单词 | 旅游集散 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 旅游集散 —tourism center or hubSee also:旅游 n—journey n • sightseeing n 旅游 pl—tourists pl 旅游—trip 集散—collect for distribution
这里有着令人惊叹的自然风景,如大堡礁和茂密的雨林,因此,毫不奇怪,绝大多数定居点 和 旅游 景 点 都 集 中 在 这个狭长的海滨地带。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | It's no surprise that most of the [...] settlements and tourist attractions are concentrated [...]in this narrow coastal strip, which has [...]some amazing natural features such as the Great Barrier Reef and lush rainforests. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
然而,进出岛屿的途径有限,来访人数少,而且 分 散 , 这 将限 制 旅游 业的 增长和商业发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, limited [...] access and low fragmented visitor numbers will restrict tourism growth and business [...]development. daccess-ods.un.org |
在奥地利,约 40% 的旅游业 均集中在国内,大量旅游者 的假期都在国内的乡村 度过。 teebweb.org | In Austria, about 40% of all tourism is domestic, with a large number [...] of visitors spending their holidays in the countryside. teebweb.org |
一些成员认为,氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的区域办法对太平洋岛屿国家不适当,因为它 们地理上是分散的,这使旅行和信息 收 集 成 为 挑战。 multilateralfund.org | It was considered by some Members that a regional approach for HCFC phase-out would not be [...] appropriate for the PICs because they [...] were geographically dispersed, making travel and information 20 gathering a challenge. multilateralfund.org |
无论您是OEM客户、电缆装配商、系统 集 成 商 、 旅游 机 构 、广播工作室或音乐人 – 我们都将随时为您提供专业的服务。 neutrik.com.cn | No matter whether you are an OEM customer, cable [...] assembler, system integrator, touring agency, [...]broadcast studio or neutrik.com |
我們認為,只有從香港引入更多優質和有信譽的旅行社至廣東省或內地 其他省市經營港澳遊 ─ 其實,我們不單希望能經營港澳遊,亦希望香港 能作為內地走往全世界旅遊的集散地 , 這是香港的旅行社真的很想看到的 ─ 這才可促進本港與內地旅行社,以服務質素為標準的良性競爭和合作, 從而逐步摒除單單以超低廉價格作招徠的惡性競爭,而訪港的旅客亦得以享 [...] 受優質的服務。 legco.gov.hk | We think that it is only by bringing in more quality and reputable travel agents from Hong Kong to Guangdong or to other provinces and cities on the Mainland to operate tours to Hong Kong and Macao ― in [...] fact, our hope is not [...] just to operate tours to Hong Kong and Macao, rather, we hope that Hong Kong can become a point of convergence for tours from the [...]Mainland bound for all [...]parts of the world and this is something travel agents in Hong Kong wish to see dearly ― that Hong Kong and Mainland travel agents can be encouraged to engage in healthy competition and co-operation on the basis of service quality, thus gradually eliminating the vicious competition using ultra low prices as the attraction. legco.gov.hk |
計劃如何配合香 港成為葡萄酒集散中心的地標發展? devb.gov.hk | How will the project tie in with Hong Kong’s development as a wine distribution hub? devb.gov.hk |
在 2009 年毕业后,虽然佛得角在实现几项千年发展目标方面进展良好,但 [...] 该国经济仍极易受外部冲击影响,因为该国受岛国环境限制,土地干旱,缺乏自 然资源,经济活动主要集中在旅游部 门 ,并过度依赖官方发展援助和侨汇。 daccess-ods.un.org | While good progress had been made by Cape Verde, which graduated in 2009, towards achieving several Millennium Development Goals, its economy remained extremely vulnerable to external shocks; limited by its insularity and the aridness of its soil; [...] constrained by lack of [...] natural resources; concentrated mainly on the tourism sector; and excessively [...]dependent on unstable ODA and remittance flows. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,《最后文件》文本严重淡化了对核武器国 家降低其武库的实战状态以及停止开发和实质性改 进其核武器的承诺;文件并没有要求核武器国家废 除核武器在其军事理念中的作用,或者接受一项具 有法律约束力的文书以禁止核武器;文件没有要求 从无核武器国家的领土上撤出核武器;没有包含《条 约》的不结盟国家缔约国集团要 求设定的全面消除 核武器的具体时限;特别是,文件没有呼吁以色列, 这一对中东无核武器区构成唯一障碍的国家,停止 开发核武器,并无条件地签订《不扩 散 条 约 》。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, the text of the Final Document had significantly watered down the commitments for nuclear-weapon States to reduce the operational status of their arsenals and to cease the development and qualitative improvement of their nuclear weapons; it did not oblige the nuclear-weapon States to abolish the role of nuclear weapons in their military doctrines or to accept a legally binding instrument for the prohibition of nuclear weapons; it did not call for the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territories of non-nuclearweapon States; it did not include the specific timeline for the total elimination of [...] nuclear weapons [...] called for by the Group of Non-Aligned States parties to the Treaty; and, in particular, it failed to call upon Israel, the only obstacle to a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, to cease the development of nuclear weapons and to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty without [...]preconditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
希望在 2011 年能够恢复有导游讲解的参观以及在翻修后的会议楼内举行简 [...] 报会,这取决于基本建设总计划的进展和是否有 供 旅游 团 集 合 的空间,还要在北 草坪临时会议楼留出展览空间,当然新闻部将日益侧重于设计巡回展览。 daccess-ods.un.org | Contingent on developments relating to the Capital Master Plan, and the availability of space for tour [...] groups to congregate, it is hoped to [...] resume audio and guided tours as well as briefings [...]in the renovated Conference Building [...]in 2011, with spaces reserved in the temporary North Lawn Conference Building for exhibits, although the Department will increasingly focus on designing travelling exhibits. daccess-ods.un.org |
今年下半年,集旅游及娱 乐设施的澳门永利渡假酒店将落成啓用,将为旅客提供多元化及优质服务,进一步提升澳门知名度。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | With this spectacular destination [...] resort featuring premier tourism and entertainment [...]facilities to be opened in the second [...]half of the year, Wynn Macau would bring diversified and high standard services to the visitors and enhance Macau's status as one of Asia's major travel destinations. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
在行政上,通过将有关细节列入禁止入境名单并加 以 散 发 来执 行 旅 行 禁 令, 各入境港口的官员都有禁止入境名单。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Travel Ban is implemented administratively by inclusion and circulation of the relevant details in the stop list, which is available to all officers at port of entry. daccess-ods.un.org |
在貨 運 方面, 除了機 場 島 的 貨 運 碼 頭 已 連 接 珠 三 角 17 個 口 岸 外,機 管 局 正 與 香港空 運 貨 站 有 限 公司商 討 合 作 , 在 珠 三 角 地區設立 貨 物 集 散 物 流 中 心 , 以簡化的 清 關 程序吸 引 更多的 珠 三 角 貨 物經 香港國 際 機 場 運 送 到 外 地。 legco.gov.hk | On the cargo side, apart from the Marine Cargo Terminal which provides sea linkage between the HKIA and 17 PRD ports, the AA and the Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited are discussing co-operation plans to develop air cargo consolidation centres within the PRD Region with simplified customs clearance procedures so as to attract more PRD cargo to be exported via the HKIA. legco.gov.hk |
对于盗版发达地区,尤其是盗版集散 地 所 在地区,盗版在一定程度上为地方财政收入贡献了 力量,这也是盗版受到某些地方政府保护的一个重要原因。 uschina.org | In those geographical areas where piracy is flourishing, especially hotspots for pirated product distribution, piracy has indeed made contributions to local government revenues, a major reason why piracy has received protection from these governments. uschina.org |
印度要求了解建立国家人权机构、放宽国 外 旅 行 和 失 散家 人定期团圆的计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | India requested information about plans to [...] establish a national human rights [...] institution, making easier travel abroad, and regular reunions of separated families. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了上述情况之外,2009 年,学员们参加了由瑞士联邦外交部组织的对伯尔 [...] 尼为期一天的访问,他们在访问期间听取了关于瑞士外交和安全政策的情况简 介,重点是核裁军、不扩散、集束弹 药和国际人道主义法的有关问题,以及《武 装暴力与发展问题日内瓦宣言》。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the above, the fellows participated in 2009 in a one-day visit to Bern, organized by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, during which they were briefed on Swiss foreign and security [...] policies, with a focus on nuclear [...] disarmament, non-proliferation, cluster munitions and [...]related issues of international humanitarian [...]law, as well as on the Geneva Declaration of Armed Violence and Development. daccess-ods.un.org |
很多時候,我們看到他只可以找一些散 兵游勇, 表面上是支持特首,背後其實卻有另一套看法。 legco.gov.hk | Very often, he is only [...] able to recruit undisciplined mercenaries [...]who appear to support the Chief Executive only on the surface [...]while they have their own hidden agenda up their sleeves. legco.gov.hk |
教科文组织威尼斯办事处为确认千年发展目标基金“可持 续 旅游 与 农 村发展”联合项 目内从事的主要活动做出了贡献,该项目与教科文组织指定的地点有关,这些指定地点包括 在世界旅游组织 实施的项目组成部分(与世界遗产地和生物圈保护区有关 的 旅游 ) 选 定的地 区之内。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO Venice Office contributed to the [...] identification of the key activities [...] to be carried out within the MDG-F joint programme “Sustainable Tourism and Rural Development”, in relation with the UNESCO designated sites included in the areas selected by the project component to be implemented by UNWTO (tourism related to World Heritage Sites and biosphere reserves). unesdoc.unesco.org |
另外,大会第六十六届会议就中美洲的可持 续 旅游 业 和 可持续发展举行了第 一次讨论,并确认考虑到已宣布 2012 年为中美洲可持续旅游年, 有必要特别是 通过消费可持续旅游产品 与服务来推动发展可持 续 旅游 业 , 加强生 态 旅游 业 的 发 展,同时应保持土著和地方社区文化和环境的完整性,加大对生态敏感地区和自 然遗产的保护力度,此外还需要推动发展可持 续 旅游 业 和 能力建设,为此要考虑 到应对气候变化挑战和遏止生物多样性丧失等方面的需要(第 66/196 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also at its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly [...] held its first discussion [...] on sustainable tourism and sustainable development in Central America and recognized the need to promote the development of sustainable tourism, in particular through the consumption of sustainable tourism products and services, and to strengthen the development of ecotourism, taking into account the declaration of 2012 as the Year of Sustainable Tourism in Central America, while maintaining the culture and environmental integrity of indigenous and local communities and enhancing the protection of ecologically sensitive areas and the natural heritage, and to promote the development of sustainable tourism and capacity-building, [...]taking into account [...]the need to address, inter alia, the challenges of climate change and the need to halt the loss of biodiversity (resolution 66/196). daccess-ods.un.org |
关于手工艺和可持续发展的行动,已于 2002年1月 23 日和 24 日在摩洛哥的非斯举办一期国际讲习班,专门讨论了如何 收 集 “ 手 工艺 与 旅游” 的 资料问题,举办该讲习班的具体地址是非斯促进手工艺国际中心(CIPA)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As part of the action relating to crafts and sustainable development, an international workshop on the collection of data concerning “crafts and tourism” was held at the International Centre for Crafts Promotion (CIPA) in Fez (Morocco), on 23 and 24 January 2002, and, in particular, gave rise to the creation of a UNESCO Index of daily expenditure on crafts per tourist. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在另一些情况中,游击集团在军事部队离开之后对这些场所埋置地雷。 daccess-ods.un.org | In other cases, guerrilla groups mined the [...] premises after the military forces had left. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使找到適合地點建 設這個集散批發 市場,但活魚批發的運作複雜,來自不同魚塘的貨源經常混 雜批發,當有活魚出事時,當局又如何確保能夠追蹤到正確的禍源,而不會 冤枉好人呢? legco.gov.hk | Fish from different fish ponds are often mixed together in the wholesale process and when problems are found in the live fish, how can the authorities be sure that the right source can be traced and the innocent will not be blamed? legco.gov.hk |
乌拉圭还赞扬哥伦比亚(b) 继续过去的尝试, 努力与游击队达成协 议,以利于和平;(c) 遣散游击队和准军事团体内强迫招募的 儿童兵;(d) 向武装部队成员下达严厉命令,不要错误地将实际的人权捍卫者和非 政府组织成员说成是 “ 恐怖分子”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Uruguay also recommended that Colombia (b) make every effort to achieve [...] an agreement with the [...] guerrilla groups in order to achieve peace, as had been attempted in the past; (c) demobilize, within the guerrilla and the paramilitaries, [...]children [...]combatants, who have been forcibly recruited; (d) give strict orders to security forces to not make mistakes by qualifying as “terrorists” those who are actually human rights defenders and members of non-governmental organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了实现这个目标,妇女署将围绕五个核心原则开展工作:(a) 为国家伙伴 提供需求驱动的支持,以加强执行国际协定和标准;(b) 支持政府间进程,加强 全球关于性别平等的规范和政策框架;(c) 倡导性别平等和妇女赋权,维护妇女 和女童的权利,尤其是维护最受排斥群体的权利;(d) 在联合国系统内领导和促 进关于性别平等工作的一致性;和(e) 成为全球知识和经验的集散者, 实现实践 与规范性指导的统一。 daccess-ods.un.org | To meet this objective, UN-Women would centre its work around five core principles: (a) providing demand-driven support to national partners to enhance the implementation of international agreements and standards; (b) supporting intergovernmental processes to strengthen the global normative and policy framework on gender equality; (c) advocating for gender equality and women’s empowerment, championing the rights of women and girls, particularly those who are most excluded; (d) leading and promoting coherence in the United Nations system on gender equality; and (e) acting as a global broker of knowledge and experience, aligning practice with normative guidance. daccess-ods.un.org |
正由于这一点,恢 [...] 复时间目标往往定得太短;例如,有若干组织规定因公旅行(不是医务、应急或 疏散旅行)管理的恢复或者监督活动的执行是关键活动,要在事件发生后 [...]0 至 4 小时内恢复,而很显然的是,如果这些活动不在最初 4 小时内重启,任何联合国 [...]组织也不会因此而声誉扫地。 daccess-ods.un.org | Criticality is often taken out of context and misinterpreted: i.e. if one is deemed not to be critical, this might result in budgetary cuts. Because of this, recovery time objectives are frequently too short; for example, in [...] several organizations, recovery of the [...] management of duty travel (not medical, emergency [...]or evacuation travel, but regular [...]duty travel) or performance of oversight activities are stated as critical, to be achieved in 0-4 hours after an incident, whereas, clearly, the reputation of any of the United Nations organizations would not be at risk if these activities were not resumed in the first four hours. daccess-ods.un.org |
人权理事会通过该决议后,为举办一天的讲习班,估计共需追加 163 500 美 元:(a) 第 [...] 23 款(人权)下所需款额为 79 400 美元,包括 10 名专家的差旅费(每 个区域集团 2 名)(64 500 美元)和为期 2 个月的咨询人服务(14 900 美元);(b) [...]第 2 款(大会和经济及社会理事会事务和会议管理)下用于会议服务(84 [...]100 美元); (c) 第 28 E 款(行政,日内瓦)下用于行政支助(700 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The adoption of the resolution by the Human Rights Council gives rise to estimated total additional requirements of $163,500, to hold a one-day workshop under (a) section 23, Human [...] rights, of an amount [...] $79,400 consisting of travel costs for 10 experts (2 from each regional group) ($64,500) and [...]consultant services [...]for two months ($14,900); (b) section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management for conference servicing ($84,100); and (c) section 28E, Administration, Geneva, for administrative support ($700). daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,这些抗议活动已导致学校经常关闭;已 报道有 120 次个别的学校关闭事件,其中 [...] 36 次与尼泊尔联合共产党-毛主义及其 姊妹组织举办的一系列抗议、集会 和示 威 游 行 有 关。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the protests resulted in the frequent closure of schools: 120 separate instances of school closures were [...] reported, of which 36 were related to the [...] series of protests, rallies and demonstrations [...]organized by UCPN-M and its sister organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这笔经费将用于本组织不具备、 超出系统集成合同范围之外,属于下列领域的专门知识:变化管理领 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商业 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中 央事务、外勤业务和后勤、薪金、预算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系 统 集 成 商提 供的项目管理服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The provision would provide for specialized expertise not available in the [...] Organization, outside the scope [...] of the systems integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report design and implementation, data warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional areas, including travel, central services, field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator. daccess-ods.un.org |