单词 | 无争议 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无争议 —uncontroversialless common: accepted See also:争议 n—disputes pl • controversies pl 争议 adj—contentious adj 争—vie for • strive for • how or what (literary) • argue or debate • deficient or lacking (dialect)
在导致生物多样性丧失的因素中,我想强调一种 现象,即海洋酸化,虽然并无争议, 但 还没有得到决 策者的充分关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among the factors contributing to the loss of biodiversity, I [...] would like to emphasize a phenomenon [...] that, although not controversial, has still not [...]received sufficient attention from decision-makers, [...]namely the acidification of oceans. daccess-ods.un.org |
照会称:“中国对南海内岛屿及附近水域拥有 毫 无争议 的主权,并且在相关水域、海床及底土享有主权和管辖 [...] 权”,并提到了有九段线的地图。 crisisgroup.org | The note [...] stated: “China has indisputable sovereignty over [...]the islands in the South China Sea, and the adjacent waters, and [...]enjoys sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the relevant waters as well as the seabed and subsoil thereof”, and then made reference to the map of the nine-dashed line. crisisgroup.org |
关于其他印制电路板的问题,法院 无法确定根据《销售公约》第 [...] 49(2)(b)(i)条的规定,买方是否已失去废除合同的 权利,因为卖方对这一点并无争议。 daccess-ods.un.org | As regards to the other print boards, the Court could not determine whether the buyer [...] had lost its right to rescind on the basis of article 49 (2)(b)(i) CISG, since the [...] seller had not argued on this point. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,也未能就边界无争议部分(80%)的标 界或有争议部分(20%)的划定与标界达成明确协议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, [...] no clear agreement was reached regarding the demarcation of the undisputed part of the [...]border (80 per cent) [...]or the delineation and demarcation of the disputed part of the border (20 per cent). daccess-ods.un.org |
千叶玫瑰是毫无争议的花 中王后。她柔嫩轻盈的花瓣充盈着最浓郁而复杂的香气。 clarinsusa.com | The Cabbage [...] Rose is the uncontested queen of flowers, [...]its soft, light petals are imbued with one of the richest and most complex of perfumes. clarinsusa.com |
为加快审判,检方提出 80 [...] 多项 可供检辩双方同意采纳的事实,并与辩方进行了合作对话,以找出双 方 无争议的 问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In an effort to expedite the trial, the Prosecution proposed over 80 facts for agreement between the [...] Prosecution and Defence and is in cooperative dialogue with the Defence to [...] identify issues not in dispute between the parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
假如收到答复似乎没有提供一种 无争议 的 解 决办法,则应相应告知本委员 会,由本委员会决定如何最佳行事。 codexalimentarius.org | In cases where replies do not appear [...] to offer an uncontroversial solution then [...]the Commission should be informed accordingly [...]and it would be for the Commission to determine how best to proceed. codexalimentarius.org |
这是在确立罪行发生地国家的管辖权之外的问题,因为此种管辖权 的存在是毫无争议的(见 A/60/980,第 59 段))。 pseataskforce.org | (This is in addition to the establishment of [...] jurisdiction by the State in which the crime occurred as the existence of such jurisdiction is not disputed (see A/60/980, para. 59)). pseataskforce.org |
沙特阿拉伯这些无争议的行 为和不作为违反《世界人权宣言》第九和十 条,属于适用于提交给工作组审议的第一和第三类案件。 daccess-ods.un.org | These non-contested actions and omissions [...] on the part of the Saudi authorities contravene articles 9 and 10 of the Universal [...]Declaration of Human Rights, and fall within categories I and III of the categories applicable to the consideration of the cases submitted to the Working Group. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本案中,无论是在提交来文( 为此目的他正式授权律师) 之时,还是在其父 亲获释之后,儿子作为受害人的诉讼地位 并 无争议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The locus standi of the son as a victim is not debatable in the present case, either at the time of the submission of the communication, for which purpose he duly empowered his attorney, or following the release of his father. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,在最近一次总统选举中,投 票结束后仅几小时就宣布了毫无争议 的 结 果,因为巴 西已经建立电子无记名投票系统,能够迅速发布选举 [...] 结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, in the most recent presidential [...] election, the undisputed results were [...]announced just a few hours after the polls [...]closed, as Brazil has developed an electronic secret voting system that allows their prompt release. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一项建议是,审判分庭应要求 [...] 当事方以尽量有效的方式提出采纳证据的动议,鼓励当事方 就 无争议 事 实 达成协 议,并协助对裁定事实予以司法认知。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another was for Trial Chambers to require parties to submit motions for the admission of evidence in as efficient a manner as [...] possible, to encourage agreement between [...] the parties on uncontested facts, and to [...]facilitate the taking of judicial notice of adjudicated facts. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于圆桌会议 1 的主题:国际货币和金融制度改 [...] 革及其对发展的影响,我们谨再次强调,联合国作为 唯一具有普遍参与和无争议合法 性的全球机构,应当 保持在目前全球治理框架,包括多边金融和货币系统 [...]改革中的核心地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the first round table topic, “The reform of the international monetary and financial system and its implications for development”, we wish to again emphasize that it is the United Nations, as [...] the only global body with universal [...] participation and unquestioned legitimacy, that [...]should maintain the central role in [...]the current reform of the global governance framework, including the multilateral financial and monetary system. daccess-ods.un.org |
父亲政治活动 的说法,委员会认为,本来文提出的最重要的问题,是一 些 无争议 的 事实应有多 大的法律影响问题,如申诉人回国后安全受到威胁的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the merits, the Committee found that while some factual issues of this case were disputed, including the claims relating to the complainants’ husband’s/father’s political activities, the Committee observed that the most relevant issues raised in this communication relate to the legal effect that should be given to undisputed facts, such as the risk of danger to the complainants’ security upon return. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于信息技术的全球连通性,德国在其网络安全战略中倡导拟订广泛 、 无争 议、具 有政治约束力的网络空间国家行为规范。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its cybersecurity strategy, in view of the global interconnection of information [...] technology, Germany advocates [...] developing broad, non-contentious, politically binding norms of State behaviour [...]in cyberspace. daccess-ods.un.org |
遣返前风险评估官员也承认,几内亚是否存在割礼在本案中 并 无争议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The PRRA officer admitted that the existence of excision in Guinea is not at [...] issue in the present case. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告预计会界定南北边界无争 议的地 段,具体提出委员会无法达成一致而需要正副总统做出政治决定的那些地 带。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report is expected [...] to define the uncontested areas of the [...]NorthSouth border and specify those areas on which the Committee [...]could not reach an agreement and which require a political decision from the Presidency. daccess-ods.un.org |
替代方案之一是中国接受其他提议,例如菲律宾 在无 争议地区建立“ 和平、自由、友谊与合作区” (ZoPFFFC)开展共同开发的建议。 crisisgroup.org | One alternative could be China accepting other proposals, such as the Philippines’ proposal for a zone of peace, freedom, friendship and cooperation (ZoPFFC) for joint development in areas where there are no disputes. crisisgroup.org |
因此我们认为裁军谈判会议需要尽快就所谓 的 无争议 事 项 启动实质性 工作,同时继续协商,争取就其他未决事项的解决方案达成一致。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is why we [...] believe that the Conference on Disarmament needs to start substantive work as soon as possible on the so-called non-controversial items, while [...]continuing consultations [...]for a consensual solution on other remaining items. daccess-ods.un.org |
可包含从符合SFI纤维采购 [...] 要求的公司采购的纤维、消费前或消 费后回收成分、认证森林和从无争议 来源获得的纤维。 feel-good.ca | Can include fiber from a company that conforms with SFI’s fiber [...] sourcing requirements, pre or post consumer recycled content, a certified forest, and [...] fiber from non-controversial sources. feel-good.ca |
虽然一些代表团认为,这 [...] 一义务的习惯法地位不是理所当然或 毫 无争议 的 , 但其他代表团认为,这一义务 可能已达到习惯法的地位,至少在诸如种族灭绝、危害人类罪、战争罪以及恐怖 [...] 主义等重大国际罪行方面已达到这一地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | While some delegations were of [...] the view that its customary status was not [...] granted or was debatable, others believed [...]that it may have reached such a status, [...]at least with respect to serious international crimes, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些素 质使联合国毫无争议地在 此方面占据了超越他人的位置。 daccess-ods.un.org | These qualities [...] position it indisputably ahead of other [...]actors in this area. daccess-ods.un.org |
法院还指出,申诉人对村中的共有土地, 例如牧场、放牧地和林地拥有无争议 的 权利,而且他们以畜牧和伐木为生。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Court further noted that the applicants had unchallenged rights over the common lands in the village, such as pasture, grazing and forest, and that they earned their living from stockbreeding and tree-felling. daccess-ods.un.org |
( 《指导原则》第1条第1 款) [...] 。除非流离失所者在其他地方找到了长期解决办法,否则必须认为,依 据无 争议的长 期使用而拥有土地或者房屋的流离失所者保留在灾难过后条件许可的情 [...]况下重新拥有的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unless they have found a durable solution elsewhere, [...] displaced persons who possessed land or houses on [...] the basis of uncontested long-term use [...]must therefore be regarded as retaining [...]the right to re-establish possession once the post-disaster situation permits it. daccess-ods.un.org |
供应方就无争 议的索 赔以及法院所认定的最终和决定性的索赔仅可主张留置权或 拒绝履行权。 vacuumschmelze.com | The Supplier may only assert a right of retention or a right to refuse performance based on claims which are uncontested or have been held to be final and absolute by a court of law. vacuumschmelze.com |
该地图甚至包括 Heglig 等属于苏丹共和国且本无争议的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | It even included such parts of the Republic of the Sudan as Heglig, over [...] which there was originally no dispute. daccess-ods.un.org |
物归原主或获得赔偿的权利,适用于丢失了住房、土地及财产的所有权、租 [...] 赁权或其他拥有权利的所有国内流离失所者,包括男子、妇女及儿童,不管他们 是否有在无争议的单 纯使用或占有基础上的正式或非正式的产权或权利(譬如, [...]从非正规住区被强行流离失所的人)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The right to restitution or compensation extends to all displaced persons — including men, women and children — who have lost ownership, tenancy rights or other access entitlements to their housing, land and property, whether they have [...] formal or informal titles or rights on [...] the basis of mere uncontested use or occupation [...](e.g. people arbitrarily displaced from informal settlements). daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会将与塞拉利昂政府、全国选举委员会、政党登记委员会、联合国系统 [...] 及国际社会其他各方进行密切协作,以解决与选举进程相关的新需求,帮助确保 举行自由、公正、和平以及非常重要 的 无争议 的 选 举。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission will work in close partnership with the Government of Sierra Leone, the National Electoral Commission, the Political Parties Registration Commission, the United Nations system and the rest of the international community to address emerging [...] needs related to the electoral process and help to ensure free, fair, peaceful [...] and, importantly, uncontested elections. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近,对Brüel & Kjær的头与躯干模拟器(HATS)、Head声学公司的HATS以及100多个真人进行了声阻抗对比测量,对比结果几乎 毫 无争议 的 表明,Brüel & Kjær的HATS耳最为逼真。 bksv.cn | The recent comparative acoustic impedance measurements on Brüel & Kjær’s Head and Torso Simulator (HATS), the Head Acoustics HATS and on more than 100 humans nominates Brüel & Kjær’s HATS ear as the most realistic, with few reservations. bksv.com |