单词 | 无主见 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无主见 —without one's own opinionsSee also:主见—having definite opinions • one's own view 见 v—meet v • appear v 见—interview • appear (to be sth)
教师应当具有必要的能力,以帮助学生分析和判断各种来源的新 信息,进行批判性的思维,与人共事和 有 主见。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Teachers need the skills to help students analyse and evaluate multiple information sources, think critically, work together and make decisions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
特别委员会并认为:为节省会议初期的工作时间 起 见 , 主 要 委 员会不应 等到一般性辩论结束后才开始工作。 unachina.org | The Special Committee also considers that, in order [...] to save time at the beginning of the [...] session, some of the Main Committees should [...]not wait until the end of the general debate before starting their work. unachina.org |
El Rimahi 先生在无主管当 局签发拘留令的情况下遭拘留;他未被迅速 带 见 司 法当局;在一段很久的时间, 他无法就其拘留的合法性向法官提出质疑,最后当他可以这样做时,他无法得到 有效补救,因为警方、行政当局和狱方两度不执行释放的法院判决。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group considers that in the case at hand, there have been several violations of human rights: Mr. El Rimahi was placed in detention without a warrant issued by a competent authority; he was not promptly brought before a judicial authority; for a considerable time, he was unable to contest before a judge the lawfulness of his detention, and when he was finally able to do so, he did not have an effective means of appeal on account of the failure, on two occasions, by the police, administrative and prison authorities to comply with the judicial decision for his release. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前正在进行采购,寻找一个主要承包 商负责土地核证无雷, 和一个排雷方案办公室提供质量控制和保证及社区建立信 任措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Procurement [...] processes are now under way for a main contractor to undertake this [...]land release and a Demining Programme Office [...]to provide quality control and assurance, and community confidence building measures. daccess-ods.un.org |
本网上讲座非常适合那些初次接触无线入侵检测和预防技术或者希望增加安全经验的 WLAN 专业人员主题和演示包括:经常给 WLAN 留下攻击漏洞的错误;常见无线攻 击(从恶意接入和密钥破解到双面恶魔和侧面劫持);以及危险的对准即拍黑客工具(如 [...] Firesheep、 Karmetasploit 和 MDK3)。 cn.flukenetworks.com | Topics and demonstrations cover: Mistakes [...] that often leave WLANs vulnerable to attack; Common wireless attacks, from rogue APs and key crackers to evil [...]twins and side-jacking; [...]Dangerous point-and-shoot hacker tools such as Firesheep, Karmetasploit, and MDK3. flukenetworks.com |
叶具叶柄1.5-3毫米; 叶片披针形或长圆状披针形到多少宽卵形或三角状心形,(长:宽=1.8-2.5), [...] (3-)3.7-6.7(-8.7) * (1.3-)1.6-4.6 厘米,厚纸质,背面浅或有白霜;片状的腺小圆点和短的条纹;背面的腺 体 无; 主要侧 脉3-或4对疏松的第三级网脉,或不 可 见 ; 基 部楔形到圆形,边缘平面,先端锐尖(幼时)的或钝到圆形。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves with petiole 1.5-3 mm; blade lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate to ± broadly ovate or triangular-ovate (l:w = 1.8-2.5), (3-)3.7-6.7(-8.7) × (1.3-)1.6-4.6 cm, thickly papery, abaxially paler or glaucous; laminar glands [...] dots and short streaks; [...] abaxial glands absent; main lateral veins 3- or 4-paired, tertiary reticulation lax or not visible; base cuneate to [...]rounded, margin plane, [...]apex acute (when young) or obtuse to rounded. flora.ac.cn |
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是 , 无 论 合规督察干事的个人专业才干如何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主任打 交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验都不足以取信。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible. daccess-ods.un.org |
科特迪瓦空军显然有能够维修直升机的技 术人员,但表示禁运使其无法进口备 件 (见 S/2009/188,第 30 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ivorian Air Force clearly has competent technicians capable of [...] servicing the helicopter, [...] but has stated that the embargo prevents the import of spare parts (see S/2009/188, para. 30). daccess-ods.un.org |
特别值得关切的是许多业务单位对执 行 主任 2 011 年 1 月传达的新业务基金账户管理政策遵守不力,因为在有保留审计 意 见 、 无凭 据 国家执行审计支出以及在清偿之前发放的预付款之前,仍继续向执行伙伴支付 预付款。 daccess-ods.un.org | Of particular concern is the lack of compliance by many business units with the new OFA management policy that was communicated by the Executive Director in January 2011, as advances continued to be made to implementing partners with qualified audit opinions and unsupported NEX audit expenditures and before clearing advances previously issued. daccess-ods.un.org |
叶无柄或具叶柄达1毫米;叶片卵形或椭圆形到长圆形椭圆形, 2-6 * 1.1-2.9 厘米,除了不具白霜近革质,背面浅; 片状腺体小圆点,突出; 背面的腺体无; 主要侧脉1或2配对,上面形成的边脉,第三级网脉非常微弱的或看 不 见; 基部楔形到圆形,先端近尖到圆形。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves sessile or with petiole to 1 mm; blade ovate or elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 2-6 × 1.1-2.9 cm, subleathery, abaxially paler but not glaucous; laminar [...] glands dots, prominent; [...] abaxial glands absent; main lateral veins 1- or 2-paired, the upper forming intramarginal vein, tertiary reticulation very faint or invisible; [...]base cuneate to rounded, apex subacute to rounded. flora.ac.cn |
如果这短暂的犹太法典草图至于其halakic contentsbe的声明补充说,熟语的几个亚摩兰以及他们同时代和院校的成员,反对的 意 见 , 无 论 是教师还是学生,经常在连接与记录该讨论的院校,一对犹太法典的性质进行更全面的了解和其形式可能是更好的概念报告获得。 mb-soft.com | If this brief sketch of the Talmud as regards its halakic contentsbe supplemented by the statement that the sayings of the [...] several amoraim as well [...] as the opposing views of their contemporaries and the members of the academies, whether teachers [...]or pupils, are [...]frequently recorded in connection with the report of the discussions of the academies, a more complete view of the nature of the Talmud and a better conception of its form may be gained. mb-soft.com |
对于无机气体来讲,在聚合物中没有与它们发生特殊作用的官能团,因此临界温度就成为控制溶解度 的 主 要 因素,CO2的临界温度是31℃,远高于其它 常 见无 机 气 体,所以它在材料表面的溶解度更大,因此材料的CO2透过量明显高于O2透过量。 service.labthink.cn | CO2’s critical temperature [...] is 31 ℃, which is much higher than other common inorganic gas. As a result it owns the biggest solubility [...]coefficient [...]on the material surface and this is the reason why CO2 permeated much more than O2. service.labthink.cn |
检查每个定向阀接线的连续性,并检查接 线的连接处有无问题 (请参见电路图手 册 312064)。 graco.com | verify continuity of each directional valve wire and [...] verify wiring connections (see Electrical Diagrams manual [...]312064). graco.com |
无论是图形用户界面的设计还是要采用所提供的哪个功能方法都由开发者决定,并且在开发者的产品 中 无 可 见 的 Tr acker。 evget.com | Both the GUI design and means of employing the provided [...] functionality is very much left in the developer's hands and no [...] Tracker branding is visible within the Developer's [...]product. evget.com |
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府强调必须采取措施,确 保 无 偏 见 、 无 选 择 性地执行 相关国际决议,并且援用《日内瓦公约》,以便对占领国以色列施加压力,促使 其顺应国际社会的愿望,从而在中东实现公正和全面的和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic emphasizes the [...] need to take measures [...] to ensure the implementation of relevant international resolutions without bias or selectivity, [...]and to invoke the Geneva [...]Conventions in order to bring pressure to bear on Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the wishes of the international community in order to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
协会和专家的意见是,生产线无法制 造与目前市场上使用氟氯烃的技术制造的相 同或相似的聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料。 multilateralfund.org | The association and [...] experts’ opinion is that this production line is unable to produce same [...]or similar XPS foams which are [...]currently produced by HCFC-based technology in the market. multilateralfund.org |
但 是,公民和媒体专业人员可以自由表达 意 见 , 无 须 接受审查;政治团体和工会也 有同样的权利,包括结社的权利、以和平方式和不带武器公开或私下集会的权 利,不受任何其它限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other hand, citizens and media professionals are allowed to express themselves freely, without censorship; the same rights are granted to political groups and trade unions, including the right to associate and to assemble in public or in private peacefully and unarmed, without any other restrictions. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些国家(加拿大、冰岛和大韩民国)和欧洲联盟报告了为应对 在 无主 管区域渔管组织/安排或未规定临时措施的公海进行底层捕捞活动对脆弱海洋生态系 造成的影响而通过并执行的养护和管理措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some States (Canada, Iceland, Republic of Korea) and the European Union reported on the adoption and implementation of conservation and management measures to address the impacts of bottom fishing activities on VMEs for vessels fishing on the high seas where there was no competent RFMO/A or interim measures in place. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会第六十五届会议吁请会员国根据本国法理和立法并依照国际法,支持防 [...] 止和在必要时制止恐怖分子获取和使用放射性材料和放射源的国际努力;欢迎会 员国作出努力,包括在国际原子能机构主持下开展国际合作,以寻找本国管辖范 围内或境内未作防护和(或)未加管制的 ( “ 无主 ” )放 射源,确定其位置并加以防 护;鼓励会员国彼此之间,以及通过相关国际组织和适当情况下通过相关区域组 织,开展合作以期加强这方面的国家能力(第 [...]65/74 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly called upon Member States to support international efforts to prevent the acquisition and use by terrorists of radioactive materials and sources, and, if necessary, suppress such acts, in accordance with their national legal authorities and legislation and consistent with international law; welcomed the efforts undertaken by Member States, including through [...] international [...] cooperation under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, to search for, locate and secure unsecured and/or uncontrolled (“orphan”) radioactive [...]sources within [...]their State jurisdiction or territory; and encouraged cooperation among and between Member States and through relevant international and, where appropriate, regional organizations aimed at strengthening national capacities in that regard (resolution 65/74). daccess-ods.un.org |
嘴上说他们“ 随便”其实心里早有主见。 enviefashion.com | They say they [...] don’t mind but actually they [...]have already made their decision. enviefashion.com |
有几个答复意见主张把目前的工作重点 4 改为工作重点 1,以更好地反映或突出给予帮 [...] 助发展中国家制定科技政策,以及加强它们制定、监督和评估这些政策能力问题的最优先的 地位。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A number of [...] respondents were of the view that the current [...]MLA 4 should become MLA 1 so as to better reflect or signal the [...]top priority assigned to the challenge of assisting Member States in developing policies for science and technology and the need for enhancing capacities for formulating, monitoring and evaluating these policies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们认为,考虑到会员国在委员会框架范围内表达的 意 见 , 主席 团因 此应继续进行协商工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our view is that, on the basis of the thoughts expressed by Member States within the framework of the Committee, the Bureau should therefore continue the consultative processes. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 CCGP [...] 会议上,对此问题未达成一致意见, 主 要是 对“各持己见(justified sustained [...] opposition)”一词的使用以及如何予以解释,委员会同 意询问食典委,是否委员会可以继续马来西亚提议的工作。 codexalimentarius.org | There was no consensus on this question at the [...] CCGP, with concerns mainly raised about the [...]use of the word “justified sustained opposition” [...]and how it was to be interpreted and the Committee agreed to ask the Commission whether the Committee should continue work on the proposal from Malaysia. codexalimentarius.org |
无主土地 , 往往作为国有森林,包括地方政府代表土著人民管理的信托土地,都可能用于采 矿、水电大坝、城市化和木材采伐,几乎无视土著人民的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Untitled lands, often considered as State-owned forests, including [...] trust lands administered by local governments on behalf [...]of indigenous peoples, are subject to mining, hydroelectric dams, urbanization and timber concessions, with little if any regard to the rights of indigenous peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
在允许工会运作 [...] 的发展中国家中,工会在推动建立适当立法框架和执行政策以保障个人安全工作 条件和最低工资方面确实极有主见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, unions in developing countries, where they are able to operate, have been most assertive in the area of pushing for [...] appropriate legislative frameworks and implementing policies that guarantee [...] safe working conditions and minimum wages [...]for workers. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组幸运地发现了大量武器,这些武器或者序列号完 好 无 损 (中 国制 56 式:见图五 ),或者不是国防和安全部队使用的种类(波兰制 AKMS 型:见图六), 或者在 2004 年武器禁运之前就出现在科特迪瓦。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group of [...] Experts has been fortunate to discover a number of weapons whose serial numbers either remained intact (Chinese Type 56: see figure V), or that [...]were of a type (Polish AKMS: see figure VI) not in service with [...]the defence and security forces, or present in Côte d’Ivoire, before the 2004 arms embargo. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010年2月2日,外交部长比尔特在“全球零核”倡议首脑会议上特别指出, 国际社会已到达一个重要关头,要么采取决定性步骤,进一步削减核武库并防止 核武器进一步泛滥,最终接近实现无核武器世界的目标,要么将面临不扩散制度 被侵蚀的严重危险,从而助长大大增加使用这些武器的风险并带来灾难性 和 无法 预见的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | In an address given at the Global Zero summit on 2 February 2010, Foreign Minister Bildt stated, inter alia, that the international community had arrived at a critical point, where it could either take decisive steps forward in further reducing nuclear arsenals and preventing a further spread of nuclear weapons, eventually taking the world closer to the goal of a world free of those weapons, or face the very serious risk of the non-proliferation regime eroding and paving the way for a development that would significantly increase the risk of those weapons being used, with catastrophic and unforeseeable effects. daccess-ods.un.org |
在探索执行委员会供资时可能考虑的任何措施的程度、性质和适用性,满足氟氯烃 淘汰所需的调查、体制措施和/或执行委员会在第 47/9(e)号决定中要求的其他氟氯烃淘 汰准备活动的过程中,有必要注意到,目前,在最初活动和今后为促进新氟氯烃控制措施 的履约而可能采取项目的优先地位方面,执行委员会未对提出任何具体的指导 意 见 , 也无 任何有关增支成本的指导原则。 multilateralfund.org | In exploring the extent, nature and eligibility of any additional measures that might be considered for funding by the Executive Committee to address surveys, institutional measures and/or other preparatory activities for HCFC phase-out as requested by the Executive Committee in decision 47/9(e), it needs to be noted that, at present, there is no specific Executive Committee guidance on priorities for initial activities and later possible projects to facilitate compliance with the new HCFC control measures, and no guidelines on incremental costs. multilateralfund.org |
考虑到科特迪瓦当前的内部安全局势,包括侵犯人权的指控、冲突双方遗留 下来的大量无主武器 遍布全国、敌对团体有可能重新组合以及有可能因为即将举 行的议会选举而再度爆发敌对行动,专家组认为,钻石销售收入仍然有可能用于 购买军火和有关物资,违反禁运制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the context of the current internal security situation within Côte d’Ivoire, which includes allegations of human [...] rights violations, the [...] proliferation of unclaimed weapons left behind by both sides and scattered throughout the country, the possibility of the reconsolidation [...]of opposition groups [...]and the prospect of renewed hostilities as a result of the upcoming legislative elections, the Group is of the view that revenues from the sale of diamonds continue to have the potential to be used for the purchase of arms and related materiel in breach of the sanctions regime. daccess-ods.un.org |
决议还确认“[非正式 ]协商进程在融合知识,多方利益攸关者交流 意见,主管机 构协调和提高对各项议题包括新出现的问题的认识,同时加强可持 续发展的三个支柱等方面所发挥的主要作用”。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also recognized “the primary role of the [Informal] Consultative Process in integrating knowledge, the exchange of opinions among multiple [...] stakeholders and [...]coordination among competent agencies, and enhancing awareness of topics, including emerging issues, while promoting the three pillars of sustainable development”. daccess-ods.un.org |