单词 | 无 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无adverb—noadv无—notless common: not have none un- -less 无verb—lackvExamples:无可挽回—irrevocable the die is cast 征敛无度—extort taxes excessively 有征无战—win without a fight [idiom.]
本公司所持有之上述股票投资,因无活络市场公开报价且其公平价值无法可靠衡 量,故以成本衡量。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Because there is no active market quotation and a reliable fair value cannot be estimated, the above investments are measured at cost. english.taiwanmobile.com |
(b) 达 成 任 何 保 证 、 保 障 或 担 保 合 同 , 特 别 是 在 不 损 害 以 上 一 般 性 的 情 况 下,无论是通 过 个 人 义 务 还 是 通 过 抵 押 或 收 取 公 司 费 用 的 所 有 或 任 何 部 分 、 目 前 和 将 来 的 财 产 与 资 产 、 未 催 缴 的 股 本 抑 或 是 通 过 这 两 种 方 式 或 者 任 何 其 他 方 式 来 保 证 、 支 援 或 确 保 履 行 义 务 或 承 诺 并 偿 还 或 支 付 任 何 个 人 的 债 务 和 任 何 曾 经 是 本 公 司 的 附 属 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 , 抑 或 是 本 公 司 的 其 他 附 属 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 以 及 与 本 公 司 合 作 的 其 他 公 司 的 任 何 保 费 、 利 息 、 股 利 和 任 何 其 他 可 支 付 的 有 价 证 券 。 easyknit.com | (b) To enter into any guarantee, contract or indemnity or surety and in particular (without prejudice or secure, with orwithout consideration, whether by personal obligation or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company or both such methods or in any other manner, the performance of any obligations or commitments, of, and the repayment or payment of the principal amounts of and any premiums, interest, dividends and other moneys payable on or in respect of any securities or liabilities of, any person including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any company which is for the time being a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or another subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or otherwise associated with the Company. easyknit.com |
鉴於政府当局未有采取有效行动,对15条约束政府的有关条 例作出修订使其亦约束中央政府驻香港特区机构,以及仍未 完成就《个人资料(私隐)条例》是否适用於中央政府驻香港特 区机构所进行的覆检,以致该等机构无须遵守该等条例;而 政府当局又迟迟未将明文规定对" 官方" 具约束力或适用的35 条有关条例作适应化修改,本会表示高度关注,并促请政府 当局解释此方面工作进展缓慢的原因,以及加快对有关条例 作出修订和适应化修改的工作。 legco.gov.hk | That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances. legco.gov.hk |
董事共同及个别 对本通函所载资料的准确性承担全部责任,并在作出一切合理查询後确认,就彼等所知及 [...] 所信,本通函所载意见乃经审慎周详考虑後始行作出,且本通函概无遗漏任何其他事实致 令本通函所载任何声明产生误导。 equitynet.com.hk | The Directors jointly and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this circular and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, opinions expressed in this circular have been [...] arrived at after due and careful consideration [...] and thereare no other facts the [...]omission of which would make any statement in this circular misleading. equitynet.com.hk |
一般规例 内 12部涵盖的事宜包括规管本地船只到达和驶离有关的程序规定、本 [...] 地船只在香港水域内航行、停泊和使用浮标及码头、乘客登船和离船、 处理货物的安全规定、使用及展示灯光及讯号、对某些在中国内地或 [...] 澳门注册的船只的规管及管制、可透过高频无线电话通讯运作的报告 系统的船只航行监察服务及对香港水域内某些活动(例如赛事、滑水、 [...]捕鱼及供给燃料活动)施加管制,以及提升本地船只航行安全的杂项规 定。 legco.gov.hk | The 12 Parts of the General Regulation cover matters from the procedural requirements governing the arrival and departure of local vessels, the navigation in the waters of Hong Kong, the berthing of, and use of buoys and piers by local vessels, the embarkation and debarkation of passengers, the safety requirements for handling of cargo, the use and display of lights and signals, the regulation and control of certain vessel registered in Mainland or Macau, the vessel traffic service [...] permitting a report system operated through high [...] frequency radiotelephone communication, [...]and the imposition of control over some [...]activities (such as racing events, water-skiing, fishing and bunkering activities) in waters of Hong Kong, and miscellaneous requirements enhancing the navigation safety of local vessels. legco.gov.hk |
由於会计政策的 变动只导致需要作出额外披露,故此对每股盈利并无影响。 asiasat.com | As the change in accounting policy only results in additional [...] disclosures, there isno impact on earnings [...]per share. asiasat.com |
本 公 司 董 事 经 作 出 一 切 合 理 查 询 後 确 认 , 就 彼 等 所 深 知 及 确 信 : [...] (i) 本 公 布 所 载 资 料 在 各 [...] 重 大 方 面 均 属 准 确 及 完 整 ,且无误导成 分 ; (ii) 本 公 布并无遗漏任 何 其 他事宜 致 使 当 中 所 [...]载 任 何 声 明 有 所 误 导 ; 及 [...](iii) 本 公 布 内 表 达 之一切 意 见 乃 经 审 慎 周 详 考 虑 方 始 作 出 , 并以公 平 合 理 之 基 准 和 假 设 为 依 据 。 cigyangtzeports.com | The Directors of the Company, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge and belief: (i) the information contained in this announcement is accurate [...] and complete in all [...] material respects and not misleading; (ii) thereareno other matters the omission [...]of which would make [...]any statement in this announcement misleading; and (iii) all opinions expressed in this announcement have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and are founded on bases and assumptions that are fair and reasonable. cigyangtzeports.com |
(C) 於所有适用法律、规则及规例之管制及准许之范围内及按以下规定取得 所有必需之同意(如有)之情况下,倘向任何人士以条例并无禁止之方式寄送源自本公司 有关财务文件及属於适用法律、规则及规例所规定格式并载有当中所规定资料之财务报告 概要而非有关财务文件,即就该人士而言将被视为已符合本细则第(B)段之规定,惟倘 有权获取本公司有关财务文件之任何人士按照条例及所有其他适用法律、规则及规例 向本公司发出书面通知提出要求,则该人士除财务报告概要之外并可要求获寄送本公 司有关财务文件之完整印刷本。 hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk | (C) To the extent permitted by and subject to due compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements in paragraph (B) of this Article shall be deemed satisfied in relation to any person by sending to the person in any manner not prohibited by the Ordinance and instead of a copy of the Relevant Financial Documents, a summary financial report derived from the Relevant Financial Documents which shall be in the form and containing the information required by applicable laws, rules and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the Relevant Financial Documents may, if he so requires and in accordance with the Ordinance and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations, by notice in writing served on the Company, demand that the Company sends to him, in addition to a summary financial report, a complete printed copy of the Relevant Financial Documents. hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk |
(F) 在该条例及本细则下一段之规限下,董事或拟委 任或有意就任之董事概不会因其董事职位而遭取消与本公司订立 合约之资格(关於其职位或获利岗位之任期或作为卖方或买方或 任何其他形式),该合约或任何其他合约或安排不会因董事以任 何方式拥有利益而致无效,亦不会因任何董事与本公司订约或有 此等利益而须向本公司或成员交待因该董事身份或受信关系而订 立之合约或安排下获得之任何薪酬、利润或其他利益。 ckh.com.hk | (F) Subject to the Ordinance and to the next paragraph of this Article, no Director or proposed or intending Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company or the members for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relationship thereby established. ckh.com.hk |
(C) 在不违反上述(B)项规定之前提下,当任何联名帐户持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他丧失行为能 力、或发生无力偿债事件,吾等将会将所有帐户中持有的贷方余额以及吾等在任何交易及服务下 [...] 应向联名帐户持有人支付的所有款项及资产交予联名帐户持有人的生存者(若所有联名帐户持有 [...]人全部身故,则应当交予最後生存的联名帐户持有人的遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付应当被视为已完全地、绝对地解除吾等针对所有联名帐户持有人的负值 (包括已身故的联名帐户持有人及其继承人),前提是吾等会要求提供身故证明文件及/或身故者 遗产的相关法律受让文件。 tanrich.com | (C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or [...] mental and/or other incapacity of or the [...] occurrence ofan Insolvency Event in relation [...]to any of the joint Account holder all [...]credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased. tanrich.com |
各董事愿就本通函所载资料之准确性 共同及个别承担全部责任,并於作出一切合理查询後确认,就彼等所知及确信,当中并无遗漏任何其他事实,致令其内容有所误导。 centron.com.hk | The Directors collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this circular and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief there are noother facts the omission of which would make any statement herein misleading. centron.com.hk |
彼并无亦并无被视为在本公司或其任何相联法团的任何股份、相关股 份或债券中拥有根据证券及期货条例第XV部须予披露的任何权益或淡仓。 cre8ir.com | He does not [...] have, andis not deemed to have any interests or short [...]positions in any Shares, underlying shares or debentures [...]of the Company or any of its associated corporations which is required to be disclosed under Part XV of the SFO. cre8ir.com |
除上文披露者外,据本公司董事或主要行政人员所知悉,於最後实际可行日 [...] 期,除本公司董事或主要行政人员外,概无人士於本公司股份或相关股份中拥有须 [...]根据证券及期货条例第XV部第2及3分部向本公司披露之权益或淡仓,或直接或间 接拥有附有权利可在任何情况下於本集团任何其他成员公司之股东大会上投票之 [...]任何类别股本或该等股本之任何购股权之面值10%或以上权益。 ft.nanhaicorp.com | Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practicable Date, so far as is known to any director or chief executive of the [...] Company, other than a director or chief executive [...] of the Company, nopersons had interests [...]or short positions in the Shares or [...]underlying Shares which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group or any options in respect of such capital. en.nanhaicorp.com |
并无本公司关连人士知会本公司表示其目前於本公司获授权购回股份时,拟出售股份 予本公司,亦无作出不出售股份之承诺。 centron.com.hk | No connectedpersons of the Company have notified the Company that they have any present intention to sell Shares to the Company, or have undertaken [...] not to do so, in [...]the event that the Company is authorised to make repurchase of the Shares. centron.com.hk |
(4) 在此等细则内任何相反条文的规限下,股东可於根据此等细则召开及举行 的任何股东大会上,在任何董事任期届满前随时以普通决议案将其罢免,无论此等细则 的任何内容或本公司与有关董事订立的任何协议是否载有任何其他规定(惟不会影响根 据任何有关协议提出的损失申索),惟任何就罢任董事而召开的有关大会的通告应载有 拟提呈该决议案的意向声明,并於大会举行十四(14)日前送交该名董事,而该名董事应 有权在该会议上就有关其罢任的动议发言。 mainland.com.hk | (4) Subject to any provision to the contrary in these Bye-laws the Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Bye-laws, by ordinary resolution remove a Director at any time before the expiration of his period of office notwithstanding anything in these Bye-laws or in any agreement between the Company and such Director (but without prejudice to any claim for damages under any such agreement) provided that the Notice of any such meeting convened for the purpose of removing a Director shall contain a statement of the intention so to do and be served on such Director fourteen (14) days before the meeting and at such meeting such Director shall be entitled to be heard on the motion for his removal. mainland.com.hk |
此责任包括设计、实施及维持与编制及真实兼公平地呈列财务 报表有关的内部监控,以确保并无重大错误陈述(不论是否因欺诈或错误引起);选择及应用适当之会计 政策;以及在不同情况下作出合理的会计估计。 asiasat.com | This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. asiasat.com |
(b) 宣布或议决派付任何類别股份股息或其他分 派的任何决议案(无論是本公司於股东大会 作出的决议案或董事会决议案),可订明於 指定日期的营业时间结束时须向登记为有关 股份持有人的人士支付或作出该等股息或分 派,尽管指定日期可能早於决议案通过当 日;及须按照上述人士各自登记的持股量支 付或作出股息或其他分派,但不会影响任何 该等股份的转让人与承让人之间就有关享有 股息的权利。 towngaschina.com | (b) Any resolution declaring or resolving upon the payment of a dividend or other distribution on shares of any class, whether a resolution of the Company in general meeting or a resolution of the Board, may specify that the same shall be payable or made to the persons registered as the holders of such shares at the close of business on a particular date, notwithstanding that it may be a date prior to that on which the resolution is passed, and thereupon the dividend or other distribution shall be payable or made to them in accordance with their respective holdings so registered, but without prejudice to the rights inter se in respect of such dividend of transferors and transferees of any such shares. towngaschina.com |
(b) 於 有 关 期 间 届 满 时 , 据 本 公 司 所 知 , 本 公 司 於 有 关 期 间 内 任 何 时 间并无接获任 何 有 关 该 股 东 ( 即 该 等 股 份 的 持 有 人 或 因 身 故 、 破 产 或 因 法 律 的 施 行 而 拥 有 该 等 股 份 的 人 士 ) 存 在 的 消 息 ; 及 (c) 倘 股 份 上 市 所 在 指 定 证 券 交 易 所 的 规 管 规 则 有 此 规 定 , 本 公 司 按 照 指 定 证 券 交 易 所 规 则 的 规 定 於 报 章 上 以 广 告 方 式 发 出 通 告 , 表 示 有 意 出 售 该 等 股 份 , 且 自 刊 登 广 告 之 日 起 计 三 (3) 个 月 或 指 定 证 券 交 易 所 允 许 的 较 短 期 间 已 届 满 。 golikmetal.com | (b) so far as it is aware at the end of the relevant period, the Company has not at any time during the relevant period received any indication of the existence of the Member who is the holder of such shares or of a person entitled to such shares by death, bankruptcy or operation of law; and (c) the Company, if so required by the rules governing the listing of shares on the Designated Stock Exchange, has given notice to, and caused advertisement in newspapers in accordance with the requirements of, the Designated Stock Exchange to be made of its intention to sell such shares in the manner required by the Designated Stock Exchange, and a period of three (3) months or such shorter period as may be allowed by the Designated Stock Exchange has elapsed since the date of such advertisement. golikmetal.com |
年内,本集团并无向本公司董事或任何五名最高薪酬雇员支付作为加入本集团时之酬金或加入 本集团後之奖励,又或作为失去职位之赔偿(二零零八年:无)。 cflg.com.hk | During theyear,no emoluments were paid by the Group to the Company's directors or any of the five highest paid individuals as an inducement to join, or upon joining the Group, or as compensation for loss of office (2008: Nil). cflg.com.hk |
(J) 倘董事及其任何联系人持有该公司(本公司全资附属公司或董事或其 任何联系人於其具投票权股本中并无任何权益的本公司附属公司或联 营公司除外)任何类别具投票权股本或该公司股东拥有的任何类别股 份投票权的百分之五(5%)或以上权益的公司於一宗交易中拥有重大权 益,则该董事亦应被视为於该宗交易中拥有重大权益。 embrygroup.com | (J) Where a company (other than a company which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company or a subsidiary or associated company of the Company in the voting equity capital of which neither the Director nor any of his associates has any interests) in which a Director and any of his associates hold five (5) per cent. or more of any class of the voting equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares available to shareholders of the company is materially interested in a transaction, then that Director shall also be deemed materially interested in such transaction. embrygroup.com |
除上文所披露者外,於最後可行日期,本公司董事、监事及高级管理人员及彼等的 联系人概无於本公司或其任何相联法团(定义见证券及期货条例第XV部)的股份、相 关股份或债券中拥有任何个人、家族、公司或其他权益或淡仓,而该等权益根据证 券及期货条例第XV部第7及第8分部须知会本公司及联交所(包括根据证券及期货条 例的条文,被当作或视为拥有的权益或淡仓);或根据证券及期货条例第352条须记 入该条例所指的登记册中;或根据标准守则须知会本公司及联交所。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practicable Date, none of the Directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company and their associates had any personal, family, corporate or otherinterests orshort positions in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required, pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, to be recorded in the register referred therein, or which were required, pursuant to the Model Code, to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange. equitynet.com.hk |
除若干呈报方式改变而 须将比较数字重列外,这项会计政策改变对账目并无任何重大影响。 swirepacific.com | Apart from certain presentational changes with comparatives restated, this change in accounting policy does not have any material effect on the accounts. swirepacific.com |
除上文所披露者外,於二零零九年十二月三十一日,概无本公司董事及主要行政人员於 本公司或其任何相联法团(定义见证券及期货条例第 XV 部)之股份、相关股份或债券 中拥有根据证券及期货条例第 352 条而须予记录之权益及淡仓,或根据标准守则而须知 会本公司及联交所之权益或淡仓。 cflg.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, as at 31 December 2009, none of the Directors and chief executives of the Company had any interests and short positions in the shares or underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) that was required to be recorded pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model Code. cflg.com.hk |
该期权获行使後,除於该期间发生的期权回购开支(包括期权溢价以及利润分成)外,还对114百万美元的额外折旧开支加以确认,以 反映假设相关资产先前於期权期限内并无分类为持作出售而须对计提的折旧。 glencore.com | Following the exercise of the option, in addition to the option repurchase expenses (including the option premium and profit entitlement) incurred during the period, $ 114 million of additional depreciation expense was recognised to reflect the depreciation that would have been charged if the related assets had not previously been classified as held for sale during the option period. glencore.com |
24 除上述所披露者外,本公司或其任何附属公司於截至二零零二年六月三十日止六个月期间内概无订立任何安排,使本公司董事或行政总裁可藉购入本公司或任何其他公司之股份或债务证券(包 括债券)而获益、而期内各董事、行政总裁、其配偶或十八岁以下之子女概无拥有任何认购本公 司证券之权利,亦未曾行使任何此等权利。 wingtaiproperties.com | Save as disclosed above, at no time during the six months ended 30 June 2002 was the Company or any of its subsidiaries a party to any arrangements to enable the directors or the chief executive of the Company to acquire benefits by means of acquisition of shares in, or debt securities (including debentures) of, the Company or any other body corporate and none of the directors, the chief executive, their spouses or children under the age of 18, had any rights to subscribe for securities of the Company, or had exercised any such rights during the period. wingtaiproperties.com |
125,000,000股认购股份占(i)本公司於本公告日期之现有已发行股本约7.45%;(ii)本公 司经配发及发行认购股份扩大後之已发行股本约6.93%(假设除发行认购股份外,本公 司已发行股本自本公告日期至认购事项完成时并无变动);及(iii)本公司经配发及发行 认购股份、购股权股份及认股权证股份扩大後之已发行股本约6.41%(假设概无配发及 发行其他股份,且於发行认购股份前并无根据购股权计划授出或行使购股权,亦无创设或授出任何额外认股权证)。 cre8ir.com | The 125,000,000 Subscription Shares represent (i) approximately 7.45% of the existing issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; (ii) approximately 6.93% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares (assuming that there is no change in the issued share capital of the Company from the date of this announcement to the completion of the Subscription save for the issue of the Subscription Shares); and (iii) [...] approximately 6.41% of the issued share [...] capital of the Company as enlarged bythe allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares, the Option Shares and the Warrants (assuming there are no other allotments and issue of Shares and no options under the Share Option Scheme are granted or exercisedand nofurther warrants created and granted). cre8ir.com |
(b) 任何董事可於出任董事期间兼任本公司任何 其他职位或有薪岗位(核數师职位除外), 该兼任职位或岗位的任期及条款由董事会决 定,有关董事可就此收取董事会可能决定的 有关额外酬金(无論以薪金、佣金、分享溢 利或其他形式支付),而有关额外酬金须为 任何其他细则规定或根据任何其他细则支付 的酬金以外的酬金。 towngaschina.com | (b) A Director may hold any other office or place of profit with the Company (except that of Auditor) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and upon such terms as the Board may determine, and may be paid such extra remuneration therefor (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profit or otherwise) as the Board may determine, and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to any remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article. towngaschina.com |
倘董事全权认为(aa)(1)购股权承授人(不包括合资格雇员)或其 [...] 联系人违反本身与本集团或任何所投资公司订立的任何合约;或(2)承 授人经已破产、无力偿债或面临结业、清盘或同类法律程序,或与全体 [...]债权人订立任何偿债安排或协议;或(3)承授人因终止与本集团的合作 关系或其他任何理由而不再对本集团的增长及发展作出贡献;及(bb)承 [...]授人根据购股权计划获授的购股权失效,则该承授人的购股权将自动 失效,及将在任何情况下於董事所厘订之日期或之後不得再行使。 embryform.com | If the Directors shall at their absolute discretion determine that (aa) (1) the grantee of any option (other than an Eligible Employee) or his associate has committed any breach of any contract entered into between the grantee or his associate on the one part and the Group or any [...] Invested Entity on the other part; or (2) [...] that the grantee hascommitted any [...]act of bankruptcy or has become insolvent or [...]is subject to any winding-up, liquidation or analogous proceedings or has made any arrangement or composition with his creditors generally; or (3) the grantee could no longer make any contribution to the growth and development of the Group by reason of the cessation of its relations with the Group or by other reason whatsoever; and (bb) the option granted to the grantee under the Share Option scheme shall lapse, his option will lapse automatically and will not in any event be exercisable on or after the date on which the Directors have so determined. embryform.com |
除该等条文所规定者外,兑换股份在各方面与发行兑换股份时已发 行的普通股享有同等地位,并在本公司细则第 [...] 6(C)条第 5(C)段及本 第 7 段条文的规限下,赋予兑换股份持有人权利获得於兑换日期後 记录日期普通股所获派付或作出的一切分派,惟倘於兑换日期後记 [...] 录日期就本公司截至该兑换日期前止任何财务期间作出任何分派, 则兑换股份持有人将无权获得有关分派。 wuling.com.hk | The Conversion Shares shall, save as provided for in these provisions, rank pari passu in all respects with the Ordinary Shares in issue at the time the Conversion Shares are issued, and shall, subject to the proviso of paragraph 5(C) in this Bye-law 6(C) and this paragraph 7, entitle the holders thereof to all distributions paid or made on the Ordinary Shares by reference to a Record Date falling after the Conversion Date, provided that if a Record Date after the Conversion Date is in respect of any distribution in respect of any financial period of the [...] Company ended prior to such Conversion Date, the holders of the Conversion [...] Shares will not be entitled to such [...]distribution. wuling.com.hk |
本 公 布( 中 国基建 港 口 有 限 公 司(「 本 公 司 」)董 事(「 董 事 」)愿 共 同 及 个 别 对 此 负 全 责 )乃 遵 照 香 港 联 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 创 业 板 证 券 上 市 规 则(「 创 业 板 上 市 规 则 」)之 规 定 而 提 供 有 关 本 公 司 之 资 料 。 经 作 出 一 切 合 理 查 询 後 确 认 , 就 彼 等 所 深 知 及 确 信 : [...] (i) 本 公 布 所 载 资 料 在 各 [...] 重 大 方 面 均 属 准 确 及 完 整 ,且无误导成 分 ; (ii) 本 公 布并无遗漏任 何 其 他事宜 致 使 当 中 所 [...]载 任 何 声 明 有 所 误 导 ; 及 [...](iii) 本 公 布 内 表 达 之一切 意 见 乃 经 审 慎 周 详 考 虑 方 始 作 出 , 并以公 平 合 理 之 基 准 和 假 设 为 依 据 。 cigyangtzeports.com | This report, for which the directors (the “Directors”) of CIG Yangtze Ports PLC (the “Company”) collectively and individually accept full responsibility, includes particulars given in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM of the Stock Exchange of the Hong Kong Limited (the “GEM Listing Rules”) for the purpose of giving information with regard to the Company, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge and belief: (i) the information contained in this report is accurate [...] and complete in all [...] material respects and not misleading; (ii) there are no other matters the omission [...]of which would make [...]any statement in this report misleading; and (iii) all opinions expressed in this report have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and are founded on bases and assumptions that are fair and reasonable. cigyangtzeports.com |