

单词 无产阶级

See also:

无产 n

proletariat n

无级 adj

stepless adj

无级 adv

infinitely adv


(social) class

External sources (not reviewed)

1970年至1971年,中国正处于文化大革命, 无产阶级 专 政时期,很多人穿着打着补丁的深蓝或灰色的衣服。
It was a period of classless social order, and [...]
people were mostly dressed in worn and patched garments in dull blues and
greys; everyone looked the same.
我们提议建立新的国 际支助架构,并进一步呼吁更加从根本上转变富人与穷人、强者与弱者、男子与 妇女、当权人士无产阶级、主 导者与边缘者之间的关系。
Our calls echoed proposals for a New International Support Architecture, and gone further in calling for a more fundamental transformation of the relations
between rich and poor,
[...] powerful and powerless, men and women, the elites and those without resources, the dominant and [...]
the marginalized.
法拉利和蓝博基尼停靠在每一个城市最珠光宝气的地方,全球最大的路易威登旗舰店开在了上海,大部分自我感觉良好的白领手上都挎着设计师手包,俱乐部VIP席位也大有超 无产阶级 的 意 味。
Ferraris and Lamborghinis parked outside each city’s blingiest locations, the biggest Louis Vuitton shop in the world in Shanghai, designer handbags on the arms of
most self-respecting white collar workers and VIP tables raised
[...] high above the proletariat in clubs across [...]
the country.
一张照片中,迷蒙的雾霭将伦敦的街道蒙上一层面纱,街道的中间散着工人常用的自行车与木梯 无产阶级 的 孩 子们把扶梯当做玩具爬上爬下,而镜头则从扶梯的缝隙中穿过捕捉到一位在艰难生活中挣扎也努力保持时尚光鲜的女性,她身穿白衬衣与黑色连身套装,头戴一顶镶蕾丝的白色小礼帽,面对镜头不自然地微笑着。
A photograph, the misty streets of London mist will cast a veil, in the middle of the street workers used
bicycles and exudes a
[...] wooden ladder, the children of the proletariat as a toy to climb the ladder, while the lens [...]
from the escalator through
the gap in living in difficult to capture a struggling fashion also strive to maintain the bright woman, she was wearing a white shirt and black one-piece suit, wore a white lace inserts a small hat, the face of the lens is not natural smile.
这其中最重要的有,第一,该地区国家里 产阶级 的 出 现;第二, 无 节制 的经济发展对环境的冲击。
Key amongst these are, first, the emergence of
middle classes in countries across the
[...] region, and second, the impact of unbridled economic development on the [...]
虽然这种转变在许多方面是发展方面的一个成功故事,但“全球 产阶级” 日益增多,加上不可持续的消费模式,形成了一种威胁,可能会把我 无 情 地推向 自然资源和地球维生系统——从食物、水和能源到海洋、气候和氮循环等全球系统 ——的极限。
While this shift is in
[...] many ways a development success story, the conjunction of a growing “global middle class” with unsustainable patterns of consumption threatens to push us inexorably towards the limits [...]
of natural resources
and planetary life support systems — from food, water and energy resources to global systems such as the oceans, the climate and the nitrogen cycle.
在新兴欧洲和拉丁美洲国家,从危机中的复苏使 产阶级 人口 所占的比例出现大幅增加。
In Emerging Europe and Latin America recovery from the crises has brought about a significant increase in the share of middle classes.
尽管在这阶段无法提 供评价清单,因为维和部和外勤部 级 管 理 小组要 根据实地当前和新出现的问题制定评价工作计划,但目前进行中的 2011/12 年度 的以下评价可作为拟议工作的例子:继续第 [...]
2 和第 3 阶段的维和指挥与控制评 价;科索沃特派团警务研究;联海稳定团和联利特派团的行为和纪律评价;西撒
Although a list of
[...] evaluations could not be provided at this stage, as the senior management team of DPKO and DFS develop [...]
the evaluation
workplan on the basis of current and emerging issues on the ground, the following evaluations currently in progress for 2011/12 provide for examples of the work proposed: the continuation of phases 2 and 3 of the evaluation of peacekeeping command and control, the police study in UNMIK, conduct and discipline evaluations in MINUSTAH and UNMIL, and the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities in MINURSO.
每天有数百万公司和数亿个人作出购买和投资决定,这些决定就是可持 续发展的最前沿,随着“全球 产阶级 ” 人数增长,他们的消费也应更具可持 续性。
The purchasing and investment decisions that are taken every day by millions of companies and billions of individuals are the very front line of sustainable development, and as the size of the “global middle class” grows, so does the need for their consumption to be sustainable.
在这个方面,产阶级的平均收入相比 G7 而言还是比较低,但是一些 EAGLEs 经济体(特别是巴西,墨西哥,土 耳其还有中国台湾)收入不平等的情况暗示月收入超过 800 美元的那一群体的人均收入会达到现在 领先新兴市场的水平,比如以色列。
In this regard, the income of the average middle class consumer will remain comparatively low versus the G7, but in some EAGLEs (particularly Brazil, Mexico, Turkey and Taiwan) income inequality implies that per capita incomes of those who exceed the 800 USD monthly mark will reach levels close to those in today’s advanced EMs, like Israel.
无论采取哪种措施, 都不应当为已经与网络连接的上层和 产阶级 用 户 带来过多的好处,然而,至关 重要的是,必须为那些无这些 服务和服务不足、因而需求最甚的地区造福。
Whatever measures are taken, they must not disproportionately benefit the upper and middle classes already connected to the network, but, crucially, have to be targeted to reach the unserved and underserved most in need.
克拉登组织 的成员最年轻也最贫困;而万隆组织的成员多为 三十多岁受过大学教育的产阶级男 性
The Klaten group was the youngest and poorest; the Bandung group consisted of mostly middle-class, university-educated men in their thirties.
目标是增强可能性和人口流动性,为这片土地创造价值 和商用性,促进社会经济产阶级的 形 成,以及强化金融、社会和文化资源。
Aimed towards the broadening of the possibilities and mobility of the population, creating value and merchantability for the land, stimulating the creation of a social-economical middle-class and to strengthening the financial, social and cultural resources.
阶段正 好与危地马拉在这 一十年期中向民主过渡进程吻合,并与国际 级产 生 的进程吻合,这一进程的表 现是《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》、《贝伦杜帕拉公约》(危地马拉签署并批 准了这两项公约)、国际人口与发展会议(1994 年)以及一系列妇女问题国际会议, [...]
特别是《北京宣言和行动纲要》(1995 年)。
It also coincided with what was happening at the international level, evident in instruments such as the Convention on the Elimination [...]
of All
Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention of Belém do Pará (both signed and ratified by Guatemala), the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development (1994) and the successive World Conferences on Women, particularly the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995).
公司提供多种专用和级产品系列,包括高功率陶瓷和低 ESR 钽电容器、连接器、厚膜和薄膜电容器、滤波器、电路保护产品、射频微波电容器、KDP 振荡器和谐振器、压敏电阻、铁氧体磁芯和集 无 源 元 件, 无 源 元 件行业的技术领袖。
A broad array of specialty
[...] and advanced product offerings including high power ceramic and low ESR tantalum capacitors, connectors, thick and thin film capacitors, filters, circuit protection products, RF microwave capacitors, KDP oscillators and resonators, varistors, ferrite cores and integrated passive components differentiate AVX as the passive component [...]
industry technology leader.
在工人阶级数目巨大、产阶级非常广泛的发达国家,工作条件、薪酬、就 业福利和失业问题是日常政治中极其重要的因素,也是政策制定者长期思考的问 题。
In developed countries in which the working class is huge and the middle class very sizeable, issues relating to working conditions, salaries, employment benefits and unemployment are extremely important factors in daily politics and a preoccupation of policymakers.
在中国,博世也与北汽集团进无级 变 速器CVT技术的联合研发工作,在此过程中北汽集团建立起了相 产 品 的 自主 产 能 力 ,并跻身于国内掌握先进自动变速箱开发技术的行列。
In China, Bosch and BAIC Group also carried out joint R&D in CVT, during
which BAIC Group
[...] established an independent facility for the manufacturing of CVT related products, and became one of the first enterprises in China to master the advanced [...]
development technology for automatic transmissions.
毛里求斯政府支持设立索马里境外反海盗法庭 的想法,但是它面临若干实际困难和能力局限,使无法在现阶段承办该法庭。
The Government of Mauritius supported the idea of on extraterritorial Somali anti-piracy court, but was
faced with a number of practical difficulties and capacity constraints that
[...] prevented it from hosting a court at this stage.
委员会还建议缔约国认识到,私立教育的高额开 支给家庭造成沉重的经济负担,是导致 产阶级 生 活质量下滑的主要原因,国家 应加强公立教育系统,为低收入家庭提供财政支持,协助其负担教育相关成本 ( 第十三条)。
It also recommends that the State party, having recognized that excessive expenditure on private education imposes great burdens on the household economy and has been the major cause of decline in quality of life for the middle class, strengthen the public education system and provide financial support to low-income families to cover the associated costs of education (art. 13).
然 而 , 应 该 指 出,对于《保护所有移 徙 工人及其家 庭 成员国际公 约 》,存 在 着 重大的 法律障碍, 因为欧洲联 盟 在 移 徙
[...] 工人问题上拥 有 管 辖 权,因 此阶 段 无 法 批 准这项公约 。
However, it should be noted that for the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICRMW), there were major legal obstacles because of European community
competence on migrant worker issues which did not allow the completion of the
[...] ratification of this convention, at this stage.
日本日立高科已经公开宣布他们已经将我们的 347 用于他们的 低温无铅工艺来大量制造医药配备,以及其他一些通常对出现在“高温 无 铅 材 料的热缺损 敏感的工业级产品中
Hitachi Japan has publicly announced that they had found our 347 as solution to their low temperature and mass production manufacturing for medical products and other
industrial graded products which are sensitive to
[...] heat damage usually occur in using “high temperature” Lead Free material.
[...] 期,在一定程度上,随着亚太区域新兴 产阶级 购 买 力的增强,本区 域承担前往其他国家旅游或求学的费用的能力将会持续提高。
This is to be expected, partly, as the
[...] result of the increasing purchasing power [...]
of the region’s emerging middle class,
which can increasingly afford, for instance, the expense of travelling to other countries for tourism or study.
不过,在目阶段,我们的无法就 此达成结论, 或找到很简单的解决办法,但作为一个长期问题,我 认为,应提醒所有代表团和委员会本身,有必要着手 [...]
Having said that, it is not really something on which [...]
we can come to a conclusion or find a very simple solution to at this
point, but as a longer-term issue, I think that all delegations and the Commission itself should be reminded of the need to work on the working methods of the Commission.
此外,随 着以中国、印度为代表的亚洲地区经济迅速发展,加上 产阶 级快速 增长,该地区数以百万的消费者对乳制品的需求将大幅 上升。
It also forecasts that the dairy boom will be most pronounced in Asia – led by India and China – where increased prosperity and the rapid growth of the middle class will spur a significant rise in consumption among millions of consumers.
最后需要指出的是, 预算外资源与经常预算资源的比率稳步攀升,而且现行方案支助费用比例往往无 法负担所有实际开支,由此可能导致各组织在某 阶 段 无 法 取得捐助方期待的成 果和结果,致使相关组织的公信力和形象蒙受阴影。
Finally, it was also indicated that the steadily growing ratio of extrabudgetary resources compared to regular budget resources, together with the fact that the current PSC rate often does not cover all actual costs, could lead to a situation where at some point the organizations would no longer be able to provide the outcomes and results expected by donors, which in turn would negatively impact on their credibility and image.
教科文组织为了实现其增进各阶层 无 论 男 女所有人的人权并将其作为一项主要 活动的目标,有意加强与各教科文组织全国委员会、国家主管机关、议员、国家人权机构、 研究和培训中心、教科文组织教席和学术界、非政府组织及其他民间社团、公司部门以及传 播媒介的伙伴关系。
In order to achieve its goals related to mainstreaming and advancing human rights for all, women and men, at all levels, UNESCO intends to strengthen partnerships with National Commissions for UNESCO, national authorities, parliamentarians, national human rights institutions, research and training centres, UNESCO Chairs and the academic community, non-governmental organizations and other civil society associations, the corporate sector and the media.
在快速增长的发展中国家,虽然人均使用量仍然很低,但是飞速的工 业发展、城市化以及产阶级的扩 大,加剧了当地污染、废料和拥堵等环境问题。
In the fast growing developing countries, while per capita use is still low, rapid industrial development, urbanization and expansion of the middle class has exacerbated local environmental problems of pollution, waste and congestion.
[...] [...] 300h是豪华品牌同级别车型中唯一一款完全油电混合动力车型,采用LEXUS雷克萨斯Hybrid全混动科技,搭载2.5升阿特金森循环汽油发动机和电动机,可达到相当于3.0升汽油发动机的动力,同时配备双智能正时可变气门控制系统(VVT-i),以及电 无级 变 速 系统,带来151千瓦的最大功率和213牛•米的峰值扭矩,不仅能 产 生 源 源不断的充沛动力,更能实现百公里5.4升的超低油耗。
Empowered by Lexus Hybrid Drive technologies, ES 300h features a 2.5-liter, four-cylinder Atkinson cycle engine, on par with a 3.0 L gasoline engine. With the support of
Variable Valve
[...] Timing with intelligence (VVT-i) and Electronically-controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (ECVT), ES can generate a maximum power [...]
of 151 kw and a
peak torque of 213 N•m. While producing an inexhaustible source of tractions, the fuel consumption of ES 300h is as low as 5.4 L/100 km.
在国际上,AirTouch把主要对象锁定在巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国(金砖四国)和墨西哥、土耳其和越南(新金砖十一国)中将在未来10年内步入 产阶级 的 预计20亿人口。
Internationally, AirTouch is focused on the estimated two billion people who are expected to enter the middle income level within the next 10 years in countries such as Brazil, Russia, India, China (BRIC) and the Next 11 (N-11) countries such as Mexico, Turkey and Vietnam.
缺乏对性别内不平等和歧视的承认,已导致城市 产阶级 妇 女 的经历处于 特权地位,尽管社会地位对妇女对于暴力的脆弱性和受暴力侵害的经历很重要。
The lack of recognition of intra-gender inequality and discrimination
has led to the privileging of experiences
[...] of urban middle-class women, despite [...]
the importance of social location for women’s
vulnerability to and experiences with violence.




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