was also noted that recommendations of special procedures, treaty bodies and the universal periodic review are valuable for field presences as they allow them to reinforce and advocate for policy change to address human rights issues.
各位部长强调,海洋和海岸提供支助人类 宝 贵 资 源和服务,可持续利用 海洋生物资源也将增强全球的粮食安全以及提高今世后代适应气候变化的能 力;他们进一步强调必须制定全面的适应措施,以应对海洋和海岸造成的气候 相关影响,包括通过加强能力建设、促进科学监测活动以及宣传实现海岸和海 洋综合管理无害环境政策。
The Ministers emphasized that oceans and
[...] coasts provide valuable resources and services to support humankind and that the sustainable use of marine living resource will enhance global food security and increase resilience to climate change for present and future generations; they further emphasized the need to develop comprehensive adaption measure to address climate related impacts on oceans and coasts, including through greater capacity building, enhanced scientific monitoring activities and to promote environmentally [...]
sound policies for integrated coastal and ocean management.
免费紧随逆向价之后: 在信息时代,免费已经成为一个广受欢迎的、明智的商业战略。 由于网络知识经济逆转了定价法则,网络知识的内在属性使得产品复制品(有形的 无 形 的 )的边际成本几乎为零。
Because compounding network knowledge inverts prices, the marginal cost of an additional copy (intangible or tangible) is near zero.
在航空宇宙和国防工业、以及要求在演变引发危险性重大问题而付出昂贵 价之 前 必 须查明细微故障的各个工业领域中,我们的便携式恒压型Lorad LPX 系列( LPX160 、LPX200 和LPX300)X 射线装置无损检 测成像系统树立了新的标准。
Our portable, constant potential, Lorad LPX series (LPX160, LPX200, and LPX300) x-ray units have set new
standards for non destructive testing
[...] imaging systems in the aerospace and defense industry and in industrial applications where it is critical to pinpoint the tiniest fault before it becomes a dangerous and expensive problem.
基督教的救恩论里面,不只是说救恩是免费而白白赐给我们的,最伟 之 处 ,是当我 们还不知道什么是恩典、甚至是明着顶撞神、犯法、犯罪、做出伤天害理的事情时, 主就已经定意为我们上十字架了!这表示我们是在最不配得的光景里面,白白领受这无价的恩典的!这是神至高的爱,也是我们基督徒所传扬的信息。
In the Christian doctrine of salvation, not only is salvation the free gift from God, the greatest thing about it is that while we do not yet understand what grace is, and even when we are still offending God by committing some unlawful, criminal or even atrocious acts, our Lord Jesus is determined to die for us on the cross!
[...] 协议以及现有合作、协调和一体化机制和机构的协议的传统,这些共同构成了通 过各项原则和共价值观传承宝贵 的区域财产,使我们的任务具有连续性,工 作计划促进有效的关联、合作、公平的经济发展、社会正义、与自然和谐相处, [...]
Promote an integrated agenda, based on the heritage of the Rio Group and the CALC agreements, as well as those of the existing cooperation, coordination and integration mechanisms and
bodies, which together
[...] represent a valuable regional asset that is sustained on principles and shared values, in order [...]
to give continuity to
our mandates through a work program that promotes effective linkages, cooperation, equitable economic growth, social justice, and in harmony with nature for sustainable development and the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean as a whole.
在 这 类 情 况 下 的 估 值 可 促 进 短 期 效 益 与长期价之间、财政收益与生活质量之间、 还有具体的、二选其一的土地使用选项与其提 供无数生态系统服务之间的权衡。
Valuation in these circumstances facilitates local policy trade-offs between short-term benefits and long-term cost, between financial gains and quality of life; but also between concrete alternative land-use options and the bundles of ecosystem services they provide.




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