

单词 无事生非

See also:


nothing else

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 非国家 武装团体以公办学校和教师为攻击目标,以及政府 事 和 准军 事部队驻扎在学校附近,使生无法 正 常上学
(b) Access to education has been disrupted by
[...] targeting of government schools and teachers by non-State armed groups and by the presence of government military and paramilitary units near the schools
[...] 口国在船只进入之前获得有关信息,以评估船只 事非 法 、 无 管 制 和未报告的捕 捞活动的可能性,并可能以此为由拒绝船只入港。
It is designed to allow port States to have information in advance of a vessel’s entry
in order to assess the likelihood that a
[...] vessel has engaged in illegal, unreported [...]
and unregulated fishing, which could lead to a denial of entry.
沿海国可在其领海内采取必要的 步骤以防非无害通过,包括在悬挂外国国旗的船只 事 违 反 《公约》的故意和严 重污染行为,或任何捕鱼活动时。
The coastal State may take the necessary steps within its territorial
[...] sea to prevent passage that is not innocent, including when a foreign-flagged ship engages [...] [...]
in an act of wilful and serious pollution contrary to the Convention, or any fishing activities.
(b) 即使「本合約」有其他條文規定,「「生」有權於任何時間於知會「馬會」後暫時終止任何「專用卡」之使用或於獲得「馬會」同 意下終止使用任何「專用卡」而毋 事 先 通知「會員」, 非 「 「 生 」 獲 任何不時適用之法例、法院命令、規則、指引及/或守則 所容許或要求而毋須就暫時終止或終止「專用卡」作出該等知會或同意,或「計劃」經已終止,或「「生」合理地認為暫時終止或 [...] [...]
(b) Notwithstanding any provisions in these Terms, Hang Seng may upon notification to the Club suspend and with the Club’s consent terminate any Card at any time without
prior notice to the
[...] Cardmember except that such notification or consent is not required where Hang Seng is allowed or required [...]
by any law, court
orders, rules, guidelines and/or codes applicable from time to time to suspend or terminate any Card or where the Programme is terminated or where Hang Seng is of the reasonable opinion that suspension or termination of any Card is appropriate in the circumstances to protect the interest of the Cardmember, the Club and/or Hang Seng.
舉 例 而言,一名 在 製造業事 非生產工作的女性工人每 月收入約為 6,330元 [...]
, 而從事相同職 業的男性,則 有 7,867元 的收入。
For example, a woman worker in
[...] manufacturing industry engaged in non-production work [...]
earned about $6,330 a month, as compared
to $7,867 earned by a man in the same occupation.
专家组建议,如果生力量区指挥官 Ouattara Issiaka 和 Losseni Fofana 继续拒绝让专家组和联科行无阻碍 地进入军事地点和设施,拒绝让它们像安全 理事会第 1893(2009)号决议第 5 段所要求的那样“无事先通 知情况下”“接触 任何地点”,制裁委员会应考虑对他们实施定向制裁。
The Group recommends that the Sanctions Committee consider imposing targeted sanctions against the Forces
nouvelles zone
[...] commanders, Ouattara Issiaka and Losseni Fofana, if they continue to refuse to provide the Group and UNOCI with “unhindered access” to military sites and installations, “without notice” and “regardless of location”, as demanded by the Security Council in paragraph 5 of [...]
resolution 1893 (2009).
通过电话会议或视频会议举行的听证会 非 总 是 可靠 且/或质量较差,这使得法律事无法 正 确评估所提交材料在审讯期间对法庭的 影响。
Hearings are held through telephone conferences or videoconferences, which are not always reliable and/or are of poor quality, which prevents the Legal Officer from properly assessing the impact of submissions on the Tribunal during the hearing.
吳斌生(非執行董事)為 海通證券戰略發展與IT治理委員會主任以及總經理辦公室主 任,亦為海通資產管理公司籌備組組長及海通國際控股之董事。
Mr. Wu Bin (a non-executive director) is the [...]
director of the Strategic Development and IT Governance Committee as well as
the head of the general manager office of HSCL, and also the head of preparatory group of Haitong Asset Management Company and a director of HIHL.
新西兰在太平洋和南大洋进行空中巡逻,并向有关的区域渔业管理组织/ 安排提供关于事非法、无管制 或未报告的捕鱼活动的船舶或非法活动的详细信 息,以便同其他成员共享。
New Zealand conducted aerial patrols in the Pacific and Southern Oceans and supplied detailed information on IUU vessels or illegal activities to the relevant RFMO/As to be shared with other members.
这些原因包括生命权的根本 性质;死亡以及在某些情况下致残的不可逆转性; 生事 实 和 判断失误的可能性无辜旁 观者被杀或受伤的可能性;对警察和国家的合法性的影响;当暴力造成生 [...]
These include the fundamental nature of the right to life; the irreversible nature of death, and in some cases,
disability; the potential
[...] of errors of fact and judgement; the possibility that innocent bystanders [...]
may be killed or wounded;
the effect on the legitimacy of the police and the State; and the trauma suffered by everyone involved — which could include the police officers concerned — when a life is ended through violence.
执行局在其第一七四届(2004 年春季)会议上简要地审议了教科文/斯塔克餐厅装修计 划,注意到一直到 2006 年 4 月仍未筹集到实施该计划所须的预算外资金,执行局第 174 EX/29 号决定请总事实施 最初包括在贝尔蒙翻修计划项目中的丰特努瓦大楼餐厅翻修 计划,对斯塔克生无偿地参与装修项目表示赞赏。
Having noted that the necessary extrabudgetary funds to implement the project had still not been collected by the April 2006 deadline, the Board, in
174 EX/Decision 29,
[...] requested the Director-General to implement the renovation project for the restaurant in the Fontenoy building originally included in the Belmont Plan and expressed its appreciation to Mr Philippe Starck [...]
for his generous
offer of the decoration project.
无法与寄宿家庭和睦相处,可向所在教育机构的家庭寄宿协调员或 生事 务 处 反映。
If you’re not getting along with your Homestay family, talk to your Homestay coordinator or student services office at your institution.
劳工组织还与世界生组织协调社会保护最低标准倡议,该倡议促进发展中国 家的社会服务计划,以确保为那些 事非 正 式和临 时工作的人员提供基本服务,他们中很大一部分为 妇女。
Together with the World Health Organization, ILO was also coordinating a Social Protection Floor initiative, which promoted the development
[...] of social service schemes in developing countries to ensure basic services for those engaged in informal and casual work, a large percentage of whom were women.
两家公司 在生无菌加工工艺方非常专业。
Both companies
[...] specialize in hygienic and aseptic process technologies.
A9.2 學生發展及資源中心和國際生事務 處 已持續在每一學期開始時, 非 本 地 生舉 辦迎新活動、文化適應計劃和校園導遊,協助他們適應香港和港大的環境。
A9.2 CEDARS and the Office of International Student Exchange have continued to organize orientation activities, cultural adjustment programmes and tours for non-local students [...]
at the beginning of every
semester to facilitate their adjustment to Hong Kong and HKU.
根據細則 第87(1)條,於應屆股東週年大會舉行時,執行 事 郭 則理 先 生 、 非 執 行 董 事 P a ul Steven Wolansky先生及獨立非執行事林元芳先生及李紅濱先生輪值告退,但仍可再選連任,並 已願意再獲股東提名重選連任。
Pursuant to Article 87(1) of the Articles, Mr. Guo Zeli, an executive
Director, Mr. Paul Steven
[...] Wolansky, a non-executive Director, and Mr. Lin Yuanfang and Mr. Li Hongbin, independent non-executive Directors, are due to retire from office by [...]
rotation at the forthcoming
Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election by the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
Al Uteibi 先生的案 情再度确证,不给予人权应有程度的 尊重显然是常规做法,并非例外现象,如是之说 非无 稽 之 谈。
It is therefore pertinent to mention that Mr. Al Uteibi’s case further sustains the emergence of what seems to be the rule, and not the exception, of basic human rights not being duly respected.
与中西太平洋渔委违规船只名单有关的程序规定应采取非歧视性措施,包 括禁止涉及事非法、无管制 和未报告捕捞活动的船只的商业交易、进口、上岸 和转运活动,并鼓励贸易商、进口商、运输商和其他有关方面避免参与被中西太 平洋渔委的公约所禁止、由违规船只名单所列渔船捕获的鱼种的交易。
The procedures relating to the WCPFC negative vessel
list provided for the
[...] adoption of non-discriminatory measures, including prohibiting commercial transactions, imports, landings and trans-shipments involving illegal, unreported [...]
and unregulated fishing
vessels and encouraging traders, importers, transporters and others involved to refrain from transactions in species covered by the WCPFC Convention which were caught by vessels on the negative vessel list.
作为一个原则问题,它们应该有资格被列为其数量 非无 足 轻 重的 有利生存原则的国家实践。
As a matter of principle they should qualify and there is a not an inconsiderable quantity of State practice favourable to the principle of survival.
这些措施通常要求各成员 禁止因事非法、无管制 和未报告捕捞活动而被列入名单的船只入港,限制这些 [...]
船只在各成员管辖地区内的活动,禁止向这种船只供给或补充燃料,禁止转运这 类船只装载的鱼获或租用这类船只。
These measures generally required members to prohibit
[...] the entry of listed illegal, unreported and unregulated [...]
fishing vessels into ports,
restrict their activities while in areas under their jurisdiction, and prohibit supplying or fuelling, transshipping with or chartering listed illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing vessels.
在 Salibah 区,一些事生非的人 向治安巡逻队扔了 2 个自制燃烧弹和 [...]
2 捆炸药,没有造成伤亡。
In Salibah
[...] quarter, some troublemakers hurled two [...]
Molotov cocktails and two sticks of dynamite at security patrols, without causing casualties.
[...] 渔业组织创建业务,为其渔船监测系统数据库提供存放设施,并与西北大西洋渔 业组织和东南大西洋渔业组织作出安排,建立这三个组织的泛大西洋 事非 法、 无管制 和未报告的捕捞活动的船只名单。
NEAFC has assisted the South East Atlantic Fisheries Commission in setting up its operations and hosts its vessel monitoring system database, and has arrangements with the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization and the South East Atlantic
Fisheries Commission to create
[...] pan-Atlantic illegal, unreported and unregulated vessel lists between the three organizations.
但是他们觉得给非集中化制订固定的比例没有多少价值,认为确定最低比例的依 无非 是:活动的性质、每个总部外事处 工 作人员的力量,以及对成果的可信度和评估的严格检 查。
However, they see limited value in establishing fixed rates of decentralization, considering that minimum rates should always depend on the nature of the activity and the staffing capacity in each decentralized office and on strict controls on accountability and assessment of successful outcomes.
我不同意苏丹同事的观点,即因为只有 13 个非 政府组织被驱逐,所非政府组织整体只有百分之七 受到了影响,因此这事无关紧要。
I do not share the view of my colleague from the
Sudan that because
[...] only 13 NGOs have been expelled — and that therefore only 7 per cent of the NGO community has been affected — it is a negligible matter.
(a) 就独立专家提交的关于指导原则草案的进度报告,征求各国、联合国 相关机构、政府间组织、联合国条约机构、相关特别程序、国家人权机构 非政 府组织,特别是事生活赤 贫者工作的组织和其他相关利害攸关方的意见、评论 和建议
draft guiding principles submitted by the independent expert of States, relevant United Nations agencies, intergovernmental organizations, United Nations treaty bodies, relevant special procedures,
national human rights
[...] institutions and non-governmental organizations, especially those working with people living [...]
in extreme poverty,
and other relevant stakeholders
62,200 美元的申请(开 发计划署 57,300 美元和工发组织 4,900 美元),外加机构支助费用 4,666 美元(开发计划 署 4,298
[...] 美元和工发组织 368 美元),以 补偿该国 2006 年生非常事件期间项目蒙受的损 失。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve, on an exceptional basis, the request by the Government of Lebanon for an additional US $62,200 (US $57,300 for UNDP and US $4,900 for UNIDO) plus agency support costs of US $4,666 (US $4,298 for UNDP
and US $368 for UNIDO) to cover the losses incurred by the project during
[...] the extraordinary events in the country in 2006.
以统筹一致的方式处理索马里沿海海盗 问题,以期有效解决海盗活动的根本原因以及影 响到索马里人生计和 福祉的其他同样严重的 威胁,特别是在索马里沿海事非法 捕 捞和倾倒 有毒物质和废料的现象”。
the issue of piracy off the coast of Somalia in a holistic manner, with the view to effectively addressing its underlying causes and other equally serious threats which
affect the
[...] livelihood and well being of the Somali people, in particular illegal fishing and dumping of toxic substances and waste off [...]
the coast of Somalia”.
另一名代表表示不同意关于按第 5 条第 1 款行事的缔约方无法履 行《议 定书》所规定义务的观点,同时指出印度代表所发表的观点是一种意见陈述,非事实陈述。
Another representative expressed disagreement with the idea that parties operating under
paragraph 1 of article 5
[...] would be unable to meet their obligations under the Protocol, saying that the view articulated by the representative of India was an expression of opinion rather than a statement of fact.
三地 投票过程无事故发生,尽 管塞尔维亚反对普里什蒂 纳组织的选举,普里什蒂纳反对塞尔维亚组织的选 举,而且塞尔维亚的反对并未阻止 [...]
Partesh/Parteš 市大批塞族选民参加投票。
The voting proceeded without incident at all three locations despite Serbian [...]
opposition to the Pristina-organized election,
which, however, did not discourage a large turnout by Serbian voters in Partesh/Parteš, and Pristina’s objections to those organized by Belgrade.
她的代表团认为, 一些国家在本国立法中对历事件妄 加解释,其目无非是为 了实现其政治野心和短期目标,这种倾 向会导致其放弃国际人权义务, [...]
并为推销种族主义 至上论制造温床。
Her delegation believed that the tendency, in the national legislation of a number of countries,
to incorporate an arbitrary
[...] interpretation of historical events, designed to benefit political [...]
ambitions and short-term
goals, would lead to an abandonment of international human rights obligations and create fertile ground for the popularization of theories of racist supremacy.




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