单词 | 旋涡星云 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 旋涡星云 —spiral nebulaSee also:旋涡 n—spiral n 旋涡—eddy • whirlpool 涡旋—eddy 星云 n—nebulae pl 星星 n—star n
本装置为带有旋转云台的 全高清专业云台摄像机, 配有 1/3 型全高清 MOS 传感器和数字信号处理器 (DSP)。 panasonic.net | . 31 w p This unit is a full HD camera integrated with a pan‑tilt head and featuring a 1/3‑type full HD MOS sensor and digital signal processor (DSP). panasonic.net |
2012 年,公布了卫星 AGILE 收集的数据,数据表明蟹状星云的 X 射线的 发射具有多变性。 oosa.unvienna.org | In 2012, data [...] collected by the satellite AGILE demonstrating the variability of the X-ray emissions of the Crab Nebula have been [...]published. oosa.unvienna.org |
但是美国国家科学基金会的Karl G. [...] Jansky用甚大天线阵(VLA)望远镜(右图所示)拍下的一张新照片,促使了这个物体得到了新名字:海 牛 星云。 chinese.eurekalert.org | But a new image of it taken by the National Science [...] Foundation's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) telescope (right), has inspired a new name for the [...] object: the Manatee Nebula. chinese.eurekalert.org |
将透析容器放在磁力 搅拌器上,并调整搅拌速度,使透析 液 旋 转 形 成 涡 流, 但要避免膜管卷入涡流。 cn.spectrumlabs.com | Place the dialysis reservoir on a magnetic stirrer and adjust the [...] stirring speed such that the [...] dialysate rotates creating just enough vortex to center the [...]sample without pulling it down. eu.spectrumlabs.com |
都乐作为世界上最大的新鲜蔬果生产商和营销商,在 2005 年几乎已完全改用配备有谷轮数码 涡旋 压 缩 机的冷藏集装箱系统。 emerson.com | Dole, the world’s largest producer and marketer of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, switched [...] almost exclusively to the use of refrigerated container systems [...] equipped with Copeland Digital Scroll compressors [...]in 2005. emerson.com |
此外,徐遐生还和林家翘于 1964 年提出星系旋涡结构 和土星环的密度波解释。 shawprize.org | In addition, Frank Shu laid the theoretical [...] foundation to demonstrate, with C C Lin [...] in 1964, that the spiral structures in galaxies and in Saturn's [...]rings are density waves. shawprize.org |
在行业内,该型压缩机能够实现更加静音的运行,并且占用的空间也最小。中国、印度和泰国的原始设备制造商现已采用这种高效 的 涡旋 技 术来提供具有极高效率等级的空调系统(在印度为 5 星,在中国为 1 级,在泰国为 EGAT 5 级)。 emersonclimate.com | OEMs across China, India and Thailand have [...] adopted this high efficiency scroll to [...] launch A/C systems with the highest level of efficiency (Star 5 in India, Level 1 in China and EGAT 5 in Thailand). emersonclimate.com |
最近,公海会合区(也称为“大洋涡旋 ” )积 聚大量塑料和其他海洋废弃物 的问题引起关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recently, attention has been drawn to high levels of accumulation of plastics and other marine debris in high seas convergence zones, also known as “ocean gyres”. daccess-ods.un.org |
他推广了旋涡星系被大量暗物质晕包围的概念,也是首位详细地推断宇宙物质大尺度成团现象的天文学家,这是基于假设这种暗物质是由无规速度较低、与正常物质的相互作用微弱、与光之间除引力作用外无反应的基本粒子组成。 shawprize.org | He popularized the notion of massive dark-matter [...] haloes surrounding spiral galaxies, and he was the [...]first to make detailed and elaborate [...]predictions for the large-scale clustering in the cosmos based on the hypothesis that this dark matter consists of elementary particles with relatively low random velocities that interact only weakly with ordinary matter and not at all with light except through gravitation. shawprize.org |
2002年,艾默生环境优化技术公司将数 码 涡旋 技 术 于引入中国,为中国空调市场带来了领先的理念和产品。 emerson.com | Emerson first introduced the Digital Scroll compressor technology in China in 2002 following the tradition to bring cutting-edge ideas and products for the HVAC industry in this market. emerson.com |
目前,蟹状星云被视 为一个非常稳定的发射源,并被多项其 他飞行任务用作校正。 oosa.unvienna.org | The Crab Nebula is presently considered [...] a very stable emitter and is used as a calibration source by many other missions. oosa.unvienna.org |
正如它的名字,海牛星云是一个庞然大物:横穿700光年,是VLA观测到的最大超新星遗迹之一。 chinese.eurekalert.org | And like its namesake, [...] the Manatee Nebula is a whopper: It's 700 light-years across, one of the biggest supernova remnants [...]ever spotted by VLA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
只要夜空是晴朗无云、星光璀璨的,那见到北极光的机会就会很大。 visitfinland.com | If you notice that the night [...] sky is clear and starry, then your chances [...]of seeing the northern lights are also good. visitfinland.com |
这个发光的、有点蓝色的直径2光年的 星云 并 非在所有方向上都是一致扩张的,这可能是因为垂死的恒星——其残留物如今成 为 星云 中 心的一颗白矮星——拥有一个近距离环绕的伙伴。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The glowing, bluish lobes of the [...] 2-light-year-diameter nebula aren't expanding uniformly in all directions, possibly because the dying star—whose remnants are now a white dwarf in the center of the nebula—had a close-orbiting [...]companion. chinese.eurekalert.org |
软件吸收了超过120.000颗恒星、行星、 星 座 、 星云 、 不 同 星 空 效 果,等等。 stellarium-port...cn.uptodown.com | The program incorporates more than [...] 120.000 stars, planets, constellations, nebulae, various effects, etc. stellarium-port...en.uptodown.com |
作为一个恒星爆发后的结果,行星状 星云 N GC 5189位于距离地球约3000光年的南半球的Musca星座(在拉丁语中是“苍蝇”的意思),这是位于南十字星座附近的一小簇恒星。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The planetary nebula NGC 5189, actually [...] the aftermath of a stellar explosion, lies about 3000 years away in the Southern [...]Hemisphere constellation Musca (Latin for "fly"), a minor grouping of stars near the Southern Cross. chinese.eurekalert.org |
卫星云图象 可以清晰显示流域内有效和无效蒸散发形式,结合利用其他手 [...] 段,向各用水户组团及河流环境分配削减下来的用水配额。 wrdmap.org | Satellite imagery gave a [...] clear picture of the pattern of beneficial and nonbeneficial ET in the basin and was used along [...]with other methods to assign reduced water quotas to water user groups and to the riverine environment. wrdmap.org |
该方案包括两项实 验:Vo r c o r e 和 Voredge,前者是研究涡旋内部 的动态和混合情况,后者系一项在 涡旋边缘的类似研究。 oosa.unvienna.org | The programme includes two experiments: Vorcore, which is concerned with the [...] study of dynamics and mixing [...] inside the vortex, and Voredge, which consists of a similar study at the edge of the vortex. oosa.unvienna.org |
作为一个从2010年启动的测试项目的完结部分:该航空公司从位于多伦多城市机场的基地到渥太华试飞一架Q4 00 型 涡 轮 螺 旋 桨 飞 机,飞机的一个发动机中使用了50/50生物燃料和Jet [...] A1燃料的混合燃料。 tipschina.gov.cn | In the conclusion to a test program that [...] was launched in 2010, the airline flew [...] one of its Q400 turboprops from its base [...]at Toronto City Airport to Ottawa using [...]a 50/50 blend of biofuel and Jet A1 fuel in one of its engines. tipschina.gov.cn |
木质装饰与平静光滑的旋涡式装 饰是现代化装饰的酒店的一大特征,117套空调房间凉爽宜人,以黑板条木和地砖装饰其间。 shangri-la.com | Wooden and mirrored scrollwork define the hotel’s contemporary décor, while its 117 rooms are cool and air-conditioned, fitted with dark slatted wood and tiled floors. shangri-la.com |
2010 年 5 月刊介绍:锁定现象、换热时的旋涡 和 振 动、单芯片和多芯片封装的瞬态热响应建模、电子设备热管理的漏电电流影响,以及了解和优化热通孔。 digikey.cn | The May 2010 issue covers: The [...] Lock-on Phenomenon, Vortices and Vibration in [...]Heat Transfer, Modeling of the Transient Thermal [...]Response of Single-and Multi-Chip Packages, The Effects of Leakage Current in Electronics Thermal Management, Understanding and Optimizing Thermal Vias. digikey.ca |
这个独特的旋涡状星系被 忠实地复制到了硅片上,背景饰以Goldfluss含铜玻璃制作的璀璨星空。 blog.dewitt.ch | This distinctive spiral-shaped galaxy has been faithfully reproduced on a silicium plate with a glittering starry sky made in [...] Goldfluss in the background. blog.dewitt.ch |
正如高尔夫球那样,小涡覆盖了整个气孔表面,可以产生空气 小 旋涡 , 缓 冲导孔表面流动的气流,并减少“嚓嘎声”噪音的产生。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Just like a golf ball, the dimples covering the exterior of the [...] vent create little eddies of air, cushioning [...]airflow across the surface of the [...]Flowport and reducing the turbulence that produces unwanted “chuffing” noises. bowers-wilkins.eu |
建筑外层绘上类似星云的呈 散发状的环形条纹,营造了虚无缥缈的深邃意境。 chinese-architects.com | The complex utilizes special design treatment and is covered with annular radiating nebular stripes. chinese-architects.com |
当转为待机模式进行操作时 : 当前的摇摄、俯 [...] 仰位置被保存在存储器中(作为 POWER ON 的预设值),旋转云台移 动,使摄像机指向后方。 panasonic.net | (Status display lamp: light up orange) w p When operation is transferred to the STANDBY mode: The current pan‑tilt position is stored in the memory (as a POWER ON preset), and the camera moves so [...] that it points toward the back. w p When [...] operation is transferred to the POWER [...]ON mode: The camera moves to the position [...]which was stored in the memory (as a POWER ON preset) when operation was transferred to the STANDBY mode. panasonic.net |
研究人员指出,这条环绕星云的缎 带是由恒星风,以及来自中央恒星的辐射喷发所形成的。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The twisting ribbon of material [...] encircling the nebula is shaped by [...]the stellar winds and radiation spewing from the central star. chinese.eurekalert.org |
他 是斯洛伐克现代歌剧创始人,因为他的歌剧作品 Krùtňava(“旋涡”,1949 年)获得 成功,使斯洛伐克现代歌剧受到世界关注,他还在理论和实践方面为斯洛伐克音乐教 育作出重大贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He established modern Slovak opera and drew international attention through the success of his opera work Krùtňava (The Whirlpool, 1949) and contributed greatly to developing music education in its practical and theoretical aspects. unesdoc.unesco.org |
使用一些更小型的非离心(螺杆和 涡旋 压 缩 机驱动的)装置替换离心 冷风机,本可以是一种更具吸引力的选择(即使在某些情况下使用氨),但有关这个特定 问题的技术资料难度很大,要不就是难以找到。 multilateralfund.org | Replacement of a centrifugal chiller by a number of much smaller non centrifugal (screw and scroll compressor driven) units could have been a much more attractive choice (even using ammonia in some cases), but technical documentation on this specific issue is difficult, if not impossible to find. multilateralfund.org |
欢庆由5月27日星期五的Amber Lounge Fashion Show首先拉开帷幕,这场明星云集的 慈善活动,在海滨广场艾美酒店风景迷人的池畔举行,由艾伯特二世亲王赞助。 tagheuer.com | The festivities [...] kicked off Friday, May 27th at the Amber Lounge Fashion Show, a star-studded charity event [...]held at the stunning [...]poolside venue at Le Meridien Beach Plaza Hotel in Monaco under the high patronage of H.S.H Prince Albert II. tagheuer.com |