单词 | 旅游热点 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 旅游热点 —a hot tourist attractiona tourist trapSee also:旅游 pl—tourists pl 旅游 n—journey n • sightseeing n 旅游—trip 旅游点 n—tourist attraction n • tourist spot n 热点—hot spot • point of special interest
公园、湖滨小道和勃朗峰(Mount Blanc)的壮丽景色让这里成为了一个名副其实 的 旅游热点。 hihostels.com | Set close to Lake Léman, the hostel is about 1 km from the centre of this idyllically situated city with its parks, promenades and wonderful views of Mount Blanc. hihostels.com |
旅游 热点地区的房价很高。 gza.ch | These are popular tourism areas with very [...] high real estate prices. gza.ch |
这一激动人心的旅游热点吸引 着无数冒险家和情侣慕名而至。 shangri-la.com | This thriving tourist hotspot attracts thrill-seekers [...] and romantics alike. shangri-la.com |
凯里尼亚(Kyrenia)是北部地区的 旅游热点 : 感 受凯里尼亚(Kyrenia)海港的浪漫气氛;欣赏歌呢(Girne)山脉雄伟的气势;呼吸野生植物的清香;站在山顶城堡上一览无限美好的风光。 hihostels.com | On the north coast, you’ll find a warm welcome in Kyrenia. Enjoy the romance of Kyrenia [...] harbour; stand dwarfed by the Girne [...]mountains; breathe in the scent of wild fennel; admire stunning vistas from hill-top castles. hihostels.com |
在克里特岛(Crete)克诺索斯(Knossos)的废墟中,雅典卫城的遗迹依然可以看到,希腊不仅是一个令人惊叹的大考古场,这里气氛特别的教堂,风景如画的村庄、山区和海岸线,更让希腊成为了全 球 旅游 的 热点。 hihostels.com | From the Acropolis at Athens to the ruins of Knossos in Crete, Greece boasts a wealth of stunning archaeological remains as well as atmospheric churches, picturesque villages, and mountains and sea shores. hihostels.com |
我们靠海洋 生态系统获取食物,靠珊瑚礁和生物 热点 区 发 展 旅游 业和科学,靠可持续渔业维持生计。 daccess-ods.un.org | We depend on the ocean ecosystem for food, on our reefs [...] and biological hot spots for tourism and science, and [...]on sustainable fisheries for our livelihoods. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一项目旨在促进中亚和南亚偏远山区可持续的社区文化和生 态 旅游 , 重 点 是 缓 解贫 困,减少从农村到城市的移居人口并保护文化和自然遗产。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This project promotes sustainable community-based [...] cultural and ecotourism in isolated mountain areas of Central and South Asia, with a focus on poverty [...]alleviation, reduction [...]of ruralurban migration and the preservation of the cultural and natural heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
繁茂的绿色包围的祝福与热气腾腾的温泉浴场和美丽的瀑 布 点 缀 峰 ,中,Baños的是厄瓜多尔的最诱人 , 热 门 的 旅游 目 的 地之一. instantworldbooking.com | Hemmed in by luxuriant green [...] peaks, blessed with steaming thermal baths and adorned by a beautiful waterfall, Baños is one of Ecuador’s most enticing and popular tourist destinations. instantworldbooking.com |
这精选出的18条路线所代表的挪威自然风光之精粹,必 将 点 燃 人们 对 旅游 的 巨 大 热 情 , 并为其提供愉悦的旅游体验。 norway.org.cn | A selection of 18 stretches running through the very best of Norwegian nature is to fuel wanderlust and pleasant driving experiences. norway.cn |
北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特位于山峰与海岸之间一块不大但风景秀丽的土地上,这座拥有精彩历史的城市相当具有反抗精神,在斗争后的数十年转变为一个充满活力 的 热 闹 旅游 景 点。 discoverireland.com | With its compact size, picturesque location between mountain and coast and fascinating history, Belfast in [...] Antrim, Northern Ireland is a defiant city that has emerged from decades of strife [...] into a vibrant, buzzing destination. discoverireland.com |
推出Ritz-Carlton Reserve品牌是看到了正在兴起的到全球最具魅力地方游玩 的 旅游热 , 这 些地方充满了各种可能和 看 点。 tipschina.gov.cn | The launch of Ritz-Carlton [...] Reserve sees the beginning of a journey to the most captivating corners [...]of the world, abounding [...]with extraordinary possibilities and attention. tipschina.gov.cn |
教科文组织威尼斯办事处为确认千年发展目标基金“可持续旅游与农村发展”联合项 目内从事的主要活动做出了贡献,该项目与教科文组织指定的地点有关,这些指定 地 点 包括 在世界旅游组织 实施的项目组成部分(与世界遗产地和生物圈保护区有关的旅游)选定的地 区之内。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO Venice Office contributed to the identification of the key activities to be carried out within the MDG-F joint programme “Sustainable Tourism and Rural Development”, in [...] relation with the [...] UNESCO designated sites included in the areas selected by the project component to be implemented by UNWTO (tourism related to World [...]Heritage Sites and biosphere reserves). unesdoc.unesco.org |
除了非洲最热门的旅游胜地――埃及、突尼斯、摩洛哥和 南非――以外,许多撒哈拉以南国家的游客到访量亦有强劲增势。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to continued growth in Africa’s most popular destinations – [...] Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and South Africa – growth [...]in many emerging sub-Saharan destinations – such as Angola, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda – have been particularly strong. daccess-ods.un.org |
法国南部永远是度假热点,何 不离船登岸,享受里维拉地区最棒 的 旅游 胜 地。 msccruises.com.cn | The South of France is always a hugely [...] popular holiday destination for passengers and to leave your luxury MSC cruise liner and come ashore at Villefranche is to experience the finest attractions of this corner [...]of the Riviera. msccruises.com.eg |
在许多旅 游景点,绝大部分与旅游有 关的收入都流入了非地方 服务提供者手中,而其成本却几乎都由地方承担。 teebweb.org | In many tourist destinations, the largest share of tourism-related income [...] goes to nonlocal service providers whereas the [...]costs are mostly borne locally. teebweb.org |
这很无人居住的部门(151,000居民)是由于其众多的城堡和纳蒂雷尔区域DES火山奥弗涅,这是一个休眠火山链 的 旅游 景 点。 leapfrog-properties.com | This very unpopulated department (151,000 inhabitants) is touristy thanks to its numerous castles and its Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne, which are a chain of dormant volcanos. leapfrog-properties.com |
英语学校遍及本地区内曼彻斯特和纽卡斯尔等城市、惠特比 (Whitby) 和斯卡伯勒 (Scarborough) [...] 等沿海城镇、湖区等乡村地区以及切斯特 (Chester),哈罗盖特 (Harrogate) 和约克等热门旅游景点地区。 englishuk.com | English language schools are spread throughout the region - in cities like Manchester and Newcastle, in coastal towns like Whitby and [...] Scarborough, in countryside locations like the Lake District, [...] and in popular tourist spots like Chester, Harrogate [...]and York. englishuk.com |
为旅游点和设施的工作人员提供特殊培训、以及旅游相关服务培训,使 他们能为残疾人服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | To offer special training [...] to the staff of tourism sites and establishments [...]and tourism-related services, preparing them [...]for work with persons with disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
一、亚洲公路网由亚洲境内具有国际重要性的公路线路构成,包括大幅度穿越东 [...] 亚和东北亚、南亚和西南亚、东南亚以及北亚和中亚等一个以上次区域的公 路线路;在次区域范围内、包括那些连接周边次区域的公路线路;以及成员 国境内的那些亚洲公路线路,它们通向:(一) [...] 各首府;(二) 主要工农业中心; (三) 主要机场、海港与河港;(四) 主要集装箱站点;(五) 主要旅游景点。 treaties.un.org | The Asian Highway network consists of highway routes of international importance within Asia, including highway routes substantially crossing more than one subregion such as: East and North-East Asia, South and South-West Asia, South-East Asia and North and Central Asia; highway routes within subregions including those connecting to neighbouring subregions; and highway routes located within member States which provide access to: (a) capitals; (b) main industrial and agricultural [...] centres; (c) major air, sea and river ports; (d) major container [...] terminals and depots; and (e) major tourist attractions. treaties.un.org |
因为我们热爱旅游,我的家人已经研究存在所需的温暖和温柔的海今年的高加索黑海沿岸的,它决定起飞的克里米亚。 cn.badgood.info | Because we love to travel and the Black Sea [...] coast of the Caucasus my family already studied (presence of warm and tender [...]sea required) this year, it was decided to take off to the Crimea. en.badgood.info |
因为他 们认为,电子游戏产业以其如此惊人的增长速度,必将成为本市重要 的未来热点行业。 maxicom.de | Because of its breathtaking growth figures, it sees the games industry as one of the foremost sectors on track for [...] the future for the city. maxicom.de |
澳门最受欢迎的跳蚤露天市场位于大三巴牌坊附近,离 开 热 闹 的 旅游 景 点 , 沿大三巴街转往草堆街,再向下走至下一条窄巷,沿途经过一些古玩店、裁缝店及其他小店铺后,便到达一个岔口。 macautourism.gov.mo | The most popular flea market in Macau is near St [...] Paul's but a little off the beaten tourist track. macautourism.gov.mo |
旅馆的信息点,提 供有关新梅斯托的事件 和 旅游 细 节你,我们也可以帮你找到一个指导,谁可以帮助发现新梅斯托和Dolenjska隐藏的地方。 instantworldbooking.com | Hostel's information point provides you with details on Novo mesto's events and trips, we can also [...] help you find a guide, [...]who will help discover the hidden places of Novo mesto and Dolenjska. instantworldbooking.com |
北极圈的座标,66°34´N 023°51´E,清楚印在圣诞老人村外边的地上,那是不 少 游 客 争 相拍照留念 的 热点。 visitfinland.com | The coordinates of the Arctic Circle, 66°34´N 023°51´E, have been imprinted [...] on the ground, and the spot is a popular photo-op. visitfinland.com |
由于这些生态系统非常壮观并有丰富的生物生命,人们日益热衷于开 展深海热液喷口旅游。 daccess-ods.un.org | Because of the spectacular nature of these [...] ecosystems, and their abundant their animal life, there is a growing interest [...] in deep-sea hydrothermal vents for tourism. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管新喀里多尼亚政府积极推动旅游业作为未来经济多样化和就业的一种 [...] 手段,全球经济不景气加上太平洋其 他 旅游点 的 强 劲竞争,使得这一行业难以抬 头。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the Government of New Caledonia has been actively promoting the tourism sector as a means of future economic diversification and employment, the global [...] economic slump, combined with strong competition from [...] other Pacific tourist destinations, has [...]kept the industry depressed. daccess-ods.un.org |
豪华KTV、夜总会专为高品位人士打造欢笑、轻松、惬意和舒展歌喉的空间;设施完善的健身房提供自然、健康的氛围,集中式、泰式按摩为主的按摩房,为您疏通经络,调和气血,拂 去 旅 途 的 疲劳 ; 热 气 腾 腾的桑拿房,将唤醒身上的每一个细胞,尽情释放您心中的压力与劳累;您还可以 畅 游 在 那 清澈见底 的 游 泳 池 ,躺在白色的沙滩椅上,呼吸那带着淡淡花香的空气,尽情享受阳光的沐浴 pachotel.com | Deluxe KTV, nightclubs designed to create high-quality people laughter, relaxed, comfortable and stretch the space of the voice; well-equipped gymnasium to provide natural, healthy atmosphere, centralized, Thai massage-based massage room for you to clear the meridians, to [...] reconcile blood, brushed [...] the fatigue of the journey; steaming sauna, will awaken every cell of the body, enjoy the release of stress and fatigue of your mind; you can also swim in the crystal clear swimming pool, lying [...]on a white beach chair [...]breathing that with the delicate fragrance of the air, enjoy the sun bathing! pachotel.com |
通过选择综合的方法 [...] 参与市政的森林管理、地下水管理以及地方保护 区和诸如海滨与公园等旅游景点的维护,他们可 为私人土地使用者提供可供效仿的行为规范。 teebweb.org | By choosing integrated approaches to municipal forest management, [...] groundwater management and the maintenance of [...] local reserves and tourist destinations such [...]as beaches and parks they can provide [...]exemplary practices for private land users to follow. teebweb.org |