单词 | 旁敲侧击 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 旁敲侧击 —cast oblique aspersionsless common: attack by innuendo • glancing knock, sideways stroke (idiom); fig. circuitous • attack in words or writing satirize See also:敲击 n—percussion n 敲击—pound • rap
轻轻敲击称量碟侧面, 使聚合物缓慢散入水中。 cn.lubrizol.com | Tap the side of the dish lightly, allowing the polymer to slowly sift into the water. lubrizol.com |
在左侧展开(通过单击名称旁边的 箭头) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE。 knowledge.seagate.com | On the left, expand (by clicking on the arrow next to [...] the name) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. knowledge.seagate.com |
向下按压旁侧弹片 ,直到预分纸垫片从分纸模块的前部稍微突出。 graphics.kodak.com | Push down on the side tabs until the pre-separation pad protrudes slightly from the front of the separation module. graphics.kodak.com |
5) 杠杆压板的拆装 ●利用榔头敲击插入连接销时,一定要用比销子卡簧槽部直径小一 些的销丁垫一下,请勿用榔头直接击打。 kosmek.co.jp | When using a hammer to insert the pin, always use a cover plate with a smaller diameter than the snap ring groove on the pin. kosmek.co.jp |
任何情况下均不允许用锤子或类似工具 进行敲击调整和定位编码器。 heidenhain.com.cn | Under no circumstances should a hammer or similar implement be used to adjust or position the encoder. heidenhain.hu |
将新的预分纸垫片的旁侧弹片 与分纸模块上的插槽对齐。 graphics.kodak.com | Align the side tabs of a new pre-separation pad with the slots on the separation module. graphics.kodak.com |
用双手握住分纸模块并找出两个旁侧 弹 片 ,该弹片从分纸模块的后部 稍微突出。 graphics.kodak.com | Hold the separation module in both hands and locate the two side tabs which protrude [...] slightly from the back of the separation module. graphics.kodak.com |
拉住连杆 (29),用塑料棒轻轻地敲击驱动室 (43)的后 下部使之与小齿轮护罩 [...] (44)松开。 graco.com | Pull connecting rod (29) and lightly tap lower rear of drive housing (43) [...] with plastic mallet to loosen from [...]pinion housing (44). graco.com |
将驱动室推到小齿 轮护罩上或用塑料棒敲击到位。 graco.com | Push drive housing onto pinion housing or tap [...] into place with plastic mallet. graco.com |
请注意本规则第一六二条规定:“本规 则 旁侧 的 小 标题仅供参 考,在解释各条时应不予考虑。 unachina.org | Attention is drawn to rule 162, which provides that the italicized headings of the rules, which were inserted for reference purposes only, shall be disregarded in the interpretation of the rules. unachina.org |
若要编辑或添加注释,请单击侧栏中 的 恢复,从数据还原和备份管理屏幕中选择相应的备份,然后右击,从快捷菜单中选择编辑注 释。 seagate.com | To edit or add a comment, go to the [...] Data recovery and backup [...] management screen by clicking Recovery on the sidebar, choose the appropriate [...]backup, right-click [...]and select Edit comments in the shortcut menu. seagate.com |
对其机身和输出轴或是用锤子等敲击 , 或 是装配不当的话,由于 可能导致其应有的精度和功能无法发挥,敬请避免。 ckd.co.jp | DO NOT GIVE SHOCK to the unit and [...] output axis, or do not assemble with excessive force as designed accuracy and function may be ruined. ckd.co.jp |
只需简单的敲击,就能为你的应用程序设计和建立一致的、非常现代化的用户界面。 evget.com | With few simple clicks, you can build or [...] change the foundation of your application's user interface, with consistent, modern looking design. evget.com |
被指派履行这项职能的囚犯领导成员 敲击 内 门 并通报带来的囚犯 姓名,然后门被略微打开,让囚犯通过。 daccess-ods.un.org | The leading prisoners assigned to this function knocked on the inner door and called out the name of the prisoner who had been delivered and the door was then briefly opened to allow the prisoner to pass through. daccess-ods.un.org |
假如对输出轴用锤子等敲击,或 粗暴装配的话,可能无法发挥原先的精度 和性能。 ckd.co.jp | Do not hit the output axis with a hammer or assemble the actuator with excessive power to maintain the designed accuracy and performance. ckd.co.jp |
一般而言,一旦微小的音锤敲击着音簧,即启动腕表闹铃功能,发出清晰悦耳的声响。 oris.ch | Usually, a hammer moves against the spring once the alarm function is activated and translates the movements of the hammer into a clear ringing sound. oris.ch |
在后排,来自 Brüel & Kjær 的 Scott Summerton 站在能源架构销售经理 Scott Bohr(右侧)的旁边。 bksv.cn | At the back, Brüel & Kjær’s Scott Summerton stands next to Scott Bohr, Sales Manager for Energy Infrastructure (right). bksv.com |
要显示/隐藏参数,只需在 图形标签旁点击相应 的选框即可(如下所示 eijkelkamp.com | To show/hide parameters, simply click on the corresponding checkbox in the plot legend (shown below). eijkelkamp.com |
该系统没有采用PTO独立螺栓设计以及自带机壳和机油供应系统,而是与前差速器集成在一起,由差速 器 侧 面 伞齿 轮 旁 的 正齿轮来驱动,并与主变速器油使用相同的机油。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Instead of the PTO being a separate bolt-on design with its own casing and oil supply, it forms part of the front differential and is driven by a spur gear off the crown wheel, using the same oil as the main transmission. drivelinenews.com |
单击文件名称旁边的检查符号并单击 Undelete(取消删除)按钮。 knowledge.seagate.com | Click a check mark in the field next to a file name and click the Undelete button. knowledge.seagate.com |
卡安装之后,选择 导航窗格里的适当图标并单击选件 卡属 性 旁 边 的 选取按钮,即可进行配置。 redlion.net | Once the card is installed, configuration is performed by [...] selecting the appropriate icon in the [...] Navigation Pane, and clicking on the Pick button next to the Option [...]Card property. redlion.net |
点击您的购物车旁边的 “X件商品“进入浏览您所选择的所有商品结算页面,您也可以使用删除按钮来删除购物车中不要的商品。 shop.projectaegis.com | Review the items in your shopping cart by selecting the 'X Item' link at the top of the page. You can also use the 'REMOVE' button to delete items from your shopping cart. shop.projectaegis.com |
单击文件名称旁边的检查符号。 knowledge.seagate.com | Click a check [...] mark in the field next to the file name. knowledge.seagate.com |
为了确定为什么一些人在看到其他人抓痒的时候特别容易感到痒,Henning Holle及其同事让51名健康的志愿者接受了人格问卷调查和fMRI测试,让这些志愿者观看了人们抓痒或 者 敲击 他 们 的手臂或胸膛的视频短片。 chinese.eurekalert.org | To determine why some people are particularly susceptible to itch when they observe others scratching, Henning Holle and colleagues administered personality questionnaires and fMRI tests to 51 healthy volunteers who were shown short video clips of people either scratching or tapping parts of their arms or chest. chinese.eurekalert.org |
用橡胶锤轻敲出口罩 (2)的下侧,从缸体 (17)上 松开外罩。 graco.com | Tap underside of outlet [...] housing (2) with a rubber mallet to loosen housing from cylinder (17). graco.com |
将泵侧放,用橡胶锤敲打排料杆 (105) 以将填料活 塞组件从基座 (102) 中取出。 graco.com | With the pump on its side, tap the displacement rod (105) with a rubber mallet to drive [...] the priming piston assembly out of the base (102). graco.com |
白色的垂直线表示测试中表现最 差-以及表现最佳-的组件的相应位置, 其中表现最差的组件位于左侧,表现最好 的位于右侧(旁边是 每种组件的数值)。 photon.info | Vertical white lines indicate the respective positions of the worst- and the best-performing modules in the test, with the worst appearing to the left and the best to the right (and the values for each appearing beside them). photon.info |
在国家层面,必须采取步骤打击腐败,并提高税务部 门和警察部门的能力与效力,侧重打 击 白 领 犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the national level, steps must be taken to combat corruption [...] and to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of the tax authorities and police [...] branches focusing on white collar crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
1 图片提取:在“浏览区”列表中右键单击文件名选择“提取图片”选项切换到“图片”窗口,此时程序会将该PDF文件中包含的所有图片都显示在 右 侧 窗 口 中, 双 击 图 片会将图片显示在 左 侧 窗 口 中,此时可以对该图片进行缩放和翻转等操作,如果要截取图片局部,点击“框选工具”按钮,用鼠标选取图片范围,在点击“将图片另存为”按钮即可保存截取的图片。 oapdf.com | 1 Image Extraction: In the "Browse Area" list, right-click the file name select "Extract image" option to switch to the "picture" window, this time the program PDF file contains all the [...] pictures are displayed in [...] the on the right window, double-click the image will be displayed in the left picture window, a [...]time to flip the picture [...]to zoom and other operations, if you want to intercept partial picture, click on "box is checked Tools" button, select the picture with the mouse range, the click on "Save Picture As" button to save the interception of the pictures. oapdf.com |