

单词 族长



Changyang Tujiazu autonomous county in Hubei

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External sources (not reviewed)

中乍特派团还支持旨在促进一些族裔 族长 之 间举行族裔间对话的 举措,他们承诺结束纠纷。
MINURCAT also supported initiatives
aiming at facilitating an intercommunity
[...] dialogue between chiefs of certain communities [...]
who pledged to end their dispute.
世界粮食计划署在索马里的三大承包商之一的 Adaani 家族长期以 来一直是 武装团体的资助者,并且是伊斯兰党领导人的亲密盟友。
The Adaani family, one of the three largest
contractors for the World Food Programme
[...] in Somalia, has long been a financier [...]
of armed groups, and a close ally of the Hizbul Islam leader.
第一,我们鼓励东帝汶各派从国家和 族长 远利 益出发,坚持团结,通过政治对话解决分歧。
First, we encourage all parties in Timor-Leste to base their actions on
[...] the country’s long-term interest, [...]
to maintain unity and settle their differences through political dialogue.
当两个分裂帝国皇帝,这是不太根据语言,也不是教会师更精确,因为伊利里库姆大省,包括马其顿和希腊所有,是重视通过至少一个教父的很大一部分西方期间,并应依塞萨洛尼卡大主教,而不是其的Exar ch 或 族长 , 但作为教皇使节。
When two emperors divided the Empire, it was not quite according to language; nor were the ecclesiastical divisions more exact, since the great province of Illyricum, including Macedonia and all Greece, was attached to the West through at least a large part of the
patristic period, and was governed by the archbishop of Thessalonica, not as
[...] its exarch or patriarch, but as papal legate.
它是基于大家 族(“aiga”)相互尊重和分享的理念,每个家族共同效忠于一 族长。
Known as “fa’asamoa”, the Samoan way of life is based on the notion of mutual respect and sharing among the “aiga” or
extended families, each featuring a common
[...] allegiance to a matai, and influences every [...]
aspect of the Territory’s socio-economic fabric.
他们的住房族长在19 14年(安迪·沃霍尔的父亲同年从斯洛伐克迁居匹兹堡)建成,一楼是家族用来做生意的门面,曾经改装成百货店和肉铺;二楼有两间卧室。
Built by the family patriarch in 1914 [...]
(the same year Andy Warhol’s father moved to Pittsburgh from Slovakia), the home had
a ground floor that doubled as the family business, once a grocery store and butcher shop, and an upper level two-bedroom home.
只有“matai”(一个大家族 中的传族长)或“ aiga”才能当选参议员。
Only a “matai”, the traditional chief [...]
of an extended family, or “aiga”, can become a senator.
在校期间的问答这半个世纪的头部被Didymus盲人,一个儿子在他的学说阿他那修,和比他更清楚,而在他 族长 甚 至 三位一体的教义,但在许多关于Origenistic继承传统其他问题。
The head of the catechetical school during this half-century was Didymus the Blind, an Athanasian in his doctrine of the Son, and rather clearer even than his patriarch in his doctrine of the Trinity, but in many other points carrying on the Origenistic tradition.
[...] 了受人尊重的传统领导人以促进和解者的身分所拥有的影响力,在南部和中部地 区,一些军阀则利用族长老作 为他们继续掌权的手段。
This was mainly due to locally dominant clans using the influence of respected traditional leaders as
facilitators of reconciliation while in the south and central regions
[...] warlords have used clan elders as a means [...]
to stay in power.
[...] 的正义事业,希望巴勒斯坦内部各派尽早通过对话与 协商弥合分歧,达成和解,从族长 远 利 益出发,为 实现巴勒斯坦独立建国、人民共享和平稳定发展而共 [...]
We hope that all factions in Palestine will settle their differences and achieve reconciliation through dialogue and consultation at an
early date, so that they can work
[...] together for the long-term interests of the nation by achieving [...]
independent Statehood, whereby
the Palestinian people can enjoy peace and stability.
即使家族政治已经或说暂时由于安达 族长 受 到 逮捕而被打破,从而为其政治对手开辟了新机会,但其在马京达瑙省政治的主导地位仍未受到影响。
Even if the
[...] political hold of the clan has been broken, [...]
at least temporarily, by the arrests, and new opportunities have
opened up for its political rivals, the dominance of clans in Maguindanao politics remains unaffected.
西部肖肖族长老兼 发言人嘉莉丹恩在美国 政府就采矿问题作出关键决定后表示:21 [...]
“我们对消除种族歧视委员会针对美国 做出的决定感到满意。
Carrie Dann, a
[...] Western Shoshone Nation elder and spokesperson, [...]
stated after a decision that was critical of the Government
of the United States with respect to mining issues:21 We are very pleased with the [Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination] decision against the United States.
Luway 成功地利用了他的社会和政治关系,在拜多阿青年党领导层与联合
[...] 国之间扮演着中介人的角色,这种情况遭到拜多阿 Digil 和 Mirifle 社区族 长老们的正式抗议。
Luway has successfully exploited his social and political connections into an intermediary role between Al-Shabaab leadership in Baidoa and the
United Nations — a situation that has evoked
[...] formal protest from clan elders of the Digil [...]
and Mirifle community in Baidoa.a
巴勒斯坦族长期饱 受苦难,这一历史性行动将还其以公 正。
It is an act of historic justice towards a people that has always carried within it all the pain and suffering of the world.
白石城是江户时代伊达家重臣片仓 族长 住 26 0年的居所。
Shiroishi Castle was once the residence of the
[...] Katakura clan, which was a family of retainers serving the Date clan for over 260 [...]
years during the Edo period.
在古时他们创造出了多种多样的饮酒器皿,其中的每一种都具有同某一特殊时刻相对应的含义,例如一个单杯连杯可能只在特殊活动中 族长 使 用,而在图7中展示的双杯或者三杯连杯,则在婚礼或者节日庆典中使用,具有增进参与者情谊和款待来宾的含义。
In ancient times they developed a variety of drinking containers, each of which had a meaning that was associated with a special event. For example, a one-cup Linnak could be used
only in special events by
[...] the chief of the Paiwan tribe; the two-cup or three-cup versions, shown in Figure 7, were normally used in wedding [...]
or festival ceremonies
and were meant to enhance the relationship of those taking part in the ceremony and to increase the warm feelings of the event.
[...] 者的智慧和厚爱,要求他们指导我们克服面临的障碍,实现我们的目标,无论他 们是原住民文化的族长者, 还是明智的前国务活动家,或是基层民间社会富于 [...]
This model implies that we seek those wise and compassionate elders among our communities and throughout the world and ask their guidance in facing and overcoming
barriers to the achievement of our goals,
[...] whether they be tribal elders from aboriginal [...]
cultures, wise former statespeople
who served their countries well or passionate grass-roots leaders in civil society.
由于政府没有把数以万计的族长期 “临时工”计为正式人口,因此官方数字低估了新疆的汉族人口。
Official statistics understated
the Han population, because they did not count the tens of thousands of Han
[...] Chinese who were long-term "temporary [...]
2012BMW中国文化之旅北线探访车队热情参与了当地最具特色的民俗活动,感受草原文化的丰富魅力:如亲身体验摔跤、射箭、赛马等传统“那达慕”活动,对古老的蒙古族宫廷音乐——多声部民歌(潮尔道-阿巴嘎潮尔)、蒙 族长 调 民歌、蒙古族呼麦等一系列具有浓郁草原文化特色的项目进行探访。
The 2012 BMW China Culture Journey fleet enthusiastically participated into the most characteristic local minority activities and experienced the charm of the grassland cultural heritages. Besides taking part in the traditional Naadam activities such as wrestling, archery and horse racing, the fleet members also visited a series of intangible cultural heritage items, including the muti-tone folk music (a kind of ancient Mongolian court music), Mongolian traditional folk Long Song and Mongolian Khoomei.
如果情形改为恰好有三个有罪的丈夫,A先生、B先生和C先生,那么 族长 的 声 明在第一天不会造成任何影响,但类似于前面描述的推理过程,A太太、B 太太和C太太会从头两天里未发生任何事推断出,她们的丈夫都是有罪的,因而在第三天杀死了他们。
If the situation three guilty to happen to her husband, A, Mr., B and C, Mr. President, then the matriarch of the declaration will not cause any impact on the first day, but the reasoning is similar to the process described above, A wife, B and C Mrs. wife will start from two days without any thing to infer that their husbands are guilty, so they killed the third day.
1995年我在雅礼的任期即将结束之前,我和我的妻子从一个中国孤儿院认领了我们的第一个女儿(我们叫她Sophie),我们毫不犹豫地找到朱铁蓉——与我们最亲近的中国家族的 族长 — — 请她为我们的孩子取个完美的中文名字。
Near the end of my term with Yale-China in 1995, when my wife and I adopted our first daughter from a Chinese orphanage (whom we named Sophie), it seemed inevitable that we should go to Sophie Zhu—the closest person we had to a Chinese family matriarch—to receive a perfect Chinese name.
此后双方战火加剧,军政府将少数 族长 期 以来的政治不满作为安全问题来处理,却没有为解决实现和平、提倡平等、结束侵犯人权行为、提供经济机会、平等分享资源和加强地区自治等核心问题作出努力。
Stepped up fighting and treating their long-standing political grievances as a security problem did not address core concerns of making peace, promoting equality, ending human rights abuses, providing economic opportunity, equitable resource sharing and strengthening regional autonomy.
通过土著问题信托基金,桑布族年 长 妇 女 向 肯尼亚土著青年传授传统的森林管理知识;柬埔寨 [...]
的土著社区加强了其营销和财务管理技能;尼加拉 瓜土著人民改善了诉诸法律的途径。
Through the Trust Fund on
[...] Indigenous Issues, Samburu women elders had shared [...]
traditional forest management knowledge with
indigenous youth in Kenya; indigenous communities in Cambodia had strengthened their marketing and financial management skills; and indigenous peoples in Nicaragua had improved access to justice.
国际社会已将宗教问题列入其议程,因其已意识到,这方面的误解和无知只能起到 激化矛盾和长族群倾向的作用。
Religion is now on the agenda of the international community, which has realized that misunderstanding and ignorance of religion only heighten tensions and revive communitarianism.
执行委员会审查了玻利维亚多族国 申请 延 长 体 制建设项目的报告,并赞赏地注意到 玻利维亚多民族国向臭氧秘书处报告的 2008 [...]
年第 7 条数据显示,玻利维亚多民族国一直遵 守对附件 A 第一类各类氟氯化碳、哈龙以及消耗臭氧层物质溶剂和甲基溴消费的要求。
The Executive Committee has reviewed the report submitted with the
institutional strengthening
[...] (IS) project renewal request for the Plurinational State of [...]
Bolivia and notes with appreciation
that the Plurinational State of Bolivia reported 2008 Article 7 data to the Ozone Secretariat demonstrating that it maintained compliance for consumption of Annex A Group1 CFCs, halons and also ODS solvents and methyl bromide.
2009 年 7 月 30 日,经济及社会理事会第 44 次会议注意到秘长关于族玻利 维亚国政府对经 1972 年议定书修正的《1961 年麻醉品单一公约》50第 四十九条第一项(3)款和第二项(5)款的修正提案的说明,51 [...]
决定根据经 1972 年 议定书修正的《1961
年麻醉品单一公约》第四十七条第一项启动该条第一项(2) 款规定的程序,该款规定查询各缔约国是否接受所提议之修正案,并请其向理 事会提出关于此项提议的意见。
At its 44th plenary meeting, on 30 July 2009, the Economic and Social Council,
taking note of the
[...] note by the Secretary-General50 on the proposal of the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia [...]
to amend article
49, paragraphs 1 (c) and 2 (e), of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 as amended by the 1972 Protocol,51 decided, with reference to article 47, paragraph 1, of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 as amended by the 1972 Protocol, to initiate the procedures established in paragraph 1 (b) of that article, which states that the parties shall be asked whether they accept the proposed amendment and also asked to submit to the Council any comments on the proposal.
第一段内容如下:“决定按照第 64/245 号决议,删除拟议战略框架和秘长 防 止 灭绝族罪行 问题特别顾问办公室相关说明中载列的所 有提及保护责任的活动和产出之处(见 A/66/354/Add.1)”,第二段内容如下:“请秘书长就 此对其报告 A/66/354/Add.1 印发一项更正”。
The first paragraph would read, “Decides to delete all references to the activities and outputs related to the responsibility to protect, as contained in the proposed strategic framework and the related narratives of the Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide (see A/66/354/Add.1), in accordance with its resolution 64/245” and the second would read, “Requests the Secretary-General accordingly to issue a corrigendum to his report A/66/354/Add.1”.
委员会建议缔约国加紧努力,确保儿童、 长 、 族 群 领导人和宗教领袖广 泛获悉和理解《公约》条款。
(20) The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to ensure that the provisions of the Convention are widely known and understood by children, parents, community and religious leaders.




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