

单词 施洗者约翰

See also:



施洗 n

penitent n


John (name)
Johann (name)
Johan (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

书中还探讨了很多其他人物和圣行,包括一些可能仅仅是穆斯林民众才熟悉的人物,如先知舒阿卜 (Shuayb) 和希德尔 (Khidr)
[...] 以及其他宗教中的圣人,最后以描述圣经人 施洗者约翰 (John the Baptist) 和耶稣 (Jesus) [...]
Many other lives and sacred actions are discussed, including some who may be unfamiliar to non-Muslims, such as Shuayb and Khidr, and others who
are held to be holy in other religions, culminating the biblical
[...] progression with the lives of John the Baptist and Jesus.
它将会看到,这个故事带有一个鲜明的相似的概念和萨穆埃尔,他的母亲叫安妮出生(王1);东晋初的父亲看到这条唯一的一个平行的,但它是一个混乱的建议或模仿的方式是塞缪尔之间的家长 施洗者 圣 约翰 没 有 明显的平行。
It will be noticed that this story bears a stark resemblance to that of the conception and birth of Samuel, whose mother was called Anne (1 Kings 1); the early Eastern fathers saw in this only a parallel, but it is one which suggests confusion
or imitation in a way that the obvious parallel between the parents of
[...] Samuel and those of St John the Baptist does not.
vs 41,42 耶稣还得施洗约翰跟随者的支 持,因为他的见证也肯定了耶稣。
vs 41,42 Jesus also had the
[...] support of the followers of John the Baptist, having [...]
been affirmed by his testimony as well.
John 1:35-38 describes how two of John the Baptist's [...]
disciples heard him say, "Behold the Lamb of God.
约翰Pfefferkorn,一洗礼的 犹太人,宣布犹太法典蓄意侮辱基督教,并从皇帝的任务镇压希伯来语工程采购。
Johann Pfefferkorn, a baptized Jew, had declared [...]
the Talmud a deliberate insult to Christianity, and had procured from the
emperor a mandate suppressing Hebrew works.
執法部門及金融情報單位︰應識別 洗 黑 錢 者 在 行 賄和其他貪腐活動方面 所使用的新技巧,通知金融業,並制定適當的反擊 施。
Law enforcement and Financial Intelligence Units:
should identify new
[...] techniques used by money launderers in relation to bribery and other corrupt activity, communicate typologies to the financial community and develop appropriate countermeasures.
海洋:教科文组织的海洋科学计划-政府间海洋学委员会(IOC)-将根 约翰 内 斯施计划完成全球海洋观测系统(GOOS)第一阶段的工作,并开展沿海地区管理方面的能力 [...]
59. Oceans: UNESCO’s Ocean Sciences programme – the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
– will complete, in accordance
[...] with the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, the first [...]
phase of the Global Ocean Observing
System (GOOS) and build capacities for Coastal Zone Management.
为了实现世界可持续发展问题峰会(WSSD) 约翰 内 斯堡 实 施 计 划 (JPOI)确定的目 标,把水和相关的生态系统作为重大计划 II 的主要重点的选择得到了坚决的支持。
In pursuit of targets agreed at WSSD and JPOI, the choice of water and associated ecosystems as principal priority for Major Programme II was strongly supported.
提到建立教 会,我们的意思是与人接触、带领人悔改归主、给他 施洗 并 开始礼拜,这样就可以建立起聚会 点,以完成约圣经赋予耶稣的跟 者 的 职 责。
By church planting, we mean making contacts, leading people
to repentance,
[...] instructing converts, baptizing them, and beginning worship services resulting in congregations that fulfill the New Testament functions for followers of Jesus.
约国应采取施,保 障任何被剥夺自 者 都 有权获得直接的补救方法以质 疑拘留的合法性,还应定期探访拘留场所,以查明并终止一切任意拘留的行 为,包括拘留欠债者的行为。
The State party should take steps to guarantee the right of anyone who has been deprived of liberty to have access [...]
to an immediate remedy
to challenge the legality of detention and make visits to places of detention systematic in order to identify and put an end to all arbitrary detention, including of persons detained for debt.
自从布伦特兰报告发 表以来,或者自 1992 年在巴西里约热内卢召开联合国环境与发展大会(地球问题 首脑会议)以来,者自 2002 年约翰内斯 堡首脑会议重申《里约原则》以来,到 底有了多少真正改变?
How much has really changed since the Brundtland report, or since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit) was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, or since the reaffirmation of the Rio principles at the Johannesburg Summit in 2002?
在这方面, 讨论者忆及 1978 年关于最惠国条款的条款草案第 14 条规定,能否行使针对受惠 国或者与之有确定关系的人或事的最惠国条款下所产生的权利,取决于是否符合 包含该条款的约中所规定的者施 惠 国 与受惠国以其他方式商定的有关条款和 条件。
In this regard, it was recalled that article 14 of the 1978 draft articles on the MFN Clause provided that the exercise of rights arising under a MFN clause for the beneficiary State or for persons or things in a
determined relationship
[...] with that State was subject to compliance with the relevant terms and conditions laid down in the treaty containing the clause or otherwise agreed between [...]
the granting State and the beneficiary State.
委员会注意到,约国称为提交人提供了充 分的法律保障,确保其获得公正审判的权利;审判是在国际监督下进行的;司法 程序持续时间长是为了查明真相,确认严重案件的犯罪 施者 ; 有 律师团队为提 交人辩护。
The Committee notes
[...] the State party’s argument that the author was afforded full legal guarantees ensuring his right to fair trial; that his trial was held under international scrutiny; that the lengthy judicial proceedings were aimed at uncovering the truth and identifying the perpetrators in a serious case; and that the author was defended by [...]
a team of lawyers.
2002 年约翰内斯堡世界可持续发展峰会一致同意:“2004 年以前在现有的地区评估基础上,在联合国
[...] 建立一个经常程序,对包括社会经济方面在内的当前和可预见未来的海洋环境状况进行全球报告与评估(约 翰内斯堡实施计划》)”。
In 2002, the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development agreed to “establish by 2004 a Regular Process under the United Nations for global reporting and assessment of the state of the marine environment, including socio-economic
aspects, both current and foreseeable, building on existing regional
[...] assessments (Johannesburg Plan of Implementation)”.
我们重申在约翰内斯 堡执行计划》、《2005 年世界首脑会议成果》和 2010 年关于千年发展目标的大会高级别全体会议成果文件中表达的承诺,要进一步采 取有效施和行 动,按照国际法,为生活在殖民统治和外国占领下的人民充分落 实自决权排除障碍,这些障碍继续对他们的经济和社会发展以及环境产生不利影 响,与人的尊严和价值不相容,必须予以打击和根除。
We reiterate our commitment,
[...] expressed in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, the 2005 World Summit Outcome and the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals of 2010, to take further effective measures and actions, [...]
in conformity with international
law, to remove the obstacles to the full realization of the right of self-determination of peoples living under colonial and foreign occupation, which continue to adversely affect their economic and social development as well as their environment, are incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person and must be combated and eliminated.
孩子们还动员人们参加疟疾信息采集活动、核实辍学儿童的信息, 者 传 授 正确 洗 手 的 方法。
The children also mobilize for malaria information drives, to check on children who drop out of
[...] school, or to teach proper hand washing techniques.
一些与者认为《约翰内斯 堡执行计划》提供 了愿景和目标,只需加以重申即可,不必再花时间谈判一项新愿景,但其他与会 者认为该框架的目标应当比《约翰内斯堡计划》所载各项目标更具可操作性。
While some participants were of the view that the Johannesburg [...]
Plan of Implementation provided a vision and goals, and these
could simply be reaffirmed rather than spending time negotiating a new vision, others felt that the goals of the framework should be more actionable than those contained in the Johannesburg Plan.
他们 要求调整温度或允许使洗手间,或 者 无 人 理会,或者在一些情况下招致威胁或 实际暴力。
Requests to adjust the temperature or to allow access to the toilet were either ignored or in some cases resulted in threats of or actual violence.
[...] (IHP)的各项活动视为实现联合国千年发展目标(MDGs)和执行 2002 年在可持续发展问 题世界首脑会议(WSSD)上通过的 约翰 内 斯堡 实 施 计 划 》的手段。
The activities of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) can be considered as instruments for achieving the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) and executing the
[...] Johannesburg Plan of Implementation adopted at the [...]
World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002.
这种“可持续性科学”有助于 在千年发展目标,世界可持续发展峰会(WSSD)后续活动 约翰 内 斯堡 实 施计 划 (JPOI)及联合国教育促进可持续发展十年的框架内,把可持续发展问题作为 教科文组织有关计划所关注的焦点。
This “sustainability science” would help place sustainable development at the very heart of UNESCO’s programme, in the framework of the Millennium Development Goals, the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) follow-up and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI), as well as the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
工程計劃的擬議 範圍包括興建緩跑設施、浮橋、休憩處、涼亭、長椅及避雨 亭、設有健身設施的多用途活動空間、設有 者 健 身設備的 健身角、多用途草地及植有樹木的園景區、用以帶出該處歷 史記憶的貨櫃及起重機模擬建築、咖啡室、配以燈光效果的 水景施、洗手間以及其他附屬設施。
Inside the promenade, there would be jogging facilities, a boardwalk, sitting-out areas, pavilions and shelters with benches, a multi-purpose open area with
fitness stations, an
[...] exercise corner with elderly fitness equipment, landscaped area with a multi-purpose lawn and trees, models of cargo containers and cranes to evoke the historical context of the area, a cafe, a mist fountain with animated lighting effects, toilets and other ancillary facilities.
建议场所在可行的情况下可考虑安装相关节水设备,如节水龙头、节水解冻设备和省水马桶等;以及采取节水 施 , 如避免长开水喉 洗 食 物 或解冻、善用解冻水 洗 菜 水 等,以 约 用 水 和减低成本。
Under the feasible condition, it is advised to
install appropriate
[...] water saving facilities such as water-saving taps, water-saving defrosting equipment and water saving flushers etc. Water saving measures should be implemented that include the prevention of continuous running tap while cleaning food.
教宗引用圣翰洗者,宗 徒们及亚尔斯堂区主任司铎圣若翰维雅纳响应天主召叫的实例,强调司铎生活及献身生活为作有效见证所应具备的三个要素:(一) [...]
司铎及献身者应与基督保持亲切的友谊 │ 这是最基本的要素;(二) 司铎及献身者应为天国的缘故,把自己完全奉献给天主;(三)
Citing the
[...] calling of St. John the Baptist, the apostles and St. John Mary Vianney, [...]
the Cure of Ars, the Holy Father highlights
three aspects essential to an effective witness in priestly and consecrated lives: (1) as a fundamental element, a priest or consecrated person must maintain a close friendship with Christ; (2) complete gift of oneself to God, for the sake of the Kingdom of God; (3) fraternal communion and co-operation between priests and between consecrated persons themselves.
(5) 管理任何樓宇(不論屬於本公司與否)或於任何期間以本公司認為適當之
[...] [...] 租金及條件租賃該樓宇或其中之任何部分:收取租金及收入及向租戶、 佔用人及其他人供應照明、熱力、空調、茶點、服務員、通信員、接待 室、閱讀室、洗室、洗衣設施、電子設備、車庫、娛樂設施及本公司 不時認為適合之其他利益,或如上文所述透過聘用任何人士、商號、或 [...]
公司以按本公司認為適當之條款進行或從事或提供該等管理、租賃及利益 。
(5) To manage any buildings, whether belonging to the Company or not, or let the same or any part thereof for any period and at such rent and on such conditions as the Company shall think fit; to collect the rent and income and to supply to tenants and occupiers and others light, heat, air-conditioning, refreshments, attendants, messengers, waiting
rooms, reading rooms,
[...] lavatories, laundry facilities, electric conveniences, garages, recreation facilities and other [...]
advantages which from
time to time the Company shall consider desirable, or to provide for such management, letting and advantages as aforesaid by employing any person, firm or company to carry out or to supply the same on such terms as the Company may think fit.
在联合国儿基会的要求下, 商定了一份谅解备忘录,以便儿童基金会在“对儿童 友好的城市计划”中采用该项目的研究结果;向该项 目颁发了享有盛名的“环境设计与研究协会”奖;制 作完成了旨在对青少年进行环境教育的“在城市中成 长”项目可读光盘,并与手册一起出售;这个项目的施结果是,约翰内斯堡市政府考虑了改善棚户区居 民住房条件和给予其住房补贴的需要。
Awarding to the project of the prestigious EDRA prize (Environmental Design and Research Association prize); Completion of the CD-ROM based on GUIC addressing Environmental Education for young people, and has been marketed with the manual; Response by the municipality of Greater Johannesburg to the needs of the squatter camp residents to upgrade and subsidise their housing needs as a result of this project.
关于责任与赔偿,化学品管理方针是 施 《 约翰 内 斯堡执行计划》、《21 世纪 议程》和里约原则的主要政治行动纲领,但在谈判过程中,少数发达国家反对将 [...]
责任和赔偿纳入其中(里约原则 13)。
Regarding liability and compensation, the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals
Management is the principal political programme
[...] of action for implementing the Johannesburg [...]
Plan of Implementation, Agenda 21 and
the Rio Principles; however, during its negotiation, a small number of developed countries opposed any inclusion of liability and compensation (Rio Principle 13).
委员会忆及人权事务委员会和法外处决、即审即决或任意处决问题特别报告员的 建议,请约国采取进一步措施,包括研究和开展宣传运动,消除对正规法律制 度之外捍卫荣誉做法的信仰,并调查这类犯罪,起诉和处罚这类行为的一切施 者。
Recalling the recommendations by the Human Rights Committee and the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the
Committee recommends that the State party take further measures, including
[...] research and awareness-raising campaigns, to extinguish a belief in the practice of vindicating honour outside the regular legal system and to investigate such crimes and prosecute and punish all perpetrators of such acts.
者的创始人约翰Colet 完成的院长(1466年至1519年),第一任校长是威廉礼来公司(1468年至1523年),谁曾就读于希腊罗得岛,并在意大利拉丁,并且是希腊先锋教育在英国。
The founder of the latter was the accomplished Dean John Colet (1466-1519); [...]
the first rector was William Lilly (1468-1523),
who had studied Greek in the Island of Rhodes, and Latin in Italy, and was the pioneer of Greek education in England.




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