

单词 无业游民

See also:


out of work

无业 adj

workless adj

External sources (not reviewed)

许多政治暴乱也是由于年轻 无业游民 过 多 造成的。
A lot of political violence has also been attributed to the availability of many idle youths.
大部分人无业游民,因 此,他们也带 来了维持法律和秩序的问题,打破了家庭和社区的社会和文化结构,往往滋生侵 犯人权的现象。
Most of them are unemployed and they also contribute to law and order problems, breakdown in the social and cultural fabrics of families and communities which usually lead to violations of human rights.
同样重要的还有旅游部门通过制定一系列规范和协议,促使 游 行 业 为所 有人提无障碍旅游的便利。
Measures are also being taken in the tourism sector to facilitate accessibility through manuals of good practices and agreements to promote tourism for all.
一个国家如果人均民总收 入超过2 380美元也有资格业,无论另 两项指数得分多少。
A country also qualifies for graduation if its GNI per capita is $2,380 or more, independent [...]
of its HAI and EVI scores.
根据该法律第3 条,广业之宗旨为:确保民无障 碍及无歧视发放及获取的权利;教育和娱乐 大众;尊重道德文化价值、促进社会和文化进步;鼓励社会发展和文化多样性; 并培养市民的公民和社会良知。
In accordance with its article 3, the aims of this activity are: to guarantee the right to inform and to be informed without limitation or discrimination, to educate and entertain the public, to promote social and cultural progress with respect for ethic and cultural values, to encourage social development and cultural diversity, and to help create a civic and social conscience of residents.
强迫失踪的受害人仍然主要是青年以及来自贫穷家庭、居住在 民 窟 或 偏远 农村地区无业男子
Victims of enforced disappearance continued to be
[...] primarily young, unemployed men from poor families, living in shanty towns or in isolated rural areas.
[...] 果、以及同时正在平行演进的社会一体化进程,便是通过增强劳动力的流 动性和游业的发展而实现的,使广 民 众 、 新概念和新创意、以及不同 的文化得以在各国之间更为方便地传播和交流。
As a consequence and in parallel, social integration is taking place through
enhanced labour mobility
[...] and tourism, allowing for the more fluid movement of peoples, ideas and cultures [...]
across borders.
国际锡业研究协会指出,来自游业 界 利 益攸 关方的一次性财政捐款为试点项目的设立费用提供了援助,但自 2010 年 9 月以 来,所有的资金都由刚民主共 和国和卢旺达的出口商提供,有关的贸易商和加 工商也提供了一些资金。
According to ITRI, one-off financial
[...] contributions from downstream industry stakeholders assisted with the set-up costs of the pilot project but, since September 2010, all funding has come from exporters from the Democratic Republic of [...]
the Congo and Rwanda
with some additional contributions from involved traders and processors.
这个成功的方案的目标是帮助他们恢复尊严,寻找工作,并教育他们的子女;㈥ 法国:在本报告所述期间,每个周日在巴黎开设一个施食处,向成千上万 无家 游民和穷苦家庭供应膳食。
Helping them to recover dignity, finding jobs and educate their children is the goal of this successful program; (vi) France: During the reported period, a soup Kitchen opened in Paris every week-days, feeding thousands and thousands of homeless and needy families.
重点 是将以往的学习与工作经历相联系,并给予 认可和承认。在这方面,技术和业 教 育 有 责任确保为学习者学会学习而提供实实在在 的基础教育和培训,这是一项所有 民 ,无 论是 青年人还是成年人都必须掌握的最宝贵 的技能。
Within this spectrum, technical and vocational education has a
[...] responsibility to ensure a sound initial education and training aimed at learning to learn, the most precious skill for all citizens, both young and adult.
此外,旅游局已向领有牌照之实体,如:酒店、公寓、餐饮场所及旅行社等转发由卫生局制作的《预防人感染H7N9禽流感-给旅行社和旅客的建议》、《预防人感染H7N9禽流感-给 游业 、 酒 店及博彩娱乐场所的建议》及《预防人感染H7N9禽流感-给家禽业及饮食业从事员的指引》,以保障业界、旅客和 民 的 健 康。
In addition, MGTO has forwarded to all licensed entities, e.g. hotels, guest houses, restaurants and travel agencies, a series of guidelines produced by Health Bureau including "Prevent Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza – Advice for Travel Agencies and Tourists", "Prevent Human Infection with H7N9 Avian
Influenza – Advice for
[...] Tourism, Hotel and Gaming Industries" and "Prevent Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza – Guideline for Handlers of Poultry and Food" to protect industry partners, visitors and citizens' health.
第三,虽然商业发射和空间游业快速 发展能使更多人获得外层空间方面的体 验,但重要的是要使欠发达国家的 民 获 得 空间探 索经验。
Third, while the rapid development of commercial
[...] launching and space tourism enabled more people to experience outer space, it was important to enable the people of less developed countries to [...]
experience space exploration.
此外,由于伊斯兰马格里布基地组织建立在非洲穆斯林地区的中心,由寻找 人生坐标和前途无业青年 组成,萨赫勒和西非经共体所有 民 都 可 能陷入不稳 定状态,为招募和收复提供有利土壤。
Furthermore, AQMI having established itself at the geographic heart of the Muslim area of Africa,
made up of young
[...] populations, out of work and seeking reference points and prospects, all the peoples of the Sahel and [...]
ECOWAS can find themselves
destabilized and may provide an ideal breeding ground for recruitment and takeover.
移动互 联网业务将 随着智能终端的普及更为丰富,包括移动计算、移动音乐、手 游 戏、 定位技术无线社群、无线支付等。
Enriched by the popularization of smart
[...] [...] terminals, Mobile Internet services now include mobile computing, mobile music, smart phone games, positioning technology, wireless communities and wireless payments, etc.
吸收残疾人参加临时工作可以降低劳动市场的压力,保 无业 公 民 的 劳动积 极性,为公民在积极寻找固定工作期间提供临时就业和物质援助。
The recruitment of persons with disabilities in fixed-term employment
helps reduce strains on the labour market,
[...] keeps unemployed citizens motivated and ensures [...]
temporary employment and material
support while they search for a permanent job.
2001 年,《促进就业法》获得通过,政府向在全国范围 内提供的以下服务提供资助:职业咨询、工作匹配、专业培训和再培训课程、企
[...] 业培训、向有意单独或合伙创办企业的公民提供小额贷款,企业孵化器服务,以 及吸无业和无收入公民参加 公共工程。
In 2001, the Law on Employment Facilitation was adopted, and the Government has provided funding support for the nationwide provision of services, such as career counselling, job matching, professional training and retraining courses, business training, microcredit to citizens who wish to create new businesses individually or
in cooperatives, and business incubator services, and
[...] for involvement of people without jobs and incomes in [...]
public works.
古巴旅游公无法向美国供应商获得 游业 务 用 品和投入,造成进口费用大 增,竞争力下降。
Cuban tourism
[...] companies have no access to supplies and input for the operations of their tourism industry from [...]
United States suppliers,
increasing significantly the cost of their imports and, as a consequence, their competitiveness.
政府活动方案“国家的现代化―民 族 的 福祉”、国家计划“摩尔多瓦村”、 《游业可持 续发展战略》、国家计划“摩尔多瓦的葡萄酒之路”、《中央 政府机构改革方案》。
The Government’s Activity Programme “Country modernisation – wellbeing of the nation”; the National Programme “Moldovan village”; The Tourism Sustainable Development Strategy; the National Programme “the Wine Road in Moldova”; The Central Public Administration Reform Strategy.
该项目的重点是土著社区和女青少年,以及将现有的不多资源更有效地用于改游 牧人民的基础教育,增加创收潜力。
The project focused on indigenous communities and girls, and on targeting scarce
existing resources more effectively to improve the basic education and
[...] income-earning potential of the nomad population.
缔约国应确保,采取具体措施,通过以下途径,改 游民 社 区 的生活: 把工作重点放在提高学校学生的入学率和保留率、改善 业 和 医 疗保健享有水 平、住房和寄居场所之上。
The State party should ensure that concrete measures are undertaken to improve the livelihoods of the Traveller community by focusing on improving students’ enrolment and retention in schools, employment and access to health care, housing and transient sites.
1997年于中国设立远东服装(苏州)成衣厂,并往 游 纱 厂 及布厂延伸,陆续设立远纺 业(无 锡 )纱 厂、远纺织染(苏州)针织布厂、远纺工业(九江)纱厂、亚东工业(苏州)工业用布厂。
Far Eastern Apparel (Suzhou) was set up in 1997. followed by Far Eastern Industries (Wuxi), Far Eastern Dyning & Finishing (Suzhou), Far Eastern Industries (Jiujiang), and Oriental Industries (Suzhou).
无障碍旅游,亚太经社会,与包括日本高山市 在内的合作伙伴,开展协作,加强了成员和准成员的相关能力,并提 高了其对加强国家内和国家间建筑环境和 游业 规 划和发展一体化的 意识。
In terms of accessible tourism, ESCAP, in collaboration with partners
including the city of
[...] Takayama, Japan, strengthened capacity and generated greater awareness among members and associate members to enhance the integration of the planning and development of the built environment and tourism, both within and across countries.
长期居住在白俄罗斯的外国民、无 国 籍 人士、取得难民身份的公民与白 俄罗斯公民平等享有接受各级教育的权利。
Foreign citizens and stateless persons who [...]
are permanently resident in the territory of Belarus and refugees have the same
rights as Belarusian citizens to receive education at all levels.
[...] 力行为,无论是由于其国籍、族裔、宗教和语言,还是由于其属于土著群体、民、无国籍 人、难民、居住在不发达、农村或边远社区、无家可归、被机构安置 [...]
此,在制定针对暴力侵害妇女行为的预防犯罪和刑事司法对策时,需要对她们予 以特殊关注、干预和保护。
The updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures recognize that some special groups of women are particularly vulnerable to violence, either because of their nationality, ethnicity, religion or language, or because they
belong to an indigenous group, are
[...] migrants, are stateless, are refugees, live in [...]
underdeveloped, rural or remote communities,
are homeless, are in institutions or in detention, have disabilities, are elderly, are widowed or live in conflict, post-conflict or disaster situations, and as such they require special attention, intervention and protection in the development of crime prevention and criminal justice responses to violence against women.
缺少的根本要素是要找出克服流行的、误导人的看法,克服那种认为儿童自由的、自发游戏是无聊的和无足轻 重的的看法,和克服那种认为成人结构化的、相对干净的、不鼓励 [...]
The fundamental missing element is finding ways to counter the popular, misguided sentiments that children’s free, spontaneous play is
frivolous and unimportant and that
[...] structured, relatively sterile, uninspiring, standards-based [...]
interference by adults can
serve the inherent outdoor play needs of children.
(i) 在会员国私营业无法按 照合理条款获得充足 民 间 资金的情况下,与私人投资 者一起为私营企业的建立、改进和扩大提供无需会员国政府还款担保的融资,从 [...]
(i) in association with private investors, assist in financing the establishment,
improvement and expansion
[...] of productive private enterprises which would contribute to the development [...]
of its member countries
by making investments, without guarantee of repayment by the member government concerned, in cases where sufficient private capital is not available on reasonable terms
[...] 度和不成比例的使用坦克、F-16 战斗机、直升机和其 他重武器、包括含磷弹和致密惰性金属炸弹等武力, 人民的沉重苦难在继续,加沙民无 处 躲 无处藏。
As the Palestinian civilian population continues to be subjected to Israel’s indiscriminate, excessive and disproportionate use of force by means of tanks, F-16s, helicopters and other heavy weapons, including white phosphorous shells and dense inert metal explosive
bombs, the profound human suffering continues to
[...] mount, as the people of Gaza have nowhere to run and nowhere to seek refuge.
在其过往的咨询生涯中,吴琪管理过的项目包括以下 业 : 民 航 、航运、物流、 游 、 金 融、耐用消费品、设备、IT、贸易、政府,以及以下领域:发展战略、组织管理、销售影响(尤其是品牌战略)、并购后融合、全球化以及国际并购。
During his consulting career, he has managed projects in aviation, shipping, logistics, tourism, finance, durable consumer goods, equipment, IT, trade, government industries and development strategy, organization management, sales & marketing (especially brand strategy), post M&A integration, globalization and international M&A. Wu Qi has a wealth of experience in developing and implementing reform strategies for China's large state-owned enterprises (SOE), proven by his extensive list of successful project references.




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