

单词 旁系亲属

See also:

亲属 n

kinship n
dependant n



External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 致受害人死亡,则为受害人的配偶或伴侣、四等以内直系血亲或两等以 旁系亲 属、收 养的子女和(或)父母遗嘱继承人;受犯罪之害的法人;如果犯罪影响集体 [...]
利益或广泛利益,则为依法设立的基金会和协会,条件是基金会或协会的宗旨与 该等利益直接相关。
The Code of Criminal Procedure defines the various categories of victims: persons directly affected by a crime; spouses or partners, blood
relatives up to the fourth degree
[...] of consanguinity or second degree of kinship, adoptive children [...]
and/or parents’ testamentary
heirs, where the crime results in the death of the victim; legal persons affected by the crime; and legally constituted foundations and associations, where the crime affects collective or widespread interests, provided that the purpose of the foundation or association has a direct bearing on those interests.
保护不仅提供给在刑事诉讼中亲自 作证的人,如果分析威胁后确定有必要提供保护的话,还会提供给潜在证人以 及证人和潜在证人的直系旁系亲属 , 以 及与其密切相关的人员。
Protection is provided not only to persons that actually testify in criminal proceedings, but also to potential witnesses, as well as the immediate and extended family members of the witnesses and potential witnesses and the persons closely associated with them, if an analysis of the threat determines that such protection is necessary.
(c) 涉及在一个通情达理和公允旁观者看来法官如果参与裁夺所涉问题属不当的任何其他情形。
(c) Any other circumstances that would make it appear to a reasonable and impartial observer that the judge’s participation in the adjudication of the matter would be inappropriate.
術語“CKD”有時用於表示水泥窯 產生的所有粉塵,及也包旁路系統 產 生的粉 塵。
The term “CKD” is sometimes used to denote all dust from cement
[...] kilns, i.e. also from bypass systems.
根据第 1483(2003) 号决议第 23
[...] 或其他金融资产或经济资源,即萨达姆·侯赛因或伊拉克前政权其他高级官员及 其系亲属,包 括由他们本人或代表他们或按他们指示行事的人直接间接拥有或 [...]
克前政府或其国家机关、公司或代理人在伊拉克境外的资金或其他金融资产或经 济资源。
According to paragraph 23 of resolution 1483 (2003), the freeze and transfer apply to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of individuals and entities associated with the former Iraqi regime, i.e. funds, other financial assets and economic resources removed from Iraq or acquired by Saddam Hussein or other senior
officials of the former Iraqi regime and
[...] their immediate family members, including [...]
entities owned or controlled, directly
or indirectly, by them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their direction; as well as to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of the previous Government of Iraq or its State bodies, corporations, or agencies, located outside Iraq.
委员会进一步敦促缔约 国修订《个人身份法》中的条款,允许妇女享有携子女出国的自由,无须事先征 得孩子父亲或系亲属的同意。
The Committee further urges the State party to amend provisions in the Personal Status Code to allow the freedom of movement of women outside
the country with their children without the prior approval of the
[...] children’s father or the children’s paternal relatives.
如孕妇未满16 岁或精神上无能力,则各按情况依次序由法定代理人、直 系亲尊亲属或直系血亲卑亲属作出 同意;如无该等人,则由任 旁系 血 亲 作出 同意,必须在医疗干预日期的最多
Pregnant women, or their legal representatives, ascendants or descendants or, in their absence, any close family members, in cases of minors under 16 or of mentally impaired persons, must give their consent in writing, whenever possible up to three days prior to the date of the medical intervention.
安全理事会第 1483(2003)号决议所设伊拉克发展基金持有伊拉克石油出口 销售所得收入,以及从联合国石油换粮食方案划转的余额以及会员国转交的前伊 拉克政权、其高级官员及其系亲属 的 资 金、其他金融资产或经济资源,包括由 他们或代表他们或根据其指示行事的人直接或间接拥有或控制的实体。
The Development Fund for Iraq established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1483 (2003) holds the proceeds of oil export sales from Iraq, as well as the transferred balances from the United Nations oil-for-food programme and transfers by Member States of funds or other financial assets or economic resources of the former Iraqi regime, its senior officials and their immediate family members, including entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their direction.
你可在冬日悠闲地坐在温暖的炉旁 , 或 亲 自 弹 一首钢琴或吉他曲。
In winter relax in front of the roaring log fire or take turns making music on the piano or guitar.
委员会 还感到关切的是,妻子有义务服从丈夫,以获取抚养费,而且若母亲想要携子女 出国,必须征得孩子父亲的同意,若父亲不在,则须征得孩子 系亲属 的 同 意。
The Committee is also concerned that there is an obligation for a wife to obey her husband in return for maintenance and that mothers who want to travel outside the country with
their children must seek the approval of
[...] the children’s father or the child’s paternal relatives in the father’s absence.
卡安装之后,选择 导航窗格里的适当图标并单击选件 属 性 旁 边 的 选取按钮,即可进行配置。
Once the card is installed, configuration is performed by
selecting the appropriate icon in the Navigation Pane, and clicking on the
[...] Pick button next to the Option Card property.
审 判人员如果是案件当事人、诉讼代理人的 亲属 , 或 者认为自己与案件有利害系或其他关系的,必须回避。
If the judge is himself or herself a party to the case, or a close relative of one of the legal representatives, or feels that he or she has a conflict of interest or other interest in the case, he or she must withdraw from the case.
輸入法由此計算熟料生產中消耗的生料量(輸 入法的主項),包括離開水泥系統 的 旁 路粉 塵(如有)。
As principle term the input methods thus calculate the amount
of raw meal that is consumed for the production of clinker including bypass dust
[...] leaving the kiln system, where relevant.
堅尼地城游泳池會在西區旁附近 重置;新游 泳池需要加裝外牆嵌板、空調系統和機電設施,以及加建室外天花和供維修 用的行人道,以符合最新的設計及維修保養標準。
Additional wall cladding, external ceiling and maintenance walkway, additional air conditioning and E&M provisions are necessary for the new swimming pool to suit the latest design and maintenance standards.
(c) 建造冷卻水抽水系統,以配合日後的發展,並把現 有的冷卻水抽系統遷往新
(c) construction of cooling
[...] water pumping systems for future developments and reprovisioning of the existing cooling water pumping systems at the new waterfront
[...] Ciudad Juárez 妇女被杀害和被迫失踪案 件(问题清单上的问题 3 和 4)的多方面方式中,暴 力侵害妇女和人口贩运罪特别检察官办公室与奇瓦 瓦检察长办公室合作,通过一个旨在动员各级当局 的全国警系统,参与了对失踪妇女和女童的搜寻, 并向 Juárez 市凶杀受害亲属经济援助基金捐款。
In a multipronged approach to femicide and enforced disappearance of women in Ciudad Juárez (questions 3 and 4 on the list of issues), the Office of the Special Prosecutor for crimes of violence against women and human trafficking collaborated with the General Prosecutor’s Office of Chihuahua, participated in searches for missing
women and girls through a
[...] national warning system designed to mobilize authorities at all levels, and contributed to the economic assistance fund for relatives of homicide victims [...]
in the municipality of Juárez.
警方答应通知他的家人,但他没有 系亲属 , 而 一个朋友的唯 一电话号码无法接通。
The police had offered to notify his family, but he had no immediate family and the only number of a friend he had on him did not work.
正如第 1483(2003)号决议第 23 段所 述,这些个人和实体包括伊拉克前政府或其国家机构、
[...] 伊拉克境外的公司或机构以及伊拉克前政权的其他高 级官员及其系亲属,包 括由他们或由代表他们或按 其指示行事的人直接或间接拥有或控制的实体。
As set out in paragraph 23 of resolution 1483 (2003), those individuals and entities include the previous Government of Iraq or its State bodies, corporations or agencies located outside Iraq as well as other senior
officials of the former Iraqi regime and their
[...] immediate family members, including entities [...]
owned or controlled, directly or indirectly,
by them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their direction.
在有些情况下,当患者没有系亲属 和 其他亲友时,朋友就可以成为他或她 的“家庭成员”。
In some cases where the person doesn’t have immediate family members or other relatives, friends could become like “family members” to him or her.
不仅如此,这种复杂 性还因为这些数据可能构成涉及一个人的兄弟姐妹、子孙后代血 亲系 , 及 至他所 属 的那 个人种群体的性征信息。
Its complexity also has to do with the fact that it constitutes potential information about siblings (brothers and sisters), descendants and, in a general way, the group to which the individual belongs.
位于左下角的图标和摘要解释了地图上的绿色线条标记了地区、省和邻国间的边界;蓝色线条代表河流和其它 系 , 包括 玛 旁 雍 错 湖和当惹雍错湖;而红色线条则是标记的主要道路。
The legend and summary in the bottom left corner explain that the green bands on the map mark the borders of districts, provinces, and
neighboring countries; the blue lines
[...] indicate rivers and other waterways, including the Manasarovar [...]
and the Dangra Yum lakes; and
the red lines mark major roads.
[...] 最好使用詳細的輸入法A2,並以工廠級計量離 開水泥系統的旁路粉 塵量和旁路粉塵的二氧 化碳含量。
In such cases the detailed input method A2 should be
preferred and the amount of bypass dust
[...] leaving the kiln system content of the bypass [...]
dust shall be measured at plant level.
( 红十字委员会) 获得当
[...] 局的进入许可,但未获准登记案件,或者获准登记案件,但由于国家不允许或出 于其他任何原因,未将被拘留者的下落通知其 系亲属。
Incommunicado detention, where the detainees may only have contact with their captors, guards or co-inmates, would amount to secret detention also if the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is granted access by the authorities, but is not permitted to register the case, or, if it is allowed to register the case, is not
permitted by the State to, or does not, for whatever reason,
[...] notify the next of kin of the detainee [...]
on his or her whereabouts.
旁路粉尘:从悬浮预热器、预煅烧炉和带篦式预热器的焚烧 旁 路 放 风 系 统排 出的粉尘,所含成分为充分煅烧的入窑生料。
Bypass dust: Dust
[...] discarded from the bypass systems of the suspension [...]
preheater, precalciner and grate preheater kilns,
consisting of fully calcined, kiln feed material.
该基金接受自愿捐款, 将其发放给向酷刑受害者及亲属提 供 心理、医疗、社会、经济、法律、人道或 其他形式援助的非政府组织。
The Fund receives voluntary contributions for distribution to non-governmental organizations providing psychological, medical, social, economic, legal, humanitarian or other forms of assistance to victims of torture and their relatives.
该项法律规定,如果内政部部长或某位安全官员声称该个人或其 系亲属 具有安全威胁性,申请将被拒绝。
The Law stipulates that a request can be denied in cases where the Minister of the Interior or certain security functionaries assert that the person, or a family member of first relation, poses a security threat.
社 会保障通过如下途径实施:以国家补助金形式向拥有子女的低收入家庭和无劳动 收入的无劳动能力人士提供社会保障金;向特定种类居民提供资金补偿;向需要 特殊住院条件的人和孤寡老人提供社会服务;对临时丧失劳动能力的公民以及怀 孕、生产和安亲属之人 给予社会保障。
Social services are provided through guaranteed social payments in the form of aid to low-income families with dependants and to incapacitated persons with no working experience, financial support for certain categories of the population and welfare services for persons in need of special nursing care in hospital conditions, elderly persons living alone at home, temporarily incapacitated persons, and pregnant women and newborns, as well as for inhumation.
粉尘也通过旁路系统排 放,安装这些系统的目的是避免碱、氯化 物和/或硫过度堆积,然而,与水泥窑粉尘不同,旁路粉尘由完全煅烧的窑炉进 [...]
Dust is also
[...] discarded from alkali bypass systems, installed [...]
to avoid excessive build-up of alkali, chloride and/or sulphur,
however bypass dust, as opposed to CKD, consists of fully calcined kiln feed material.
這些工程包括額外改善港島線訊號系統、隧道環境控制系統的其他更改、月 台幕門、供系統、軌道旁的輔 助設備、主 系 統 、 通訊及無線電系統、自 動收費系統、新增升降機/自動扶梯,以及港島線鐵路系統的修改工程。
These include additional modifications to the Island Line signalling system, other changes to the tunnel environmental control system, platform screen doors, power supply system, track side auxiliaries, main control system, communications and radio system, auto fare collection system, additional lifts and escalators and modifications of the existing Island Line railway system.




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